158 research outputs found


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    The problem in developing practical courses at universities that apply the distance education in Indonesia are: 1)It is difficult to determine the place of practice for students because students are spread in different locations; 2)The study program found it difficult to develop a practice course in distance education methods. The development of subject matter practice in the government science study program at Universitas Terbuka has a significant urgency with the needs of the people in Indonesia. This article aims to analyze the development of practical courses in government science study programs, in Universitas Terbuka.This article is the result of a research with a qualitative approach. Primary data obtained from interviews with experts, students, and graduate users. Secondary data includes the results of the literature review, the results of previous studies, and documents relating to practical subjects. The research findings are: 1)Mastery of students in understanding governance as science and art implies not only at the level of mastery of theory and concepts, but also the importance of prioritizing attitude skills and behavior in dealing with government phenomena. 2)The subject matter which has the potential to be developed into practice material is a course related to development, village government, the legislature, and the methodology of governmental science. The implication of this finding is the need to conduct a comparative study in the application of practical subjects at several other universities that use distance learning methods both domestically and abroad

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah Kecamatan terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Masyarakat ( Studi di Kantor Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang)

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    The problem of this research is to express how the work motivation influence and the performance of district government officers to the public service quality and also, as the goal of this research, to determine and understand the work motivation effects and the performance of district government officers to the public service quality in the District Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency in West Java. The research uses an associative research design that is by finding the relationship between the work motivation and the performance of district government officers to the public service quality in the District. Data collected are qualitative and quantitative. They are collected by doing survey using a questionnaire instrument with answers that have been categorized in the form of numbers, like the Likert scale. The research uses a descriptive and inferential data analysis. The descriptive data analysis is processed through descriptive statistics while the inferential data analysis through inferential statistics. The results shows, using the path analysys, that the correlation coefficient between the job motivation factors and the public service quality is r = 0.459. The correlation coefficient value between the performance factors of district government officers and the community service quality is r = 0.513. This means that there is a strong relationship between the job motivation factors and government officer performances through the service quality. Based on the calculation of the coefficient in the determination path analysis, the work motivation influence and government officer performance to the public service quality are 80%, while other factors only 20%. This also shows that the work motivation factors and government officer performances significantly affect the public service quality in the district. Keywords: work motivation, performance, service qualit


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    Bahan pembelajaran sastra dewasa ini masih dipersoalkan, mengingat bahan pembelajaran masih banyak yang bersifat teoretis. Selain itu, terbatasnya buku-buku cerita yang digunakan di wilayah Pandeglang khususnya dirasakan sangat kurang, bahkan buku teks pelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia yang terdapat di sekolah-sekolah tidak ditemukan cerita-cerita yang mengangkat cerita lokal daerah Pandeglang. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut peneliti mencoba menggali karya sastra lokal berupa cerita rakyat yang tumbuh dan berkembang di wilayah Kabupaten Pandeglang yang selanjutnya dikaji berdasarkan struktur, fungsi, dan nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung di dalamnya, untuk selanjutnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan ajar apresiasi sastra di SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan data bahasa yang kemudian disusul dengan analisis. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui penelitian ini adalah data kualitatif berupa deskripsi struktur, fungsi, dan nilai sosiologis cerita rakyat Legenda Tanjung Lesung di Pandeglang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dua tahap. Tahan pertama, dilakukan pengkajian unsur pembentuknya dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural. Dari tahap ini diperoleh deskripsi struktur, fungsi, dan nilai sosiologis cerita Legenda Tanjung Lesung. Tahap kedua, dilakukan pengkajian terhadap kriteria cerita rakyat untuk pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan ajar. Pemerolehan data dilakukan melalui observasi partisipatif dan nonpasitipatif dengan menggunakan teknik, wawancara, angket, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tiga versi cerita rakyat Legenda Tanjung Lesung umumnya memiliki struktur alur yakni alur maju. Tokoh utama cerita adalah Puteri Ayu Siti Munigar, Raden Budog, dan Nyimas Ayu. Latar yang digunakan pada umumny nama-nama tempat yang ada di wilayah Tanjung Lesung. Cerita Legenda Tanjung Lesung bertema kepemimpinan. Fungsi yang terkadung dalam cerita adalah: sistem proyeksi, alat pengesahan pranata-pranata, alat pendidikan anak, dan pengawas norma-norma. Nilai-nilai sosial yang terkadung dalam cerita adalah: berbudi luhur, rendah hati, tidak sombong, rajin, ulet, bijaksana, dermawan, bermusyawarah, berhati-hati dalam bertindak, dan memanfaatkan alam sekitar. Nilai-nilai tersebut merupakan nilai yang baik dan patut diteladani. Oleh karena itu, cerita rakyat tersebut dapat direkomendasikan untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan ajar apresiasi sastra

    Pengaruh Dukungan Orang Tua dan Persepsi Siswa Tentang Kompetensi Profesional Guru terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    The research methods used in this research is explanatory survey because this research explores the useful has been at school to be analyzed and followed up to examine hypothesis. The samples taken are 68 students from 218 students. The aim of research is to know the influence of parent\u27s support toward students\u27 achievement, the influence of students perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competences toward student\u27s achievement, the influence of parent\u27s support and students perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competences toward simultaneously toward students\u27 achievement. The result of the research; The First, there is a very significant positive relation between the parent\u27s support toward the students perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competences. So the great contribution of partial parent\u27s support to the students perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competences 21%.The Second, there is a positive influence between parent\u27s support and the students perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competences simultaneously toward students\u27 achievement. Based on the double correlation analysis, it is grained the accounting of double correlation coefficient (ry 1.2) is 0,80 that shows the closeness of relation with the three of variables determination coefficient (R2 ) is 0,642. also describes the contribution value. So the variation of the students achievement is 64,2 %. It can be explained of it simultaneously by the parent\u27s support and the perceptions students of teacher\u27s competences professional. Keyword: Parent\u27s Support and Students\u27 Perception

    Organic Waste as Fertilizer to Increase the Number of Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) Flowers

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    Peanut has high economic value and a significant role in food needs. the national food supply needs for peanuts to date have not been sufficient. This study aimed to determine the effect of organic waste which in this case is mushroom baglog compost and sheep manure on the flowers and pods of peanuts. The study was conducted on March-July 2018 in Subang district using the simple experimental plot method and group-randomized factorial design with two factors with each treatment done triplicate. The first factor is the baglog compost (soil without baglog compost, 90 g/plants, 120 gr/plants); the second factor is sheep manure dose (without sheep fertilizer, 90 gr/ plants, 120 gr/plants). The results showed that the application of baglog compost and sheep manure fertilizer at concentrations of 90 g and 120 g, respectively increased the number of flowers and potential pods. Moreover, Sheep manure fertilizer at a concentration of  120 g/plant, increased the dry weight of pods, seed, and 100 seeds even though was not significant


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    Keju Mozarella merupakan olahan pangan berbahan dasar susu yang memiliki banyak kegunaan dan nilai ekonomi. Namun produksi keju di Indonesia masih terbilang rendah dibandingkan negara-negara lainnya sehingga memerlukan impor. Oleh sebab itu, produksi keju Mozarella dapat menjadi potensi besar untuk meningkatkan perekonomian di Indonesia. Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilaksanakan di Desa Cilembu, Kabupaten Sumedang. Selain dikenal dengan Ubi Cilembu, desa ini juga memiliki potensi lain yakni produksi susu sapi. Namun belum ada inisiasi lebih lanjut oleh masyarakat Desa Cilembu untuk mengolah hasil produksi peternakan menjadi produk pangan bernilai ekonomi yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, PKM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian Masyarakat desa Cilembu. Kegiatan penyuluhan dihadiri 19 peserta. Para peserta diberi penyuluhan dan praktikum mengenai pembuatan keju mozzarella. Selain memberikan penyuluhan, dilakukan juga pemberian angket kepuasan kegiatan PKM. Hasil kuisioner menunjukkan bahwa para peserta puas dengan penyuluhan


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    This article aims to answer the economic criminal sanctions in Islamic criminal jurisprudence. Islamic law has regulated criminal acts that are clear and described in the field of jinayah. However, it is necessary to specifically classify economic criminal sanctions. This research uses literature research with content analysis techniques in examining the development of economic crimes in Islamic criminal jurisprudence. The results showed that the arrangement of the fingers was clearly regulated through texts which were called hudud and outside texts which were categorized as ta'zir. This classification is based on whether there are sanctions provisions in the text. Economic crimes in fiqh jinayah are grouped: economic crimes in the hudud category, namely sariqah or robbery, and hirabah or robbery. Second, ta'zir economic crimes, namely corruption, money laundering, smuggling, counter­feiting, fraud, and environmental pollution, the sanctions are given to the level of benefit and ulil amri

    Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Serta Implikasinya pada Kinerja Guru di SDN Baros Mandiri 5 Kota Cimahi

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    This study aims to: 1). to know Competence, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Performance in SDN Baros Mandiri 5 Cimahi 2). to seek the influence of Competence, Work Environment on Job Satisfaction in SDN Baros Mandiri 5 Cimahi; 3). to determine the influence of job satisfaction on the performance SDN Baros Mandiri 5 Cimahi. The research was conducted in SDN Baros Mandiri 5 Cimahi by taking the entire population as a total sample of 39 teachers. The method used is descriptive analysis method by using path analysis (path analysis). And operation of calculations using SPSS Ver. 17. The results of this study are as follows: 1). Competence picture that achieved an average score of 3,636. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria, including good category: 2). Work Environment Overview of achieving an average score of 3,264. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria, including both categories; 3). Overview Job Satisfaction of achieving an average score of 3.651. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria, including the category quite well; 4). Performance Overview of achieving an average score of 4,028. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria, including good category: 5). The net effect of Competence on Job Satisfaction of 35.10%; 6). The net effect of the Working Environment Job Satisfaction of 26.20% 7). Effect of total Competence and Working Environment on Job Satisfaction of 61.30%; and 8). The total effect of job satisfaction on the performance of 72.20%. The conclusion of this study is proven there is a significant relationship between competence, of the environmental Work and Job Satisfaction on teacher performance in SDN Baros Mandiri 5 Cimahi Keywords: competence; work environment; job satisfaction; teacher performanc