12 research outputs found

    Sepse: correlação dos achados laboratoriais e taxa de sobrevida de animais: Sepsis: correlation of laboratory findings and animal survival rate

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    A sepse tem se tornando um dos maiores desafios na medicina veterinária. A sepse é definida como uma disfunção orgânica decorrente de uma inadequada resposta imunológica frente a um agente infeccioso, ameaçando a vida do animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ocorrência das doenças de maior frequência que levaram os animais a sepse nos atendimentos realizados no Hospital Veterinário (HV) da Universidade Vila Velha (UVV), em Vila Velha/ Espírito Santo, Brasil, observando as alterações laboratoriais relacionadas à sepse e correlacionando com a expectativa de vida desses animais. Através de um estudo retrospectivo, houve o levantamento dos casos atendidos no período de agosto a dezembro de 2019. Os dados foram tabulados, e, analisados por software, utilizando nível de significância de 5%. As principais doenças que conduziram a sepse foram em ordem de frequência a erliquiose, piometra e gastroenterites; além disso, foi observado que os fatores influenciadores na sobrevida destes animais foram alteração nos valores de leucócitos totais (p=0,042) e a presença de azotemia (ureia p <0,001 e creatinina p=0,003). Demonstrou-se assim, a importância dos achados laboratoriais em conjunto com as alterações clínicas, permitindo agilidade na identificação de um quadro em curso de síndrome da resposta inflamatória (SRIS)/Sepse

    Abortion in Captive Gray Brocket Deer (Mazama gouazoubira) Associated with Colloid Goiter, Hemonchosis and Necrotizing Rumenitis

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    Background: The gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) is a specie that shows great adaptability in different habitats and it is the most abundant deer specie in South America. The present work describes for the first time a case of abortion followed by death associated with colloid goiter, massive hemonchosis and necrotizing rumenitis in a captive female gray brocket deer. Case: A 4-year-old female gray brocket deer (M. gouazoubira) raised in captivity had a history of abortion during the last third of gestation. The animal was kept in an enclosure together with 3 other gray brockets deers, being 1 male of the same age and 2 juvenile brocket deer of approximately 1 and 2 years old. The animals were fed with concentrated used as cattle feed and dewormed annually with 1% Ivermectin. The animals' enclosure had vegetation cover formed by grasses and soil. The animals appeared healthy with no behavioral changes. The day after the stillbirth, the mother was found dead in the enclosure and sent to the animal pathology sector of the University of Vila Velha (UVV), Brazil. Necropsy revealed that thyroid lobules were highly increased in volume and histopathological findings were compatible with colloid goiter. A large number of nematodes were found in the abomasal content,totalizing 11,626 helminths, which were morphologically characterized as Haemonchus contortus. Grossly, the serous and ruminal mucosa exhibited an extensively reddish focal area with irregular contour, surface ulceration and a firm consistency. Microscopically, a severe necrotizing rumenitis was diagnosed. The liver showed pale multifocal areas on the subcapsular surface,friable to the touch which deepened when cut. Histopathological analysis revealed an accentuated multifocal panlobular coagulative necrosis, characterizing an acute liver necrosis.Discussion: Iodine is a mineral of great importance for thyroid hormones synthesis and your requirements are higher during pregnancy and lactation. Diets deficient in iodine causes a reduction in the basal activity of the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and over-stimulation of the thyroid by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), resulting in goiter. In the present case, it is possible that the shortage of iodine in diet caused a goiter and, as a consequence, triggered the abortion. Haemonchus contortus is a pathogenic nematode of small ruminants, leading to decreased productivity and death in some cases as a result of anemia and hypoxia. The contact between domestic and wild animals, resulting in the emergence of infectious diseases and the spread of pathogens among species. In the present case, manual counting accounted for 11,626 H. contortus larvae, characterizing a massive infection and justifying the condition of severe anemia. The high parasitic load shown in this case points out this parasite's importance related to this species in captivity. In general, inflammatory lesions in the rumen are results of excessive intake of fermentable carbohydrates, which leads to a considerable decrease in ruminal pH and leads to a high proliferation of lactic acid bacteria. This lesion has been previously reported in cervids. This case of comorbidities demonstrates that failures in nutritional and health handling, may cause simultaneous multiple diseases leading to death. Preventive measures for helminth parasite control and a proper feeding management with an adequate diet must be provided in order to preserve the species in captivity. Keywords: colloid goiter, abortion, cervids, Haemonchus contortus

    Atividade da colinesterase plasmática como biomarcador de impacto ambiental em tartarugas verdes (Chelonia mydas) no litoral do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco

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    Biomarcadores podem ser usados de forma preditiva, permitindo que sejam tomadas ações de controle antes que ocorram danos ambientais irreversíveis com consequências ecológicas severas, no entanto, espécies sentinelas são necessárias para avaliação desses marcadores. As tartarugas marinhas são consideradas espécies sentinelas quando acometidas por fibropapilomas, sendo sinalizadora do desequilíbrio ambiental marinho nas suas áreas de ocorrência. Com o objetivo de propor a determinação da atividade da colinesterase plasmática em tartarugas verdes (Chelonia mydas) como biomarcador, procedeu-se a determinação da atividade enzimática em animais saudáveis e em localidade de baixo impacto antrópico (Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brasil) para servir como referência para comparação com animais capturados em locais de maior impacto antrópico. Ao todo foram analisadas amostras de plasma heparinizado de 35 animais capturados. Todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram alguma atividade enzimática de colinesterase plasmática. Os valores obtidos de colinesterase variaram de 162 a 379 UI/L, com média e desvio padrão de 216,4 ± 51,4 UI/L. Nos estudos de repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade obtiveram-se coeficientes de variação menor que 5% em todas as análises, portanto a metodologia analítica utilizada se mostrou confiável. A longevidade das tartarugas marinhas da espécie C. mydas, o comportamento alimentar, juntamente com o fato de possuirem atividade enzimática detectável podem indicar essa espécie como bioindicadora de exposição a poluentes que influenciam na atividade da colinesterase plasmátic

    Atividade da colinesterase plasmática como biomarcador de impacto ambiental em tartarugas verdes (Chelonia mydas) no litoral do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco

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    Biomarcadores podem ser usados de forma preditiva, permitindo que sejam tomadas ações de controle antes que ocorram danos ambientais irreversíveis com consequências ecológicas severas, no entanto, espécies sentinelas são necessárias para avaliação desses marcadores. As tartarugas marinhas são consideradas espécies sentinelas quando acometidas por fibropapilomas, sendo sinalizadora do desequilíbrio ambiental marinho nas suas áreas de ocorrência. Com o objetivo de propor a determinação da atividade da colinesterase plasmática em tartarugas verdes (Chelonia mydas) como biomarcador, procedeu-se a determinação da atividade enzimática em animais saudáveis e em localidade de baixo impacto antrópico (Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brasil) para servir como referência para comparação com animais capturados em locais de maior impacto antrópico. Ao todo foram analisadas amostras de plasma heparinizado de 35 animais capturados. Todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram alguma atividade enzimática de colinesterase plasmática. Os valores obtidos de colinesterase variaram de 162 a 379 UI/L, com média e desvio padrão de 216,4 ± 51,4 UI/L. Nos estudos de repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade obtiveram-se coeficientes de variação menor que 5% em todas as análises, portanto a metodologia analítica utilizada se mostrou confiável. A longevidade das tartarugas marinhas da espécie C. mydas, o comportamento alimentar, juntamente com o fato de possuirem atividade enzimática detectável podem indicar essa espécie como bioindicadora de exposição a poluentes que influenciam na atividade da colinesterase plasmátic

    Determination of urinary GGT and ultrasonography Doppler in renal evaluation of anemic dogs

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    ABSTRACT. Barboza S.R., dos Santos R.V., Alves A., Rassele A.C., Dessaune Filho N., Barbosa T.S., Hiura E. & Machado F.M. [Determination of urinary GGT and ultrasonography Doppler in renal evaluation of anemic dogs.] Determinação da GGT urinária e ultrassonografia Doppler na avaliação renal de cães anêmicos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(2):137-142, 2016. Setor de Clínica Médica de Animais de Pequeno Porte, Universidade Vila Velha, Av. Comissário José Dantas de Melo, 21, Boa Vista, Vila Velha, ES 29102-920, Brasil. Email: [email protected] The anemia is the most common disorder in dogs erythrocytes, may cause acute renal failure, as the kidneys are very sensitive to ischemia, requiring extensive blood supply. Sonner the IRA induction phase is detected, the greater chance of success in the reversibility of the injury. The objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of GGT (gamma glutamyl transpeptidase) urinary and renal blood flow from the Doppler ultrasound in order to detect tissue hypoxia in 21 anemic dogs of 8 months to 14 years old, who were divided into two groups according to the degree of anemia: Group I with moderate to severe anemia; and group II with mild anemia. In this experiment the degree of anemia little interference elimination urinary GGT; It was verified that the resistivity index was greater in animals with lower hematocrit; and that the greater the increased urinary elimination of GGT was the resistivity index

    Pathological and parasitological characterization of Prosthenorchis elegans in a free-ranging marmoset Callithrix geofroyi from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    ABSTRACT: Prosthenorchis elegans is an acanthocephalan intestinal parasite reported in neotropical primates. Despite parasitism by P. elegans having already been described in wild marmosets in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, there are no reports of this infection in wild Geoffroy’s marmoset (Callithrix geofroyi). The aim of this study is to report one case of P. elegans parasitism in a free-ranging C. geoffroyi from Brazilian Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo state, and characterize the pathological and parasitological findings of this infection. One Geoffroy’s marmoset necropsied at the Vila Velha University’s Veterinary Pathology Laboratory presented intense chronic transmural ulcerative enteritis associated with twenty cylindrical helminths present in the jejunum and ileum. We can conclude that parasitism by P. elegans occurs in free-ranging groups of Geoffroy’s marmosets. Its infection produced severe intestinal lesions even in free-ranging marmoset and therefore is a threat to this animal’s survival in wildlife and can have some impact on primate conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

    Abortion in Captive Gray Brocket Deer (Mazama gouazoubira) Associated with Colloid Goiter, Hemonchosis and Necrotizing Rumenitis

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    Background: The gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) is a specie that shows great adaptability in different habitats and it is the most abundant deer specie in South America. The present work describes for the first time a case of abortion followed by death associated with colloid goiter, massive hemonchosis and necrotizing rumenitis in a captive female gray brocket deer. Case: A 4-year-old female gray brocket deer (M. gouazoubira) raised in captivity had a history of abortion during the last third of gestation. The animal was kept in an enclosure together with 3 other gray brockets deers, being 1 male of the same age and 2 juvenile brocket deer of approximately 1 and 2 years old. The animals were fed with concentrated used as cattle feed and dewormed annually with 1% Ivermectin. The animals' enclosure had vegetation cover formed by grasses and soil. The animals appeared healthy with no behavioral changes. The day after the stillbirth, the mother was found dead in the enclosure and sent to the animal pathology sector of the University of Vila Velha (UVV), Brazil. Necropsy revealed that thyroid lobules were highly increased in volume and histopathological findings were compatible with colloid goiter. A large number of nematodes were found in the abomasal content,totalizing 11,626 helminths, which were morphologically characterized as Haemonchus contortus. Grossly, the serous and ruminal mucosa exhibited an extensively reddish focal area with irregular contour, surface ulceration and a firm consistency. Microscopically, a severe necrotizing rumenitis was diagnosed. The liver showed pale multifocal areas on the subcapsular surface,friable to the touch which deepened when cut. Histopathological analysis revealed an accentuated multifocal panlobular coagulative necrosis, characterizing an acute liver necrosis.Discussion: Iodine is a mineral of great importance for thyroid hormones synthesis and your requirements are higher during pregnancy and lactation. Diets deficient in iodine causes a reduction in the basal activity of the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and over-stimulation of the thyroid by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), resulting in goiter. In the present case, it is possible that the shortage of iodine in diet caused a goiter and, as a consequence, triggered the abortion. Haemonchus contortus is a pathogenic nematode of small ruminants, leading to decreased productivity and death in some cases as a result of anemia and hypoxia. The contact between domestic and wild animals, resulting in the emergence of infectious diseases and the spread of pathogens among species. In the present case, manual counting accounted for 11,626 H. contortus larvae, characterizing a massive infection and justifying the condition of severe anemia. The high parasitic load shown in this case points out this parasite's importance related to this species in captivity. In general, inflammatory lesions in the rumen are results of excessive intake of fermentable carbohydrates, which leads to a considerable decrease in ruminal pH and leads to a high proliferation of lactic acid bacteria. This lesion has been previously reported in cervids. This case of comorbidities demonstrates that failures in nutritional and health handling, may cause simultaneous multiple diseases leading to death. Preventive measures for helminth parasite control and a proper feeding management with an adequate diet must be provided in order to preserve the species in captivity. Keywords: colloid goiter, abortion, cervids, Haemonchus contortus

    Fungi predatory activity on embryonated Toxocara canis eggs inoculated in domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and destruction of second stage larvae

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the infectivity of Toxocara canis eggs after interacting with isolated nematophagous fungi of the species Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001) and Pochonia chlamydosporia (VC4), and test the predatory activity of the isolated AC001 on T. canis second stage larvae after 7 days of interaction. In assay A, 5000 embryonated T. canis eggs previously in contact with the AC001 and VC4 isolated for 10 days were inoculated into domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus), and then these animals were necropsied to collect material (digested liver, intestine, muscles and lungs) at 3-, 7-, 14-, and 21-day intervals after inoculation. In assay A, the results demonstrated that the prior interaction of the eggs with isolated AC001 and VC4 decreases the amount of larvae found in the collected organs. Difference (p < 0.01) was observed in the medium larvae counts recovered from liver, lung, intestine, and muscle of animals in the treated groups when compared to the animals in the control group. At the end of assay A, a percentage reduction of 87.1 % (AC001) and 84.5 % (VC4) respectively was recorded. In the result of assay B, the isolated AC001 showed differences (p < 0.01) compared to the control group, with a reduction of 53.4 % in the recovery of L2. Through these results, it is justified to mention that prior interaction of embryonated T. canis eggs with the tested fungal isolates were efficient in reducing the development and migration of this parasite, in addition to the first report of proven predatory activity on L2