317 research outputs found

    The relationship between digital literacy and positive psychological capital in the context of Maslow 2.0 hierarchy of digital needs: a study in the manufacturing industry

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    Dijitalleşme olgusu ülke ekonomilerini bir bütün olarak önemli ölçüde etkilemekte, buna bağlı olarak örgütlerdeki iş yapma biçimlerinin, ürün ve hizmetlerin ve iş modellerinin dönüştürülmesini ve güncellenmesini zorunlu kılmaktadır (Schrekling & Steiger, 2017, s. 3). Bu bağlamda, 21. yüzyıl becerileri arasında kabul edilen dijital okuryazarlık kavramının örgütler açısından önemi açıktır. Bu çalışma, çağımızda hayatta kalma becerilerinden biri olan dijital okuryazarlığın pozitif örgütsel davranışın en önemli bileşeni olan psikolojik sermaye üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi olup olmadığını belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini Aksaray ilinde faaliyet göstermekte olan imalat işletmeleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma örneklemi ise Aksaray Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nde makine ve ekipman ve otomotiv sektörlerinde faaliyet gösteren 6 adet işletmenin çalışanlarından oluşmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında 443 adet katılımcıdan veri toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizi sonrasında dijital okuryazarlığın psikolojik sermayeyi pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı biçimde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Dijital okuryazarlığın alt boyutları ile psikolojik sermaye ilişkisi incelendiğinde ise etik ve sorumluluk, profesyonel üretim ve gizlilik ve güvenlik alt boyutlarının psikolojik sermayeyi pozitif yönde etkilediği gözlenmiştir. Diğer yandan, dijital okuryazarlığın genel bilgi ve işlevsel beceriler, günlük kullanım ve sosyal boyut alt boyutlarının psijolojik sermaye üzerinde herhangi bir etkiye sahip olmadığı görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, sahada işletmeler bünyesinde görev yapan uygulamacılara ve akademik çevrelere konuyla ilgili çeşitli öneriler geliştirilmiştir.The phenomenon of digitalization significantly affects national economies as a whole, and accordingly, it makes it necessary to transform and update the ways of doing business, products and services and business models in organizations (Schrekling & Steiger, 2017, p. 3). In this context, digital literacy, which is considered among the 21st century skills, is of utmost importance for organizations. This study was carried out to determine whether digital literacy, which is one of the survival skills in our age, has an effect on psychological capital, which is the most important component of positive organizational behaviour. The population of the study consists of manufacturing enterprises operating in Aksaray province. The research sample consists of the employees of 6 enterprises operating in the machinery and equipment and automotive sectors in the Aksaray Organized Industrial Zone. Data were collected from 443 participants. After the analysis of the data, it was found out that digital literacy has a positive and significant effect on psychological capital. When the relationship between the sub-dimensions of digital literacy and psychological capital was examined, it was revealed that the dimensions of ethics and responsibility, professional production and confidentiality and security had a positive effect on psychological capital. On the other hand, it was seen that the dimensions of general knowledge and functional skills, daily use and social dimension of digital literacy did not have any effect on psychological capital. In line with the results obtained, various recommendations were developed for practitioners and academic circles working in the field

    Self-organized Collective Motion with a Simulated Real Robot Swarm

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    Collective motion is one of the most fascinating phenomena observed in the nature. In the last decade, it aroused so much attention in physics, control and robotics fields. In particular, many studies have been done in swarm robotics related to collective motion, also called flocking. In most of these studies, robots use orientation and proximity of their neighbors to achieve collective motion. In such an approach, one of the biggest problems is to measure orientation information using on-board sensors. In most of the studies, this information is either simulated or implemented using communication. In this paper, to the best of our knowledge, we implemented a fully autonomous coordinated motion without alignment using very simple Mona robots. We used an approach based on Active Elastic Sheet (AES) method. We modified the method and added the capability to enable the swarm to move toward a desired direction and rotate about an arbitrary point. The parameters of the modified method are optimized using TCACS optimization algorithm. We tested our approach in different settings using Matlab and Webots

    Comparison of different cue-based swarm aggregation strategies

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    In this paper, we compare different aggregation strategies for cue-based aggregation with a mobile robot swarm. We used a sound source as the cue in the environment and performed real robot and simulation based experiments. We compared the performance of two proposed aggregation algorithms we called as the vector averaging and naïve with the state-of-the-art cue-based aggregation strategy BEECLUST. We showed that the proposed strategies outperform BEECLUST method. We also illustrated the feasibility of the method in the presence of noise. The results showed that the vector averaging algorithm is more robust to noise when compared to the naïve method


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    In the study, it was aimed to investigate the changes in some biochemical parameters (urea, AST, ALT, glucose, creatinine and TSH) of women with acute exercise. 50 women aged 19-48 years participated in the study as volunteers. Urea, AST, ALT, glucose, creatinine and TSH levels were analyzed in blood samples taken before exercise and at the end of an acute exercise session. SPSS package program and Paired Samples t test were used for the comparison of pre and post test results of the obtained data. When the results were evaluated,  while there was a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test values of the study group in urea, AST and ALT levels (p<0,05), it was determined that Glucose, creatinine and TSH levels were not significantly different (p>0,05). In conclusion, it can be said that acute swimming exercises applied to women are causing a significant change in liver enzymes (AST, ALT) and urea levels and these changes may be considered beneficial for the health status of the individual.  Article visualizations

    Molecular Signal Modeling of a Partially Counting Absorbing Spherical Receiver

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    To communicate at the nanoscale, researchers have proposed molecular communication as an energy-efficient solution. The drawback to this solution is that the histogram of the molecules' hitting times, which constitute the molecular signal at the receiver, has a heavy tail. Reducing the effects of this heavy tail, inter-symbol interference (ISI), has been the focus of most prior research. In this paper, a novel way of decreasing the ISI by defining a counting region on the spherical receiver's surface facing towards the transmitter node is proposed. The beneficial effect comes from the fact that the molecules received from the back lobe of the receiver are more likely to be coming through longer paths that contribute to ISI. In order to justify this idea, the joint distribution of the arrival molecules with respect to angle and time is derived. Using this distribution, the channel model function is approximated for the proposed system, i.e., the partially counting absorbing spherical receiver. After validating the channel model function, the characteristics of the molecular signal are investigated and improved performance is presented. Moreover, the optimal counting region in terms of bit error rate is found analytically.Comment: submitted to Transactions on Communication

    COSΦ: Vision-based artificial pheromone system for robotic swarms

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    We propose a novel spatio-temporal mobile-robot exploration method for dynamic, human-populated environments. In contrast to other exploration methods that model the environment as being static, our spatio-temporal exploration method creates and maintains a world model that not only represents the environment's structure, but also its dynamics over time. Consideration of the world dynamics adds an extra, temporal dimension to the explored space and makes the exploration task a never-ending data-gathering process to keep the robot's environment model up-to-date. Thus, the crucial question is not only where, but also when to observe the explored environment. We address the problem by application of information-theoretic exploration to world representations that model the environment states' uncertainties as probabilistic functions of time. The predictive ability of the spatio-temporal model allows the exploration method to decide not only where, but also when to make environment observations. To verify the proposed approach, an evaluation of several exploration strategies and spatio-temporal models was carried out using real-world data gathered over several months. The evaluation indicates that through understanding of the environment dynamics, the proposed spatio-temporal exploration method could predict which locations were going to change at a specific time and use this knowledge to guide the robot. Such an ability is crucial for long-term deployment of mobile robots in human-populated spaces that change over time

    Optimal Design of an In-flight Refueling Door Mechanism

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    In this study, the preliminary design of an in-flight refueling door mechanism is performed. A systematic design methodology is introduced and used in the design of the refueling door mechanism. The design is divided into two sub-functions: door opening and actuation. Nine different mechanism concepts are created for the door opening function and eight different concepts are created for the actuation function. Pugh decision matrix method is used to evaluate and select the most feasible options. Six experienced engineers scored the option set, resultantly two concepts for the door opening and three concepts for the actuation sub-function are selected. Kinematic synthesis of these concepts is performed and used to determine the upper and lower bounds during optimization. Kinematic and force analysis of the concepts are performed and utilized for the constraints and cost function calculations of the optimization algorithm. Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm optimization technique is used to optimize the parameters of the selected mechanisms. The best mechanism for each sub-function is selected and combined to reach the final design. It was shown that through optimization, the required input torque decreased approximately 20% for the door opening mechanism and the required input force decreased approximately 42% for the actuation mechanism when compared to the graphical synthesis results