62 research outputs found

    Multihomogeneous resultant formulae by means of complexes

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    We provide conditions and algorithmic tools so as to classify and construct the smallest possible determinantal formulae for multihomogeneous resultants arising from Weyman complexes associated to line bundles in products of projective spaces. We also examine the smallest Sylvester-type matrices, generically of full rank, which yield a multiple of the resultant. We characterize the systems that admit a purely B\'ezout-type matrix and show a bijection of such matrices with the permutations of the variable groups. We conclude with examples showing the hybrid matrices that may be encountered, and illustrations of our Maple implementation. Our approach makes heavy use of the combinatorics of multihomogeneous systems, inspired by and generalizing results by Sturmfels-Zelevinsky, and Weyman-Zelevinsky.Comment: 30 pages. To appear: Journal of Symbolic Computatio

    On the asymptotic and practical complexity of solving bivariate systems over the reals

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    This paper is concerned with exact real solving of well-constrained, bivariate polynomial systems. The main problem is to isolate all common real roots in rational rectangles, and to determine their intersection multiplicities. We present three algorithms and analyze their asymptotic bit complexity, obtaining a bound of \sOB(N^{14}) for the purely projection-based method, and \sOB(N^{12}) for two subresultant-based methods: this notation ignores polylogarithmic factors, where NN bounds the degree and the bitsize of the polynomials. The previous record bound was \sOB(N^{14}). Our main tool is signed subresultant sequences. We exploit recent advances on the complexity of univariate root isolation, and extend them to sign evaluation of bivariate polynomials over two algebraic numbers, and real root counting for polynomials over an extension field. Our algorithms apply to the problem of simultaneous inequalities; they also compute the topology of real plane algebraic curves in \sOB(N^{12}), whereas the previous bound was \sOB(N^{14}). All algorithms have been implemented in MAPLE, in conjunction with numeric filtering. We compare them against FGB/RS, system solvers from SYNAPS, and MAPLE libraries INSULATE and TOP, which compute curve topology. Our software is among the most robust, and its runtimes are comparable, or within a small constant factor, with respect to the C/C++ libraries. Key words: real solving, polynomial systems, complexity, MAPLE softwareComment: 17 pages, 4 algorithms, 1 table, and 1 figure with 2 sub-figure

    On the maximal number of real embeddings of spatial minimally rigid graphs

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    The number of embeddings of minimally rigid graphs in RD\mathbb{R}^D is (by definition) finite, modulo rigid transformations, for every generic choice of edge lengths. Even though various approaches have been proposed to compute it, the gap between upper and lower bounds is still enormous. Specific values and its asymptotic behavior are major and fascinating open problems in rigidity theory. Our work considers the maximal number of real embeddings of minimally rigid graphs in R3\mathbb{R}^3. We modify a commonly used parametric semi-algebraic formulation that exploits the Cayley-Menger determinant to minimize the {\em a priori} number of complex embeddings, where the parameters correspond to edge lengths. To cope with the huge dimension of the parameter space and find specializations of the parameters that maximize the number of real embeddings, we introduce a method based on coupler curves that makes the sampling feasible for spatial minimally rigid graphs. Our methodology results in the first full classification of the number of real embeddings of graphs with 7 vertices in R3\mathbb{R}^3, which was the smallest open case. Building on this and certain 8-vertex graphs, we improve the previously known general lower bound on the maximum number of real embeddings in R3\mathbb{R}^3

    Exact results for the star lattice chiral spin liquid

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    We examine the star lattice Kitaev model whose ground state is a a chiral spin liquid. We fermionize the model such that the fermionic vacua are toric code states on an effective Kagome lattice. This implies that the Abelian phase of the system is inherited from the fermionic vacua and that time reversal symmetry is spontaneously broken at the level of the vacuum. In terms of these fermions we derive the Bloch-matrix Hamiltonians for the vortex free sector and its time reversed counterpart and illuminate the relationships between the sectors. The phase diagram for the model is shown to be a sphere in the space of coupling parameters around the triangles of the lattices. The abelian phase lies inside the sphere and the critical boundary between topologically distinct Abelian and non-Abelian phases lies on the surface. Outside the sphere the system is generically gapped except in the planes where the coupling parameters are zero. These cases correspond to bipartite lattice structures and the dispersion relations are similar to that of the original Kitaev honeycomb model. In a further analysis we demonstrate the three-fold non-Abelian groundstate degeneracy on a torus by explicit calculation.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Compact Formulae in Sparse Elimination

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    International audienceIt has by now become a standard approach to use the theory of sparse (or toric) elimination, based on the Newton polytope of a polynomial, in order to reveal and exploit the structure of algebraic systems. This talk surveys compact formulae, including older and recent results, in sparse elimination. We start with root bounds and juxtapose two recent formulae: a generating function of the m-Bézout bound and a closed-form expression for the mixed volume by means of a matrix permanent. For the sparse resultant, a bevy of results have established determinantal or rational formulae for a large class of systems, starting with Macaulay. The discriminant is closely related to the resultant but admits no compact formula except for very simple cases. We offer a new determinantal formula for the discriminant of a sparse multilinear system arising in computing Nash equilibria. We introduce an alternative notion of compact formula, namely the Newton polytope of the unknown polynomial. It is possible to compute it efficiently for sparse resultants, discriminants, as well as the implicit equation of a parameterized variety. This leads us to consider implicit matrix representations of geometric objects

    Pruning Algorithms for Pretropisms of Newton Polytopes

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    Pretropisms are candidates for the leading exponents of Puiseux series that represent solutions of polynomial systems. To find pretropisms, we propose an exact gift wrapping algorithm to prune the tree of edges of a tuple of Newton polytopes. We prefer exact arithmetic not only because of the exact input and the degrees of the output, but because of the often unpredictable growth of the coordinates in the face normals, even for polytopes in generic position. We provide experimental results with our preliminary implementation in Sage that compare favorably with the pruning method that relies only on cone intersections.Comment: exact, gift wrapping, Newton polytope, pretropism, tree pruning, accepted for presentation at Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC 201

    Products of Euclidean Metrics, Applied to Proximity Problems among Curves: Unified Treatment of Discrete Fréchet and Dynamic Time Warping Distances

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    Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search is a fundamental computational problem that has benefited from significant progress in the past couple of decades. However, most work has been devoted to pointsets, whereas complex shapes have not been sufficiently addressed. Here, we focus on distance functions between discretized curves in Euclidean space: They appear in a wide range of applications, from road segments and molecular backbones to time-series in general dimension. For ℓp-products of Euclidean metrics, for any constant p, we propose simple and efficient data structures for ANN based on randomized projections: These data structures are of independent interest. Furthermore, they serve to solve proximity questions under a notion of distance between discretized curves, which generalizes both discrete Fréchet and Dynamic Time Warping distance functions. These are two very popular and practical approaches to comparing such curves. We offer, for both approaches, the first data structures and query algorithms for ANN with arbitrarily good approximation factor, at the expense of increasing space usage and preprocessing time over existing methods. Query time complexity is comparable or significantly improved by our methods; our algorithm is especially efficient when the length of the curves is bounded. Finally, we focus on discrete Fréchet distance when the ambient space is high dimensional and derive complexity bounds in terms of doubling dimension as well as an improved approximate near neighbor search. © 2020 ACM

    Monomial Bases and Polynomial System Solving (Extended Abstract)

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    This paper addresses the problem of efficient construction of monomial bases for the coordinate rings of zero-dimensional varieties. Existing approaches rely on Gröbner bases methods -- in contrast, we make use of recent developments in sparse elimination techniques which allow us to strongly exploit the structural sparseness of the problem at hand. This is done by establishing certain properties of a matrix formula for the sparse resultant of the given polynomial system. We use this matrix construction to give a simpler proof of the result of Pedersen and Sturmfels [22] for constructing monomial bases. The monomial bases so obtained enable the efficient generation of multiplication maps in coordinate rings and provide a method for computing the common roots of a generic system of polynomial equations with complexity singly exponential in the number of variables and polynomial in the number of roots. We describe the implementations based ..