25 research outputs found

    Biographical trajectory of a student who dropout Pedagogy at the University of Granada

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar las variables específicas que intervienen en el abandono así como los perfiles y trayectorias de ingreso de los estudiantes que abandonan durante los primeros años de carrera. El hecho es que, como consecuencia del aumento del número de investigaciones que analizan el abandono, se siguen utilizando multitud de metodologías para poder concretar y paliar el fenómeno del abandono universitario. La investigación se centra en una entrevista de una alumna que abandonó los estudios del Grado de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada. La investigación transversal que hemos realizado ha sido mediante una metodología biográfica-narrativa. Así, para la recogida de la información hemos utilizado una entrevista semiestructurada en profundidad a través del modelo de entrevista de Torrado (2012). Se establecen resultados en torno a la caracterización del perfil de abandono y se discute en profundidad sobre las principales causas que intervienen en el fenómeno del abandono.The aim of this study has been to analyse those specific variables which take place in dropout and also in students’ profiles and paths corresponding to those who drop out in their first or second year. As a result of the increase in dropout research a myriad of methodologies are regularly used to materialize and reduce the effect of university dropout.This piece of research is based on an in-depth interview with a student who dropped out her Pedagogy degree studies at the Faculty of Education, University of Granada. This cross curricular study has been carried out following a bibliographical-narrative methodology. Data have been gathered through a semi-structured in-depth interview following Torrado’s model (2012). Results allow to characterize dropout and the main reasons that take part in the process are thoroughly discussed

    Prediction of early dropout in higher education using the SCPQ

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    There is enormous concern at the international level vis-à-vis the retention of students in universities. Given that dropout rates and their social repercussions are causing great concern worldwide, researchers have been examining this issue to establish models to predict early dropout and to guide actions to support students who are at risk of dropping out. In this paper, we present a study we carried out at the University of Granada in which the risk of first-year students dropping out was analyzed by administering the College Persistence Questionnaire (CPQ v2) to 701 students who began their studies in the 2018/19 academic year. The data pertained to persisting at the institution one year later. The results indicated significant differences within the dimensions of academic and social integration, degree commitment, collegiate stress, academic advising and motivation, scholastic conscientiousness, institutional commitment, financial strain, and academic efficacy. These results align with a wide range of national and international studies.Scholarship for the training of university teachers through the Doctoral Thesis - Analisis del abandono de los estudios en la Universidad de GranadaEl caso de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacio

    The education system of Finland and its success in the PISA test

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    Las pruebas PISA muestran una vez más el buen resultado referido al rendimiento escolar en Finlandia. Entre sus variadas estructuras organizativas y directivas puede discurrirse la existencia de un consenso sobre la política educativa común que refleja las directrices a considerar en el desarrollo del currículo. Los municipios tienen una gran relevancia a la hora de organizar y concretar la educación básica además de definir las intenciones en el currículo. Los centros y los profesores tienen mucha independencia en el desarrollo educativo y en el contenido educativo. Esta orientación refleja un cambio en las metas y objetivos de los currículos en los que se nota cada vez más la preocupación por concretar de qué son capaces de hacer con los conocimientos adquiridos en el centro escolar, si saben aplicarlos en contextos de la vida cotidiana, no sólo centrarse si han aprendido contenidos curriculares específicos. Los cambios en el sistema de inspección y el desarrollo de la educación después de la educación básica son también aspectos importantes considerando el éxito de Finlandia en la prueba PISA.Once again, the Finnish educational system has scored well in the PISA-tests. Among its various organizational structures and policies, the consensus of the educational policy - which is reflected by uniform structures and directions for developing the curriculum - can be identified as a reason for the success. The municipalities are responsible for the organization and realization of the primary education as well as establishing a more detailed curriculum in accordance with the goals of the National Board of Education. The schools and the teachers are allowed a great deal of independence when developing the pedagogical content and choosing a method. This orientation reflects an adjustment in the goals of the curriculum which now emphasizes practical usefulness of the information acquired by the students rather than strict adherence to a rigid curriculum. Also the change in the inspection system and the development of the education after the primary education are important aspects considering the Finnish success in the PISA tests

    Levels of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in University Students from Spain and Costa Rica during Periods of Confinement and Virtual Learning

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    Mental health problems, specifically those related to stress, anxiety, and depression, have become more prevalent among college students compared to data available prior to the levels of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent studies have shown that in different geographical areas, there is a high prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms in university students compared to prepandemic levels. Thus, our objective was to establish self-perceived levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in university students earning an education degree at the University of Granada and the University of Costa Rica during periods of confinement and virtual learning associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The final study sample consisted of 942 students from both universities. Two questionnaires were administered: The state trait anxiety inventory and the depression, anxiety, and stress scale 21. Descriptive analyses, mean comparisons, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multivariate regression were performed. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha, and the effect size was analyzed using Cohen’s d. The results indicated that levels of depression, anxiety, and stress were mild or moderate despite the confinement and virtual learning associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Women had higher levels of anxiety than men, and singles had higher levels of anxiety than individuals in other family situations. Younger individuals had higher levels of stress and anxiety.Faculty of Education, University of GranadaFostering Student Wellness with a Therapy Dog Program at the Faculty Librar

    Social Educators’ Professional Competencies: Contrast of Perceptions from Undergraduate Students vs. Professional Social Workers

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    Fundamentada en la literatura reciente, partimos de la hipótesis de que las competencias que se abordan en la formación inicial de los educadores sociales no cubren las necesidades formativas que se demandan para el ejercicio profesional. Para contrastar esta hipótesis, se presenta una investigación dirigida a conocer las percepciones de estudiantes de primer y segundo curso del grado de Educación Social en la Universidad de Granada, sobre las competencias prioritarias para el desempeño profesional. Aplicando un cuestionario basado en uno anterior aplicado a profesionales en ejercicio, los resultados de esta investigación apuntan hacia una indefinición en el propio perfil de egreso, y a la debilidad del modelo formativo basado en competencias que se ha implantado en la educación superior.Based on recent literature, we start from the hypothesis that the competences that are addressed in the initial training of social educators do not cover the training needs that are demanded for professional practice. To contrast this hypothesis, a research is presented aimed at knowing the perceptions of first and second year students of the degree of Social Education at the University of Granada, on the priority competencies for professional performance. Applying a questionnaire based on a previous one applied to practicing professionals, the results of this research point to a lack of definition in the graduate profile itself, and to the weakness of the competency-based training model that has been implemented in higher education

    Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de magisterio y sus creencias acerca de la educación preventiva

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    Conducting educational programs to prevent drug use has proven effective in controlling addiction habits among young people. The success of prevention programs rests largely on the training of teachers and their own beliefs about drug use. Another factor that may be related to the success of the programs is teacher's own experience in the use of psychoactive substances. In this article we explore the relationship between tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs consumption habits of future teachers (education students at the University of Granada) and the false beliefs about drug prevention at schools they have.ResumenLa realización de programas escolares de prevención de consumo de drogas se ha demostrado eficaz en el control de hábitos de adicción en la población juvenil. El éxito de los programas preventivos descansa, en buena parte, en la capacitación de los docentes que los desarrollan y sus propias creencias sobre el consumo de drogas. Otro factor que puede estar relacionado con el éxito de los programas, es la experiencia del propio docente en el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas. En este artículo se explora la relación entre hábitos de consumo de tabaco, alcohol y drogas ilegales de futuros docentes (estudiantes de magisterio de la Universidad de Granada) y las creencias falsas sobre prevención de la drogadicción en la escuela que mantienen. AbstractConducting educational programs to prevent drug use has proven effective in controlling addiction habits among young people. The success of prevention programs rests largely on the training of teachers and their own beliefs about drug use. Another factor that may be related to the success of the programs is teacher's own experience in the use of psychoactive substances. In this article we explore the relationship between tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs consumption habits of future teachers (education students at the University of Granada) and the false beliefs about drug prevention at schools they have

    Disseny, experimentació i avaluació d’un programa de formació de tècnics professionals de l’atenció primerenca a Bolívia

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    En aquest estudi, s’hi presenten el disseny i l’avaluació de l’experimentació d’un programa de formació de tècnics i professionals de l’atenció primerenca a Bolívia. S’hi justifica el model de formació basat en competències utilitzat i s’hi mostren les característiques essencials de la seva configuració curricular. Al text, s’hi mostren els resultats de l’avaluació de l’experiència obtinguts amb l’aplicació d’enquestes de satisfacció als participants i d’una enquesta oberta d’avaluació individual, i de la realització de dos grups de discussió de caràcter avaluatiu. Amb aquests tres instruments, s’obtenen dades de tipus quantitatiu i qualitatiu que s’integren per obtenir la millor i més profunda informació de naturalesa valorativa. A partir dels resultats obtinguts, es plantegen recomanacions per ajustar el propi disseny i el de programes similars de capacitació de professionals de la salut

    Dropout stories of Andalusian university students

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    RDI European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020. Junta de Andalucía. Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science. Reference: B-SEJ-516-UGR18. “Stories of dropout. Biographical-narrative approach to academic dropout in Andalusian universities. Multi-causal analysis and prevention proposals.”The abandonment of university studies is a problem that affects the balance and correct organization of university systems throughout the world and that has undesirable personal consequences in advanced societies. Dropping out of school has a multidimensional explanation. Among the causes, associated with each other, that originate it, the following factors stand out: psychological, social, economic, psycho-pedagogical, institutional, and didactic. Studying how all these dimensions act and relate to each other in specific cases of people who drop out of Higher Education, helps us to better understand the phenomenon and to develop prevention measures in university institutions. This text presents the results of biographical-narrative research carried out among the student population in a situation of abandonment of the universities of Andalusia that has allowed us to recover 22 stories of abandonment carried out by as many exstudents who were enrolled in any of the nine universities. Andalusians publish in any of the different university degree studies. The biographical texts have been subjected to narrative analysis to achieve personal exemplifications and characterize paradigmatic cases of relationship between the dimensions of the problem, using concept mapping to present the outcomes.RDI European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Junta de AndaluciaMinistry of Economy, Innovation and Science B-SEJ-516-UGR1

    Challenge-obstacle stressors and cyberloafing among higher vocational education students: the moderating role of smartphone addiction and Maladaptive

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    The start of higher vocational education and training is a new stage for students with a challenge between theoretical classes and the new expectations and demands of companies during the internship period. To understand some of the implications of stress on cyberloafing, we can distinguish between stress perceived as an obstacle that can be overcome – challenge stress – or as a threat that can block work performance – obstacle stress – and stress perceived as an obstacle that can be overcome – challenge stress – or as a threat that can block work performance – obstacle stress-. The aim of this research is to find out the relationships between challenge-obstacle stress in Cyberloafing, as well as the moderating effect of Smartphone Addiction and Maladaptive. In this study, the Challenge-Hindrance Stressors, Smartphone addiction scale-short version (SAS-SV) instrument, the Maladaptive subscale of the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) and Cyberloafing were applied to 403 upper-level vocational training students from different secondary schools in all provinces of the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain, distributed throughout the provinces that make up this autonomous community. The findings show that students’ challenge stressors do not increase Cyberloafing, enabling them to cope with the academic demands and work challenges during the theory and internship period. On the contrary, obstacle stressors generate stressful situations that undermine the acquisition of objectives and development of academic competences. In our research we observe that challenge-obstacle stressors have a disparate influence on cyberloafing. Challenge stressors are negatively related to Maladaptive. The same is not true for obstacle stressors