13 research outputs found
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Bidan dan Dukun Ditinjau dari Aspek Input, Proses dan Output di Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Fakfak Provinsi Papua Barat
Universitas Diponegoro
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan
Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak
Elzina Dina De Fretes
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Bidan dan Dukun Ditinjau dari Aspek Input, Proses dan Output di Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Fakfak Provinsi Papua Barat
xv + 161 halaman + 5 tabel + 9 gambar + 28 lampiran
Jumlah tenaga bidan di kabupaten Fakfak tahun 2012 adalah 108 orang, jumlah dukun bersalin 191 orang, yang terlatih 79(41%) dan tidak terlatih 112 (59%). Jumlah dukun lebih banyak dari bidan menyebabkan masih tingginya peran dukun dalam pertolongan persalinan. Cakupan persalinan nakes belum mencapai target. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan program kemitraan bidan dan dukun ditinjau dari aspek input, process dan output diwilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Fakfak. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif yang disajikan secara deskriptif eksploratif melalui wawancara mendalam. Subjek penelitian adalah bidan dan dukun yang bermitra. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ditinjau dari aspek Input : 1) Tenaga pelaksana, pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh bidan dan dukun baru sebatas pada kerjasama dalam menolong persalinan.; 2) Alokasi dana khusus program belum disediakan, saat ini menggunakan dana BOK namun belum mencukupi; 3) Sarana khusus program belum ada, saat ini menggunakan sarana prasarana puskesmas dan polindes namun mengalami keterbatasan. Ditinjau dari aspek Process 1) Perencanaan program, bidan dan dukun melakukan pendataan bumil, bulin, bufas dan jumlah dukun; 2) Pelaksanaan belum berjalan baik karna bidan yg selalu tidak berada ditempat bila dihubungi oleh dukun dan akses yang sulit. Sosialisasi lintas sektor (Toma dan Toga) dan magang dukun belum dilakukan karena keterbatasan dana; 3) Tidak dilakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan khusus kegiatan kemitraan, selama ini menggunakan format yang ada di laporan KIA. Aspek Output masih terdapat 195 (89%) dukun belum bermitra dari 219 dukun yang ada, cakupan K1, K4 dan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan dari tahun 2011 ke 2012 cenderung menurun.
Saran bagi DKK dan Puskesmas untuk mengupayakan tetap berlangsungnya kemitraan dengan dukungan seluruh aspek diantaranya rekruitment tenaga bidan, ketersediaan sarana prasarana, dana serta sosialisasi kepada tokoh masyarakat, dan membiayai anak atau cucu dari dukun untuk mengikuti pendidikan bidan.
Kata Kunci : Program Kemitraan Bidan Dukun, Input, Process dan Output
Diponegoro University
Faculty of Public Health
Master’s Program in Public Health
Majoring in Health Policy Administration
Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management
Elzina Dina De Fretes
Implementation Analysis of the Partnership Program between Midwives and Traditional Birth Attendants viewed from the Aspects of Input, Process, and Output at Fakfak District Health Office in Province of West Papua
xv + 161 pages + 5 tables + 9 figures + 28 enclosures
Number of midwives in Fakfak District in 2012 was 108 persons. Number of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) was 191 persons consisted of 79 (41%) trained TBAs and 112 (59%) untrained TBAs. The TBAs had an important role in delivery process because number of them was higher than number of midwives. Therefore, coverage of delivery process helped by health workers had not achieved the target. This research aimed to analyze the implementation of the partnership program between midwives and TBAs viewed from the aspects of input, process, and output at Fakfak District Health Office.
This was qualitative research with descriptive-explorative approach by conducting indepth interview. Subjects were midwives and TBAs who had been partnering. Data were analysed using a content analysis.
The input aspect showed that: 1) Implementers, midwives and TBAs only knew partnership in helping delivery; 2) Specific allocation funds for the program was not available. The funds was from Operational Support for Health but it was still not sufficient; 3) Specific means for the program was not available. The current means is from health center and village polyclinic but it is still limited. Furthermore, the process aspect revealed that: 1) Program planning, midwives and TBAs collected data of pregnant women, maternal, postpartum women, and number of TBAs; 2) The implementation was not good because midwives were not available when needed by TBAs and there was difficult to access. Socialization for cross-program (community leaders and religious leaders) and internship for TBAs had not been done yet due to insufficient fund; 3) Recording and reporting especially about partnership activities had not been done yet and only used a form on a Maternal and Child Health report. Regarding the output aspect, as many as 195 (89%) from 219 TBAs had not been partnered. Coverage of K1, K4, and delivery process helped by health workers from 2011 to 2012 decreased gradually.
As a suggestion, District Health Office and Health Center need to maintain partnership by recruiting midwives, providing means, allocating fund, socializing to community leaders, and funding TBAs’ daughter or grandchild to study midwifery.
Key Words : Partnership Program between Midwives and TBAs, Input,
Process, Outpu
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Bidan Dan Dukun Ditinjau Dari Aspek Input, Proses Dan Output Di Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Fakfak Provinsi Papua Barat
Jumlah tenaga bidan di kabupaten Fakfak tahun 2012 adalah 108 orang, jumlah dukun bersalin 191 orang, yang terlatih 79(41%) dan tidak terlatih 112 (59%). Jumlah dukun lebih banyak dari bidan menyebabkan masih tingginya peran dukun dalam pertolongan persalinan. Cakupan persalinan nakes belum mencapai target. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan program kemitraan bidan dan dukun ditinjau dari aspek input, process dan output diwilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Fakfak. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif yang disajikan secara deskriptif eksploratif melalui wawancara mendalam. Subjek penelitian adalah bidan dan dukun yang bermitra. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ditinjau dari aspek Input : 1) Tenaga pelaksana, pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh bidan dan dukun baru sebatas pada kerjasama dalam menolong persalinan.; 2) Alokasi dana khusus program belum disediakan, saat ini menggunakan dana BOK namun belum mencukupi; 3) Sarana khusus program belum ada, saat ini menggunakan sarana prasarana puskesmas dan polindes namun mengalami keterbatasan. Ditinjau dari aspek Process 1) Perencanaan program, bidan dan dukun melakukan pendataan bumil, bulin, bufas dan jumlah dukun; 2) Pelaksanaan belum berjalan baik karna bidan yg selalu tidak berada ditempat bila dihubungi oleh dukun dan akses yang sulit. Sosialisasi lintas sektor (Toma dan Toga) dan magang dukun belum dilakukan karena keterbatasan dana; 3) Tidak dilakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan khusus kegiatan kemitraan, selama ini menggunakan format yang ada di laporan KIA. Aspek Output masih terdapat 195 (89%) dukun belum bermitra dari 219 dukun yang ada, cakupan K1, K4 dan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan dari tahun 2011 ke 2012 cenderung menurun. Saran bagi DKK dan Puskesmas untuk mengupayakan tetap berlangsungnya kemitraan dengan dukungan seluruh aspek diantaranya rekruitment tenaga bidan, ketersediaan sarana prasarana, dana serta sosialisasi kepada tokoh masyarakat, dan membiayai anak atau cucu dari dukun untuk mengikuti pendidikan bidan. Number of midwives in Fakfak District in 2012 was 108 persons. Number of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) was 191 persons consisted of 79 (41%) trained TBAs and 112 (59%) untrained TBAs. The TBAs had an important role in delivery process because number of them was higher than number of midwives. Therefore, coverage of delivery process helped by health workers had not achieved the target. This research aimed to analyze the implementation of the partnership program between midwives and TBAs viewed from the aspects of input, process, and output at Fakfak District Health Office. This was qualitative research with descriptive-explorative approach by conducting indepth interview. Subjects were midwives and TBAs who had been partnering. Data were analysed using a content analysis. The input aspect showed that: 1) Implementers, midwives and TBAs only knew partnership in helping delivery; 2) Specific allocation funds for the program was not available. The funds was from Operational Support for Health but it was still not sufficient; 3) Specific means for the program was not available. The current means is from health center and village polyclinic but it is still limited. Furthermore, the process aspect revealed that: 1) Program planning, midwives and TBAs collected data of pregnant women, maternal, postpartum women, and number of TBAs; 2) The implementation was not good because midwives were not available when needed by TBAs and there was difficult to access. Socialization for cross-program (community leaders and religious leaders) and internship for TBAs had not been done yet due to insufficient fund; 3) Recording and reporting especially about partnership activities had not been done yet and only used a form on a Maternal and Child Health report. Regarding the output aspect, as many as 195 (89%) from 219 TBAs had not been partnered. Coverage of K1, K4, and delivery process helped by health workers from 2011 to 2012 decreased gradually. As a suggestion, District Health Office and Health Center need to maintain partnership by recruiting midwives, providing means, allocating fund, socializing to community leaders, and funding TBAs' daughter or grandchild to study midwifery
How does cloud-radiative heating over the North Atlantic change with grid spacing, convective parameterization, and microphysics scheme in ICON version 2.1.00?
Cloud-radiative heating (CRH) within the atmosphere and its changes with warming affect the large-scale atmospheric winds in a myriad of ways, such that reliable predictions and projections of circulation require reliable calculations of CRH. In order to assess the sensitivities of upper-tropospheric midlatitude CRH to model settings, we perform a series of simulations with the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic Model (ICON) over the North Atlantic using six different grid spacings, parameterized and explicit convection, and one- versus two-moment cloud microphysics. While sensitivity to grid spacing is limited, CRH profiles change dramatically with microphysics and convection schemes. These dependencies are interpreted via decomposition into cloud classes and examination of cloud properties and cloud-controlling factors within these different classes. We trace the model dependencies back to differences in the mass mixing ratios and number concentrations of cloud ice and snow, as well as vertical velocities. Which frozen species are radiatively active and the broadening of the vertical velocity distribution with explicit convection turn out to be crucial factors in altering the modeled CRH profiles
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dengan Pemanfaatan Buku Saku Sebagai Panduan Dalam Upaya Deteksi Dini dan Pencegahan Stunting di Distrik Wartutin Kabupaten Fakfak
ABSTRAK Stunting adalah kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak balita akibat kekurangan gizi kronis terutama pada 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan. Faktor yang paling berkontribusi terhadap penurunan stunting adalah pola asuh orang tua untuk mengurangi faktor resiko kejadian stunting dengan mengubah pola pikir atau paradigma yang tadinya hanya berfokus kepada bayi dan anak tetapi lebih berfokus kepada pengetahuan ibu dan dukungan dari keluarga guna meningkatkan kesehatan dan gizi dari anak sejak dari dalam kandungan sampai anak berusia 2 tahun.Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi dengan pemberian buku saku dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu dalam mencegah dan deteksi dini stunting. Metode pendekatan menggunakan metode pemberdayaan masyarakat khususnya kelompok sasaran melalui penyuluhan dan edukasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan serta membagikan buku saku pencegahan stunting pada 30 orang tua dan kader dari perwakilan 6 Posyandu bayi dan balita Distrik Wartutin. Tahap persiapan perencanaan kegiatan yang meliputi Identifikasi kebutuhan dengan mendesain dan mencari sumber-sumber mengenai buku saku stunting. Tahap kedua merupakan tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan memberikan pelatihan mengenai strunting dan cara deteksi dini sesuai dengan buku saku. Pembagian buku saku kepada kelompok target dan pendampingan. Pada tahap ketiga, dilakukan monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan Evaluasi peningkatan pengetahuan kelompok sasaran atau kelompok target tentang deteksi dini stunting dengan menggunakan angket dan melalui petugas Puskesmas. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa secara garis besar, pengetahuan mengenai stunting pada kader kesehatan di Distrik Wartutin mengalami peningkatan pasca pemberian edukasi gizi dengan media Buku Saku Mandiri. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui skor jawaban kader, dimana rerata skor post-test adalah 86,29 dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan skor pre-test yaitu 72,8. Presentase peningkatan pengetahuan kader kesehatan mengenai stunting meningkat 13.49%. Hasil pegabdian kepada masyarakat dengan cara edukasi dengan pemberian buku saku dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu dalam mencegah dan deteksi dini stunting Kata Kunci: Stunting, Pengetahuan, Buku Saku     ABSTRACT Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five due to chronic malnutrition, especially in the first 1,000 days of life. The most contributing factor to the decline in stunting is parenting to reduce the risk factors for stunting by changing the mindset or paradigm that previously only focused on infants and children but focused more on mother's knowledge and support from families to improve the health and nutrition of children from an early age from the womb until the child is two years old. The purpose of this community service is to provide education by giving pocketbooks to increase mother's knowledge in preventing and early detection of stunting.The approach uses community empowerment methods, especially target groups through counselling and education carried out by using and distributing stunting prevention pocketbooks to 30 parents and cadres from representatives of 6 Posyandu infants and toddlers in Wartutin District. The preparatory stage of activity planning includes identifying needs by designing and searching for resources regarding the stunting pocketbook. The second stage is implementing activities by providing training on stunting and early detection methods according to the pocketbook—distribution of pocketbooks to target groups and mentors. In the third stage, monitoring and evaluation activities are carried out. Evaluation of increasing the knowledge of the target group or target group about early stunting detection using questionnaires and Puskesmas officers. The results of this activity indicate that, in general, knowledge about stunting among health cadres in Wartutin District has increased after the provision of nutrition education with the Mandiri Pocket Book media. This is evidenced by the cadres' answer scores, where the average post-test score is 86.29 and higher than the pre-test score of 72.8. The percentage increase in knowledge of health cadres about stunting increased by 13.49%. The results of community service using education by giving pocketbooks can increase mother's knowledge in preventing and early detection of stunting Keywords: Stunting, Knowledge, PocketbookÂ
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue Ditinjau dari Aspek Input, Proses dan Output
The incidence of DHF in Fakfak Regency has increased since the last 3 years so it needs to be evaluated. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the DHF P2P program in terms of input, process and output aspects in the working area of the Fakfak Community Health Center in the City of Fakfak Regency. This type of research is qualitative which is presented exploratively descriptively through in-depth interviews. The subjects of the study were the DHF P2P program coordinator, jumantik cadres, foging officers and the Head of the Puskesmas. Data collected by in-depth interview technique. The results of research on the implementation of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever disease prevention program in the Puskesmas Fakfak area were reviewed from the Input aspects: 1) Implementing staff, the knowledge possessed by officers and jumantik cadres was quite good; 2) Allocation of funds comes from BOK and JKN funds, but not sufficient; 3) Other program facilities are available, foging machines are still limited. In terms of Process; 1) Program planning, Ă‚ it has been arranged in the KAK (Terms of Reference);2) Implementation has not been maximized, mass foging cannot yet be carried out due to limited funds; 3) Standard and periodical recording and reporting has been carried out in the format provided. Output aspects of DHF morbidity rate in 2017 are still high 42 cases, the rate of larvae free coverage since 2017 has increased and in 2018 until the third trimester reached 80%. In conclusion, the implementation of the DHF P2P program at the Fakfak Health Center has not been effective, obstacles experienced due to limited personnel, limited funds and lack of active community and cross-sectoral involvement. Suggestions for DKK to continue to do promotive and preventive efforts by adding funds, refracting cadres who are not active, adding foging machines and involving the community.
Efektifitas Metode Pembelajaran Kartu Berwarna dan Metode Pembelajaran Ceramah Terhadap Pemahaman Mahasiswa Dalam Menentukan Diagnosis, Intervensi dan Luaran Keperawatan
ABSTRACT Every teacher have unique ways to deliver their learning materials, structure and certain purpose in deliver their materials. It is called learning method. Learning method consist of many thecnique, some of them are lecture method and visual method. In this research a group of sample was given a color card set and the other group was given lecture method learning. The purpose of this research was to see the effectiveness between the two learning methods in student comprehension in deciding nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention, and nursing outcome. The method of this research was quasy experiment with pre test and post test nonequivalent control group design. The population for this research was active student in 5th semester with 60 total samples. Sample was choosen using concecutive sampling method. The result of paired t-test on difference of pre and post intervention between two groups, the color card methods obtained p value of 0.038 and lecture method obtain p value 0.102. Meanwhile, the result of mann-whitney u-test showed that there was no difference of comprehension in deciding nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention, and nursing outcome between the two groups with p value = 0.240. The color card method was effective in increasing student comprehension. Meanhwile, between the two methods of color card method and lecture method showed neither group was more effective. Keywords: Learning Method, Visual, Lecture, Comprehension, Student  ABSTRAK Tenaga pendidik menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dengan cara yang berbda-beda, terstruktur dan memiliki tujaun tertentu. Hal itu disebut juga dengan metode pembelajaran. Metode pembelajaran terdiri dari banyak jenis beberapa diantaranya adalah metode media visual yang dalam penelitian ini akan diberikan dalam satu set kartu berwarna pada satu kelompok dan metode ceramah pada kelompok lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat keefektifan metode pembelajaran kartu berwarna pemahaman mahasiswa, keefektifan metode pembelajaran ceramah terhadap kemampuan mahasiswa dan membandingkan keduanya. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah quasy experiment dengan desain pretest dan post test nonequivalent control group. Populasi adalah mahasiswa aktif pada semester 5 dengan total sampel 60. Sampel akan dipilih menggunakan metode consecutive sampling. Hasil uji paired t-test pada perbedaan pemahaman sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi pada dua kelompok didapatkan p value 0.038 pada kelompok metode pembelajaran kartu berwarna dan p value 0.102 pada kelompok metode pembelajaran ceramah. Sedangkan untuk menunjukan metode mana yang lebih efektif pada hasil uji mann-whitney u-test didapatkan hasil p value = 0.240. Metode pembelajaran kartu berwarna efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa. Sedangkan, antara metode pembelajaran kartu berwarna dan metode pembelajaran ceramah diantara kedua metode tersebut tidak ada yang lebih efektif. Kata Kunci: Metode Pembelajaran, Visual, Ceramah, Pemahaman, Mahasiswa
The conditions of this assignment mission were often uncontrollable and unsafe, leaving soldiers frustrated and predicted to experience post-traumatic stress disorder. This research aims to provide an overview of the psychological perspective of Indonesian National Armed Forces soldiers who serve at national borders. The research design uses a qualitative approach using problem research procedures. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by digging up information orally about experiences open and closed problems—information analysis using the Colaizzi method. The validity of the information was carried out by re-confirming the respondent to determine the suitability of the information with the transcript, conducting re-discussions with the research team in order to obtain a narrative that was in accordance with the respondent's experience. We found four themes and three sub-themes related to the mental problems of border soldiers. The themes encountered were Feeling honoured to be given a task, Priority, Ready to carry out tasks, and Ways to cope with stress. The sub-themes are related to priorities, namely tasks or family, work or family, and sad to leave the family. Future research could be directed towards identifying potential discouragement in servicemen during service life. In addition, it was knowing the potential power of family support during the service of the soldier
The Mental Health of Border Soldiers
The conditions of this assignment mission were often uncontrollable and unsafe, leaving soldiers frustrated and predicted to experience post-traumatic stress disorder. This research aims to provide an overview of the psychological perspective of Indonesian National Armed Forces soldiers who serve at national borders. The research design uses a qualitative approach using problem research procedures. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by digging up information orally about experiences open and closed problems—information analysis using the Colaizzi method. The validity of the information was carried out by re-confirming the respondent to determine the suitability of the information with the transcript, conducting re-discussions with the research team in order to obtain a narrative that was in accordance with the respondent's experience. We found four themes and three sub-themes related to the mental problems of border soldiers. The themes encountered were Feeling honoured to be given a task, Priority, Ready to carry out tasks, and Ways to cope with stress. The sub-themes are related to priorities, namely tasks or family, work or family, and sad to leave the family. Future research could be directed towards identifying potential discouragement in servicemen during service life. In addition, it was knowing the potential power of family support during the service of the soldier