29 research outputs found

    Risk Associated with Corn Farming in Madura Island

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    Corn play an essential role in providing food and feed for living things in Madura Island and other parts of the country. More than 80% of the Madura Island farmer, plant this commodity, thereby, making it a productive farming activity in this region. However, its level of productivity is still below average due to the farmers' risk preference. This research, therefore, aims to analyze the risk preferences and inputallocation used in corn farming. The multistage sampling was used to collect data from a total of 120 people in Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep Regencies located in Madura, while the Kumbhakar parametric model was used to analyze risks. The results showed that farmers are in the Risk Averse category due to poor utilization of seeds, manure, labor, and NPK fertilizer, compared to the recommended level of usage

    Nilai Ekonomi Objek Wisata Pantai Tlangoh di Kabupaten Bangkalan

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    Pantai Tlangoh di Kabupaten Bangkalan, termasuk dalam kategori pantai yang sedang berada dalam tahap pengembangan. Jumlah kunjungan di pantai tersebut berfluktuasi dan tingkat kepedulian masyarakat sekitar, dalam pengelolaannya masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah kunjungan dan menganalisis kontribusi nilai ekonomi wisata terhadap perekonomian desa. Sampel penelitian ditentukan berdasarkan rumus linier time function. Data dianalisis dengan metode regresi linier berganda dan metode biaya perjalanan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa waktu tempuh dan jenis transportasi berpengaruh negatif terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke Pantai Tlangoh. Sementara itu, lama waktu di lokasi, aksesibilitas, fasilitas dan daya tarik berpengaruh positif. Potensi nilai ekonomi yang dapat dihasilkan dalam pengelolaan wisata Pantai Tlangoh sebesar Rp. 11.898.448.750/tahun. Peningkatan kunjungan ke Pantai Tlangoh dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan fasilitas wisata, dan melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat terkait dengan potensi ekonomi yang dapat dihasilkan dari Pantai Tlangoh dalam setiap tahun. Hal ini penting dilakukan supaya masyarakat sekitar memiliki motivasi untuk berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaannya

    Faktor - Faktor Determinan Kurs Rupiah Terhadap Dollar Amerika

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    Indonesia is a developing country that is often affected by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, especially US Dollar. This condition is the effect of the government policies that implement the floating exchange rate system since August 14, 1977. The aims of this study are to know the development and to analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables on the Rupiah exchange rate against US Dollar in 2008-2014. The method which used in this study is descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that during 2008-2014, the variables of inflation, interest rate (BI rate) of Indonesia’s balance of payments, and exports fluctuated, while the variable of PDB tended to increase. Other results show that interest rates and gross domestic product have a positive effect on the exchange rate of Rupiah against US Dollar, whereas the inflation and exports have a negative effect. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s balance of payments does not significantly affect the Rupiah against US Dollar. Keywords: Exchange Rate, Fluctuation, Macroeconomic Variable


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    ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini  adalah mengidentifikasi proses keputusan pembelian  dan menganalisis atribut yang dipertimbangkan oleh konsumen dalam pembelian mi instan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Sampel diambil  dengan metode Cluster Sampling. Data dianalisis dengan metode diskriptif kualitatif dan konjoin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses keputusan pembelian mi terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu pengenalan kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif, proses pembelian, dan perilaku pasca pembelian. Sedangkan kombinasi atribut yang diinginkan oleh konsumen dalam pembelian mi instan secara berurutan adalah kemasan plastik, harga Rp. 1.750, bentuk  bulat, bentuk kemasan kotak, rasa gurih, berukuran  100 gr, dan berwarna kuning. ABSTRACTThe Goals of this research are to identify the process of purchasing decision and analyze the attribute which is considered by consumer in purchasing instant noodle. The Samples are taken with cluster sampling method. The data are analyzed with the qualitative descriptive and conjoint methods. The result shows that the process of noodle purchasing decision consists  several stage. They are the need introduction, the information seach,  the purchasing process, and the behavior after purchasing. While the attribute combination which is wanted by consumer in instant noodle purchasing are the plastic packaging, the price approximately Rp. 1,750, the rounded shape, the square packaging shape, the savory flavor, the size approximately 100 gram, and the yellow color.

    Linkage of Technical Efficiency and Farmer Risk Behaviour of Shallot Manjung Variety Production

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    Pojanan Village of Pamekasan District is wellknown as central producer for Manjung Variety of shallot. This variety has advantages such as high productivity, drought-resistant, pests and diseases resistant, fragrant aroma, and savory taste. However, there is low productivity problem that doesnot meet maximum potential expectation. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the level of technical efficiency, farmers risk behavior, and interrelations between both issues. There were 42 respondents and the study involved analysis methods such us Cobb Douglass function by Stochastic Frontier approach, descriptive quantitative by Likert Scale, and Pearson Correlation. The result showed that average level of technical efficiency was about 77% with 40.5% neutral farmers risk behaviour and no significant relationship between technical efficiency and farmers risk behavior. Keywords: risk behavior, shallot production, technical efficiencyDesa Pojanan Barat Kabupaten Pamekasan dikenal sebagai sentra produksi bawang merah, Varietas Manjung. Bawang merah ini dikenal sebagai produk yang memiliki sifat-sifat unggul seperti: memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi, mampu bertahan pada kondisi lahan yang kering, memiliki ketahanan terhadap hama dan penyakit, serta memiliki aroma yang harum dan sangat gurih. Permasalahan di desa tersebut adalah produktivitasnya tidak sesuai dengan potensi maksimal yang seharusnya bisa dihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian ialah menganalisis tingkat efisiensi teknis, mengetahui perilaku petani dalam menghadapi risiko, dan menganalisis keterkaitan efisiensi teknis dan perilaku risiko petani. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 42 petani. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah fungsi produksi Cobb Douglas dengan pendekatan Stochastic Frontier, diskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan skala Likert, dan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa petani hanya mampu mencapai tingkat efisiensi teknis rata-rata sebesar 77%, sementara itu 40.5% petani berperilaku netral terhadap risiko, dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara efisiensi teknis dan perilaku risiko petani. Kata kunci: efisiensi teknis, perilaku risiko, produksi bawang mera

    Faktor Penentu Keputusan Migrasi Ke Papua Pada Masyarakat Desa Jaddih

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    Desa Jaddih terkenal sebagai daerah tambang batu kapur, akan tetapi hal ini tidak membuat sebagian besar penduduknya hidup sejahtera, karena pertambangan sebagian besar dimiliki para pemilik modal, sehingga banyak masyarakat  Desa Jaddih memilih bermigrasi ke daerah lain seperti Jawa, Kalimantan, dan Papua  untuk menafkahi keluarga atau mendapatkan modal untuk menikah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganaisis faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab masyarakat Desa Jaddih bermigrasi ke Papua serta mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan migrasi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Jaddih  terhadap kepemilikan aset keluarga. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 60 orang yang ditentukan dengan cara Accidental Sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi  logistik, dan diskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat Desa Jaddih bermigrasi ke Papua adalah jumlah keluarga, status kepemilkan rumah, status pekerjaan dan pendidikan. Sedangkan faktor yang tidak mempengaruhi adalah kepemilikan lahan dan status perkawinan. Kegiatan migrasi dapat meningkatkan aset rumah tangga yang dimiliki para migran,  yang berupa peningkatan dan kepemilikan terhadap sepeda motor, alat komunikasi, perabot rumah tangga dan perbaikan tempat tinggal


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi teknis, efisiensi alokatif, efisiensi ekonomis usahatani jagung hibrida dan sumber inefisiensinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Tanah Merah Kecamatan Saronggih Kabupaten Sumenep. Sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik insidential sampling. Data selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan fungsi produksi stochastic frontier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata petani belum efisien secara teknis, alokatif dan ekonomi. Sementara penyebab inefisiensi teknis disebabkan pendidikan dan pengalaman.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study were to analyze the technical efficiency, allocative, economic hybrid corn farm and sources of inefficiency. The study was conducted in Tana Merah Village, Saronggih Subdistrict, in Sumenep Regency. The incidental sampling technique was used to determined sample. Data were analyzed using the stochastic frontier production function. The results showed that the average farmer is not efficient yet on technically, allocative and economic. while the cause of technical inefficiency were education and experience

    This Article Reported Risk Preferences and the Consequences on Tobacco Farming in Pamekasan. Frontier Production Function Model with Heteroskedastic Error Structure Estimated by Maximume Likelihood Estimation Developed by Kumbhakar Was Adopted to Analyze the Goals. This Model Can Capture the Effect of Risk Preference on Input Allocation, Inefficiency and Productivity. Four Hundred Fifty Samples Were Drawn by Cluster Sampling Method. the Results Show That Risk Preferences Were Not Depended on Agroecosystem and Farming System, But They Were Determined by Farm Size. Most of the Farmers Prefered to Avoid Production Risk. the Consequences Were Input Allocation Under Optimum Condition, Technical and Allocative Efficiencies at a Low Level, and Depleted Productivity. Key Words: Productivity, Production Risk, Risk Preference, Inefficiency

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    This article reported risk preferences and the consequences on tobacco farming in Pamekasan. Frontier production function model with heteroskedastic error structure estimated by maximume likelihood estimation developed by Kumbhakar was adopted to analyze the goals. This model can capture the effect of risk preference on input allocation, inefficiency and productivity. Four hundred fifty samples were drawn by cluster sampling method. The results show that risk preferences were not depended on agroecosystem and farming system, but they were determined by farm size. Most of the farmers prefered to avoid production risk. The consequences were input allocation under optimum condition, technical and allocative efficiencies at a low level, and depleted productivity


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    ABSTRACTThis study aimsto describethe characteristics ofconsumers who buy imported apples and analyze the attributes of consumer preferences in buying importedapples.The study was conductedatthe Hokky fruitshopand the Ampel traditional marketing Surabaya. Data analysis was done with descriptive and conjoint methods. The analysis showed that the attributes that a consumer preference in buying apple imports in order are the price, color, texture, size and packaging.Keywords : ConsumerPreference, Attributes, Conjoin


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    Pamekasan Regency is the center for Madura cattle development in East Java. The basic problem faced by farmers is that they are not free to sell livestock and their bargaining position is weak in determining prices. The purpose of this study was to analysis the structure, conduct and performance of beef cattle fattening business in Bicorong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency. The sample of this study consisted of 42 farmers and 13 respondents from marketing institutions using snowball sampling. The data analysis method used the SCP approach. The results show that the market structure in marketing beef cattle in Bicorong Village leads to an oligopoly competitive market with moderate concentration. The market conduct shows the price of beef cattle is determined by trader. For performance, it’s efficient because there is only one marketing agency involved and the share received by farmers is quite large, namely ≥ 60  percent