349 research outputs found

    Komponen Kimia dan Anatomi Tiga Jenis Bambu dari Seram, Maluku

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    As a versatile plant, the basic properties of bamboo are various, depending on species, site, and position inside the stem. This study was conducted at three sites (Buria, Morekao, Tala), on three species (Dendrocalamus asper, Schizos- tachyium brachycladum, Schyzotachium lima), and three positions of the stem (base, middle, top). Objective of the study was to measure chemical component and anatomical feature of the three species of bamboos of West Ceram’s Sub-district (Taniwel, Piru, Kairatu) and three parts of stem (base, middle, top). Factorial experiment in split plot design was applied in the study with 3 replications. Result of the study indicated that there was a significant effect of location on the lignin content, diameter of the fiber and fiber cells lumen, and proportion of parenchyma cells; species of bamboo to the length and diameter of fiber cells; and portion of stem to the extractive soluble in hot water, soluble in alcohol benzene, length and diameter of fiber cells, and diameter of fiber lumens. Extractive soluble in cold water was 3.10-3.79 %; hot water was 5.43-6.23 %; alcohol benzene was 3.37-4.10 %; alpha cellulose was 44.22-46,94 %; holocellulose was 71.97-75.57 %; lignin was 26.00-27.37 %; length of fiber cell was 3.40-3,96 mm; diameter of fiber cell was 4.34-4.91 micron; diameter of fiber cell lumens was 2.74-3.23 micron; cell wall thickness of fiber cell was0.76-0.91 micron; proportion of parenchyma cells was 51.95-56.85 %; proportion of fiber cells was 27.81-62.66 %;and proportion of pores was 12.39-14.60 %.ABSTRAKSebagai tanaman serbaguna, sifat dasar bambu bervariasi menurut jenis, tempat tumbuh dan posisi didalam batang. Penelitian dilakukan pada 3 lokasi (Buria, Morekao, Tala), terhadap 3 jenis bambu (Dendrocalamus asper, Schizos- tachyium brachycladum, Schyzotachium lima), dan 3 posisi dalam batang (pangkal, tengah dan ujung). Tujuan pene- litian adalah untuk mengukur komponen kimia dan anatomi 3 jenis bambu (Dendrocalamus asper, Schizostachyium brachycladum, Schyzotachium lima) asal 3 kecamatan Seram bagian barat (Taniwel, Piru, Kairatu), dan 3 bagian batang (pangkal, tengah dan ujung). Percobaan faktorial dalam rancangan petak terpisah digunakan dalam penelitian dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan lokasi terhadap kadar lignin, diameter sel serat dan rongga sel serat dan proporsi sel parensim; jenis bambu terhadap panjang dan diameter sel serat; posisi dalam batang terhadap kadar ekstraktif larut air dingin, ekstraktif larut alkohol benzen, panjang dan diameter sel serat, dan diameter sel serat. Ekstraktif larut air dingin berkisar 3,10-3,79 %; larut air panas 5,43-6,23 %; larut alkohol benzen3,37-4,10 %; alfa selulosa 44,22-46,94 %; holoselulosa 71,97-75,57 %; lignin 26,00-27,37 %; panjang sel serat 3,40-3,96 mm; diameter sel serat 4,34-4,91 mikron; diameter rongga sel serat 2,74-3,23 mikron; tebal dinding sel serat0,76-0,91 mikron proporsi sel parensim 51,95-56,85 %; proporsi sel sel serat 27,81-62,66 %; dan proporsi sel pori12,39-14,60 %


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    This research was conducted at the Field Laboratory and Technology Livestock Laboratory of Faculty of Animal Science, Nusa Cendana University in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province for 12 weeks from September 13th until December 20th 2014. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of different level concentrate as a supplement to carcass and non carcass percentage young bucks. This research used 12 heads of young bucks kacang goat aged 6-8 months with the initial body weight 11,89 ± 1,29 kg (Variation Coefficient 10,92%). The research method used completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and four replicates, i.e.: R1 = native grass ad libitum + consentrates 0,5% BW, R2 = native grass ad libitum + consentrates 0,75% BW, R3 = native grass ad libitum + consentrates 1% BW. The statistical analysis showed that the treatment effect was not significant on carcass persentage, non-carcass, and inedible offal, but the real impact on towards edible offal. Conclusions of this research on carcass and non carcass percentage was not affected by different level concentrates. ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Lapangan dan Laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang, NTT selama 12 minggu dari tanggal 13 September sampai dengan tanggal 20 Desember 2014. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian konsentrat sebagai suplemen terhadap persentase karkas dan non karkas pada 12 ekor kambing kacang jantan muda berumur 6-8 bulan dengan berat badan awal 11,82 ± 1,29 kg (Koefisien Variasi 10,92%). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga perlakuan dan empat ulangan yaitu   R1 = rumput lapangan ad libitum + konsentrat 0,5% BB, R2 = rumput lapangan ad libitum + konsentrat 0,75% BB , R3 = rumput lapangan ad libitum  +  konsentrat 1% BB. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap persentase karkas, non karkas, dan non karkas yang tidak dikonsumsi, tapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap non karkas yang dikonsumsi. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian konsentrat dengan level yang berbeda memberikan persentase karkas dan non karkas yang relatif sama

    Sumur Sebagai Habitat Yang Penting Untuk Perkembangbiakan Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti L.

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    Purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of fermentation using different commercial probiotics on maize straw quality, and to find out the probiotic performing the best maize straw quality. Experimental method using was completely randomized design of 4 treatments with 4 replicates.  The 4 treatments applied were: R0 = without any probiotics (control), R1= young maize straw + starbio, R2= young maize straw + probion, R3= young maize straw + EM-4. The results showed that effect of treatment was significant (p<0.05) on organic matter, crude protein and crude fiber contents but not significant (p>0.05) on dry matter content of young maize straw. The results showed that the R2 treatment provided the best results followed by R3, R1 and last R0. Results of research for R3, R2, R1, and R0 were organic matter (89,18%; 90,18%; 87,62%; and 85,34%), crude protein (11,53%; 13,18%; 10,33%; and 6,79%) and crude fiber (29,09%; 30,31%; 30,78%; and  31,38%). Probion performed the highest improvement on organic matter and crude protein contents and EM-4 performed the highest reduction of crude fiber content of the straw. The conclusion drawn is that using probiotic can improve nutrient contents of maize straw, which probion perform the highest improvement. ABSTRAK  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas jerami jagung muda dengan menggunakan probiotik komersial yang berbeda, serta untuk mengetahui probiotik mana yang memberikan hasil kualitas jerami jagung muda terbaik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode percobaan eksperimental. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan dimaksud sebagai berikut: R0 = tanpa probiotik (kontrol), R1= jerami jagung muda + starbio, R2= jerami jagung muda + probion, R3= jerami jagung muda + EM-4. Parameter yang diukur adalah kandungan Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik, Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar jerami jagung muda hasil fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kandungan Bahan Organik, Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar jerami jagung muda tetapi Bahan Kering tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan R2 memberikan hasil yang terbaik diikuti oleh R3, R1 dan terakhir R0. Hasil penelitian untuk masing-masing perlakuan R3, R2, R1, dan R0 adalah BO (89,18%; 90,18%; 87,62%; dan 85,34%), PK (11,53%; 13,18%; 10,33%; dan 6,79%), dan SK (29,09%; 30,31%; 30,78%; dan  31,38%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan probiotik komersial dapat meningkatkan kulitas jerami jagung muda dan probiotik yang memberikan hasil terbaik adalah probiotik probion

    Survey of Community Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices During a Malaria Epidemic in Central Java, Indonesia

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    We surveyed adults in a randomly selected sample of 1,000 households in 50 villages in nine malarial sub-districts in Purworejo, central Java, Indonesia from May to July 2001. The survey assessed malaria knowledge, attitudes, and practices in communities experiencing epidemic malaria to begin exploring broad strategies for controlling the disease in the region. A pre-tested survey instrument consisting of 93 questions addressed demographic characteristics, socioeconomic factors, knowledge and perceptions of malaria, burden and severity of disease, treatment-seeking behavior, malaria prevention practices, and perceptions of government malaria control efforts. The survey was taken by in-person interview of all subjects. Most (97%) subjects were aware of malaria and more than two-thirds correctly identified mosquitoes as the vector. Forty-one percent of households in both forest/hilly and agricultural/urban areas reported malaria illness in the past year. Thirty-six percent (357 households) owned at least one bed net, 92% of these had been purchased by the owners. However, only 36% of households with bed nets affirmed their use as a means of preventing malaria. Nearly all respondents reported a willingness to accept spraying of residual insecticides for malaria prevention, yet less than 5% were willing to pay a nominal fee (US $3) for this service. Fifty-two percent of respondents reported self-treatment of malaria illness without visiting a health facility. This assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices showed a broad awareness of malaria and its consequences among residents of malarial areas in the Menoreh Hills of Central Java

    G6PD Deficiency at Sumba in Eastern Indonesia Is Prevalent, Diverse and Severe: Implications for Primaquine Therapy against Relapsing Vivax Malaria

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    Safe treatment of Plasmodium vivax requires diagnosis of both the infection and status of erythrocytic glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity because hypnozoitocidal therapy against relapse requires primaquine, which causes a mild to severe acute hemolytic anemia in G6PD deficient patients. Many national malaria control programs recommend primaquine therapy without G6PD screening but with monitoring due to a broad lack of G6PD deficiency screening capacity. The degree of risk in doing so hinges upon the level of residual G6PD activity among the variants present in any given area. We conducted studies on Sumba Island in eastern Indonesia in order to assess the potential threat posed by primaquine therapy without G6PD screening. We sampled 2,033 residents of three separate districts in western Sumba for quantitative G6PD activity and 104 (5.1%) were phenotypically deficient (\u3c4.6U/gHb; median normal 10U/gHb). The villages were in two distinct ecosystems, coastal and inland. A positive correlation occurred between the prevalence of malaria and G6PD deficiency: 5.9% coastal versus inland 0.2% for malaria (P\u3c0.001), and 6.7% and 3.1% for G6PD deficiency (P\u3c0.001) at coastal and inland sites, respectively. The dominant genotypes of G6PD deficiency were Vanua Lava, Viangchan, and Chatham, accounting for 98.5%of the 70 samples genotyped. Subjects expressing the dominant genotypes all had less than 10% of normal enzyme activities and were thus considered severe variants. Blind administration of anti-relapse primaquine therapy at Sumba would likely impose risk of serious harm


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of complete feed with different  ratio of rice straw and concentrate on chemical body composition doe Bligon goat. Animals used in this study is doe Bligon goat as many 12 heads doe with the age range of 8-12 months, the range weight from 7.8 to 18.2 kg (12.2±22.5). The experimental design used was randomized block design with 3 treatments and 4 groups (replicates). Use rations consisting of rice straw and concentrate with the following formula: R1 = 80% rice straw : 20% concentrate; R2 = 70% rice straw : 30% concentrate; R3 = 60% rice straw : 40% concentrate. Measurements the chemical body composition is done on live animals using the "Urea Space" on technique. The variables measured were the percentage of water, fat, protein and minerals the body. The result of research showed that there was no significant difference between treatment of chemical body composition both the percentage of water, fat, protein and minerals the body of doe Bligon goat. From this research can be concluded the provision of complete feed with rice straw and concentrate ratio of 80:20 can meet the needs of livestock. ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pakan komplit dengan rasio jerami padi dan konsentrat yang berbeda terhadap komposisi kimia tubuh kambing Bligon betina. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kambing Bligon betina sebanyak 12 ekor dengan umur 8 – 12 bulan, kisaran berat badan awal 7,8 – 18,2 kg (12,2±22,5). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan menggunakan 3 perlakuan dan 4 kelompok (ulangan). Ransum yang digunakan terdiri dari jerami padi dan konsentrat dengan formula sebagai berikut: R1 = jerami padi 80% : konsentrat 20% ; R2 = jerami padi 70% : konsentrat 30% ; R3 = jerami padi 60% : konsentrat 40%. Pengukuran komposisi kimia tubuh dilakukan pada ternak hidup menggunakan teknik “Urea Space”. Variabel yang diukur antara lain persentase air, lemak, protein dan mineral tubuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata antara perlakuan terhadap komposisi kimia tubuh baik persentase air, lemak, protein dan mineral tubuh kambing Bligon betina. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pakan komplit dengan rasio jerami padi dan konsentrat 80:20 dapat mencukupi kebutuhan dari terna

    The history and current epidemiology of malaria in Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Kalimantan is a part of Indonesia, which occupies the southern three-quarters of the island of Borneo, sharing a border with the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. Although most areas of Kalimantan have low and stable transmission of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, there are relatively high case numbers in the province of East Kalimantan. Two aspects of malaria endemicity in Kalimantan diferentiate it from the rest of Indonesia, namely recent deforestation and potential exposure to the zoonotic malaria caused by Plasmodium knowlesi that occurs in relatively large numbers in adjacent Malaysian Borneo. In the present review, the history of malaria and its current epidemiology in Kalimantan are examined, including control and eradication eforts over the past two centuries, mosquito vector prevalence, anti-malarial use and parasite resistance, and the available data from case reports of knowlesi malaria and the presence of conditions which would support transmission of this zoonotic infection

    Seasonal prevalence of malaria in West Sumba district, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate information about the burden of malaria infection at the district or provincial level is required both to plan and assess local malaria control efforts. Although many studies of malaria epidemiology, immunology, and drug resistance have been conducted at many sites in Indonesia, there is little published literature describing malaria prevalence at the district, provincial, or national level.\ud METHODS: Two stage cluster sampling malaria prevalence surveys were conducted in the wet season and dry season across West Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia.\ud RESULTS: Eight thousand eight hundred seventy samples were collected from 45 sub-villages in the surveys. The overall prevalence of malaria infection in the West Sumba District was 6.83% (95% CI, 4.40, 9.26) in the wet season and 4.95% (95% CI, 3.01, 6.90) in the dry. In the wet season Plasmodium falciparum accounted for 70% of infections; in the dry season P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax were present in equal proportion. Malaria prevalence varied substantially across the district; prevalences in individual sub-villages ranged from 0-34%. The greatest malaria prevalence was in children and teenagers; the geometric mean parasitaemia in infected individuals decreased with age. Malaria infection was clearly associated with decreased haemoglobin concentration in children under 10 years of age, but it is not clear whether this association is causal.\ud CONCLUSION: Malaria is hypoendemic to mesoendemic in West Sumba, Indonesia. The age distribution of parasitaemia suggests that transmission has been stable enough to induce some clinical immunity. These prevalence data will aid the design of future malaria control efforts and will serve as a baseline against which the results of current and future control efforts can be assessed
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