53 research outputs found


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    Herbaria and living collections play an indispensable role of species conservation strategies. The objective of this work was to discuss the formation of the MFS - Profa. Drª. Marlene Freitas da Silva herbarium, at the Universidade do Estado do Pará, with the goals of helping new Brazilian herbaria and motivating educational institutions, professors and students. The processes that involve the creation of a botanical collection as such as establishing partnershipsare, training technicians, curating, processing field data, taking images, and making data available online are described. Presently, MFS has 6083 dried collections, including angiosperms (5111 spp.), bryophytes (863 spp.), lycophytes and ferns (18 spp.) and fungi (91 spp.). In addition, there are associated collections of seedlings (15 spp.), flowers (47 spp.), fruits and seeds (187 spp.), and an ethnobotanical collection (56). The increasing growth of this collection is a resulted of many interdisciplinary studies in botany, that invested resources to work the social and environmental importance with the biodiversity. MFS is an important academic space and reference for researchers and students because it allows botanical material to be identified, and is a resource of historical, sociocultural and economic information about plants of a distinct and unique region in the world. Herbaria and living collections play an indispensable role of species conservation strategies. The objective of this work was to discuss the formation of the MFS - Profa. Drª. Marlene Freitas da Silva herbarium, at the Universidade do Estado do Pará, with the goals of helping new Brazilian herbaria and motivating educational institutions, professors and students. The processes that involve the creation of a botanical collection as such as establishing partnershipsare, training technicians, curating, processing field data, taking images, and making data available online are described. Presently, MFS has 6083 dried collections, including angiosperms (5111 spp.), bryophytes (863 spp.), lycophytes and ferns (18 spp.) and fungi (91 spp.). In addition, there are associated collections of seedlings (15 spp.), flowers (47 spp.), fruits and seeds (187 spp.), and an ethnobotanical collection (56). The increasing growth of this collection is a resulted of many interdisciplinary studies in botany, that invested resources to work the social and environmental importance with the biodiversity. MFS is an important academic space and reference for researchers and students because it allows botanical material to be identified, and is a resource of historical, sociocultural and economic information about plants of a distinct and unique region in the world.


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    Este trabalho representa uma contribuição para o estudo de Eperua bijuga Mart. ex Benth. Analisou-se coleções depositadas em herbários nacionais, pelo método de dissecção das partes vegetativas e reprodutivas em estereomicroscópio, seguido-se descrição e ilustração do material. Para a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, foram utilizados folíolos e flores não acetolisados. São fornecidos descrição, ilustrações inéditas, dados sobre floração, frutificação, hábitat e comentários sobre a morfologia.Palavras-chave: Fabales, Detarieae, muirapiranga, wallaba, taxonomia.The present study represents a contribution for the specie Eperua bijuga Mart. ex Benth. Collections in Brazilian herbaria were examined under stereomicroscopy with the dissection of vegetative and reproductive organs, and species were re-described and illustrated. For scanning electron microscopy, non-acetolysed leaflets and flowers were used. Description, illustrations, data about fenology, habitat and comments regarding the morphology.Keywords: Fabales; Detarieae; muirapiranga; wallaba; taxonomy


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    Sarcaulus brasiliensis conhecida popularmente como abiu é uma espécie nativa da Amazônia. Para essa espécie há carência de trabalhos que venham auxiliar o reconhecimento da espécie em campo, principalmente no estágio de plântula. O presente trabalho objetivou realizar a morfometria de frutos e sementes, caracterizar as plântulas em diferentes estágios germinativos até a formação de plantas jovens. Os frutos foram coletados no campus experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (Mojú - Pará). Toda a descrição e nomenclatura foi fundamentada em literatura específica. Para morfometria de frutos e sementes utilizaram-se 30 unidades de cada e 30 plântulas para a morfologia das mesmas. O processo germinativo foi conduzido utilizando-se 4 vasos com 50 sementes cada. A biometria e caracterização morfológica foi realizada a cada dois dias. O fruto é bacáceo, globoso, indeiscente, monospérmico, quando maduro o exocarpo é amarelado, com textura firme, pouco espessado, liso, glabro e opaco externamente. A semente é elipsoide a oblonga, tegumento glabro, varia de castanho escuro a negro, ápice e base obtusos a arredondados. Plântula do tipo criptocotiledonar hipógea; com hipocótilo muito curto (< 5 mm); eofilos com prefoliação e obvoluta, peciolados com raiz pivotante lenticelada. O processo germinativo é relativamente lento e desuniforme.Palavras-chave: abiu, Amazônia, germinação, morfologia.Sarcaulus brasiliensis popularly known as Abiu is a native species of the Amazon. For this kind there is a lack of jobs that will assist the recognition of the species in the field, especially at the seedling stage. This study aimed to carry out the morphology of fruits and seeds, characterize the seedlings in different germination stages to the formation of saplings. Fruits were collected in experimental campus of Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (Mojú - Pará). The morphological description was based on the literature. The morphometric was performed in a batch of 30 fruits and 30 seeds. The morphology of seedlings was performed with 30 samples. The germination process was conducted using 4 vessels with 50 seeds each. The morphometric and morphological characterization were performed every other day. The fruit is bacáceo, globose, indehiscent, monospermic, yellowish pericarp. Maduro has a firm texture, slightly thickened, smooth, hairless, opaque. The seed is ellipsoid to oblong, hairless integument is, varies from dark brown to black apex and obtuse base rounded. The seedling is cryptocotylar hypogeal. The very short hypocotyl (<5 mm). The prefoliação and obvoluta, eophylls petiolate with slightly wrinkled pulvinus, pivoting lenticelada root. The germination process is relatively slow and uneven. Keywords: abiu; Amazon; germination; morphology

    Living pharmacy in urban yards: Health care in the Amazon

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    The ethnobotanical research group of in the Amazon in Universidade Estadual do Pará (Pará State University) has been studying the use of various plant species by traditional communities for the treatment and cure of diseases. This study aimed to identify the medicinal plants around the home most used in Bairro Mutirão, Abaetetuba, Pará, Brazil to correlate ethnopharmacological data with phytochemical studies, evaluating the contribution of these species to promote health in poor communities in the Amazon. There were non-participant observations, semi-structured interviews and guided tours in 189 yards. Phytochemical information was gathered from ScienceDirect, Scinfinder, Scopus, DataPlant, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. We identified 46 therapeutic species, particularly Aloe vera (L.) Burman. f.; Anacardium occidentale L.; Bixa orellana L.; Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.; Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. ex P. Wilson and, Morinda citrifolia L., noted in the scientific literature as having antitumor, soothing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial potential, confirming their ethnopharmacological use in home yards in Abaetetuba. The medicinal flora around homes in the Amazon is a path to the conservation of plant diversity in urbanized environments and potentially to the discovery of new drugs


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    (Germinação de sementes e morfologia de plântulas de Myrcia cuprea (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Myrtaceae). Myrcia cuprea é nativa da restinga no litoral paraense, comum na restinga do Crispim situada no Município de Marapanim estado do Pará, na região fisiográfica do Salgado. Esta espécie apresenta características que lhe atribuem potencial paisagístico. Realizou-se ensaio experimental com sementes, em três diferentes substratos sob condições ambientais em casa de vegetação para observar o desempenho da germinação e sobrevivência das mesmas. Obteve-se melhor resultado, no substrato areia da restinga, seguindo de terra preta. Por suas características morfológicas, desempenho de germinação e taxa de sobrevivência é viável a reprodução da espécie em viveiro. L

    Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don. subsp. spectabilis (Mart. ex A. DC) Gentry (Bignoniaceae): morphological aspects of fruit, seed and seedling

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    Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don. subsp. spectabilis (Mart. ex A. DC) Gentry is the only species known as Parapará in Amazonian, they occur at the Amazonian firm forests, is distributed in the states of Amazon, Pará, Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Roraima, and part of the states of the south and of the southeast. This wood is used mainly for the civil building. This study object was describing the morphology of the fruit, seed and seedlings, was use 30 fruits, 30 seeds and 10 seedlings. Of the fruits was described the general morphology, coloration, texture, consistence, dehiscent and the indumento; of the seeds the tegument and the embryo and the main vegetative elements of the seedling. Was considered seedling the development phase in that the eophylls were totally formed. The whole study was based in specialized literature and the main morphologic characters were illustrated with pictures. The simple capsule is dries, estenocarpic, elliptic the oblong, dehiscent, green and pericarp opaque, immature and in almost black brown tones, glabrous and chartaceous; opaque, in brown tones, surface glabrous and fibrous; woody funiculus in brown tones. Estenospermic seed, cordiformeou; monocromic testa, in brown tones, opaque, spongy, surface glabrous; hilum close to the apex of the radicule, punctiforme hilum, heterocromy, brown light than the testa, in depression; brown light tegmen and membranaceous; enlarged embryo, axial, foliaceous, invaginate, yellow, cotyledon gross, whitish, dominant, cordiformes, with apex deeply bilobate, margin completes, round base, auriculate with the exposed radicule; embryonic axis among the lobes cotyledonate, straight, conical, thick, pearly; yellows plumule, rudimentary. Fanerocotylar epigeous germination. Seedlings with trifoliolate eophylls, opposed, symmetrical, oval, margin crenate, with hair hialinous and simple for the whole limbo, canaliculate peciolous. The saplings has the second order eophylls imparipinate with five foliolous, and crusade leaf arrangment


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    Legume is the characteristic fruit of Leguminosae, but this botanical family has variability in fruits. The purpose of this study was to describe morphologycally fruits and seeds of Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby, S. occidentalis (L.) Link. and S. tapajozensis (Ducke) Irwin and Barneby. General characteristics of fruits were described: morphology, classification, coloration, pericarp texture and consistence, dehiscence and indument. Morphological characters of seeds analyzed: a) external: shape, testa consistence, color and texture, hilum and micropyle position and form; b) internal: seed coat, endosperm and type, shape and color of the embryo. The studied species present legume and follicle fruit types, lineal, and broadly lineal, dry pericarp, cartaceous and subligneous, glabrous without magnifying glass, in brown tones and dehiscent. Seeds were obovate, suborbicular, elliptical with a straight side or irregularly rhombic, tests in brown and grayish tones, complete pleurogram, when present, punctiforme and orbicular hiulum, axial and foliaceous embryo, straight and oblique embryonic axis, and rudimentary plumule. The pericarp indument and pleurogram were the main external feature to separate  the studied species.Keywords: Senna obtusifolia; S. occidentalis; S. tapajozensis; Cassieae; Cassiinae.O fruto característico de Leguminosae é o legume, entretanto há uma variabilidade de tipos na família. Este estudo objetivou descrever a morfologia dos frutos e das sementes de Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby, S. occidentalis (L.) Link. e S. tapajozensis (Ducke) H.S.Irwin & Barneby. Retirou-se, aleatoriamente, uma amostra constituída de 25 frutos e 25 sementes para a descrição. Dos frutos, registrou-se a morfologia geral, a classificação, a coloração, a textura, a consistência e o indumento do pericarpo. Os caracteres morfológicos das sementes analisadas foram: a) externos: consistência, cor e textura da testa, forma das sementes, posição e forma do hilo e da micrópila; b) internos: testa; endosperma; embrião quanto ao tipo; forma e cor. As espécies estudadas apresentaram frutos do tipo legume ou folículo, de forma linear e largamente linear, pericarpo seco, cartáceo e sublenhoso, glabro a olho nu, em tons castanhos. Semente obovada, suborbicular, elipsoidal com um lado reto ou irregularmente rômbico, testa em tons castanhos ou acinzentados, pleurograma completo, quando presente, hilo punctiforme e orbicular, embrião axial, foliáceo, eixo embrionário reto e oblíquo, plúmula rudimentar. As características do indumento do pericarpo e pleurograma possibilitaram a separação das espécies estudadas.Palavras-chave: Senna obtusifolia, S. occidentalis, S. tapajozensis, Cassieae, Cassiinae


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    O estudo teve como objetivo o tratamento florístico-taxonômico de Clusiaceae e Hypericaceae para as restingas do Estado do Pará. O material foi obtido nos acervos dos Herbários do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MG), Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (IAN) e coletas realizadas na praia do Crispim, Marapanim-PA. As descrições das espécies foram fundamentadas nas características morfológicas e em suas respectivas variações para a flora, foi elaborada uma chave para identificação das mesmas. As famílias encontram-se representadas por quatro táxons, onde Clusiaceae é composta por Clusia fockeana Miq., C. hoffmannseggiana Schltdl., e C. panapanari (Aubl.) Choisy., e Hypericaceae apenas por Vismia guianensis (Aubl.) Choisy. C. panapanari apresenta-se restrita à formação de mata de restinga. C. hoffmannseggiana e V. guianensis apresentaram distribuição mais ampla nas restingas paraenses. No levantamento feito na coleção nos herbários, constatou-se que coletas, das famílias nas restingas paraenses, ainda são escassas e o esforço de coletas poderá trazer mais informações sobre período de floração e frutificação, além de um provável incremento de novos registros para a área de estudo.Palavras-chave: Cebola brava, Litoral paraense, Taxonomia.This study aimed to conduct a floristic-taxonomic treatment to Clusiaceae and Hypericaceae sandbanks at   Pará State. The material was obtained from the collections of Museu Paraense Emílio (MG) and Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (IAN) Herbaria and, samples taken at Crispin beach, Marapanim-PA. The descriptions of the species were based on morphological characteristics and their familys variations, an identification key prepared for them. The families are represented by four taxa, which is composed of Clusiaceae Clusia fockeana Miq., C. hoffmannseggiana Schltdl., and C. panapanari (Aubl.) Choisy. Hypericaceae by Vismia guianensis (Aubl.) Choisy. C. panapanari is restricted to the formation of “restinga” forest. C. hoffmannseggiana and V. guianensis showed wider distribution to the sandbanks of Pará.  In the survey done in the collection of herbarium MG, it was found that collections of Clusiaceae and Hypericaceae for sandbanks and Pará, are still scarce and the collection effort would bring more information about flowering and fruiting species period, and a probable increase of new registrations for the study area.Keywords: Brave onion; paraense Coast; Taxonomy

    Volatile Compounds, Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of <em>Apis mellifera</em> Bee Propolis

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    Propolis is a wax-like resin collected by bees from tree shoots and/or other botanical sources that is used as glue to seal cracks or open spaces in the hive. Its color varies from green to brown and reddish, depending on its botanical origin. Among the substances that can be found in propolis, low molecular weight compounds, such as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are the most common. Several biological activities are attributed to these classes of substances, such as antifungal, antibacterial, and others. The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition of volatile compounds present in propolis samples and to analyze their correlation with biological activities