2,590 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari progam kemitraan masyarakan ini adalah untuk memberdayakan mitra pembudidaya ikan air laut di Desa Talengen, Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Teluk Talengen, Desa Talengen, Kecamatan Tabukan Tengah. Kegiatan dilakukan pada bulan agustus 2018. Metode pemberdayaan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan metode penyuluhan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu mitra mampu memahami cara penanganan ikan pasca tangkap dan teknik pengesan dengan baik, mitra mampu memahami mengenai penerapan sanitasi dan hygine pada proses budidaya dan pasaca panen serta mitra mendapatkan bantuan berupa peralatan pasca panen untuk menunjang pengaplikasian hasilpenyuluhan tersebut

    IbM Teknik Penanganan Pasca Tangkap dan Pengesan Ikan Segar Kelompok Nelayan Bahari dan Kelompok Nelayan Usaha Mina Pulau Manipa Desa Nanadakele Kecamatan Nusa Tabukan

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    Tujuan dari kegiatan IbM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai teknik penanganan ikan pasca tangkap yang benar dan teknik pemberian es, metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini yaitu diawali dengan observasi dan wawancara selanjutnya dilakukan penyuluhan.Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat di Desa Nanedakele dilaksanakan dengan tahapan survei, penyuluhan mengenai Cara Penanganan Ikan Yang Baik (CPIB), penyuluhan mengenai teknik pengesan, penyuluhan mengenai sanitasi dan hygine pemberian bantuan peralatan penanganan ikan pasca tangkap dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini didapatkan kesimpulan Kelompok nelayan dapat mengetahui cara Penanganan Ikan yang Baik (CPIB) atau pedoman dan tata cara penanganan ikan hasil tangkapan, termasuk pembongkaran dari kapal yang baik untuk memenuhi persyaratan jaminan mutu dan keamanan hasil penangkapan, Kelompok nelayan dapat memaksimalkan penggunaan es untuk menjaga kesegaran hasil tangkapan sekaligus mempertahankan mutu dan nilai jual, Dapat memberikan bantuan peralatan penanganan untuk menunjang pengaplikasian penjaminan mutu dan keamanan hasil tangkapan

    Pilot Testing Behavior Therapy for Chronic Tic Disorders in Neurology and Developmental Pediatrics Clinics

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    Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) is an efficacious treatment with limited regional availability. As neurology and pediatric clinics are often the first point of therapeutic contact for individuals with tics, the present study assessed preliminary treatment response, acceptability, and feasibility of an abbreviated version, modified for child neurology and developmental pediatrics clinics. Fourteen youth (9-17) with Tourette disorder across 2 child neurology clinics and one developmental pediatrics clinic participated in a small case series. Clinician-rated tic severity (Yale Global Tic Severity Scale) decreased from pre- to posttreatment, z = –2.0, P \u3c .05, r = –.48, as did tic-related impairment, z = –2.4, P \u3c .05, r = –.57. Five of the 9 completers (56%) were classified as treatment responders. Satisfaction ratings were high, and therapeutic alliance ratings were moderately high. Results provide guidance for refinement of this modified CBIT protocol


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    Salah satu produk hasil olahan perikanan asap yang dimiliki oleh nelayan Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe adalah Pinekuhe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kontaminasi mikroba pada ikan asap Pinekuhe hasil olahan nelayan Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Pengambilan sampel diambil acak dibeberapa unit pengolah ikan asap Pinekuhe. Pengamatan kemunduran mutu produk ikan asap Pinekuhe, diamati melalui uji Total Plate Count (TPC), total kapang dan total Staphylococcus sp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai TPC pada semua pengolah memenuhi standar SNI. Nilai TPC pada pengolah A, B, C dan D, berturut-turut sebesar  1,3 x 104 CFU/g, 2,6 x 104 CFU/g, 6,9 x 104, dan 1,2 x 104 CFU/g.  Hasil pengamatan total Staphylococcus sp. pada pengolah A dan pengolah B menghasilkan nilai 0, sedangkan pengolah C memiliki nilai total yaitu 1,1 x 102 TVC/g dan pengolah D memiliki nilai total Staphylococcus sp. 1,2 x 102 TVC/g. Jumlah total bakteri, jumlah total kapang, dan jumlah total Staphylococcus sp. masih memenuhi syarat SNI, kecuali Staphylococcus sp. pada Pengolah C dan Pengolah D melebihi jumlah yang dipersyaratkan oleh Standar Nasional Indonesia mengenai batas cemaran mikroba pada ikan asap.One of the products processed by smoked fisheries owned by fishermen regency of Sangihe Island is Pinekuhe. This research aims to determine the level of microbial contamination in the smoked fish Pinekuhe processed fishermen regency of Sangihe Islands. Sampling was taken randomly in some of the fish processing units of Pinekuhe smoke. Observation of the deterioration of the quality of fish products Pinekuhe, observed through the test of Total Plate Count (TPC), total mould, and total of Staphylococcus sp. The results showed that the TPC value of all processors meets SNI standards. TPC value of A, B, C, and D processors, respectively, 1,3 x 104 CFU/G, 2,6 x 104 CFU/G, 6,9 x 104, and 1,2 x 104 CFU/g. The total observation of Staphylococcus sp. on processor A and processor B generates a value of 0, while processor C has a total value of 1.1 x 102 TVC/G and processor D has a total value of Staphylococcus sp. 1,2 x 102 TVC/g. The total number of bacteria, the total amount of mould, and the total number of Staphylococcus sp. Still qualify SNI, except Staphylococcus sp. on processor C and processor D exceeds the amount required by the Indonesian National Standard on the limits of contamination microbes in smoked fish


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    Penelitian yang akan dilakukan ini bertujuan Menentukan nilai organoleptik cakalang asap hasil pengolahan dengan pengasapan cair Menentukan Angka Lempeng Total cakalang asap selama masa penyimpanan. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan deskriptif kualitatif dengan perlakuan masa simpan. Sampel disimpan pada suhu ruang dan pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari untuk organoleptik dan 2 hari sekali untuk ALT. Parameter pengujian yaitu Angka Lempeng Total dan Organoleptik. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu cakalang asap cair secara deskriptif lebih baik mutunya dari parameter angka lempeng total pada hari kedua dan relatif sama mutunya dengan cakalang asap konvensional pada penyimpanan hari keempat. Nilai Angka Lempeng total cakalang asap cair pada hari kedua dan keempat secara berturut-turut adalah 9,1 x 104 koloni/g dan 1,4 x 108 sedangkan Nilai Angka Lempeng total cakalang asap konvensional pada hari kedua dan keempat secara berturut-turut adalah 5,7 x 105 koloni/g dan 2 x 108 koloni/g. Hasil uji organoleptik pada hari kedua menunjukan nilai kenampakan cakalang asap cair tidak sesuai dengan syarat mutu ikan asap, sedangkan parameter bau, rasa dan tekstur sesuai dengan SNI. Hasil uji organoleptik cakalang asap konvensional hari kedua dengan parameter kanampakan, bau, rasa dan tekstur sesuai dengan SNI. Hasil uji organoleptik cakalang asap cair dan cakalang asap konvensional pada penyimpanan hari kedua sudah tidak sesuai dengan SNI.   The purpose of this research is to determine the organoleptic and total plate count of liquid smoke skipjack during several storage periods. The study used a qualitative descriptive design with a shelf life treatment. Samples were stored at room temperature. The testing parameters are “Total Plate Count” and “Organoleptic”. The conclusion of this research show that liquid smoke skipjack is better than conventional smoke skipjack. The value of Total Plate Count  liquid smoke skipjack on the second and fourth day in a row was 9.1 x 104 colonies / g and 1.4 x 108 while the value of the Total Plate Count of conventional smoke skipjack on the second and fourth days was 5 , 7 x 105 colonies / g and 2 x 108 colonies / g. Organoleptic test results on the second day showed the value of the appearance of liquid smoke skipjack was not in accordance with the quality requirements of smoked fish, while the odor, taste and texture parameters were in accordance with SNI. The results of the organoleptic test of the second day skipjack smoke with the appearance, odor, taste and texture parameters in accordance with SNI. Organoleptic test results of liquid smoke skipjack and conventional smoke skipjack on the second day of storage are not in accordance with SNI

    Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated Smoked Fish Pinekuhe from Traditionally Processed from Sangihe District

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    Pinekuhe  is the local name for smoked scad fish (Decapterus sp.), a traditionally processed fish product from Sangihe Islands whose taste, aroma and form are typical and unique. In this research aims of physiological and biochemical characteristics with pathogenicity isolated S. aureus which the isolated from the product smoked scad fish (Decapterus rusellii) Pinekuhe it was produce and prepared by the local fisherman in Sangihe Island Regency. The isolated that have gathered from this researched was 111 product isolate from the smoke fish Pinekuhe which grown from media MSA. Its had isolated already through the test of physiological comprise, Gram staining and from the test of biochemical e.g., from the test Catalase, Voges-Proskauer, and Fermentation carbohydrate tests (Glucose and Manitol). The characteristics of pathogenicity S. aureus had been done and used by making of Coagulase, Nuklease Thermostabil production and deoksiribonuklease (DNase). The result of this research showing that had still 111 isolating strains that still ingroup which consists of 108 isolated Staphylococcus and from 108 strains to 68 strains that had been test in identifying, as of Staphylococcus aureus with characteristics of Gram positif coccus, catalase positif, Voges-Proskauer positif, and to Fermentation Glucose and Manitol. The 68 isolate S. aureus that characterize from Phatogen principles product Coagulase test, Nuklease Thermostabil and deoksiribonuklease (DNase). S. aureus is dominant (62%) contaminate smoked fish Pinekuhe processed traditional of Sangihe island

    Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated Smoked Fish Pinekuhe from Traditionally Processed from Sangihe District

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    Pinekuhe  is the local name for smoked scad fish (Decapterus sp.), a traditionally processed fish product from Sangihe Islands whose taste, aroma and form are typical and unique. In this research aims of physiological and biochemical characteristics with pathogenicity isolated S. aureus which the isolated from the product smoked scad fish (Decapterus rusellii) Pinekuhe it was produce and prepared by the local fisherman in Sangihe Island Regency. The isolated that have gathered from this researched was 111 product isolate from the smoke fish Pinekuhe which grown from media MSA. Its had isolated already through thetest of physiological comprise, Gram staining and from the test of biochemical e.g., from the test Catalase, Voges-Proskauer, and Fermentation carbohydrate tests (Glucose and Manitol). The characteristics of pathogenicity S. aureus had been done and used by making of Coagulase, Nuklease Thermostabil productionand deoksiribonuklease (DNase). The result of this research showing that had still 111 isolating strains that still ingroup which consists of 108 isolated Staphylococcus and from 108 strains to 68 strains that had been test in identifying, as of Staphylococcus aureus with characteristics of Gram positif coccus, catalase positif,Voges-Proskauer positif, and to Fermentation Glucose and Manitol. The 68 isolate S. aureus that characterize from Phatogen principles product Coagulase test, Nuklease Thermostabil and deoksiribonuklease (DNase). S. aureus is dominant (62%) contaminate smoked fish Pinekuhe processed traditional of Sangihe island

    Airborne RF Measurement System and Analysis of Representative Flight RF Environment

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    Environmental radio frequency (RF) data over a broad band of frequencies were needed to evaluate the airspace around several airports. An RF signal measurement system was designed using a spectrum analyzer connected to an aircraft VHF/UHF navigation antenna installed on a small aircraft. This paper presents an overview of the RF measurement system and provides analysis of a sample of RF signal measurement data over a frequency range of 30 MHz to 1000 MHz
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