68 research outputs found

    Gender Equality in Academia

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    What is the state of gender equality in science and technology? Gender Equality in Academia – from Knowledge to Change presents the results of a comprehensive research project and program of initiatives at the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Researchers have examined gender equality within the department, looking at reasons for imbalance, and at what occurs when measures to promote equality are implemented. The book opens with an in-depth study of careers, gender issues and gender balance within academia. The study, based on questionnaires, interviews and follow-up evaluation, provides a new and updated understanding of the daily lives of academics in Norway. Among the topics covered are perceptions of equality and gender balance, effects of male dominance, sexual harassment, gender with respect to publishing, and the relationship between gender and diversity. In addition to presenting new empirical data, the book is also an innovative contribution to theoretical development within gender equality research. In the second part of the book, the authors present three working models that elucidate current mechanisms recreating gender imbalance, and challenges for gender equality. The book’s final part consists of analyses of measures taken to increase gender equality within the department and their effects, and what an organization can do to increase gender equality. The range of topics in this book make it relevant for everyone concerned with gender equality in research and higher education. Researchers, administrators, students, other practitioners, and politicians will all find this book of interest.Hvordan står det til med likestillingen innenfor realfag og teknologi? Likestilling i akademia – fra kunnskap til endring presenterer resultatene fra et omfattende forsknings- og tiltaksprosjekt ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo. Forskerne har undersøkt likestillingssituasjonen ved fakultetet, sett på årsaker til ulikestilling, og på hva som skjer når man iverksetter tiltak for å fremme likestilling. Boka innleder med en dybdestudie av karriere, kjønn og likestilling i akademia. Studien, som er basert på både spørreundersøkelser, intervjuer og følgeforskning, gir ny og oppdatert kunnskap om forskerhverdagen i norsk akademia. Blant temaene som belyses er syn på likestilling og kjønnsbalanse, effekter av mannsdominans, seksuell trakassering, kjønn og publisering, og hvordan kjønn og mangfold henger sammen. I tillegg til å presentere ny empiri utgjør boka også et nyskapende bidrag til teoriutvikling innen likestillingsforskningen. I bokas del 2 presenterer forfatterne tre arbeidsmodeller som belyser aktuelle mekanismer og utfordringer i likestillingsarbeidet. Deretter trekkes linjen videre til arbeidet for å fremme likestilling. I siste del analyseres tiltakene som ble iverksatt for å øke likestillingen ved fakultetet, hvilke effekter de hadde, og hva en organisasjon kan gjøre for å øke likestillingen. Bredden i boka gjør den relevant for alle som er opptatt av likestilling i forskning og høyere utdanning. Både forskere, ansatte, studenter, praktikere og politikere vil ha stor nytte av boka. Øystein Gullvåg Holter er professor emeritus ved Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Oslo. Lotta Snickare er forsker ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo, og ved Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm

    Gender Equality in Academia

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    What is the state of gender equality in science and technology? Gender Equality in Academia – from Knowledge to Change presents the results of a comprehensive research project and program of initiatives at the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Researchers have examined gender equality within the department, looking at reasons for imbalance, and at what occurs when measures to promote equality are implemented. The book opens with an in-depth study of careers, gender issues and gender balance within academia. The study, based on questionnaires, interviews and follow-up evaluation, provides a new and updated understanding of the daily lives of academics in Norway. Among the topics covered are perceptions of equality and gender balance, effects of male dominance, sexual harassment, gender with respect to publishing, and the relationship between gender and diversity. In addition to presenting new empirical data, the book is also an innovative contribution to theoretical development within gender equality research. In the second part of the book, the authors present three working models that elucidate current mechanisms recreating gender imbalance, and challenges for gender equality. The book’s final part consists of analyses of measures taken to increase gender equality within the department and their effects, and what an organization can do to increase gender equality. The range of topics in this book make it relevant for everyone concerned with gender equality in research and higher education. Researchers, administrators, students, other practitioners, and politicians will all find this book of interest

    Doing narrative research? Thinking through the narrative process

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    Across social science disciplines there has been a growth in narrative research—the so called ‘narrative turn’. This turn echoes broader shifts associated with more complex social worlds, epistemological challenges and feminist responses. Narrative research typically involves exploring individual, subjective experiences through interview-based research, but can also range across researching group and organisational dynamics to document-based analysis. In this chapter the question of what constitutes narrative research is explored and illuminated using data from a qualitative longitudinal study on transition to first-time motherhood. The importance of developing a theoretical rationale when choosing a narrative research approach, together with suggested ways of analysing data once collected, is noted. Researching individual accounts of subjective experience and transitions as a feminist researcher provides opportunities, but challenges too

    Construction of precision wire readout planes for the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND)

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    The LHCb upgrade I

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    The LHCb upgrade represents a major change of the experiment. The detectors have been almost completely renewed to allow running at an instantaneous luminosity five times larger than that of the previous running periods. Readout of all detectors into an all-software trigger is central to the new design, facilitating the reconstruction of events at the maximum LHC interaction rate, and their selection in real time. The experiment's tracking system has been completely upgraded with a new pixel vertex detector, a silicon tracker upstream of the dipole magnet and three scintillating fibre tracking stations downstream of the magnet. The whole photon detection system of the RICH detectors has been renewed and the readout electronics of the calorimeter and muon systems have been fully overhauled. The first stage of the all-software trigger is implemented on a GPU farm. The output of the trigger provides a combination of totally reconstructed physics objects, such as tracks and vertices, ready for final analysis, and of entire events which need further offline reprocessing. This scheme required a complete revision of the computing model and rewriting of the experiment's software

    Framgång i amfibieoperationer : En teoriprövande studie om framgång i Operation Chromite, 1950

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    This paper examines how Speller’s theory of success in amphibious operations can be applied on a successful amphibious operation. The research has been encouraged by the fact that previous research concerning success in amphibious operations appears to be lacking. No previous studies of the theory have been found, which further strengthen the necessity for this study. The theory is examined by a single-case study of the recognised amphibious assault on Inchon during the Korean War. The theory is able to explain the success, otherwise the credence to the theory would be refuted. The result of the analysis discloses that Speller’s theory successfully explains the Inchon success in every analytical aspect but deception. The study shows that the coalition forces did not manage to or intend to deceive the North Korean opponent in relation to how an amphibious landing should take place. This study supports the theory as explanatory and can serve as vital knowledge when planning and executing an amphibious operation; however, to strengthen the study’s result, further studies are necessary

    Kvikkjokk till Jäkkvik - möjligheter i väglöst land

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    1 738 kilometer norrut från Lund ligger Kvikkjokk och därifrån är det 42 km söderut över fjällen till Jäkkvik. Vandringen, som går längs Kungsleden, går över fyra sjöar och tre bergspassager. Här får vandrare se hur midnattssolen står högt på himlen över snöklädda bergstoppar, höra hur vattenfallet dånar under fötterna då de står på en smal metallbro och känna den mjuka smaken av solvarma hjortron samtidigt som myggen sticks i nacken. Dessa 42 km är en etapp av Kungsleden, Sveriges mest kända vandringsled, och den enda etappen som saknar ordnade övernattningsmöjligheter. Etappen har dåligt rykte och är mindre bevandrad än andra etapper längs Kungsleden. Det gör att turismnäringen i Kvikkjokk och Jäkkvik går miste om fjällvandrare som kanske skulle välja just den etappen om den erbjöd en möjlighet att sova på fjället utan att bära med sig tält. Det här examensarbetet behandlar två områden som framtida övernattningsplatser längs de 42 kilometrarna. Här har jag arbetat med att placera en liten bit av civilisation i ett till synes oändligt och orört landskap för att erbjuda en ny typ av rumslig upplevelse som inte finns på fjället idag. Detta för att kunna locka, inte bara vana fjällvandrare, utan även turister som vill få ut något mer av sin fjällupplevelse än att bara gå från punkt A till punkt B. Det kan öppna möjligheten för den här leden att gå från att ha ett dåligt rykte till att få ett uppsving och en ny, positiv identitet

    Intimate partner violence during pregnancy-Prevalence and associations with womens health: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women occurs in all settings. Exposure to intimate partner violence, especially during pregnancy, is associated with serious adverse health outcomes and is recognized as a global health issue.Aim: To describe the prevalence of physical, psychological, and sexual intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Sweden during current pregnancy, and to investigate potential associations between exposure and sociodemographic characteristics and health. Methods: Between October and December 2020, a cross-sectional survey study was conducted at 35 midwifery clinics in Stockholm, Sweden.Results: The questionnaire was answered by 3399 pregnant women. The results showed that 2.1% of the women reported exposure to intimate partner violence during pregnancy, with exposure to psychological violence being most common (1.8%), followed by exposure to physical violence (0.6%) and sexual violence (0.1%). Exposure to intimate partner violence was significantly associated with living situation and depressive symptoms, as well as education, country of birth, and employment status.Conclusion: Exposure to intimate partner violence occurs even during pregnancy and it is crucial to identify pregnant women exposed to intimate partner violence in order to inform clinical practice and to provide adequate support. More research is needed to develop screening instruments to detect violence against pregnant women

    Intimate partner violence and negative health consequences: A cross-sectional study among women in a regional sample in Sweden

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    Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global health problem of enormous proportions. However, little is known about the prevalence or health consequences of IPV among women in Stockholm, Sweden, a city characterised by high levels of gender equality that hosts a large population of people born outside Europe. Aims: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of exposure to physical, psychological and sexual IPV and its associated background factors and health outcomes. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study employing a survey containing questions about the previous years exposure to IPV that was distributed to 35 midwifery clinics in Stockholm during the autumn of 2020. Any woman who visited any of these midwifery clinics during these two months was eligible to participate. Results: A total of 2239 women answered the questionnaire, of whom 25.1% reported having been subjected to IPV at some point during their life and 8.7% during the previous year. The most common ongoing exposure was psychological violence, which was reported by 6.6% of the women. Women living with IPV reported poorer self-rated general health and more recurring health symptoms and depression than unexposed women. Conclusions: Exposure to IPV is common and is associated with depression, lower general well-being and somatic health problems