56 research outputs found

    Yhteydet koululaisten kasvisten syönnin ja psykososiaalisten tekijöiden välillä : sukupuolen, sosioekonomisen taustan ja intervention muokkaamina

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    Most children consume less fruit and vegetables (FV) than recommended for a healthy diet. FV intake is especially low among boys and children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The aims of the study were to clarify which factors could explain socioeconomic and gender differences in children s FV intake and liking for FV. Furthermore, it was of interest to find out how the implementation level of an intervention affects children s FV intake and which factors mediate this association. The study sample consisted of 11-year-old children, who participated in the PRO GREENS project in 2009 and 2010. The cross-sectional data used in Study I was derived from ten European countries (n=8159). Finnish longitudinal data from children in control schools (n=424) was used in Studies II and III and from children in intervention and control schools (n=727) in Study IV and. Children reported their FV intake frequency and several environmental and psychosocial factors. Parents stated their highest level of education and teachers documented the implementation level of the intervention. The results indicate that I) in most studied countries, children with higher socioeconomic background were more likely to eat FV daily. The most important mediators were higher availability of FV at home and greater knowledge of the FV recommendation among children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds. II) Descriptive norms about FV intake among friends were as important as parental descriptive norms in predicting children s FV intake among both girls and boys. III) Girls higher liking for vegetables and greater variety in preferences was partly explained by girls higher previous vegetable intake and fewer perceived barriers. IV) Higher implementation level of the intervention increased children s fruit intake via increasing children s knowledge and liking for fruits. Lower implementation levels were less effective, but increased children s fruit intake via increasing the frequency children brought fruits to school for snacking. In conclusion, schoolchildren s FV intake is intertwined with liking for FV and affected by both parents and friends. Interventions should be implemented at the higher level and target all above-mentioned factors. Plentiful availability of FV and their consumption in a supportive environment should be ascertained, especially for boys and children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.Useimmat lapset syövät ravitsemussuosituksia vähemmän kasviksia eli hedelmiä ja vihanneksia. Erityisen vähäistä kasvisten kulutus on pojilla ja alemman sosioekonomisen taustan lapsilla. Tutkimus selvitti, mitkä tekijät voivat selittää sukupuolen ja sosioekonomisen taustan mukaisia eroja lasten kasvisten kulutuksessa ja kasviksista pitämisessä. Lisäksi selvitettiin, miten intervention toteutusaste vaikuttaa lasten kasvisten kulutukseen ja mitkä tekijät tätä yhteyttä välittävät. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui 11-vuotiaista lapsista, jotka osallistuivat PRO GREENS -projektiin 2009 ja 2010. Osatutkimuksessa I käytettiin poikkileikkausaineistoa kymmenestä Euroopan maasta (n=8159). Suomen pitkittäisaineisto koostui kontrollikoulujen lapsista (n=424) osatutkimuksissa II ja III sekä kontrolli- ja interventiokoulujen lapsista (n=727) osatutkimuksessa IV. Lapset raportoivat kasvisten kulutustiheytensä sekä lukuisia siihen liittyviä ympäristötekijöitä ja psykososiaalisia tekijöitä. Vanhemmat ilmoittivat korkeimman saavutetun koulutusasteensa ja opettajat raportoivat intervention toteutusasteesta. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että I) suurimmassa osassa tutkimukseen osallistuneista maista alemman sosioekonomisen taustan lapset söivät todennäköisemmin päivittäin kasviksia. Tärkeimmät yhteyttä välittävät tekijät olivat korkeamman sosioekonomisen taustan lasten parempi kasvisten saatavuus kotona ja tietämys saantisuosituksista. II) Ystäviin liittyvät kuvailevat normit olivat yhtä tärkeitä kuin vanhempiin liittyvät kuvailevat normit lasten kasvisten kulutuksen selittäjinä sekä tytöillä että pojilla. III) Se, että tytöt pitivät enemmän vihanneksista ja suuremmasta valikoimasta vihanneksia kuin pojat, selittyi osittain tyttöjen runsaammalla aiemmalla vihannesten kulutuksella ja harvemmilla siihen liitetyillä esteillä. IV) Intensiivisemmin toteutettu interventio lisäsi hedelmien syöntiä lisäämällä lasten tietämystä saantisuosituksista ja hedelmistä pitämistä. Pienemmällä intensiteetillä toteutettu interventio oli vähemmän tehokas, mutta lisäsi hedelmien syöntiä saamalla lapset tuomaan useammin hedelmiä kouluun välipalaksi. Kouluikäisillä lapsilla kasviksista pitäminen on kiinteästi yhteydessä kasvisten syöntiin, johon sekä vanhemmat että ystävät vaikuttavat. Niinpä interventiot tulisi toteuttaa intensiivisesti ja kohdistaa kaikkiin edellä mainittuihin tekijöihin. Erityisesti poikien ja alemman sosioekonomisen taustan lasten kohdalla tulisi varmistaa kasvisten runsas saatavuus ja kulutus kannustavassa ilmapiirissä

    Kestämättömästä kestävään ruokavalioon

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    How do values relate to the consumption of meat and dairy products and their plant-based alternatives?

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    We examined how ten basic values and value profiles are associated with the consumption of red meat, dairy, legumes, and plant-based meat and dairy alternatives and with the perceived importance of meat-like characteristics in legume-based meat alternatives. Participants were adult Finns who completed an online survey in autumn 2020 (n = 1000). Values were assessed using the Short Schwartz’s Value Survey, and an abbreviated Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to assess food consumption. Associations between values and food consumption were examined with adjustments made for sociodemographic factors. Valuing tradition and hedonism more, while valuing universalism less, was associated with frequent red meat consumption and less frequent consumption of plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. For frequent red meat consumption, also valuing security had an important role. Valuing benevolence highly and stimulation less so were associated with frequent dairy consumption. Five distinct value profiles were identified using latent profile analyses. The largest profile was “Indifferent anti-Universalists” followed by “Average Conformists,” “Conforming Traditionalists,” “Security-Oriented Benevolent,” and “Modern Universalists.” The Modern Universalists were characterized by valuing benevolence, universalism, self-direction, and hedonism, and they exhibited less frequent red meat consumption than did the other value profiles. The value profiles did not differ in the consumption frequency of dairy, legumes, or plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. Tailored communication and intervention strategies are needed to make a diet characterized by decreased red meat consumption and increased plant-based food consumption more appealing for individuals valuing security, tradition, and hedonism.Peer reviewe

    Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön sosiaalisen tuen, stressin ja koulutustaustan yhteydet 3–6-vuotiaiden lasten itsesäätelyn haasteisiin

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    Previous studies show that staff’s high stress can be associated with self-regulation challenges in children. Social support, on the other hand, is known to buffer stress at workplace. According to studies, the early childhood education and care staff’s educational background is also important for the quality of interaction in child groups, especially in stressful situations. A key hypothesis of the study was that the amount of social support received by the early education team members and team’s educational background affects their experience of stress and that has an effect to self-regulation challenges in child groups. The study’s data were collected in autumn 2017 by DAGIS research project (N = 202 and N = 702). Meditation analysis based on linear regression was used as the analysis method. The results showed that the team’s experienced stress mediated associations from the social support predictors to the self-regulation challenges in children. On the other hand, the team's educational background had no direct or stress-related indirect association to the self-regulation challenges in children. The study confirmed the results of previous studies on the links between the stress experienced by early childhood education and care staff and children's self-regulation skills and brought new insights into the role of stress experienced by staff as a mediating factor between the social support received by the early childhood education team and children’s self-regulation challenges. Further research is also needed, for example, how daycare units’ managers’ workload and stress affect to the interaction and pedagogical quality in child groups.Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön kokeman jatkuvan stressin on aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa todettu olevan yhteydessä lasten itsesäätelyn haasteisiin. Sosiaalisen tuen puolestaan on osoitettu puskuroivan stressiä työpaikalla. Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön koulutustaustalla on myös osoitettu olevan merkitystä vuorovaikutuksen laadulle lapsiryhmissä. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten varhaiskasvatustiimin saama sosiaalinen tuki esimieheltä ja työtovereilta sekä tiimin koulutustausta olivat yhteydessä lasten itsesäätelyn haasteisiin, kun näitä yhteyksiä välittäväksi tekijäksi oletettiin varhaiskasvatustiimissä koettu stressi. Aineisto koostui syksyllä 2017 DAGIS - tutkimushankkeessa kerätyistä kyselylomakeaineistoista (N = 202 ja N = 702). Analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin lineaariselle regressiolle perustuvaa mediaatioanalyysia. Varhaiskasvatustiimissä koettu stressi välitti esimiehen ja työtovereiden sosiaalisen tuen yhteyttä lasten itsesäätelyn haasteisiin. Sen sijaan tiimin koulutustaustalla ei ollut suoraa eikä stressin välittämää epäsuoraa yhteyttä lasten itsesäätelyn haasteisiin. Tutkimus vahvisti aiempien tutkimusten tuloksia varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön kokeman stressin ja lasten itsesäätelytaitojen välisistä yhteyksistä ja toi uutta tietoa henkilöstön kokeman stressin roolista välittävänä tekijänä varhaiskasvatustiimin saaman sosiaalisen tuen ja lasten itsesäätelyn haasteiden välillä. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan edelleen esimerkiksi päiväkotien johtajien kuormittuneisuuden vaikutuksista sensitiivisen vuorovaikutuksen toteutumiseen lapsiryhmissä.

    Are associations between home environment and preschool children’s sedentary time influenced by parental educational level in a cross-sectional survey?

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    Background: Childhood obesity is a major public health concern, especially in low socioeconomic groups. Sedentary time (SED) is an important predictor of obesity. To be able to diminish SED it is important to find modifiable predictors of sedentary behavior. The home environment associated with children's SED may vary by parental socioeconomic status. This study aims to clarify the association between parental educational level (PEL) and the home environment of 3-6-year-old children, and to examine how home environment associates with children's SED, and whether PEL modifies these associations. Methods: A cross-sectional Increased health and wellbeing in preschools (DAGIS) study was conducted in 2015-2016 in Finland. The parents (n = 809) filled in questionnaires assessing PEL, and the home physical and social environment related to children's SED. Children's SED was measured with accelerometers, which the children (n = 745) wore for 1 week. Results: High PEL was associated with a home environment restraining sedentary behaviour compared with low PEL. Stricter descriptive norms about screen time, considering it important to limit the child's screen time, and satisfaction about the child's screen time associated with children's lower SED. The association with parental psychological control and SED was influenced by PEL. In the PEL stratified analyses, however, the associations between psychological control and SED did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: Future interventions aiming to decrease SED should pay attention to relevant factors in children's sedentary behaviour home environment. It is important to acknowledge the possible PEL differences in these factors.Peer reviewe

    Effects of the Preschool-Based Family-Involving DAGIS Intervention on Family Environment: A Cluster Randomised Trial

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    Interventions promoting young children’s healthy energy balance-related behaviours (EBRBs) should also examine changes in the family environment as this is an important determinant that may affect the effectiveness of the intervention. This study examines family environmental effects of the Increased Health and Wellbeing in Preschools (DAGIS) intervention study, and whether these effects differed when considering three parental educational level (PEL) groups. The DAGIS intervention was conducted in preschools and involving parents in Southern Finland from September 2017 to May 2018. It was designed as a randomised trial, clustered at preschool-level. Parents of 3–6-year-olds answered questionnaires recording PEL, parental role modelling for EBRBs, and the family environment measured as EBRBs availability and accessibility. Linear Mixed Models with Repeated Measures were used in order to detect intervention effects. Models included group by time interactions. When examining intervention effects separated by PEL groups, models with three-level interactions (group × time-points × PEL) were evaluated. There was an interaction effect for the availability of sugary everyday foods and drinks (p = 0.002). The analyses showed that the control group increased availability (p = 0.003), whereas in the intervention group no changes were detected (p = 0.150). In the analysis separated by PEL groups, changes were found only for the accessibility of sugary treats at home; the high PEL control group increased the accessibility of sugary treats (p = 0.022) (interaction effect: p = 0.027). Hence, results suggest that the DAGIS multicomponent intervention had a limited impact on determinants for children’s healthy EBRBs, and no impact was found in the low PEL group

    Effects of the Preschool-Based Family-Involving DAGIS Intervention on Family Environment: A Cluster Randomised Trial

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    Interventions promoting young children’s healthy energy balance-related behaviours (EBRBs) should also examine changes in the family environment as this is an important determinant that may affect the effectiveness of the intervention. This study examines family environmental effects of the Increased Health and Wellbeing in Preschools (DAGIS) intervention study, and whether these effects differed when considering three parental educational level (PEL) groups. The DAGIS intervention was conducted in preschools and involving parents in Southern Finland from September 2017 to May 2018. It was designed as a randomised trial, clustered at preschool-level. Parents of 3–6-year-olds answered questionnaires recording PEL, parental role modelling for EBRBs, and the family environment measured as EBRBs availability and accessibility. Linear Mixed Models with Repeated Measures were used in order to detect intervention effects. Models included group by time interactions. When examining intervention effects separated by PEL groups, models with three-level interactions (group × time-points × PEL) were evaluated. There was an interaction effect for the availability of sugary everyday foods and drinks (p = 0.002). The analyses showed that the control group increased availability (p = 0.003), whereas in the intervention group no changes were detected (p = 0.150). In the analysis separated by PEL groups, changes were found only for the accessibility of sugary treats at home; the high PEL control group increased the accessibility of sugary treats (p = 0.022) (interaction effect: p = 0.027). Hence, results suggest that the DAGIS multicomponent intervention had a limited impact on determinants for children’s healthy EBRBs, and no impact was found in the low PEL group

    Clustering of energy balance-related behaviours, sleep, and overweight among Finnish adolescents

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    To examine how clusters of energy balance-related behaviours (EBRBs), including sleep related factors, were associated with overweight among adolescents. In Finland, 4262 adolescents, aged 13-15, participated in the cross-national Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. The adolescents completed questionnaires assessing EBRBs [sleep duration, discrepancy and quality, physical activity (PA), screen time, junk food, fruit, and vegetable intake] and height and weight. Clusters were identified with kappa-means cluster analysis and their associations with overweight with logistic regression analyses. Common clusters for boys and girls were labelled "Healthy lifestyle" and "High screen time, unhealthy lifestyle". In addition, the cluster "Low/moderate screen time, unhealthy lifestyle" was identified among boys, and the cluster "Poor sleep, unhealthy lifestyle" among girls. Only girls in the cluster "High screen time, unhealthy lifestyle" were at increased risk for overweight. Girls, whose EBRB was characterized by high screen time and low PA, but not with poor sleep, were at increased risk for overweight. Future studies should examine ways to promote PA among adolescent girls with high interest in screen-based activities.Peer reviewe

    Parental Education and Pre-School Children's Objectively Measured Sedentary Time : The Role of Co-Participation in Physical Activity

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    Parental co-participation in physical activity (PA) may be a beneficial parenting practice for diminishing children's sedentary time (ST). Less information is available, however, on the explanatory role of co-participation in PA regarding parental educational differences in children's ST. Preschool-aged children (N = 864, mean age 4.8, 52% boys) with their parents participated in a cross-sectional DAGIS (Increased Health and Wellbeing in Pre-schools) study between years 2015 and 2016. Children (N = 821) wore an accelerometer for one week. Parents were informed of their educational background, and the frequency of visits with their child in nature, to parks or playgrounds, their own yard, and indoor sport facilities (N = 808). Testing the associations required multiple regression analyses. Parents with a low educational background reported more frequent visits with their child to their own yard, and these visits were associated with children's lower ST. More highly educated parents co-visited indoor sport facilities more frequently, although this did not have a significant association with children's ST. More frequent visits in nature were associated with a lower ST at weekdays, regardless of educational background. Future health promotion strategies should inform parents that frequent co-participation in PA, for example, in one's own yard, is beneficial for lowering children's ST.Peer reviewe

    Sustainability analysis of Finnish pre-schoolers' diet based on targets of the EAT-Lancet reference diet

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    Purpose The EAT-Lancet reference diet is a healthy plant-based diet produced within planetary boundaries. To inform the food system transformation, we compared Finnish pre-schoolers' food consumption with the reference diet's food group targets. Methods Food record data for 3- to 6-year-old pre-schoolers were collected in the cross-sectional DAGIS survey. Ingredients of composite dishes were available in the data. In addition, we manually decomposed industrial products such as sausages and biscuits by estimating the shares of ingredients. We also estimated the consumption of added sugars and converted the consumption of dairy products into milk equivalents. We used usual intake modelling to estimate the mean consumption and the proportion of children who met the reference diet's targets. We set the target amounts separately for 3- to 4-year-olds and 5- to 6-year-olds in grams by proportioning the published target amounts (assuming a 2500 kcal diet) to the children's mean reported energy intake. Results For both age groups (3- to 4-year-olds, n = 460; 5- to 6-year-olds, n = 402), the daily mean consumption of whole grains, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and unsaturated oils was below targets, whereas the consumption of red meat, dairy foods, tubers, and added sugars was above targets. The consumption of fruit and fish was in line with targets. Conclusion To comply with the reference diet's targets, major changes in the diets of Finnish children are needed. The key food groups targeted for higher consumption are whole grains and legumes and targeted for lower consumption red meat and dairy products.Peer reviewe
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