154 research outputs found

    Mecanismos moleculares implicados en la regulación del factor de crecimiento de tejido conectivo: papel en la génesis y progresión del daño renal

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Bioquímica. Fecha de lectura: 3 de Julio de 200

    O Jogo, uma estratégia pedagógica que favorece a aprendizagem da Matemática

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    The article refers to the research developed with second grade students of the Instituto Tecnológico Salesiano Eloy Valenzuela (ITS), Sede C of Bucaramangaabout the learning of mathematics. The study falls within the paradigm of qualitative research; the process of enquiry is inductive, and the strategy selectedto intrpret the findings is descriptive. In the development of the research, the action-research methodology proposed by Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, R. (1998),cited by Latorre (2005), was applied. From this perspective, the research follows a cyclical process that occurs as a spiral in four phases: planning, action, observation and reflection.Based on the performance in the diagnostic test, the Classroom Pedagogical Project: Learning and Playing with Mathematics was implemented through tendidactic sequences (Díaz, 2013) with play as an active and creative support for learning. As a result of the pedagogical intervention, students showed satisfactory performance in the final test; a change in attitude, greater commitment, synergy in teamwork and respect for individual roles and the rules established in each of the games were observed.El artículo hace referencia a la investigación desarrollada con estudiantes de segundo grado de primaria del Instituto Tecnológico Salesiano Eloy Valenzuela(ITS), Sede C de Bucaramanga en torno al aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El estudio se inscribe en el paradigma de la investigación cualitativa; el proceso deindagación es inductivo, y la estrategia seleccionada para interpretar los hallazgos es de tipo descriptiva. En el desarrollo de la investigación, se aplicó la metodología investigación–acción que plantean Kemmis, S, y McTaggart, R (1998), citados por Latorre (2005) en este sentido. Desde esta perspectiva, la investigación sigue un proceso cíclico que ocurre a manera de espiral en cuatro fases: planificación, acción, observación y reflexión.A partir del desempeño en la prueba diagnóstica, se implementó el Proyecto Pedagógico de Aula: Aprendiendo y Jugando con las Matemáticas, ejecutándolo através de diez secuencias didácticas (Díaz, 2013) con el juego como apoyo activo y creativo para el aprendizaje. Como resultado de la intervención pedagógica, los estudiantes mostraron desempeño satisfactorio en la prueba final; se observó cambio de actitud, mayor compromiso, sinergia en el trabajo en equipo y respeto a los roles individuales y a las normas establecidas en cada uno de los juegos.L’article fait référence à la recherche développée avec des élèves de deuxième année de l’école primaire de l’Instituto Tecnológico Salesiano Eloy Valenzuela (ITS), Sede C de Bucaramanga autour de l’apprentissage des mathématiques. L’étude s’inscrit dans le paradigme de la recherche qualitative ; le processus d’enquête est inductif, et la stratégie choisie pour interpréter les résultats est descriptive.Dans le développement de la recherche, la méthodologie de recherche-action proposée par Kemmis, S, et McTaggart, R (1998), citée par Latorre (2005) a étéappliquée dans ce sens. Dans cette perspective, la recherche suit un processus cyclique qui se déroule comme une spirale en quatre phases : planification, action, observation et réflexion.Sur la base de la performance dans le test de diagnostic, le projet pédagogique de classe : apprendre et jouer avec les mathématiques a été mis en œuvre, enl’exécutant à travers dix séquences didactiques (Díaz, 2013) avec le jeu comme support actif et créatif de l’apprentissage. Suite à l’intervention pédagogique,les étudiants ont montré des performances satisfaisantes lors du test final; un changement d’attitude, un plus grand engagement, une synergie dans le travaild’équipe et le respect des rôles individuels et des règles établies dans chacun des jeux ont été observés.des jeux ont été observés.O artigo refere-se à investigação desenvolvida com alunos da segunda classe da escola primária do Instituto Tecnológico Salesiano Eloy Valenzuela (ITS), SedeC de Bucaramanga em torno da aprendizagem da matemática. O estudo está inscrito no paradigma da investigação qualitativa; o processo de investigação éindutivo, e a estratégia seleccionada para interpretar os resultados é descritiva. No desenvolvimento da investigação, a metodologia de investigação-acção proposta por Kemmis, S, e McTaggart, R (1998), citada por Latorre (2005), foi aplicada neste sentido. Nesta perspectiva, a investigação segue um processo cíclico que ocorre como uma espiral em quatro fases: planeamento, acção, observação e reflexão. Com base no desempenho no teste diagnóstico, foi implementado o Projecto Pedagógico de Sala de Aula: Aprender e Jogar com a Matemática, executando-o através de dez sequências didácticas (Díaz, 2013) com o jogo como um apoio activo e criativo para a aprendizagem. Como resultado da intervenção pedagógica, os estudantes demonstraram um desempenho satisfatório no teste final; foi observada uma mudança de atitude, maior empenho, sinergia no trabalho de equipa e respeito pelos papéis individuais e pelas regras estabelecidas em cada um dos jogos

    Guía para la prevención y tratamiento de las disfonías funcionales.

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    Aporta una guía para la prevención y tratamiento de las disfonías funcionales. Los trastornos vocales son un tema desconocido para la mayor parte de la población guatemalteca y la falta de esta información da como resultado que las personas afectadas con este trastorno desconozcan lo que padecen y a dónde o a quien recurrir. La salud la mayor parte del tiempo pasa a segundo plano, debido a la situación económica, los ciudadanos se ven en la necesidad de establecer prioridades para la subsistencia, por lo que un problema de voz, si este es identificado, no es tratado como un problema serio de salud, sino como algo con lo que se puede convivir por largo tiempo sino es que de por vida, lo que no se toma en cuenta es que para muchos la voz es un medio de trabajo y que sin ella muchas de las actividades diarias pueden verse afectadas impidiendo así una vida productiva y normal. Los ambientes o lugares de trabajo son un punto determinante para el cuidado de la voz, entre estos figuran los empleos en empresas de construcción, centros de diversión nocturna, radios, colegios etc., es por esto que la prevención de estos trastornos debe difundirse a la población para que tengan las herramientas necesarias para proteger un instrumento tan vital como lo es la voz. En la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, por medio de la Carrera Técnica en Terapia del Lenguaje, cada año se realizan trabajos acerca de esta importante temática, pero se hace cada vez más necesaria la creación de programas o guías actualizadas para lograr dar contribución efectiva a nuestro país. La “Guía de Prevención y Tratamiento de Disfonías Funcionales” proporciona una información general de las diafonías funcionales, la forma en la que se pueden prevenir y las técnicas adecuadas para trabajar dicho trastorno y de esta forma ser de apoyo didáctico para los estudiantes y profesionales de la carrera de Terapia de Lenguaje

    Bias-dependence of surface charge at low temperature in GaN Self-Switching Diodes

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    [EN]In this work, with the help of a semi-classical twodimensional Monte Carlo (MC) simulator, we study the DC current-voltage curves of Self-Switching Diodes (SSDs) fabricated on an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure from 100 K up to room temperature. Due to the very narrow channel of the SSDs, the presence of surface effects plays a key role not only on their DC behavior but also on their RF detection performance. The evolution with temperature of the negative surface charge density σ at the etched sidewalls of the SSD is the key quantity to explain the measurements. At 300 K, MC simulations with a constant value of σ are able to replicate very satisfactorily the experiments. However, to reproduce the shape of the I-V curve at low temperatures, a more realistic approach, where σ depends not only on T, but also on the applied bias V, is necessary.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P1

    Monte Carlo analysis of the influence of surface charges on GaN asymmetric nanochannels: Bias and temperature dependence

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    [EN]In this paper, the occupancy of sidewall surface states having a clear signature in the performance of AlGaN/GaN-based self-switching diodes (SSDs) is analyzed using a semi-classical Monte Carlo (MC) simulator in a wide temperature (T) range, from 100 to 300 K. Experimental I–V curves show an unusual current decrease at low temperature attributed to surface trapping. The dependence on T of the negative surface charge density σ at the etched sidewalls of the SSDs is essential to explain the measurements. Two devices with different widths (80 and 150 nm) have been characterized and simulated in detail paying especial attention to the modeling of the surface states. At room temperature, MC simulations with a position-independent value of σ are able to qualitatively reproduce the I–V curves. However, a more complex approach is required to correctly replicate the values and shape of the DC experimental curves at low temperature, below 220 K. An algorithm where σ depends not only on T but also on the applied bias V is proposed to successfully fit the current values at every bias point. The model is able to explain the physics of the unexpected dependence of the resistance with the channel width and the sign change in the bowing coefficient, the parameters that govern the detection capabilities of the diodes.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through Project No. TEC2017-83910-R and Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through Project No. SA254P1

    Digital brief interventions for risky drinkers are not the panacea: a pilot study exploring barriers for its implementation according to professionals' perceptions

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    Alcohol; Brief interventions; E-health; Implementation; Risky drinkersAlcohol; Intervencions breus; Salut electrònica; Implementació; Bevedors de riscAlcohol; Intervenciones breves; Salud electrónica; Implementación; Bebedores de riesgoDigital brief interventions have emerged as an instrument to improve the implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment programs for risky drinkers. However, trials in Catalonia have been unsuccessful. This study was aimed at researching professionals' perceptions regarding the usefulness of digital brief interventions in overcoming traditional barriers of face-to-face Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment and new barriers posed by the use of digital brief interventions. Professionals who participated in the Effectiveness of primary care based Facilitated Access to alcohol Reduction website (EFAR)digital brief intervention clinical trial were surveyed on April 2017 on the following areas: (1) satisfaction, (2) usefulness, (3) perceived ability of digital interventions on overcoming traditional barriers and (4) perceived new barriers of digital interventions. Sixty-eight professionals completed the survey. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using the level of professional engagement with the project as the dependent variable, barriers as independent variables and socio-demographic characteristics as covariables. Of all professionals, 79.4 percent were satisfied with their participation in the project, but only 26.5 percent perceived the website as useful. Low engagement was associated with the perceived lack of feedback (0.22; 95% confidence interval: 0.05 -0.88), perception that it was difficult to use among the elderly(0.22; 95 confidence interval: 0.05 -0.091) and among low socioeconomic population (0.14; 95% confidence interval: 0.03 -0.64). The majority of the participants indicated that digital brief intervention for risky drinkers succeeded in overcoming most of the traditional barriers. However, new barriers emerged as difficulties for implementing digital brief interventions in the Catalan Primary Health Care System. Usefulness perception is a key factor, which must be addressed in any proposed intervention in primary care.This work was funded by project PI042924 integrated in the National R+D+I and funded by the Carlos III Health Institute-Deputy General Assessment and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (http://www.isciii.es). H.L.-P. received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Instituto de Salud Carlos III through a “Rıo Hortega” contract (CM17/00123, to Dr LópezPelayo), with the support of the European Social Fund

    Analysis of trap states in AlGaN/GaN self-switching diodes via impedance measurements

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    The presence of trap states in self-switching diodes (SSD) based on an AlGaN/GaN heterojunction has been identified by means of their AC characterization between 75 kHz to 30 MHz in a wide temperature range, from 80 K to 300 K. Measurements allow us to determine two different characteristic energies of the traps, 12 meV and 61 meV, being associated to a distribution of surface states and one discrete bulk trap, respectively. The impact of the trapping effects on microwave detection at zero-bias has also been analyzed in the same temperature range, the measured responsivity showing an unusual enhancement and a low-frequency roll-off at low temperatures.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P1

    Trap-related frequency dispersion of zero-bias microwave responsivity at low temperature in GaN-based self-switching diodes

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    [EN]The zero-bias microwave detection capability of self-switching diodes (SSDs) based on AlGaN/GaN is analyzed in a wide temperature range, from 10 K to 300 K. The measured responsivity shows an anomalous enhancement at low temperature, while the detected voltage exhibits a roll-off in frequency, which can be attributed to the presence of surface and bulk traps. To gain a deep insight into this behavior, a systematic DC and AC characterization of the diodes has been carried out in the mentioned temperature range. DC results confirm the existence of traps and AC measurements allow us to identify their properties. In particular, impedance studies enable to distinguish two types of traps: at the lateral surfaces of the channel, with a wide spread of relaxation times, and in the bulk.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and the Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P18

    Programa educativo para potenciar factores protectores en adolescentes con conducta suicida.

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    Nowadays the study of psychosocial risk factors associated with suicide attempts in adolescence has been widely discussed, as well as the way to prevent it. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with the objective of designing an educational program to enhance the protective factors in adolescents with suicidal attempt belonging to the Polyclinic # 2 «Angel Ortiz Vázquez» of Manzanillo, in the period of September 2013 to April 2014. There were taken into consideration the variables: feelings of hopelessness and guilt, impulsiveness, family history of suicide attempted, threat or suicidal project, major depression, someone without social and family support, and hostility. It was used as a technique for data collection the Questionnaire of Risk Indicators. The psychological risk factors that prevailed in teenagers were: hopelessness and guilt, major depression, impulsiveness and hostility. The identified social risk factors were the family history of suicide attempt and the absence of family and social support. It was designed an educational program on the basis of health salutogenic theoretical models and psychosocial risk factors identified in adolescents with suicidal attempt.En la actualidad el estudio de los factores psicosociales de riesgo relacionados con el intento suicida en la adolescencia ha sido ampliamente abordado, así como la forma de prevenirlo. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, con el objetivo de diseñar un programa educativo para potenciar los factores protectores en los adolescentes con intento suicida pertenecientes al Policlínico # 2 «Ángel Ortiz Vázquez» de Manzanillo, en el período de septiembre del 2013 hasta abril del 2014. Se tuvieron en cuenta las variables: sentimiento de desesperanza y culpa, impulsividad, antecedentes familiares de suicidio o de intento, presagio, amenaza o proyecto suicida, depresión mayor, persona sin apoyo social y familiar, así como la hostilidad. Se empleó como técnica de recogida de información el Cuestionario de Indicadores de Riesgo (CIR).Los factores psicológicos de riesgo que predominan en los adolescentes son: la desesperanza y culpa, depresión mayor, la impulsividad y la hostilidad. Los factores sociales de riesgo identificados son los antecedentes familiares de intento suicida y la ausencia de apoyo familiar y social. Se diseña un programa educativo sobre la base teórica de los modelos salutogénicos en salud y de los factores psicosociales de riesgo identificados en los adolescentes con intento suicida

    Mineralization of human premolar occlusal fissures: a quantitative histochemical microanalysis

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    The mechanisms of cariogenesis in occlusal fissures remain elusive because of limited information about fissure structure and wall mineralization. The purpose of the present study was to determine the correlation between morphological patterns in occlusal fissures in human premolars and quantitative histochemical patterns of mineralization in the walls of these formations. We used scanning electron microscopy and quantitative X-ray microanalysis with the peak-tolocal background ratio method and microcrystalline calcium salts as standards. We distinguished three morphological patterns of fissures in scanning electron microscopic images. The wall of the fissures was less mineralized than the control enamel in all three types of fissures. Because the fissure walls are hypomineralized, we suggest that practicing dentists should take into account the degree of mineralization when they are preparing the fissures for the application of sealant.This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (PB97-0840) and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)