7 research outputs found

    Statement of the Spanish Interdisciplinary Vascular Prevention Committee on the updated European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

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    [ES] Presentamos la adaptación española de las Guías Europeas de Prevención Cardiovascular 2021. En esta actualización además del abordaje individual, se pone mucho más énfasis en las políticas sanitarias como estrategia de prevención poblacional. Se recomienda el cálculo del riesgo vascular de manera sistemática a todas las personas adultas con algún factor de riesgo vascular. Los objetivos terapéuticos para el colesterol LDL, la presión arterial y la glucemia no han cambiado respecto a las anteriores guías, pero se recomienda alcanzar estos objetivos de forma escalonada (etapas 1 y 2). Se recomienda llegar siempre hasta la etapa 2, y la intensificación del tratamiento dependerá del riesgo a los 10 años y de por vida, del beneficio del tratamiento, de las comorbilidades, de la fragilidad y de las preferencias de los pacientes. Las guías presentan por primera vez un nuevo modelo para calcular el riesgo (SCORE2 y SCORE2 OP) de morbimortalidad vascular en los próximos 10 años (infarto demiocardio, ictus y mortalidad vascular) en hombres y mujeres entre 40 y 89 años. Otra de las novedades sustanciales es el estable cimiento de diferentes umbrales de riesgo dependiendo de la edad (70 años). Se presentan diferentes algoritmos de cálculo del riesgo vascu lar y tratamiento de los factores de riesgo vascular para personas aparentemente sanas, pacientes con diabetes y pacientes con enfermedad vascular aterosclerótica. Los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica se considerarán de riesgo alto o muy alto según la tasa del filtrado glomerular y el cociente albúmina/creatinina. Se incluyen innovaciones en las recomendaciones sobre los estilos de vida, adaptadas a las recomendaciones del Ministerio de Sanidad, así como aspectos novedosos relacionados con el control de los lípidos, la presión arterial, la diabetes y la insuficiencia renal crónica. [EN] We present the Spanish adaptation of the 2021 European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) prevention in clinical practice. The current guidelines besides the individual approach greatly emphasize on the importance of population level approaches to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Systematic global CVD risk assessment is recommended in individuals with any major vascular risk factor. Regarding LDL-Cholesterol, blood pressure, and glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus, goals and targets remain as recommended in previous guidelines. However, it is proposed a new, stepwise approach (Step 1 and 2) to treatment intensification as a tool to help physicians and patients pursue these targets in a way that fits patient profile. After Step 1, considering proceeding to the intensified goals of Step 2 is mandatory, and this intensification will be based on 10-year CVD risk, lifetime CVD risk and treatment benefit, comorbidities and patient preferences. The updated SCORE algorithm (SCORE2, SCORE-OP) is recommended in these guidelines, which estimates an individual's 10-year risk of fatal and non-fatal CVD events (myocardial infarction, stroke) in healthy men and women aged 40-89 years. Another new and important recommendation is the use of different categories of risk according different age groups (70 years). Different flow charts of CVD risk and risk factor treatment in apparently healthy persons, in patients with established atherosclerotic CVD, and in diabetic patients are recommended. Patients with chronic kidney disease are considered high risk or very high-risk patients according to the levels of glomerular filtration rate and albumin-to-creatinine ratio. New lifestyle recommendations adapted to the ones published by the Spanish Ministry of Health as well as recommendations focused on the management of lipids, blood pressure, diabetes and chronic renal failure are included.S

    Opportunity window: vascular risk prevention in women. Adverse pregnancy outcomes and risk of vascular disease

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    Documento de consenso de la Sociedad Española de Obstetricia y Ginecologia (SEGO) y el Comité Español Interdisciplinario para la Prevención Vascular (CEIPV).[ES] Este documento resume la evidencia que existe entre los resultados adversos del embarazo (RAE), tales como son los trastornos hipertensivos, el parto pretérmino, la diabetes gestacional, los defectos en el crecimiento fetal (feto pequeño para la edad gestacional y/o restricción del crecimiento), el despren dimiento de placenta y la pérdida fetal, y el riesgo que tiene una persona gestante de desarrollar factores de riesgo vascular (RV) que pueden terminar provocando enfermedad vascular (EV) futura: cardiopatía coronaria, accidente cerebrovascular, enfermedad vascular periférica e insuficiencia cardíaca. Asimismo, este documento destaca la importancia de saber reconocer los RAE cuando se evalúa el RV en mujeres. Un antecedente de RAE es un indicador suficiente para hacer una prevención primaria de EV. De hecho, adoptar una dieta saludable y aumentar la actividad física entre las mujeres con RAE, de inicio en el embarazo y/o postparto y manteniéndolo a lo largo de la vida, son intervenciones importantes que permiten disminuir el RV. Por otro lado, la lactancia materna también puede disminuir el RV posterior de la mujer, incluyendo menos riesgo de mortalidad. Estudios futuros que evalúen el uso del ácido acetilsalicílico, las estatinas y la metformina, entre otros, en las mujeres con antecedentes de RAE podrían reforzar las recomendaciones sobre el uso de la farmacoterapia en la prevención primaria de la EV entre estas pacientes. Existen diferentes opciones dentro de los sistemas de salud para mejorar la transición de la atención de las mujeres con RAE entre los diferentes profesionales e implementar estrategias para reducir su RV a largo plazo. Una posible estrategia podría ser la incorporación del concepto del cuarto trimestre en las recomendaciones clínicas y las políticas de atención de la salud. [EN] This document summarises the evidence regarding the association between adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs), such as hypertensive disorders, preterm birth, gestational diabetes, fetal growth defects (small for gestational age and/or fetal growth restriction), placental abruption, fetal loss, and the risk that a pregnant individual in developing vascular risk factors (VR) that may lead to future vascular disease (VD): coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and heart failure. Furthermore, this document emphasises the importance of recognising APOs when assessing VR in women. A history of APOs serves as a sufficient indicator for primary prevention of VD. In fact, adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity among women with APOs, starting during pregnancy and/or postpartum, and maintaining it throughout life are significant interventions that can reduce VR. On the other hand, breastfeeding can also reduce the future VR of women, including a lower risk of mortality. Future studies evaluating the use of aspirin, statins, and metformin, among others, in women with a history of APOs could strengthen recommendations regarding pharmacotherapy for primary prevention of VD in these patients. Various healthcare system options exist to improve the transition of care for women with APOs between different healthcare professionals and implement long-term VR reduction strategies. One potential process could involve incorporating the fourth-trimester concept into clinical recommendations and healthcare policies.S

    Documento de consenso de la Sociedad Española de Obstetricia y Ginecologia (SEGO) y el Comité Español Interdisciplinario para la Prevención Vascular (CEIPV). Ventana de oportunidad: prevención del riesgo vascular en la mujer. Resultados adversos del embarazo y riesgo de enfermedad vascular

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    Este documento resume la evidencia que existe entre los resultados adversos del embarazo (RAE), tales como son los trastornos hipertensivos, el parto pretérmino, la diabetes gestacional, los defectos en el crecimiento fetal (feto pequeño para la edad gestacional y/o restricción del crecimiento), el desprendimiento de placenta y la pérdida fetal, y el riesgo que tiene una persona gestante de desarrollar factores de riesgo vascular (RV) que pueden terminar provocando enfermedad vascular (EV) futura: cardiopatía coronaria, accidente cerebrovascular, enfermedad vascular periférica e insuficiencia cardíaca. Asimismo, este documento destaca la importancia de saber reconocer los RAE cuando se evalúa el RV en mujeres. Un antecedente de RAE es un indicador suficiente para hacer una prevención primaria de EV. De hecho, adoptar una dieta saludable y aumentar la actividad física entre las mujeres con RAE, de inicio en el embarazo y/o postparto y manteniéndolo a lo largo de la vida, son intervenciones importantes que permiten disminuir el RV. Por otro lado, la lactancia materna también puede disminuir el RV posterior de la mujer, incluyendo menos riesgo de mortalidad. Estudios futuros que evalúen el uso del ácido acetilsalicílico, las estatinas y la metformina, entre otros, en las mujeres con antecedentes de RAE podrían reforzar las recomendaciones sobre el uso de la farmacoterapia en la prevención primaria de la EV entre estas pacientes. Existen diferentes opciones dentro de los sistemas de salud para mejorar la transición de la atención de las mujeres con RAE entre los diferentes profesionales e implementar estrategias para reducir su RV a largo plazo. Una posible estrategia podría ser la incorporación del concepto del cuarto trimestre en las recomendaciones clínicas y las políticas de atención de la salud.This document summarises the evidence regarding the association between adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs), such as hypertensive disorders, preterm birth, gestational diabetes, fetal growth defects (small for gestational age and/or fetal growth restriction), placental abruption, fetal loss, and the risk that a pregnant individual in developing vascular risk factors (VR) that may lead to future vascular disease (VD): coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and heart failure. Furthermore, this document emphasises the importance of recognising APOs when assessing VR in women. A history of APOs serves as a sufficient indicator for primary prevention of VD. In fact, adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity among women with APOs, starting during pregnancy and/or postpartum, and maintaining it throughout life are significant interventions that can reduce VR. On the other hand, breastfeeding can also reduce the future VR of women, including a lower risk of mortality. Future studies evaluating the use of aspirin, statins, and metformin, among others, in women with a history of APOs could strengthen recommendations regarding pharmacotherapy for primary prevention of VD in these patients. Various healthcare system options exist to improve the transition of care for women with APOs between different healthcare professionals and implement long-term VR reduction strategies. One potential process could involve incorporating the fourth-trimester concept into clinical recommendations and healthcare policies

    Epidemiologia de la mort sobtada

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    Conferència sobre la magnitud, el risc i els factors desencadenants de la mort sobtad

    Association of increased monetary cost of dietary intake, diet quality and weight management in Spanish adults

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    Higher monetary diet cost is associated with healthier food choices and better weight management. How changes in diet cost affect changes in diet quality and weight remains unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of changes in individual monetary diet cost on changes in diet quality, measured by the modified Mediterranean diet score recommendations (MDS-rec) and by energy density (ED), as well as changes in weight and BMI. We conducted a prospective, population-based study of 2181 male and female Spaniards aged between 25 and 74 years, who were followed up to the 2009-2010 academic year. We measured weight and height and recorded dietary data using a validated FFQ. Average food cost was calculated from official Spanish government data. We fitted multivariate linear and logistic regression models. The average daily diet cost increased from 3·68(SD0.0·89) /8·36 MJ to 4·97(SD1·16) /8·36 MJ during the study period. This increase was significantly associated with improvement in diet quality (Δ ED and Δ MDS-rec; P<0·0001). Each 1 increase in monetary diet cost per 8·36 MJ was associated with a decrease of 0·3 kg in body weight (P=0·02) and 0·1 kg/m2 in BMI (P=0·04). These associations were attenuated after adjusting for changes in diet quality indicators. An improvement in diet quality and better weight management were both associated with an increase in diet cost; this could be considered in food policy decisions

    Validity of an adaptation of the Framingham Cardiovascular Risk Function: the VERIFICA Study.

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    Background: To assess the reliability and accuracy of the Framingham coronary heart disease (CHD) risk function adapted by the Registre Gironi del Cor (REGICOR) investigators in Spain.#N##N#Methods: A 5-year follow-up study was completed in 5732 participants aged 35–74 years. The adaptation consisted of using in the function the average population risk factor prevalence and the cumulative incidence observed in Spain instead of those from Framingham in a Cox proportional hazards model. Reliability and accuracy in estimating the observed cumulative incidence were tested with the area under the curve comparison and goodness-of-fit test, respectively.#N##N#Results: The Kaplan–Meier CHD cumulative incidence during the follow-up was 4.0% in men and 1.7% in women. The original Framingham function and the REGICOR adapted estimates were 10.4% and 4.8%, and 3.6% and 2.0%, respectively. The REGICOR-adapted function’s estimate did not differ from the observed cumulated incidence (goodness of fit in men, p = 0.078, in women, p = 0.256), whereas all the original Framingham function estimates differed significantly (p&lt;0.001). Reliabilities of the original Framingham function and of the best Cox model fit with the study data were similar in men (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve 0.68 and 0.69, respectively, p = 0.273), whereas the best Cox model fitted better in women (0.73 and 0.81, respectively, p&lt;0.001).#N##N#Conclusion: The Framingham function adapted to local population characteristics accurately and reliably predicted the 5-year CHD risk for patients aged 35–74 years, in contrast with the original function, which consistently overestimated the actual risk