35 research outputs found

    Generalist invasion in a complex lake food web

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    Invasive species constitute a threat not only to native populations but also to the structure and functioning of entire food webs. Despite being considered as a global problem, only a small number of studies have quantitatively predicted the food web-level consequences of invasions. Here, we use an allometric trophic network model parameterized using empirical data on species body masses and feeding interactions to predict the effects of a possible invasion of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii), on a well-studied lake ecosystem. We show that the modeled establishment of Amur sleeper decreased the biomasses o ftop predator fishes by about 10%–19%. These reductions were largely explained by increased larval competition for food and Amur sleeper predation on fish larvae. In contrast, biomasses of less valued fish of lower trophic positions increased by about 0.4%–9% owing to reduced predation pressure by top piscivores. The predicted impact of Amur sleeper establishment on the biomasses of native fish species vastly exceeded the impacts of current-dayfishing pressures.H2020 European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: COMPLEX-FISH770884; Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Numbers: 317495, 325107,340901; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Estonian Research Council, Grant/Award Numbers: PSG32, PRG1167, PRG709, MOBJD29; Estonian University of Life Sciences, Grant/Award Number: P190254PKKH; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant/Award Number: TREICLAKE 951963H2020 European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: COMPLEX-FISH770884; Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Numbers: 317495, 325107,340901; Natural Sciences and EngineeringResearch Council of Canada; EstonianResearch Council, Grant/Award Numbers: PSG32, PRG1167, PRG709, MOBJD29; Estonian University of Life Sciences, Grant/Award Number: P190254PKKH; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant/AwardNumber: TREICLAKE 95196

    Transcription factor GATA4 associates with mesenchymal-like gene expression in human hepatoblastoma cells

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    GATA4, a transcription factor crucial for early liver development, has been implicated in the pathophysiology of hepatoblastoma, an embryonal tumor of childhood. However, the molecular and phenotypic consequences of GATA4 expression in hepatoblastoma are not fully understood. We surveyed GATA4 expression in 24 hepatoblastomas using RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. RNA interference was used to inhibit GATA4 in human HUH6 hepatoblastoma cells, and changes in cell migration were measured with wound healing and transwell assays. RNA microarray hybridization was performed on control and GATA4 knockdown HUH6 cells, and differentially expressed genes were validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction or immunostaining. Plasmid transfection was used to overexpress GATA4 in primary human hepatocytes and ensuring changes in gene expression were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. We found that GATA4 expression was high in most hepatoblastomas but weak or negligible in normal hepatocytes. GATA4 gene silencing impaired HUH6 cell migration. We identified 106 differentially expressed genes (72 downregulated, 34 upregulated) in knockdown versus control HUH6 cells. GATA4 silencing altered the expression of genes associated with cytoskeleton organization, cell-to-cell adhesion, and extracellular matrix dynamics (e.g. ADD3, AHNAK, DOCK8, RHOU, MSF, IGFBP1, COL4A2). These changes in gene expression reflected a more epithelial (less malignant) phenotype. Consistent with this notion, there was reduced F-actin stress fiber formation in knockdown HUH6 cells. Forced expression of GATA4 in primary human hepatocytes triggered opposite changes in the expression of genes identified by GATA4 silencing in HUH6 cells. In conclusion, GATA4 is highly expressed in most hepatoblastomas and correlates with a mesenchymal, migratory phenotype of hepatoblastoma cells

    Liver secretin receptor predicts portoenterostomy outcomes and liver injury in biliary atresia

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    Biliary atresia (BA) is a chronic neonatal cholangiopathy characterized by fibroinflammatory bile duct damage. Reliable biomarkers for predicting native liver survival (NLS) following portoenterostomy (PE) surgery are lacking. Herein we explore the utility of 22 preidentified profibrotic molecules closely connected to ductular reaction (DR) and prevailing after successful PE (SPE), in predicting PE outcomes and liver injury. We used qPCR and immunohistochemistry in a BA cohort including liver samples obtained at PE (n = 53) and during postoperative follow-up after SPE (n = 25). Of the 13 genes over-expressed in relation to cholestatic age-matched controls at PE, only secretin receptor (SCTR) expression predicted cumulative 5-year NLS and clearance of jaundice. Patients in the highest SCTR expression tertile showed 34-55% lower NLS than other groups at 1-5 years after PE (P = 0.006-0.04 for each year). SCTR expression was also significantly lower [42 (24-63) vs 75 (39-107) fold, P = 0.015] among those who normalized their serum bilirubin after PE. Liver SCTR expression localized in cholangiocytes and correlated positively with liver fibrosis, DR, and transcriptional markers of fibrosis (ACTA2) and cholangiocytes (KRT7, KRT19) both at PE and after SPE. SCTR is a promising prognostic marker for PE outcomes and associates with liver injury in BA.Peer reviewe

    Prognostic and Pathophysiologic Significance of IL-8 (CXCL8) in Biliary Atresia

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    Interleukin (IL)-8 (CXCL8), a chemokine involved in neutrophil recruitment, has been implicated in ductular reaction and liver fibrogenesis. We studied liver and serum IL-8 expression in a large biliary atresia (BA) cohort and explored its prognostic and pathophysiological potential. IL-8 expression was assessed in liver utilizing quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization and in serum using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, among 115 BA patients, 10 disease controls and 68 normal controls. Results were correlated to portoenterostomy (PE) outcomes, biochemical and histological liver injury, transcriptional markers of fibrosis and cholangiocytes, and expression of other related cytokines. IL-8 was markedly overexpressed in liver and serum of BA patients at PE (n = 88) and in serum samples obtained during postoperative follow-up (n = 40). IL-8 expression in the liver was predominantly in cholangiocytes within areas of ductular reaction. Liver IL-8 mRNA expression correlated positively with its serum concentration, bile ductular proliferation, Metavir fibrosis stage, and transcriptional markers of activated myofibroblasts (ACTA2) and cholangiocytes (KRT19). Taken together, IL-8 may mediate liver injury in BA by promoting ductular reaction and associated liver fibrogenesis. Prognostic value of serum IL-8 to predict native liver survival was limited and confined to the postoperative period after PE

    Rumpurakenteiden ympÀristöongelmat, niiden ehkÀisy ja korjaaminen : Keskisuomalainen pilottitutkimus

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    TĂ€mĂ€ on ensimmĂ€inen maakunnanlaajuinen rumpurakennetutkimus Suomessa. Sen tavoitteena on edistÀÀ vesialueiden ylitysrakenteisiin liittyvien ympĂ€ristöongelmien tunnettavuutta sekĂ€ niiden vĂ€lttĂ€mis- ja korjaamiskĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€. Tarkastelussa keskitytÀÀn ensisijaisesti rumpurakenteisiin sekĂ€ kaloihin. Tutkimuksen I osassa tarkastellaan keskisuomalaisten ylitysrakenteiden mÀÀrÀÀ, laatua ja ympĂ€ristöhaittoja sekĂ€ ylitysrakenteisiin liittyviĂ€ lupa-, mitoitus- ja valvontakĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€. NĂ€iden lisĂ€ksi I osan lopussa on kirjallisuustarkastelu rumpurakenteiden ympĂ€ristövaikutuksista. Tutkimuksen II osassa annetaan valtakunnallisia suosituksia ylitysrakentamisen synnyttĂ€mien ympĂ€ristöongelmien ratkaisemiseksi niin suunnittelu-, perustamis-, kunnossapito- kuin uusimistilanteessakin. Tutkimuksen III osaan on koottu rumpurakenteiden kartoitusohjeita. Rumpurakenteisiin liittyvĂ€t ympĂ€ristökysymykset ovat monin tavoin ajankohtaisia. Ilmastomallit ennustavat valunnan huomattavaa kasvua ja ajallista muutosta, kun taas tuulipuistojen ja metsĂ€teollisuuden tarvitsemat lisĂ€tiet merkitsevĂ€t uusia vesistöylityksiĂ€. MetsĂ€tieverkostomme ja samalla ylitysrakenteiden korjaustarve on myös suuri. Toisaalta aukkomitoitukset on siirretty konsulteille, luonnontilaisia purovesiĂ€ on jĂ€ljellĂ€ enÀÀ pari prosenttia ja vesienhoidon tavoite edellyttÀÀ vesimuodostumilta hyvÀÀ ekologista tilaa. Tila ei voi kuitenkaan olla hyvĂ€, jos ylitysrakenteet katkaisevat virtaveden yhtenĂ€isen jatkumon. TĂ€hĂ€n saakka yksittĂ€inen ongelmarumpu on ympĂ€ristöllisesti koettu vĂ€hĂ€pĂ€töiseksi harmiksi. Kun otetaan huomioon, ettĂ€ Suomessa on noin 90 000 vesistörumpua, ettĂ€ joka kolmas niistĂ€ on vaelluseste, ettĂ€ vain pieni osa rakenteista tulee viranomaisten tietoon ja ettĂ€ hankekĂ€ytĂ€ntöihin sisĂ€ltyy monia puutteita, asia saakin laajan ympĂ€ristöongelman mittasuhteet. Vuosijaksolla 2005–2015 kartoitettiin yli 2 000 ylitysrakennetta, joista yli 85 % rumpuja (Ø < 200 cm). Tyypillinen keskisuomalainen vesistörumpurakenne on muodoltaan pyöreĂ€, pohjaltaan paljas, halkaisijaltaan 90 cm, pituudeltaan 930 cm ja valmistettu betonista. Ylitysrakenteen ympĂ€ristöongelma voi johtua rakenteen ominaisuuksista, sen asentamisesta (perustamisesta) ja kunnossapitoon liittyvistĂ€ toimista. Miltei kaikki tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen noin 350 sillasta oli kalojen lĂ€pikuljettavissa sekĂ€ ylĂ€- ettĂ€ alavirtaan. Sen sijaan lĂ€hes 40 % vuosina 2013–2014 tutkituista rummuista (N=830) muodosti pysyvĂ€n vaellusesteen. Estevaikutuksen aiheuttivat useimmiten rummun alapÀÀn pudotus (keskimÀÀrin 13 cm), liian suuri virtausnopeus, rakenteen pohjan sileys, veden mataluus sekĂ€ rakenteen suulla olevat kivi-, jĂ€te- ja karikepadot. Eurooppalaisen vesiensuojelun ja -hoidon perusteeseihin kuuluu virtavesien vapaa uomajatkumo ja hyvĂ€laatuinen elinympĂ€ristö. Siksi uusi vesirakentaminen ei saa enÀÀ synnyttÀÀ vaellusesteitĂ€. Myös ylitysrakenteiden uusimisen ja korjaamisen yhteydessĂ€ tulee aiemman rakentamisen aiheuttamia ympĂ€ristöhaittoja ja -vahinkoja vĂ€hentÀÀ tai mieluiten kokonaan poistaa. Valtaosa ylitysrakenteisiin liittyvistĂ€ ympĂ€ristöongelmista on vĂ€ltettĂ€vissĂ€ pelkĂ€stÀÀn oikealla rakennevalinnalla, oikealla tielinjauksella ja rakenteen oikealla asentamisella. TĂ€mĂ€ puolestaan edellyttÀÀ ohjeistuksen ja -koulutuksen tehostamista, ympĂ€ristöasiantuntemuksen lisÀÀmistĂ€ ylityshankkeissa, uusien ylitysrakennemallien kehittĂ€mistĂ€ sekĂ€ vesilain tĂ€ydentĂ€mistĂ€ ns. pieniĂ€ vesitaloushankkeita koskevan ilmoitusmenettelyn osalta

    Mapping natural and artificial migration hindrances for fish using LiDAR remote sensing

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    Hedger, R.D., Blumentrath, S., Bergan, M.A. & Eloranta, A.P. 2020. Mapping natural and artificial migration hindrances for fish using LiDAR remote sensing. NINA Report 1833. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. We developed a new method to map and evaluate the impact of potential natural and artificial migration hindrances on the spatial distribution of sea trout (Salmo trutta) within stream networks. A stream network was derived from a 1 m2 spatial resolution LiDAR-based Digital Terrain Model (DTM), using part of Trondheim Region as a test case. Algorithms were developed to identify potential artificial migration hindrances (stream crossings and culverts) from the DTM, and to correct the DTM to enable generation of a terrain-derived stream network that followed the topography better than manually-digitized stream networks. Stream slope was computed at multiple-spatial scales throughout the terrain-derived network because steep slopes can be a potential natural migration hindrance. Potential migration hindrances were then quantified across the network from (1) the positions of crossings and culverts (using information generated from the DTM alongside GIS databases) and (2) stream slope metrics. The impact of potential migration hindrances on the spatial distribution of sea trout was determined by analysing the relationship between these stream network properties and the prevalence of sea trout across Trondheim Region, as determined by electro-fishing surveys conducted by Trondheim Kommune, NINA and NIVA. Models showed that prevalence was negatively related to the number of crossings and culverts downstream of the electrofishing site. However, no effect of slope was identified, and the predictive power of models was low. The terrain derivation-based approach developed here offered high local accuracy, but was computationally intensive, and suffered from potential confounding effects, and investigation of the effect of stream network properties on sea trout prevalence was limited by the quantity and quality of available data. This study has shown that a GIS-based approach, reliant on semi-automated processing of high-resolution DTM data, and integrated with GIS data, can be used to construct a stream network showing potential migration hindrances for fish populations. Further, there is potential for applying this approach over a wider geographical area and in different freshwater applications.Hedger, R.D., Blumentrath, S., Bergan, M.A. & Eloranta, A.P. 2020. Mapping natural and artificial migration hindrances for fish using LiDAR remote sensing. NINA Rapport 1833. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Vi har utviklet en ny metode for Ä kartlegge og evaluere effekten av potensielle naturlige og menneskeskapte vandringshindre (barrierer) for ferskvannsvandring til sjÞÞrret (Salmo trutta L.). OmrÄder av Trondheimsregionen med eksisterende kartlegging av sjÞÞrretutbredelse ble brukt som testomrÄde. Det har blitt utviklet algoritmer for Ä identifisere potensielle vandringshindre (infrastrukturkryssinger, kulverter og lignende menneskeskapte inngrep, samt generell elvetopografi) fra digital terrengmodell (DTM). Resultatene i dette prosjektet baserer seg pÄ digitale terrengmodeller med 1 m2 romlig opplÞsning fra LIDAR data. Det er anvendt eksisterende algoritmer for Ä generere og korrigere elvenett fra digitale terrengmodeller. Slike terrengavledet elvenett avspeiler topografien bedre enn eksisterende manuelt digitalisert elvenett (NVE elvenett), og er en forutsetning for Ä avlede elvetoppografi, og dermed vandringshindre, fra digitale terrengmodeller. Fra det terrengavledede elvenettet ble helningsgradient kartlagt for hele elevnettverket pÄ ulike romlige skalaer. Posisjon til kulverter og lignende inngrep ble kartlagt ved Ä sette sammen informasjon fra terrengavledet elvenett med informasjon fra GIS databaser for infra-struktur. Potensielle vandringshindre ble deretter kvantifisert for hele elvenettet ut fra (1) posi-sjonene til kryssinger, kulverter og lignende inngrep og (2) ulike indekser for helningsgradient. Effekten av potensielle vandringshindre pÄ utbredelse av sjÞÞrret ble analysert ved statistiske modeller hvor forekomst av sjÞÞrret fra Ärlige ungfisktellinger ble brukt som responsvariabel (kvantitative tetthetsberegning fra el-fiske utfÞrt av Trondheim Kommune, NINA og NIVA). Potensielle vandringshindre nedstrÞms fra el-fiskestasjon ble brukt som prediksjonsvariable for forekomst. Forekomsten av sjÞÞrret var negativt relatert til antall kryssinger og kulverter nedstrÞms for stasjonsomrÄder for elfiske. Ingen effekt av helningsgradient ble imidlertid identifisert. Modellenes prediksjonsevne var generelt lav. Studiet viser at en GIS-basert tilnÊrming, med stÞtte i semi-automatisert prosessering av hÞyopplÞselige digitale terrengmodeller integrert med GIS-data, kan brukes til Ä konstruere et elvenett (vassdragsnettverk) som avdekker potensielle vandringshindre. TilnÊrmingen har potensiale for anvendelse er et mer omfattende geografisk omrÄde, og som et grunnlag for prediksjonsmodellering av mulig utbredelsesomrÄde og vandringshindre. Det er imidlertid ogsÄ identifisert klare begrensninger med den nÄvÊrende metodikken. Disse er i vesentlig grad knyttet til datagrunnlag for kalibrering av modeller (bakkeverifisering). Manglende datagrunnlag for dette gir lav utsagnskraft med pÄfÞlgende store usikkerheter i prediksjoner. De viktigste her er: (1) Kartlegging av eksisterende forekomst av sjÞÞrret er basert pÄ eksisterende overvÄkning som er mÄlrettet mot forventet utbredelse. Dette gjÞr at det blir fÄ observasjoner i omrÄder hvor utbredelse er begrenset av vandringshindre. (2) Det mangler detaljert informasjon om i hvor stor grad identifiserte menneskeskapte vandringshindre som ikke er observerbare med fjernmÄlingsdata (e.g. kulverter) utgjÞr barrierer. Metodikken er generelt ogsÄ beregningsintensiv og krever manuell korreksjon. Det vurderes at videreutvikling av metodikken vil kreve (1) bedre kunnskap pÄ utbredelse i form av data som gjÞr det mulig Ä estimere fore-komsten, (2) inventeringer og bakkeverifisering av vandringshindre. TilnÊrminger beskrevet i denne rapporten utgjÞr imidlertid et godt grunnlag for Ä prioritere og mÄlrette feltinnsats med hensyn pÄ kartlegging av bÄde fisk og abiotiske forhold

    Effects of temporal abiotic drivers on the dynamics of an allometric trophic network model

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    Current ecological research and ecosystem management call for improved understanding of the abiotic drivers of community dynamics, including temperature effects on species interactions and biomass accumulation. Allometric trophic network (ATN) models, which simulate material (carbon) transfer in trophic networks from producers to consumers based on mass-specific metabolic rates, provide an attractive framework to study consumer–resource interactions from organisms to ecosystems. However, the developed ATN models rarely consider temporal changes in some key abiotic drivers that affect, for example, consumer metabolism and producer growth. Here, we evaluate how temporal changes in carrying capacity and light-dependent growth rate of producers and in temperature-dependent mass-specific metabolic rate of consumers affect ATN model dynamics, namely seasonal biomass accumulation, productivity, and standing stock biomass of different trophic guilds, including age-structured fish communities. Our simulations of the pelagic Lake Constance food web indicated marked effects of temporally changing abiotic parameters on seasonal biomass accumulation of different guild groups, particularly among the lowest trophic levels (primary producers and invertebrates). While the adjustment of average irradiance had minor effect, increasing metabolic rate associated with 1–2°C temperature increase led to a marked decline of larval (0-year age) fish biomass, but to a substantial biomass increase of 2- and 3-year-old fish that were not predated by ≄4-year-old top predator fish, European perch (Perca fluviatilis). However, when averaged across the 100 simulation years, the inclusion of seasonality in abiotic drivers caused only minor changes in standing stock biomasses and productivity of different trophic guilds. Our results demonstrate the potential of introducing seasonality in and adjusting the average values of abiotic ATN model parameters to simulate temporal fluctuations in food-web dynamics, which is an important step in ATN model development aiming to, for example, assess potential future community-level responses to ongoing environmental changes.peerReviewe

    Towards environmental design in hydropower reservoirs - Developing a handbook for mitigation measures in regulated lakes

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    Due to their ability to store large amounts of water, reservoirs are the supporting beam in the Norwegian hydropower system. Norway has approximately 1200 lakes that are regulated for hydropower usage, but despite the large number, there is relatively little public awareness of environmental impacts in lakes regulated for hydropower, at least compared to the focus on regulated salmon rivers. The Handbook for environmental design in regulated salmon rivers was published in 2013 and has become an important tool for local and national authorities, as well as hydropower companies in Norway. The aim of this report is to investigate the feasibility of developing a handbook for environmental design related to fish in reservoirs, similar to the one for salmon rivers. Given the large variation among Norwegian hydropower reservoirs, it is not realistic to create a first handbook for environmental design that will be useful for all reservoir types. Hence, it would be useful to narrow the scope and identify some reservoirs that are of particular interest and start with method development targeting these reservoirs. In this report, we have focused on environmental measures targeting brown trout populations, as this well-studied species is the most common in Norwegian hydropower reservoirs. The first phase of the environmental design methodology is the diagnosis phase, which aims to identify key bottlenecks for fish populations. Based on many years of fish monitoring in Norwegian reservoirs, several ecological bottlenecks are already known. An aspect that is not included in the salmon handbook, but of high importance for a future handbook for reservoirs, is collecting information on lake productivity. Unlike the anadromous salmon, experiencing abundant food recourses in their oceanic stage, resident species are highly influenced by the food availability in the lake. Hence, when looking for bottlenecks in reservoirs, an additional population-regulating factor to habitat-related and hydrological conditions may be food limitation. We suggest that the diagnosis phase for environmental design for reservoirs should consist of two parts: one based on data on fish populations and their main prey, and the other on hydrological and habitat data. In addition, the hydropower system must be described to understand potential environmental impacts. In contrast to data on fish populations and their main prey, habitat mapping and hydrological analyses have been lacking in most reservoir surveys. In many cases, appropriate habitat mapping is done in the adjacent spawning streams, but habitat mapping is rarely done within lakes. We believe it is realistic to identify bottlenecks and undertake a full diagnosis phase of environmental design based on today’s knowledge. However, there is a need to implement standardized surveys to ensure that sufficient data is collected in all reservoir monitoring. In this report, we have suggested available sampling methodology that we believe should be part of such standardized surveys. The second phase of environmental design is to identify design solutions. To our knowledge, no one has so far performed a full environmental design project in a reservoir. However, there are a number of different mitigation measures that have been used in Norwegian reservoirs and could be further developed for a future handbook. To obtain information about the type of already tested measures, we performed a survey among all County Governors in Norway. The results show that there is limited experience with mitigation measures in reservoirs. Of > 1200 Norwegian reservoirs, only 37 were reported to have known mitigation measures targeting brown trout, and a few targeting other species. Further, almost all measures targeting reservoir fishes have been implemented in the surrounding streams and rivers. These measures are more similar to the environmental design already developed for salmon rivers. For development of a handbook for reservoirs, it is important to develop environmental design methodology within the reservoir itself, i.e. in the lake habitats. The County Governors reported 14 cases of measures targeting trout within a reservoir, covering habitat-related measures, altered pattern of water level fluctuations and creation of “lake in reservoir”. We find these examples particularly interesting and relevant for a future handbook for environmental design in reservoirs. Although we have some examples of existing mitigation measures to learn from, it is important to identify optimal ways to balance the need of the fish populations with the need for power production. We believe that the most important knowledge gap to fill prior to development of an environmental design handbook for reservoirs is to develop tools that can assist balanced decisions between the environmental needs and the power production, similar to those already developed for the salmon handbook. The best way forward for environmental design in hydropower reservoirs is to establish a multidisciplinary research project, where scientists, power producers and managers can work together, focusing on one or two reservoirs in detail and use this as a pilot

    Ethanol preservation effects on stable carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotopes in the freshwater pearl mussel

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    Chemical preservatives can alter stable isotope ratios in animal tissues. The effects of preservation on ή13C and ή15N values have been investigated in a variety of species, but not on ή2H values or on the freshwater pearl mussel (FPM, Margaritifera margaritifera) tissues. We evaluated the effect of ethanol preservation (unpreserved vs preserved tissues) over 6 months on the ή13C, ή15N and ή2H values of FPM foot and gonad tissues. Ethanol preservation significantly increased ή13C values (foot 0.4 ‰; gonad 0.3 ‰), whereas it did not significantly affect ή15N values (foot 0.2 ‰; gonad − 0.1 ‰). The positive effect of ethanol preservation on ή2H values (foot 7.1 ‰; gonad 14.5 ‰) and the negative effect on C:N ratios (foot  − 0.1; gonad − 0.5) depended on the tissue type, with larger effects found on the lipid-rich gonad. Overall, ethanol preservation affected ή2H values more than the ή13C, ή15N or C:N ratios of FPM tissues. After 1 month of preservation, the isotope values remained rather stable, and significant changes were only observed in ή15N values. The results imply that ethanol-preserved FPM samples can be used if potential shifts in isotopic and elemental ratios are accounted for prior running mixing models for estimating dietary proportions.peerReviewe

    Impacts of reduced Lepidurus arcticus availability on brown trout life history traits in a mountain reservoir

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    Lepidurus arcticus (the Arctic tadpole shrimp) is a vulnerable keystone species in Arctic and alpine water bodies where its occurrence and population size may influence the viability and life history traits of resident salmonids. Using data from a Norwegian mountain hydropower reservoir, Aursjoen, we illustrate how reduced availability of L. arcticus as prey resulted in the reduced condition, growth and delayed maturation of resident brown trout (Salmo trutta). We further link changes in the relative abundance of L. arcticus as prey to changing reservoir conditions, e.g. water level changes in the spring period, thereby establishing an indirect link between reservoir operation regimes and brown trout population traits. While no evidence for decreased brown trout survival was found, the results indicate that alternative brown trout prey resources, i.e. the small chydorid cladoceran Eurycercus lamellatus, do not appear to have successfully offset the caloric loss from reduced consumption of large-sized L. arcticus. Although the fundamental explanation for the observed L. arcticus collapse remains largely unknown, the present findings provide strong evidence that this vulnerable crustacean species can affect the abundance, viability and life history traits of valued resident salmonid populations in oligotrophic alpine lakes and reservoirs exposed to climate- and hydropower-driven changes in water levels and temperature.peerReviewe