171 research outputs found

    Extradition and Trial Delays: Recent Developments (and Lessons?) from Canada

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    Extradition – the formal rendition of criminal fugitives between states – is well-known to be a time-consuming process that often has impacts, minor or major, on the ability of states to complete prosecution in a timely manner. Thus, the extradition process can sometimes be at odds with the right to trial within a reasonable time, which is part of the overall package of fair trial rights enshrined in international human rights law. In Canada, this right is implemented by paragraph 11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In recent years Canadian courts have developed a series of principles to be applied to cases where extradition is involved in claims of trial delay. These range from the prosecution’s obligation to pursue timely trial in a diligent manner, to the extent to which extradition should simply be treated as procedurally neutral, to the attribution of delays when an accused has deliberately left the country to avoid prosecution. This body of case law is surveyed and analyzed in this article, as a means of providing an illustrative example of state practice regarding this right. The authors conclude that while Canadian law on this question is not entirely coherent internally, it generally complies with international standards

    Ethical Hacking by Alana Maurushat

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    Book Review of Ethical Hacking by Alana Maurushat (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2019)

    A validade de uma avaliação baseada no desempenho para aspirantes a líderes escolares

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    This paper introduces the new Massachusetts Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL) and uses critical policy analysis to re-examine the validity evidence (using the 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and a theory of multicultural validity) for the use and interpretation of the PAL in regards to emerging school leadership. Data sources include two years of PAL test documentation plus candidate surveys and interviews with program directors. The author’s role as a test user, faculty instructor, and certified test scorer afforded access to student work, student communications, scorer network training, and state department of education communications and meetings. The paper challenges the content validity, raises questions in regards to evidence based on response processes, internal structure, relation to other variables, consequences, and multicultural validity particularly when the PAL is used as a stand-alone, high-stakes licensure test and offers suggestions to improve the test as a formative assessment.Este artículo presenta la Massachusetts Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL) y utiliza un análisis político crítico para reexaminar la validez de las evidencias utilizando los Estándares de 2014 para las Normas para la Educación y la Psicología de la prueba y una teoría de validez multicultural) el uso e interpretación de PAL en relación al liderazgo escolar emergente. Las fuentes de datos incluyen dos años de documentación de la prueba PAL, además de encuestas con candidatos y entrevistas con directores de programa. El papel del autor como usuario de prueba, instructor del cuerpo docente y artillero de prueba certificado posibilitó el acceso al trabajo del alumno, a las comunicaciones de los alumnos, al entrenamiento de la red de puntuación y al departamento estadual de comunicaciones y reuniones educativas. El artículo discute la validez de contenido, plantea cuestiones en relación a evidencias basadas en procesos de respuesta, estructura interna, relación con otras variables, consecuencias y validez multicultural, particularmente cuando el PAL se utiliza como una prueba autónoma de licencias de “high stakes” y ofrece sugerencias para mejorar la prueba como una evaluación formativa.Este artigo apresenta a Massachusetts Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL) e usa análise política crítica para reexaminar a validade das evidências (usando os Padrões de 2014 para Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing e uma teoria de validade multicultural) para o uso e interpretação de PAL em relação à liderança escolar emergente. As fontes de dados incluem dois anos de documentação do teste PAL, além de pesquisas com candidatos e entrevistas com diretores de programa. O papel do autor como usuário de teste, instrutor do corpo docente e artilheiro de teste certificado possibilitou o acesso ao trabalho do aluno, às comunicações dos alunos, ao treinamento da rede de pontuação e ao departamento estadual de comunicações e reuniões educacionais. O artigo contesta a validade de conteúdo, levanta questões em relação a evidências baseadas em processos de resposta, estrutura interna, relação com outras variáveis, conseqüências e validade multicultural, particularmente quando o PAL é usado como um teste autônomo de licenciamento de “high stakes” e oferece sugestões para melhorar o teste como uma avaliação formativa

    Implication de CDC dans des processus d'élaboration de projets cliniques de CSSS

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    Ce cahier présente les résultats d'une recherche exploratoire portant sur l'implication de CDC (Corporation de développement communautaire) du Québec dans des processus d'élaboration de projets cliniques de CSSS (Centre de santé et de services sociaux). Trente responsables de CDC (sur un total de 43 au Québec) ont été interviewées à l'automne 2006. Il en ressort que 17 étaient impliquées dans un processus de projet clinique avec un CSSS et que 13 ne l'étaient pas. Notre interrogation de recherche était double. Nous désirions explorer : 1) les formes de participation des CDC et des autres acteurs dans les projets cliniques; 2) les impacts appréhendés des projets cliniques sur les organismes communautaires, sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé, ainsi que sur la pratique des organisateurs communautaires des CSSS. Sur le plan de la méthodologie, nous avons eu recours à des entrevues téléphoniques semi-dirigées auprès de 30 dirigeantes de CDC du Québec. L'analyse de contenu s'est faite selon un mode de type catégoriel à partir d'un résumé écrit des entrevues. Nous avons également procédé à l'analyse documentaire de divers textes relatifs aux projets cliniques. Ce cahier présente les résultats de cette recherche et analyse les principaux enjeux que soulèvent les projets cliniques pour le milieu communautaire

    Occupational outcomes of bachelor\u27s degrees earned by nontraditional students

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    The purpose of this study was to ascertain the occupational outcomes of bachelor\u27s degrees earned by individuals when they are 25 years or older, here called nontraditional graduates. The subjects of the study were 212 nontraditional graduates of the University of Northern Iowa. They were randomly selected from a list of individuals who received their college degrees from 1984 to 1988 and who were 25 years old or older at the time they graduated. A questionnaire was designed by the researcher that elicited information about the subjects\u27 reasons for deciding to earn a college degree and about their past and current employment. Responses were analyzed by comparing subjects• expectations of the earned degree with actual outcomes and by studying the occurrence of occupational mobility from pre-graduation jobs to post-graduation jobs. Data about UNI graduates\u27 employment characteristics were compared with similar data collected in a national survey of graduates of all ages by the U. s. Department of Education. It was expected that UNI nontraditional graduates would not find jobs after graduation that had higher socioeconomic status than the jobs they held before their graduation. It was also expected that a lower proportion of UNI nontraditional graduates would find jobs within one year of graduation than graduates in the national sample and that it would be less likely that those jobs would be related to their college major and have opportunity for advancement than the jobs found by those in the national sample. Results indicated that most of the UNI nontraditional graduates decided to earn a college degree primarily for occupational reasons, and most of them reported attaining the outcomes they expected to. In addition, most of the UNI graduates obtained post-graduation jobs with significantly higher status than the jobs they held before they earned a college degree. Overall, a greater proportion of them obtained jobs within a year of graduation than did graduates in the national study, and more UNI nontraditional graduates\u27 jobs were related to their major fields of study and had career potential than jobs obtained by graduates of all ages in the national study

    Extradition and trial delays: recent developments (and lessons?) from Canada

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    Extradition – the formal rendition of criminal fugitives between states – is well-known to be a time-consuming process that often has impacts, minor or major, on the ability of states to complete prosecution in a timely manner. Thus, the extradition process can sometimes be at odds with the right to trial within a reasonable time, which is part of the overall package of fair trial rights enshrined in international human rights law. In Canada, this right is implemented by paragraph 11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In recent years, Canadian courts have developed a series of principles to be applied to cases where extradition is involved in claims of trial delay. These range from the prosecution’s obligation to pursue timely trial in a diligent manner, to the extent to which extradition should simply be treated as procedurally neutral, to the attribution of delays when an accused has deliberately left the country to avoid prosecution. This body of case law is surveyed and analysed in this article, as a means of providing an illustrative example of state practice regarding this right. The authors conclude that, while Canadian law on this question is not entirely coherent internally, it generally complies with international standards.A extradição – a entrega formal de criminosos fugitivos entre Estados – é notória por ser um processo moroso que tem muitas vezes impacto, maior ou menor, na capacidade dos Estados concluírem a prossecução penal atempadamente. Assim, o processo de extradição pode por vezes entrar em conflito com o direito a um julgamento num prazo razoável, direito esse que faz parte no conjunto geral de direitos a um julgamento justo estabelecido no corpo internacional de Direitos Humanos. No Canadá, este direito é estatuído pelo parágrafo 11(b) do Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Em anos recentes, os tribunais canadianos desenvolveram uma série de princípios a ser aplicados a casos em que a extradição está envolvida em alegações de atraso de julgamento. Estes vão desde a obrigação da acusação promover um julgamento num prazo razoável de forma diligente, à ideia de que a extradição deve ser processualmente neutra, ou à atribuição de atrasos quando um arguido saiu deliberadamente do país de modo a evitar a prossecução penal. Este conjunto de jurisprudência é analisado neste artigo, enquanto meio de oferecer um exemplo ilustrativo das práticas públicas relativas a este direito. Os Autores concluem que enquanto a lei canadiana não é inteiramente coerente em termos internos, esta é, de uma forma geral, conforme aos padrões internacionais

    Record filing in accounting offices; Management of an accounting practice bulletin, MAP 23

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    Construire une nation : le cas du Kosovo dans Wikipédia

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    Avec la venue du web 2.0 et de la généralisation de l'usage de l'internet, une nouvelle tranche de la population s'immisce dans les usages de l'histoire. Partant du cas du Kosovo dans l'encyclopédie Wikipédia , il est possible d'observer comment l'usage des nouveaux médias contribue à la construction de la perception et de la représentation des récits nationaux. Quels sont les effets d'une participation par la population générale sur les représentations des nouvelles nations? L'encyclopédie Wikipédia est un symbole du web 2.0 et le Kosovo un exemple de cheminement national actuel avec la proclamation d'indépendance du 17 février 2008. Ceci est sans compter tout le passé récent des Balkans. Cette étude permet d'affirmer que les nouveaux médias de communication ne changent pas la manière d'élaborer les récits nationaux et que l'accroissement de la participation s'inscrit encore dans les théories actuelles dominantes de l'historiographie de ce sujet. Par contre, le web devient essentiel et une vitrine incontournable dans le portrait médiatique actuel pour transmettre ces messages et ainsi influencer la perception des internautes sur la validité ou non d'une indépendance