526 research outputs found

    SuperWIMP Dark Matter Signals from the Early Universe

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    Cold dark matter may be made of superweakly-interacting massive particles, superWIMPs, that naturally inherit the desired relic density from late decays of metastable WIMPs. Well-motivated examples are weak-scale gravitinos in supergravity and Kaluza-Klein gravitons from extra dimensions. These particles are impossible to detect in all dark matter experiments. We find, however, that superWIMP dark matter may be discovered through cosmological signatures from the early universe. In particular, superWIMP dark matter has observable consequences for Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and may explain the observed underabundance of 7Li without upsetting the concordance between deuterium and CMB baryometers. We discuss implications for future probes of CMB black body distortions and collider searches for new particles. In the course of this study, we also present a model-independent analysis of entropy production from late-decaying particles in light of WMAP data.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, typos correcte

    Friedmann Robertson-Walker model in generalised metric space-time with weak anisotropy

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    A generalized model of space-time is given, taking into consideration the anisotropic structure of fields which are depended on the position and the direction (velocity).In this framework a generalized FRW-metric the Raychaudhouri and Friedmann equations are studied.A long range vector field of cosmological origin is considered in relation to the physical geometry of space-time in which Cartan connection has a fundamental role.The generalised Friedmann equations are produced including anisotropic terms.The variation of anisotropy ztz_t is expressed in terms of the Cartan torsion tensor of the Finslerian space-time.A possible estimation of the anisotropic parameter ztz_t can be achieved with the aid of the de-Sitter model of the empty flat universe with weak anisotropy. Finally a physical generalisation for the model of inflation is also studied.Comment: 21 pages- to appear in GR

    Phenomenological constraints on SUSY SU(5) GUTs with non-universal gaugino masses

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    We study phenomenological aspects of supersymmetric SU(5) grand unified theories with non-universal gaugino masses. For large tan beta, we investigate constraints from the requirement of successful electroweak symmetry breaking, the positivity of stau mass squared and the b to s gamma decay rate. In the allowed region, the nature of the lightest supersymmetric particle is determined. Examples of mass spectra are given. We also calculate loop corrections to the bottom mass due to superpartners.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures (8 eps files), uses REVTeX. Replaced to match the version to be published in PRD: minor corrections and addition

    Neutrino-Deuteron Scattering in Effective Field Theory at Next-to-Next-to Leading Order

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    We study the four channels associated with neutrino-deuteron breakup reactions at next-to-next to leading order in effective field theory. We find that the total cross-section is indeed converging for neutrino energies up to 20 MeV, and thus our calculations can provide constraints on theoretical uncertainties for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. We stress the importance of a direct experimental measurement to high precision in at least one channel, in order to fix an axial two-body counterterm.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures (eps

    Electroweak Symmetry Breaking via UV Insensitive Anomaly Mediation

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    Anomaly mediation solves the supersymmetric flavor and CP problems. This is because the superconformal anomaly dictates that supersymmetry breaking is transmitted through nearly flavor-blind infrared physics that is highly predictive and UV insensitive. Slepton mass squareds, however, are predicted to be negative. This can be solved by adding D-terms for U(1)_Y and U(1)_{B-L} while retaining the UV insensitivity. In this paper we consider electroweak symmetry breaking via UV insensitive anomaly mediation in several models. For the MSSM we find a stable vacuum when tanbeta < 1, but in this region the top Yukawa coupling blows up only slightly above the supersymmetry breaking scale. For the NMSSM, we find a stable electroweak breaking vacuum but with a chargino that is too light. Replacing the cubic singlet term in the NMSSM superpotential with a term linear in the singlet we find a stable vacuum and viable spectrum. Most of the parameter region with correct vacua requires a large superpotential coupling, precisely what is expected in the ``Fat Higgs'' model in which the superpotential is generated dynamically. We have therefore found the first viable UV complete, UV insensitive supersymmetry breaking model that solves the flavor and CP problems automatically: the Fat Higgs model with UV insensitive anomaly mediation. Moreover, the cosmological gravitino problem is naturally solved, opening up the possibility of realistic thermal leptogenesis.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Neutral weak currents in pion electroproduction on the nucleon

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    Parity violating asymmetry in inclusive scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons by unpolarized protons with π0\pi^0 or π+\pi^+ meson production, is calculated as a function of the momentum transfer squared Q2Q^2 and the total energy WW of the πN\pi N-system. This asymmetry, which is induced by the interference of the one-photon exchange amplitude with the parity-odd part of the Z0Z^0-exchange amplitude, is calculated for the γ∗(Z∗)+p→N+π\gamma^*(Z^*)+p\to N+\pi processes (γ∗\gamma^* is a virtual photon and Z∗Z^* a virtual Z-boson) considering the Δ\Delta-contribution in the s−s-channel, the standard Born contributions and vector meson (ρ\rho and ω\omega) exchanges in the t−t-channel. Taking into account the known isotopic properties of the hadron electromagnetic and neutral currents, we show that the P-odd term is the sum of two contributions. The main term is model independent and it can be calculated exactly in terms of fundamental constants. It is found to be linear in Q2Q^2. The second term is a relatively small correction which is determined by the isoscalar component of the electromagnetic current. Near threshold and in the Δ\Delta-region, this isoscalar part is much smaller (in absolute value) than the isovector one: its contribution to the asymmetry depend on the polarization state (longitudinal or transverse) of the virtual photon.Comment: 30 pages 9 figure

    African farmer-led irrigation development: re-framing agricultural policy and investment?

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    The past decade has witnessed an intensifying focus on the development of irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa. It follows a 20-year hiatus in the wake of disappointing irrigation performance during the 1970s and 1980s. Persistent low productivity in African agriculture and vulnerability of African food supplies to increasing instability in international commodity markets are driving pan-African agricultural investment initiatives, such as the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), that identify as a priority the improvement in reliability of water control for agriculture. The paper argues that, for such initiatives to be effective, there needs to be a re-appraisal of current dynamics of irrigation development in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly with respect to the role of small-scale producers’ initiatives in expanding irrigation. The paper reviews the principal forms such initiatives take and argues that official narratives and statistics on African irrigation often underestimate the extent of such activities. The paper identifies five key characteristics which, it argues, contradict widely held assumptions that inform irrigation policy in Africa. The paper concludes by offering a definition of ‘farmer-led irrigation’ that embraces a range of interaction between producers and commercial, government and non-government agencies, and identifies priority areas for research on the growth potential and impact of such interactions and strategies for their future development

    Information science and cognitive psychology: a theoretical approach

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    Information, as a human and social phenomenon, is the object of study of an emergent scientific field named Information Science (IS), which we put forward as unitary and transdisciplinary and open to a rich interdisciplinarity with other fields of knowledge. In face of the new reality, baptized the Information Society', and the emergence of a new paradigm, that we name "post-custodial, scientific and informational", as opposed to the previous one, "historicist, custodial and technicist", it is urgent to consolidate the theoretical and methodological foundations of IS in order to develop research, both pure and applied, and to contribute to a definition of its boundaries as a scientific area, in the scope of Social Sciences. Starting from an operative definition of Information, this paper aims to discuss the cognitive and emotional dimension of the info-communicational phenomenon and, for that, it is crucial to start a profound and hard dialogue with Cognitive Sciences. The label of 'cognitivist' given, in IS literature, to some authors like Bertram Brookes, because of the emphasis he put on the passage from a state of knowledge to a new state through an addition of knowledge coming from an increase of information, sounds quite equivocal, because knowledge and cognition are not synonymous and cognitive and emotional activity is not reducible to formalities. It is necessary to compare concepts and to understand the neuropsychological roots of the production, the organization and the info-communicational behaviour, so the contribution of Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences, namely Cognitive Psychology, is indispensable
