7,787 research outputs found

    Generation of maximally entangled states with sub-luminal Lorentz boost

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    Recent work has studied entanglement between the spin and momentum components of a single spin-1/2 particle and showed that maximal entanglement is obtained only when boosts approach the speed of light. Here we extend the boost scenario to general geometries and show that, intriguingly, maximal entanglement can be achieved with boosts less than the speed of light. Boosts approaching the speed of light may even decrease entanglement. We also provide a geometric explanation for this behavior

    Activity Dependent Branching Ratios in Stocks, Solar X-ray Flux, and the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld Sandpile Model

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    We define an activity dependent branching ratio that allows comparison of different time series XtX_{t}. The branching ratio bxb_x is defined as bx=E[ξx/x]b_x= E[\xi_x/x]. The random variable ξx\xi_x is the value of the next signal given that the previous one is equal to xx, so ξx={Xt+1∣Xt=x}\xi_x=\{X_{t+1}|X_t=x\}. If bx>1b_x>1, the process is on average supercritical when the signal is equal to xx, while if bx<1b_x<1, it is subcritical. For stock prices we find bx=1b_x=1 within statistical uncertainty, for all xx, consistent with an ``efficient market hypothesis''. For stock volumes, solar X-ray flux intensities, and the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) sandpile model, bxb_x is supercritical for small values of activity and subcritical for the largest ones, indicating a tendency to return to a typical value. For stock volumes this tendency has an approximate power law behavior. For solar X-ray flux and the BTW model, there is a broad regime of activity where bx≃1b_x \simeq 1, which we interpret as an indicator of critical behavior. This is true despite different underlying probability distributions for XtX_t, and for ξx\xi_x. For the BTW model the distribution of ξx\xi_x is Gaussian, for xx sufficiently larger than one, and its variance grows linearly with xx. Hence, the activity in the BTW model obeys a central limit theorem when sampling over past histories. The broad region of activity where bxb_x is close to one disappears once bulk dissipation is introduced in the BTW model -- supporting our hypothesis that it is an indicator of criticality.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Scintillation Caustics in Planetary Occultation Light Curves

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    We revisit the GSC5249-01240 light curve obtained during its occultation by Saturn's North polar region. In addition to refractive scintillations, the power spectrum of intensity fluctuations shows an enhancement of power between refractive and diffractive regimes. We identify this excess power as due to high amplitude spikes in the light curve and suggest that these spikes are due to caustics associated with ray crossing situations. The flux variation in individual spikes follows the expected caustic behavior, including diffraction fringes which we have observed for the first time in a planetary occultation light curve. The presence of caustics in scintillation light curves require an inner scale cut off to the power spectrum of underlying density fluctuations associated with turbulence. Another possibility is the presence of gravity waves in the atmosphere. While occultation light curves previously showed the existence of refractive scintillations, a combination of small projected stellar size and a low relative velocity during the event have allowed us to identify caustics in this occultation. This has led us to re-examine previous data sets, in which we have also found likely examples of caustics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; ApJL submitte

    The Hubble Space Telescope high speed photometer

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    The Hubble Space Telescope will provide the opportunity to perform precise astronomical photometry above the disturbing effects of the atmosphere. The High Speed Photometer is designed to provide the observatory with a stable, precise photometer with wide dynamic range, broad wavelenth coverage, time resolution in the microsecond region, and polarimetric capability. Here, the scientific requirements for the instrument are examined, the unique design features of the photometer are explored, and the improvements to be expected over the performance of ground-based instruments are projected

    Eastern South Dakota Wetlands

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    Diverse and extensive wetland resources have always been familiar parts of the landscape to farmers, hunters, and residents of eastern South Dakota. The journals and oral histories of adventurers, trappers, and natives and immigrants reveal how wetlands shaped the wildlife and the people who lived on and modified the land to meet their own needs. The history of South Dakota wetlands parallels the history and interactions of people and wetlands elsewhere in North America and the world. This interaction can best be characterized as constant conflict. Driven primarily by economics, farmers the world over expended tremendous energy to reclaim and rehabilitate wet soils and wetlands. Their efforts alerted wildlife biologists, who sounded clear alarms in the 1950s about the loss of wetlands and about what that loss implied for the future of waterfowl and hunting. Eventually, farmers became aware that drainage districts, their costs, and their failures were adversely affecting farm families as often as they helped them. This report deals with the present. It outlines the true abundance and characteristics of eastern South Dakota wetlands, whether still pristine, modified, or constructed by man. It provides a clear statement of the kinds and numbers of wetlands and why they are important. It is a foundation for reasoned dialog about the future of wetlands. The past decade has seen unprecedented public debate about wetlands, with issues of property rights and anti-government sentiment woven in. Underlying this heated public dialog is the knowledge that wetlands have tremendous values, ranging from financial returns to flood control and wildlife habitat. These values become real and measurable in South Dakota. If wetlands are eliminated and the land no longer can absorb excess snowmelt or precipitation) the water overruns the land here and then goes downstream to flood someone else. Constant drainage can kill the golden goose of economic returns from hunting and other recreation. Landowners and biologists are now trying to undo harmful wetland modifications of the past. The future of many of these wetlands is still to be played out in eastern South Dakota and elsewhere. That future still holds the key to the majestic flights of waterfowl through future wet and dry cycles. Almost a million water bodies of all kinds are present in eastern South Dakota; this report is a powerful reminder of their dominant role in the lives of people and wildlife. [Forward by Rollin D. Sparrowe, Wildlife Management Institute]https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/nrm_book/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Spectral Signatures of the Diffusional Anomaly in Water

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    Analysis of power spectrum profiles for various tagged particle quantities in bulk SPC/E water is used to demonstrate that variations in mobility associated with the diffusional anomaly are mirrored in the exponent of the \onebyf\ region. Monitoring of \onebyf behaviour is shown to be a simple and direct method for linking phenomena on three distinctive length and time scales: the local molecular environment, hydrogen bond network reorganisations and the diffusivity. The results indicate that experimental studies of supercooled water to probe the density dependence of 1/fα1/f^\alpha spectral features, or equivalent stretched exponential behaviour in time-correlation functions, will be of interest.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figure

    The Hypanis Valles delta: The last highstand of a sea on early Mars?

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    One of the most contentious hypotheses in the geological history of Mars is whether the northern lowlands ever contained an oceanic water body. Arguably, the best evidence for an ocean comes from the presence of sedimentary fans around Mars' dichotomy boundary, which separates the northern lowlands from the southern highlands. Here we describe the palaeogeomorphology of the Hypanis Valles sediment fan, the largest sediment fan complex reported on Mars (area >970 km2). This has an extensive catchment (4.6 x 105 km2) incorporating Hypanis and Nanedi Valles, that we show was active during the late-Noachian/early-Hesperian period (∼3.7 Ga). The fan comprises a series of lobe-shaped sediment bodies, connected by multiple bifurcating flat-topped ridges. We interpret the latter as former fluvial channel belts now preserved in inverted relief. Meter-scale-thick, sub-horizontal layers that are continuous over tens of kilometres are visible in scarps and the inverted channel margins. The inverted channel branches and lobes are observed to occur up to at least 140 km from the outlet of Hypanis Valles and descend ∼500 m in elevation. The progressive basinward advance of the channellobe transition records deposition and avulsion at the margin of a retreating standing body of water, assuming the elevation of the northern plains basin floor is stable. We interpret the Hypanis sediment fan to represent an ancient delta as opposed to a fluvial fan system. At its location at the dichotomy boundary, the Hypanis Valles fan system is topographically open to Chryse Planitia – an extensive plain that opens in turn into the larger northern lowlands basin. We conclude that the observed progradation of fan bodies was due to basinward shoreline retreat of an ancient body of water which extended across at least Chryse Planitia. Given the open topography, it is plausible that the Hypanis fan system records the existence, last highstand, and retreat of a large sea in Chryse Planitia and perhaps even an ocean that filled the northern plains of Mars

    Intercontinental transport of pollution manifested in the variability and seasonal trend of springtime O3 at northern middle and high latitudes

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    Observations (0–8 km) from the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) experiment are analyzed to examine air masses contributing to the observed variability of springtime O3 and its seasonal increase at 40°–85°N over North America. Factor analysis using the positive matrix factorization and principal component analysis methods is applied to the data set with 14 chemical tracers (O3, NOy, PAN, CO, CH4, C2H2, C3H8, CH3Cl, CH3Br, C2Cl4, CFC-11, HCFC-141B, Halon-1211, and 7Be) and one dynamic tracer (potential temperature). Our analysis results are biased by the measurements at 5–8 km (70% of the data) due to the availability of 7Be measurements. The identified tracer characteristics for seven factors are generally consistent with the geographical origins derived from their 10 day back trajectories. Stratospherically influenced air accounts for 14 ppbv (35–40%) of the observed O3 variability for data with O3concentrations \u3c100 ppbv at middle and high latitudes. It accounts for about 2.5 ppbv/month (40%) of the seasonal O3 trend at midlatitudes but for only 0.8 ppbv/month (\u3c20%) at high latitudes, likely reflecting more vigorous midlatitude dynamical systems in spring. At midlatitudes, reactive nitrogen-rich air masses transported through Asia are much more significant (11 ppbv in variability and 3.5 ppbv/month in trend) than other tropospheric contributors. At high latitudes the O3 variability is significantly influenced by air masses transported from lower latitudes (11 ppbv), which are poor in reactive nitrogen. The O3 trend, in contrast, is largely defined by air masses rich in reactive nitrogen transported through Asia and Europe across the Pacific or the Arctic (3 ppbv/month). The influence from the stratospheric source is more apparent at 6–8 km, while the effect of O3 production and transport within the troposphere is more apparent at lower altitudes. The overall effect of tropospheric photochemical production, through long-range transport, on the observed O3 variability and its seasonal trend is more important at high latitudes relative to more photochemically active midlatitudes

    A reduced subduction graph and higher multiplicity in S_n transformation coefficients

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    Transformation coefficients between {\it standard} bases for irreducible representations of the symmetric group SnS_n and {\it split} bases adapted to the Sn1×Sn2⊂SnS_{n_1} \times S_{n_2} \subset S_n subgroup (n1+n2=nn_1 +n_2 = n) are considered. We first provide a \emph{selection rule} and an \emph{identity rule} for the subduction coefficients which allow to decrease the number of unknowns and equations arising from the linear method by Pan and Chen. Then, using the {\it reduced subduction graph} approach, we may look at higher multiplicity instances. As a significant example, an orthonormalized solution for the first multiplicity-three case, which occurs in the decomposition of the irreducible representation [4,3,2,1][4,3,2,1] of S10S_{10} into [3,2,1]⊗[3,1][3,2,1] \otimes [3,1] of S6×S4S_6 \times S_4, is presented and discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, iopart class, Revisited version (several typographical errors have been corrected). Accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge
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