90 research outputs found

    Examining the anti-inflammatory effects of β-hydroxybutyrate injections on LPS treated mice

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    Abstract Background: Elevated levels of ketones, especially β-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB), have been proposed to impact several essential mechanisms in the immune system. This is mainly suggested through the anti-inflammatory properties observed in studies on elevated BHB concentrations in mice and cell cultures. Inflammation is considered the essential mechanism of the innate immune response, a response against harmful pathogens as well as important for damaged tissue repair and regeneration. While beneficial in the short term, excessive inflammation can lead to a state of chronic inflammation, linked to several important diseases. Some of these diseases are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and several neurodegenerative diseases. With BHB implicated in several mechanisms central to the inflammation process, three suggested interactions are highly important for this project. 1) BHB inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation through interactions with potassium efflux channels and reactive oxygen species (ROS). This negatively impacts the maturation of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-18. 2) BHB as an HDAC inhibitor that can upregulate expression of molecules protecting against oxidative stress or directly impact the NF- subunits through phosphorylation. 3) BHB acting as a GPR109a agonist, a mechanism proven to reduce colon inflammation. Aim: The goal of the project is to examine if four bolus injections of different BHB containing solutions can reduce the severity of acute systemic inflammation in mice treated with LPS. Methods: 26 transgenic mice were sorted into four groups, all given a different amount of BHB. Group 1, the control, was only given a saline solution with 0 mM BHB. Group 2 was given 5 mmol/kg BHB solution (Low). Group 3 was given 10 mmol/kg BHB solution (Medium), and group 4 was given 15 mmol/kg BHB (High). The severity of the inflammation caused by LPS was measured through in vivo imaging of NF- activity and cytokine profiling from plasma samples. Results: While a substantial NF- activity was observed through in vivo imaging, no dose dependent relationship between BHB and NF- activity was found. Male mice on average were found to exhibit a higher NF- activity compared to the female mice. Data from cytokine profiling showed a greater IFN-γ concentration in plasma samples from the male mice compared to those from females. A positive dose dependent effect of BHB on IL-10 and IL-6 were found. Conclusion: We did not observe reduction in NF- activity in any of the groups given BHB. With BHB theorized to inhibit NLRP3i activation, it was expected to see a dose dependent reduction of IL-1β and IL-18. Instead, a dose dependent increase in IL-6 and IL-10 were observed

    Environmental Attitudes and Policies among Firms in the Székesfehérvár Region

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    Une Dimension Oubliée du Changement Systémique: la Place des Cadres dans la Hiérarchie de l'Entreprise

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    La place des cadres dans les entreprises des pays d'Europe centrale et orientale depuis le changement systémique a été peu étudiée jusqu'ici. Une série de monographies d'entreprises, réalisées par les auteurs dans plusieurs pays d'Europe centrale, propose de combler cette lacune. En premier lieu, les conditions de l'acquisition des savoirs par les cadres, liées aux nouvelles conditions de gestion des entreprises, sont examinées. Sans négliger le savoir formel ou "explicite", l'étude fait ressortir l'importance de l'acquisition du savoir "tacite". Celui-ci est transmis prioritairement par les firmes occidentales qui réalisent des investissements en Europe de l'Est. Néanmoins, l'héritage du passé subsiste dans l'ensemble des pays de la zone ex-soviétique. Ainsi, les tentatives pour décentraliser la gestion des entreprises se heurtent aux habitudes et comportements des cadres, qui demeurent fortement influencés par l'ancien système.</jats:p

    Private Placements: Is it really a Norwegian Phenomenon? An empirical study of private placements on Euronext Oslo and Nasdaq Stockholm’s main list during the period 2017 to 2022

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    This thesis is split into two main sections. The first part investigates seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) on Euronext Oslo and Nasdaq Stockholm’s main list during the period 2017 to 2022, as well as characteristics of and differences between the two equity markets. The second part examines the short-term market reaction to private placements in Norway and Sweden in the same period. Our findings show that private placements are the dominant follow-on offering in both Norway and Sweden, accounting for 86% and 58% of all equity capital raised on the two respective exchanges. With a sample of 336 private placements, our results unveil a statistically significant negative share price reaction to private placement announcements in Norway and an insignificant and less negative share price reaction in Sweden. This is contrary to previous studies and prevailing private placement hypotheses such as the monitoring and certification hypothesis. These two hypotheses argue that private placements directed to active and informed investors decrease agency costs and provide a value certification, respectively, hence the market should react positively. Our results can be better explained by economic intuition and the mechanical share price depreciation that follows private placements issued at a discount. This thesis contributes to existing literature in three ways. First, it investigates a more recent period. Second, it examines whether the announcement returns in both markets align with the implied share price depreciation. Third, we investigate whether the informational effects from private placements differ in the two markets. We find that for every 1% increase in the implied share price depreciation, the Norwegian and Swedish issuers experience a reduction in announcement returns of 0.62%, on average. The Norwegian and Swedish market react less than expected, meaning that the private placements signal positive information, countering the mechanical share price reduction that stems from the dilution and discount. This finding implies that firms experience lower indirect flotation costs than expected. Lastly, we find that the informational effect from private placements is more positive in Sweden compared to Norway, showing that nonparticipating shareholders in Sweden experience a less adverse effect on their shareholder returns compared to Norway. One plausible explanation for this finding is that a larger share of active and strategic investors participating in the Swedish private placements reduce agency costs, provide value certification, and might add value to the firms.nhhma

    Styringsparadokset i norske fleridrettslag : er det samsvar mellom ansvaret og rammevilkårene for styringen?

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    Jeg har sett på styringen av fleridrettslagene og undersøkt hvorvidt rammene for lagene er funksjonelle. Rammevilkårene innen idretten har sine særpreg ved at det 1) baseres på frivillig arbeid med en organisasjonsform med demokratiske prosesser, 2) må følge NIF’s lover som blant annet setter visse krav og begrensninger til valg av organisering. Det synes å være noen vesentlige utfordringer for de store og komplekse idrettslagene, særlig der breddeidrett og toppidrett i samme idrettslag legger beslag på samme ressurser, både økonomisk og tidsmessig. Oppgavens fokus er på hvordan styrene i fleridrettslagene har mulighet til å ivareta styringen på en god nok måte. Resultatet synes å være særlig store utfordringer knyttet til at det baseres på frivillig arbeidskraft og fordi man ikke kan benytte organisering som et praktisk verktøy for å ivareta en god styring da lovverket avviser bruk av delegering til ulike undergrupper og dette har i de største og mest omfangsrike fleridrettslagene ført til et for stort kontrollspenn i forhold til hva som synes forsvarlig.The management paradox in Norwegian multi sport clubs - Is the responsibility and regulatory framework for management of these clubs corresponding? I've studied management of multi-sport organizations and examined if the scope of the layers are functional in being able to ensure good enough control and overview of what is going on in the different under –groups in the organizations. The framework conditions in sport-clubs have their uniqueness in that it 1) is based on volunteer work with democratic processes in the organizations and, 2) they have to follow the statutes of NIF (The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports) which demands certain requirements and limitations of organizational architecture. It seems to be some significant challenges for large and complex sport organizations, especially where recreational sports and top/elite sports in the same clubs are occupying the same resources, both financially and in relation to the focus of the boards of the clubs. The focus of the thesis is how the boards of several sports teams are able to maintain sufficient management of the clubs. The results seem to be particularly great challenges based on voluntary labor. Also there are challenges, as the mentioned, statutes make limits for the use of organizational changes as a practical tool for maintaining good management as it denies the use of delegation to various subgroups. This leads to an excessive span of control in relation to what appears prudent in the largest and most extensive multi-sport organizations in Norway.Master i styring og ledels