94 research outputs found

    Stable carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotope analysis of permafrost preserved human hair from rescue excavations (2009, 2010) at the precontact site of Nunalleq, Alaska

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    Acknowledgments This work was funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AH/K006029/1) grant awarded to Rick Knecht, Kate Britton and Charlotta Hillerdal (Aberdeen); an AHRC-LabEx award (AH/N504543/1) to KB, RK, Keith Dobney (Liverpool) and Isabelle Sidéra (Nanterre); the Carnegie Trust to the Universities of Scotland (travel grant to KB); and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. The onsite collection of samples was carried out by staff and students from the University of Aberdeen, volunteer excavators and the residents of Quinhagak. We had logistical and planning support for fieldwork by the Qanirtuuq Incorporated, Quinhagak, Alaska, and the people of Quinhagak, who we also thank for sampling permissions. Special thanks to Warren Jones and Qanirtuuq Incorporated (especially Michael Smith and Lynn Church), and to all Nunalleq project team members, in Aberdeen and at other institutions, particularly Charlotta Hillerdal and Edouard Masson-Maclean (Aberdeen) for comments on earlier versions of this manuscript, and also to Véronique Forbes, Ana Jorge, Carly Ameen and Ciara Mannion (Aberdeen) for their inputs. Thanks also to Michelle Alexander (York). Finally, thank you to Ian Scharlotta (Alberta) for inviting us to contribute to this special issue, to the Editor, and to three anonymous reviewers, whose suggestions and recommended changes to an earlier version of this manuscript greatly improved the paper.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Radni terapeuti na prvoj liniji: važnost radne terapije u hitnoj i akutnoj medicinskoj skrbi

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    Introduction. There is a growing focus on the need for an increased number of allied health professionals to reduce the pressure on acute hospitals through admission avoidance. There is little in the way of guidelines on how services should be delivered and a lack of evidence base demonstrating effectiveness. Methods. An audit has been carried out by the occupational therapy team in the Emergency Department to capture the total number of referrals to the occupational therapy service in the Emergency Department at Royal Berkshire Hospital and to capture discharge decisions made following occupational therapy input. Results. The occupational therapy team in the Emergency Department focuses particularly on admission avoidance using a home first approach to prevent patients from being admitted to acute wards. The results showed that the service was beneficial regarding both the number of referrals and the utilisation of various discharge destinations from the Emergency Department. Conclusion. The report has identified several areas for further research by the same team and implications for the wider literature base. The hope is that this report would highlight the role of occupational therapists working in the emergency department at Royal Berkshire Hospital and encourage the completion of further research in this area of practice.Uvod. Sve je veća potreba za povećanjem broja zdravstvenih djelatnika kako bi se smanjio pritisak na odjele za akutno zbrinjavanje kroz prevenciju prijama. Postoji vrlo malo smjernica za prevenciju prijama primjenom radnoterapijske procjene te ne postoje dokazi koji ukazuju na njezinu učinkovitost. Metode. Radni terapeuti na odjelima hitne medicine proveli su istraživanje u cilju prikupljanja podataka o broju pacijenata upućenih radnoterapijskom timu na odjelima hitne medicine bolnice Royal Berkshire i odlukama oko otpusta pacijenata iz bolnice nakon radnoterapijske procjene. Rezultati. Radni terapeuti posebno su se usredotočili na prevenciju prijama pacijenata na odjele za akutno zbrinjavanje tako da su pacijente uputili na kućno liječenje. Rezultati studije pokazuju da je radna terapija na odjelima hitne medicine važna, kako po broju upućenih pacijenata radnoterapijskom timu tako i po različitim odredištima za liječenje na koja su pacijenti upućeni nakon hitnog prijama. Zaključak. Izvješće je identificiralo niz područja koja bi vrijedilo dodatno istražiti, ali i važnost radnoterapijskih usluga na odjelima hitne medicine u cilju prevencije daljnjeg prijama u bolnicu. Ovo istraživanje trebalo bi pridonijeti važnosti radne terapije na odjelima hitne medicine u bolnici Royal Berkshire, ali i potaknuti daljnja istraživanja na ovom profesionalnom području

    Stable carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotope analysis of permafrost preserved human hair from rescue excavations (2009, 2010) at the precontact site of Nunalleq, Alaska

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    AbstractThe reconstruction of diet and subsistence strategies is integral to understanding hunter-gatherer societies in the past, and is particularly of interest in high latitude environments as they can illuminate human-environmental interactions and adaptations. Until recently, very little archaeological research had been undertaken on the Bering Sea coasts of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, and relatively little is known about precontact lifeways in this region. Here, we present stable carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotope data from non-mortuary human hair excavated from Nunalleq (c. 1300CE–1750CE) – a precontact village site in Western Alaska. Now the focus of a major research project, excavations at Nunalleq began as a rescue excavation, as the site is eroding rapidly into the Bering Sea. Following an initial pilot study on cut strands representing a small number of individuals, a larger body of isotope data has now been generated from the first phase of the investigations of Nunalleq (2009, 2010). These new data, including sulphur isotope values, provide further evidence for the subsistence strategy at the site, including a mixed diet of marine and terrestrial foods (but likely dominated by salmonids). In addition, these new data from Nunalleq highlight some dietary variability amongst the inhabitants of the site. Analyses of additional longer hair strands suggest this variability may not be exclusively due to seasonal variation, and may evidence inter-personal dietary differences. Data from Nunalleq are compared to isotope data from previous studies of Thule-era and earlier Alaskan sites, and to isotope data from Thule sites in Canada and Greenland and the potential of ongoing and future research at the site is discussed, along with the implications for our understanding of Thule subsistence strategies and precontact lifeways on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta

    Three Generations Under One Roof? Bayesian Modeling of Radiocarbon Data from Nunalleq, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska

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    Acknowledgments. This research was funded through an Arts and Humanities Research Council grant (AH/K006029/1) awarded to Drs. Rick Knecht, Charlotta Hillerdal, and Kate Britton, and two NERC Radiocarbon Facility grants (NF/2015/1/6 and NF/2015/2/3) awarded to Drs. Rick Knecht and Paul Ledger. Véronique Forbes received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 703322. Excavations at Nunalleq have also benefited from the support of the local community who have made us all feel at home in Quinhagak. In particular, we wish to thank Qanirtuuq Incorporated and Warren Jones for logistical support and their consistently warm hospitality. Thanks also to Philip Ashlock who took the aerial image presented in Figure 3. We also wish to acknowledge the contribution of all of the students and researchers who have excavated at Nunalleq between 2009 and 2015. Without their hard work and dedication, in sometimes challenging conditions, this article would not have been possible. Finally, we wish to thank three anonymous reviewers and Robert Kelly for constructive criticism that has helped improved this manuscript. Permission for excavations at Nunalleq was granted by Qanirtuuq Incorporated.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    ‘To the land or to the sea' : diet and mobility in early medieval Frisia

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    This study investigated palaeodiet and population mobility in early medieval Frisia through the stable isotope analysis of individuals buried in the fifth–eighth century AD cemetery of Oosterbeintum, a terp site on the northern coast of the Netherlands. The results cast new light on the role of the northern Netherlands in trade and migration in the early medieval period, and have significance for the study of interaction and movement throughout the wider North Sea region. Bone collagen and tooth enamel from humans and animals were analyzed using carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and strontium isotopes. δ13C and δ15N results indicated that the population had a terrestrial, C3-based diet. High δ15N values were observed in humans and fauna, which are probably related to the terp's salt-marsh location. The δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr data revealed a high proportion of non-locals buried at Oosterbeintum, some of whom had probably migrated from regions as distant and varied as Scandinavia and southern England. It is suggested that this immigration may be associated with Frisian maritime trading activities. New data are also presented from a small number of contemporaneous European sites

    Por Granada: Revista de Estudiantes, Vol. 2, Spring 2012

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    The magazine Por Granada publishes the students’ final project of the course Spain in Context taught by Prof. Lamas at Fordham in Granada. Rather than the academic research paper, the preferred format is the well-informed article of investigative journalism. Topics are chosen in consultation with Prof. Lamas and Begoña Calatrava, and must involve a demanding first-hand fieldwork in Granada. A number of interviews with locals are required to have the project approved. Students are requested to find their own sources and to create an adequate network of contacts to fully understand the chosen subject matter. All articles are the result of a thoughtful teamwork of their authors and have been originally written in Spanish.https://fordham.bepress.com/modlang_studentpubs/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Rates, risks and routes to reduce vascular dementia (R4vad), a UK-wide multicentre prospective observational cohort study of cognition after stroke: Protocol

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    Background: Stroke commonly affects cognition and, by definition, much vascular dementia follows stroke. However, there are fundamental limitations in our understanding of vascular cognitive impairment, restricting understanding of prevalence, trajectories, mechanisms, prevention, treatment and patient-service needs. Aims: Rates, Risks and Routes to Reduce Vascular Dementia (R4VaD) is an observational cohort study of post-stroke cognition. We aim to recruit a wide range of patients with stroke, presenting to geographically diverse UK hospitals, into a longitudinal study to determine rates of, and risk factors for, cognitive and related impairments after stroke, to assess potential mechanisms and improve prediction models. Methods: We will recruit at least 2000 patients within six weeks of stroke with or without capacity to consent and collect baseline demographic, clinical, socioeconomic, lifestyle, cognitive, neuropsychiatric and informant data using streamlined patient-centred methods appropriate to the stage after stroke. We will obtain more detailed assessments at four to eight weeks after the baseline assessment and follow-up by phone and post yearly to at least two years. We will assess diagnostic neuroimaging in all and high-sensitivity inflammatory markers, genetics, blood pressure and diffusion tensor imaging in mechanistic sub-studies. Planned outputs: R4VaD will provide reliable data on long-term cognitive function after stroke, stratified by prior cognition, stroke- and patient-related variables and improved risk prediction. It will create a platform enabling sharing of data, imaging and samples. Participants will be consented for re-contact, facilitating future clinical trials and providing a resource for the stroke and dementia research communities

    Bcl11b sets pro-T cell fate by site-specific cofactor recruitment and by repressing Id2 and Zbtb16

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    Multipotent progenitor cells confirm their T cell–lineage identity in the CD4^–CD8^– double-negative (DN) pro-T cell DN2 stages, when expression of the essential transcription factor Bcl11b begins. In vivo and in vitro stage-specific deletions globally identified Bcl11b-controlled target genes in pro-T cells. Proteomics analysis revealed that Bcl11b associated with multiple cofactors and that its direct action was needed to recruit those cofactors to selective target sites. Regions near functionally regulated target genes showed enrichment for those sites of Bcl11b-dependent recruitment of cofactors, and deletion of individual cofactors relieved the repression of many genes normally repressed by Bcl11b. Runx1 collaborated with Bcl11b most frequently for both activation and repression. In parallel, Bcl11b indirectly regulated a subset of target genes by a gene network circuit via the transcription inhibitor Id2 (encoded by Id2) and transcription factor PLZF (encoded by Zbtb16); Id2 and Zbtb16 were directly repressed by Bcl11b, and Id2 and PLZF controlled distinct alternative programs. Thus, our study defines the molecular basis of direct and indirect Bcl11b actions that promote T cell identity and block alternative potentials