166 research outputs found

    Prototypical Components of Honeybee Homing Flight Behavior Depend on the Visual Appearance of Objects Surrounding the Goal

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    Honeybees use visual cues to relocate profitable food sources and their hive. What bees see while navigating, depends on the appearance of the cues, the bee’s current position, orientation, and movement relative to them. Here we analyze the detailed flight behavior during the localization of a goal surrounded by cylinders that are characterized either by a high contrast in luminance and texture or by mostly motion contrast relative to the background. By relating flight behavior to the nature of the information available from these landmarks, we aim to identify behavioral strategies that facilitate the processing of visual information during goal localization. We decompose flight behavior into prototypical movements using clustering algorithms in order to reduce the behavioral complexity. The determined prototypical movements reflect the honeybee’s saccadic flight pattern that largely separates rotational from translational movements. During phases of translational movements between fast saccadic rotations, the bees can gain information about the 3D layout of their environment from the translational optic flow. The prototypical movements reveal the prominent role of sideways and up- or downward movements, which can help bees to gather information about objects, particularly in the frontal visual field. We find that the occurrence of specific prototypes depends on the bees’ distance from the landmarks and the feeder and that changing the texture of the landmarks evokes different prototypical movements. The adaptive use of different behavioral prototypes shapes the visual input and can facilitate information processing in the bees’ visual system during local navigation

    Actively taking part matters: Fostering participation in school lessons digitally with the web app TRAVIS GO

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    In diesem Artikel wird der digitale Wandel an Schulen zum Ausgangspunkt genommen, um die Konsequenzen des Einsatzes von digitalen Lernwerkzeugen fĂŒr die Interaktionsstrukturen im schulischen Unterricht aus einer praxeologischen Perspektive zu reflektieren. Es wird fĂŒr die Entwicklung von digitalen Lernwerkzeugen argumentiert, welche Partizipation und Kollaboration im Unterricht fördern und das strukturierende Lehrerhandeln unterstĂŒtzen. Als Fallbeispiel dient die Web-App TRAVIS GO und ihr Entwicklungsprozess, in welchen Lehrpersonen aus den Sekundarstufen I und II als Co-Researcher eingebunden waren. TRAVIS GO ist eine App zur kollaborativen Re- und Dekonstruktion von audiovisuellen Medienprodukten. Im didaktischen Design von TRAVIS GO wurden die Anforderungen an problemlösendes, forschendes Lernen und kooperatives Arbeiten erfĂŒllt und die Möglichkeit zum strukturierenden Lehrerhandeln gegeben. TRAVIS GO wird mit Fokus auf die programmseitig angebotenen Möglichkeiten zur Partizipation erstmals systematisch beschrieben und mit den Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen im Unterrichtseinsatz zusammengebracht, welche im Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt im Rahmen einer empirischen Bildungsforschung gewonnen wurden.This article takes a praxeological perspective on digital change in schools and, hence, on how the use of digital learning tools in school lessons impacts interaction structures in class. We discuss the benefits of developing digital learning tools that foster participation and collaboration among learners and as well allow for teachers’ interventions that help structure the process. As case example, we use the development process of the app TRAVIS GO to which secondary school teachers contributed as co-researchers. TRAVIS GO is an app for collaborative de- and reconstruction of audiovisual media products. Its instructional design allows for problem-based learning and cooperative working methods as well as for guidance by the teacher. We for the first time discuss how TRAVIS GO facilitates participation by relating the app features to experiences of teachers who tested it in class as part of the empirical research project

    Identifikacija različito reguliranih proteina nakon infekcije patogenom gljivicom Fusarium graminearum u nekoliko faza sazrijevanja zrna dvozrne pơenice (Triticum dicoccum)

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    This study was conducted to improve the knowledge of molecular processes involved in the interaction between Fusarium graminearum and emmer in the course of grain ripening. Emmer plants were artificially inoculated with a F. graminearum spore suspension at anthesis. In the course of grain ripening from milk ripe to plant death stage, grains at four phenological growth stages were collected for analysis. The infection degree was evaluated based on the F. graminearum DNA content in emmer grain infolding tissues (glumes and rachis). For proteome analysis the albumin and globulin fractions of emmer grains, consisting of proteins with various functions related to the development and stress response, were analysed regarding the changes due to Fusarium infection by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Altogether, forty-three proteins affected by infection were identified by mass spectrometry. Enzymes detoxifying reactive oxygen species were regulated at all developmental stages. In the early stage of grain development, the abundance of proteins related to stress response, such as 2-Cys peroxiredoxin, a chitinase, a xylanase inhibitor and a spermidine synthase was increased. During later stage of grain development, the abundance of stress-related proteins, such as chitinases, heat shock proteins and an α-amylase inhibitor-like protein, decreased. During all ripening stages, but especially during medium milk stage (BBCH 75) and soft dough stage (BBCH 85), the abundance of proteins related to carbon metabolism, starch and protein biosynthesis as well as photosynthesis increased due to F. graminearum infection. At the plant death stage (BBCH 97) the abundance of only two proteins related to metabolism decreased.Ovo je ispitivanje provedeno radi produbljivanja znanja o molekularnim procesima koji se odvijaju u dvozrnoj pĆĄenici inficiranoj gljivicom Fusarium graminearum tijekom sazrijevanja zrna. Dvozrna je pĆĄenica inokulirana suspenzijom spora gljivice F. graminearum u vrijeme cvatnje. Zrnje je prikupljeno za analizu u četiri fenoloĆĄke faze rasta, od mliječne zrelosti do smrti biljke. Stupanj je infekcije procijenjen prema sadrĆŸaju DNA gljivice F. graminearum u pljevi i klasnom vretenu. Pomoću dvodimenzionalne elektroforeze u gelu ispitane su promjene u proteomu pĆĄenice uzrokovane infekcijom gljivicom Fusarium, tj. u albuminskoj i globulinskoj frakciji zrna, sastavljenoj od proteina koji imaju različite uloge u razvoju i odgovoru na stres. Masenom su spektrometrijom identificirana ukupno 43 infekcijom izmijenjena proteina. Enzimi ĆĄto sudjeluju u uklanjanju reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva bili su regulirani u svim stupnjevima razvoja biljke. U ranoj fazi razvoja zrna pronađen je veći udjel proteina povezanih s odgovorom biljke na stres, kao ĆĄto su: 2-Cys peroksiredoksin, kitinaza, inhibitor ksilanaze i spermidin sintaza. Tijekom kasnije faze razvoja smanjila se količina proteina vezanih uz odziv biljke na stres kao ĆĄto su: kitinaze, proteini toplinskog ĆĄoka i protein sličan inhibitoru α-amilaze. U svim se fazama sazrijevanja, a naročito tijekom srednje mliječne zrelosti (BBCH 75) i mekane voĆĄtane zrelosti (BBCH 85) uslijed zaraze gljivicom F. graminearum povećao udjel proteina vezanih uz metabolizam ugljika, biosintezu proteina i ĆĄkroba, te fotosintezu. U fazi smrti biljke (BBCH 97) smanjila se količina samo dva proteina vezanih uz metabolizam biljke

    The Importance of Detailed Chemical Mechanisms in Gas Turbine Combustion Simulations

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    This paper – in memory of JĂŒrgen Warnatz – summarizes selected recent papers of the Chemical Kinetics Group at the German Aerospace Center in Stuttgart. It shows the need for detailed chemical reaction mechanisms to understand practical combustion systems. A comprehensive description of combustion processes based on detailed mechanisms is especially important in the design of new gas turbine combustion chambers and in the optimization of existing ones to improve efficiency and to reduce pollutant emissions, with fuel-flexibility and load-flexibility ever becoming more important. Different aspects of combustion processes where detailed reaction mechanisms provide useful insights will be covered in this paper: Fuels (alternative jet fuels, biomass based fuels), pollutants (soot), diagnostics (chemiluminescence), and thermochemistry. Furthermore, the underlying thermodynamics inevitably connected with detailed reaction schemes will be addressed. Exemplified results will be presented clearly demonstrating the predictive capabilities of detailed reaction mechanisms to be explored in computational fluid dynamic simulations to further optimize technical combustion systems

    Neubauten im historischen Kontext

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    NEUBAUTEN IM HISTORISCHEN KONTEXT Neubauten im historischen Kontext / Braun, Jascha Philipp (Rights reserved) ( -

    Extracellular calcium reduction strongly increases the lytic capacity of pneumolysin from streptococcus pneumoniae in brain tissue

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    Background. Streptococcus pneumoniae causes serious diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis. Its major pathogenic factor is the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin, which produces lytic pores at high concentrations. At low concentrations, it has other effects, including induction of apoptosis. Many cellular effects of pneumolysin appear to be calcium dependent. Methods. Live imaging of primary mouse astroglia exposed to sublytic amounts of pneumolysin at various concentrations of extracellular calcium was used to measure changes in cellular permeability (as judged by lactate dehydrogenase release and propidium iodide chromatin staining). Individual pore properties were analyzed by conductance across artificial lipid bilayer. Tissue toxicity was studied in continuously oxygenated acute brain slices. Results. The reduction of extracellular calcium increased the lytic capacity of the toxin due to increased membrane binding. Reduction of calcium did not influence the conductance properties of individual toxin pores. In acute cortical brain slices, the reduction of extracellular calcium from 2 to 1 mM conferred lytic activity to pathophysiologically relevant nonlytic concentrations of pneumolysin. Conclusions. Reduction of extracellular calcium strongly enhanced the lytic capacity of pneumolysin due to increased membrane binding. Thus, extracellular calcium concentration should be considered as a factor of primary importance for the course of pneumococcal meningitis
