18 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Cyberaggression among College Student Minorities: Exploring Pervasiveness and Impact through Mixed- Methods

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    Despite proximity to researchers, minority college students have not been well represented in cyber-aggressive studies. The present cross-cultural study uses mixed-methods to better understand how emerging adults are impacted from cyberbullying experiences (victims and/or bullies). All students (N=1,110) were between 18-25 years (m=20.5) with close to 50% being Hispanic (N=532). Results indicate self-control and self-esteem are important predictors in cyberbullying involvement, particularly among Hispanic cybervictims. Depression and suicidal ideation also served as significant predictors in involvement for cybervictimization. Through open-ended and coded responses, several themes emerged, such as being unable to focus on academics, avoiding individuals or groups because of victimization, low self-esteem, and loss of trust. Results and implications are discussed as well as recommendations for future research

    Para no incomodar

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    Vengo preguntándome desde hace años por qué nos incomoda tanto la delincuencia juvenil. Y me detengo a pensar si tal malestar social será una respuesta al incremento de actos delictivos juveniles, o quizá nuestra frustración por la infructuosa contención social y legal de esos actos, o si será más bien una genuina preocupación por los jóvenes mismos. Nuestra incomodidad parece estar basada en la opinión reactiva y apresurada de los actos delictivos juveniles, más que en un análisis profundo de la raíz de esos actos que conllevaría un acercamiento a sus historias de vida, un conocimiento más amplio de sus familias, sus contextos sociales y culturales, y sus características personales. Por supuesto que tal acercamiento nos llevaría a comprometer nuestra tolerancia social, nuestros métodos de entender y abordar la delincuencia juvenil como un producto de la sociedad y a asumir una solución más allá de una repartición de culpas y condenas. Por supuesto que tal humanización de la delincuencia vendría a desafiar valores arraigados en la meritocracia sin memoria social, en la mirada indiferente de la familia, del maestro, de la iglesia, del profesional, del gobierno y otras entidades. Por supuesto que entender la delincuencia desde el niño/a o joven infractor incomodaría de más nuestra costumbre de ser indiferentes a las necesidades de otros grupos sociales.</p

    Para não incomodar

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    Tenho me perguntado há anos porque estamos tão incomodados com a delinquência juvenil. E paro para pensar se tal inquietação social será em resposta ao aumento de atos criminosos juvenis ou talvez nossa frustração pela contenção social e legal infrutífera desses atos ou se será uma preocupação genuína para os próprios jovens. Nosso desconforto parece basear-se na percepção reativa e apressada de atos criminosos juvenis, em vez de em uma análise profunda da raiz desses atos que implicaria uma abordagem de suas histórias de vida, um conhecimento mais amplo de suas famílias, seus contextos social e cultural e suas características pessoais. É claro que tal abordagem nos levaria a comprometer nossa tolerância social, nossos métodos de entender e abordar a delinquência juvenil como um produto da sociedade e assumir uma solução além da distribuição de culpas e convicções. É claro que essa humanização do crime viria a desafiar valores enraizados na meritocracia sem memória social, no olhar indiferente da família, do professor, da igreja, do profissional, do governo e de outras entidades. É claro que compreender a delinqüência da criança ou do jovem agressor :  incomodaria demais nosso costume indiferente às necessidades de outros grupos sociais

    Violent and Criminal Behaviors in Rural and Non-Rural African American Youth: A Risk-Protective Factor Approach

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    Once believed to be a poor inner city neighborhood characteristic, youth violence and crime are now recognized as problems in rural areas as well (Osgood and Chambers 2000). Studies on their etiology remain scarce, particularly with a focus on minority youth. Given the importance of individual characteristics and a positive future orientation (educational aspirations) during adolescence, the current study tested a riskprotective factor approach with measures of risk proneness, self-esteem, educational commitment, and educational expectations to predict both direct and “indirect” measures of violence and criminal behaviors (assault, encounters with law enforcement, and court appearances) in samples of rural (n=687) and non-rural (n=182) African American youth. Results show that self-esteem, risk-proneness, and educational commitment were highly associated with measures of violent and criminal behaviors in both samples. Importantly, no differences were found in how risk or protective factors were associated with measures of violence and crime in rural and non-rural developmental contexts

    Perfiles cognitivos en el trastorno del trastorno de estrés postraumático y la depresión en niños y adolescentes

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    RESUMEN: Antecedentes/Objetivo: Varios criterios diagnósticos del trastorno de estrés posttraumático (PTSD, por sus siglas en inglés) son similares a los síntomas de la depresión, particularmente relacionados con aspectos cognitivos de ninos ˜ afectados por estas condiciones. Debido a esta superposición del perfil cognitivo y dada la alta comorbilidad entre PTSD y depresión (48% y 69%), identificar las características en los perfiles cognitivos de cada trastorno pudiera ser útil para hacer diagnósticos más precisos. El objetivo fue examinar el rendimiento cognitivo en 23 ninos ˜ con PTSD y comparar sus resultados con 23 ninos ˜ con depresión y 24 controles. Método: Estudio empírico, observacional y descriptivo mediante aplicación de una batería neuropsicológica que evaluó inteligencia, atención, memoria y función ejecutiva. Las comparaciones estadísticas se realizaron mediante la prueba no paramétrica Kruskal-Wallis. Los análisis post-hoc se realizaron utilizando U de Mann Whitney y el análisis de covarianza de Quade. Resultados: Los datos muestran diferentes perfiles cognitivos del grupo con PTSD en comparación con los grupos de depresión y controles. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos sugieren que el grupo de PTSD y el grupo de depresión difieren en sus perfiles cognitivos y que las diferencias en el nivel intelectual encontradas en los ninos ˜ con PTSD pudieran no ser una variable de confusión sino una consecuencia de la experiencia traumática.ABSTRACT: Background/Objective: Several diagnostic criteria of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are remarkably similar to symptoms reported by individuals with depression, particularly as they manifest as cognitive processing deficits in children. Because of this overlap in profile and the high rate of comorbidity of PTSD and depression (48% to 69%), pinpointing similarities/differences in cognitive processes related to each of these disorders is essential toaccurate diagnosis. This study aims to examine cognitive performance profiles of 23 children who have been victims of PTSD and to compare their results with 23 children with depression and 24 controls. Method: Empirical study, observational and descriptive methodologies were performed using several neuropsychological tests to assess IQ, attention, memory and executive function. Statistical comparisons between groups were made using the non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis test and post-hoc analyses were conducted using a Mann Whitney U test, as wellas Quade’s co-variance analysis. Results: Data show different profiles of cognitive performancein those with PTSD compared to those with depression and controls. Conclusions: The findings suggests that PTSD and depressed children differ somewhat in their cognitive profiles, and the differences in IQ found between those with PTSD and those without are not necessarily aconfounding variable, but may rather be a consequence of their traumatic experience

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of developmental assets scales: A study protocol for psychometric properties

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    Background and aims: Application of developmental assets, one of existing Positive Youth Development (PYD) frameworks, has gained momentum in research, policy formulations, and interventions, necessitating the introduction of the most efficient scales for this framework. The present study protocol aims to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of developmental assets scales to document the underlying logic, objectives, and methodologies earmarked for the identification, selection, and critical evaluation of these scales. Methods and materials: In accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P), the intended search will encompass databases of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, and PsycINFO, spanning from the inception of 1988 to 1st of April 2024. The review will include articles published published in English language focusing on individuals aged 10 to 29 years and reporting at least one type of reliability or validity of developmental assets scales. The review process will be in compliance with the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN), and the overall quality of evidence will be determined using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) guidelines. Discussion: This comprehensive assessment aims to identify potential biases in prior research and offer guidance to scholars regarding the optimal scales for developmental assets in terms of validity, reliability, responsiveness, and interpretability The evidence-based appraisal of the scales strengths and limitations is imperative in shaping future research, enhancing their methodological rigor, and proposing refinements to existing instruments for developmental assets.publishedVersio


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    O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre o controle social e penal de adolescentes em conflito com a lei no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos da América – EUA. A pesquisa é de natureza bibliográfica e documental, pautada em autores das ciências sociais e criminológicas que estudam o tema e em dados quantitativos oficiais sobre as respectivas populações de adolescentes em conflito com a lei, em ambos os países. Os resultados apontam para um entrelaçamento das ações de controle social e penal tanto nos EUA como no Brasil, dando-se ênfase ao caráter punitivo, em detrimento da educação e proteção. Verificou-se que há um padrão seletivo no exercício do controle social e penal, que leva em consideração a questão étnico-racial e social

    Socio-demographic differences in positive youth development in Spanish undergraduates

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    The positive youth development (PYD) model is a strength-based conceptualization of the transition to adulthood, in which the relationships that individuals establish within this context are essential. These adaptive contextual–individual interactions allow youths to acquire better psychological adjustment and greater social participation. The PYD model differentiates five areas to be nurtured (the 5Cs) in young people: confidence, competence, connection, caring, and character. The present work aimed to examine differences in overall PYD and its respective 5Cs among Spanish university students based on their socio-demographic characteristics. A cross-sectional study with 1038 students between 18 and 28 years old from 11 Spanish universities was conducted. In order to assess the 5Cs, the Spanish adaptation of the 5Cs of the PYD Short Form was used. When analyzing the variability of the 5Cs according to socio-demographic variables, some relevant differences were found, though with small effect sizes. Students with better scores on the 5Cs included those who were living in the countryside or big cities, studied Social Sciences, were enrolled in small universities, had parents with a high education level, and those who reported high socio-economic status. Women presented higher scores in terms of connection, caring, and character, whereas men reported more perceived competence and confidence, which may be due to gender socialization during adolescence and youth. Families with parents with a higher level of education and of a higher socio-economic level may offer more resources and support greater positive youth development. These social inequalities in PYD may suggest the need for the promotion of equal opportunities in education, health promotion, and social participation, which may allow young people from all backgrounds to develop their individual potential.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Confirmatory factor analysis and gender invariance of the Persian version of psychological control scale: association with internalizing and externalizing behavior problems

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    IntroductionThe current cross-sectional study aimed to examine the reliability, construct validity, gender invariance and concurrent validity of the psychological control scale-youth self-report (PCS-YSR) among Iranian adolescents.MethodsA total of 1,453 high school students (49.2% boys; Mage = 15.48, SD = 0.97), who aged between 14 and 18 years old completed the PCS-YSR and the youth self-report (YSR) scale of behavior problems.ResultsReliability was established using Cronbach’s alpha and ordinal alpha for maternal and paternal psychological control. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results supported the original unidimensional model of the PCS-YSR scale for both mother and father forms. Results also revealed that mother and father forms of PCS-YSR were invariant across adolescents’ gender. When comparing the mean differences, mothers were more psychologically controlling toward their sons, compared to their daughters. The mother and father forms of PCS-YSR were found to have acceptable concurrent validity through their relationship to internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems.DiscussionOverall, our findings supported the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Psychological Control Scale-Youth Self-Report among Iranian adolescents. This scale can be used as an efficient tool for parental psychological control among adolescents in Iran. The negative effect of the intrusive parenting behavior on child’ negative outcomes in Iran, irrespective of culture, was shown