87 research outputs found

    Artemin Regulates Nociceptor Responses to Thermal and Chemical Stimuli

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    Chronic pain is a major clinical problem. Target-derived growth factors have been implicated in the initiation and maintenance of persistent pain states. Artemin, a member of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family, binds to its GPI-anchored receptor, GFRá3, and initates intracellular signaling via the tyrosine kinase, Ret. Expression of the GFRá3 receptor is largely restricted to the peripheral nervous system and is found in a subpopulation of nociceptive sensory neurons of the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia (DRG & TG) that coexpress the Ret and TrkA receptor tyrosine kinases and the thermosensitive channel TRPV1. To investigate the role of artemin in regulating nociceptor properties and function, we isolated transgenic mice that overexpress artemin in keratinized tissues (ART-OE). Expression of artemin increased DRG neuron number, confirming the survival promoting effects of artemin. In addition, ART-OE mice had increased mRNA encoding GFRá3, TrkA, TRPV1 and the putative noxious cold and mustard oil detecting channel, TRPA1. Immunolabeling showed that nearly all GFRá3-positive neurons expressed TRPV1 and most of these neurons were also TRPA1-positive. Somas of GFRá3/TRPV1-positive neurons in the ART-OE mice were hypertrophied and there was increased staining for these proteins in the periphery. Interestingly, increases in TRPV1 and TRPA1 mRNA were more robust in TG than DRG. Because of these differential effects, lingual afferents innervating the heavily keratinized tongue were also examined. Retrogradely-labeled lingual afferents from ART-OE tongues showed an increased percentage of GFRá3- and TRPV1-positive neurons. Behavior analysis showed that these anatomical changes were correlated with increased sensitivity to noxious heat, noxious cold, capsaicin and mustard oil applied to the hindpaw, as well as oral sensitivity to capsaicin and mustard oil placed in the drinking water of these mice. Functional analysis of dissociated sensory neurons using calcium imaging showed hypersensitivity to capsaicin and mustard oil in trigeminal neurons isolated from ART-OE mice, and even greater sensitivity in the lingual subpopulation. Taken together, these results indicate that artemin promotes the survival and modulates functional properties of a select population of TRPV1- and TRPA1-positive nociceptors critical for the detection of noxious thermal and chemical stimuli in both cutaneous and lingual systems

    Variants of the EAAT2 Glutamate Transporter Gene Promoter Are Associated with Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Infants

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    © 2017, The Author(s). Preterm delivery is associated with neurodevelopmental impairment caused by environmental and genetic factors. Dysfunction of the excitatory amino acid transporter 2 (EAAT2) and the resultant impaired glutamate uptake can lead to neurological disorders. In this study, we investigated the role of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; g.-200CCloseSPigtSPiA and g.-181ACloseSPigtSPiC) in the EAAT2 promoter in susceptibility to brain injury and neurodisability in very preterm infants born at or before 32-week gestation. DNA isolated from newborns’ dried blood spots were used for pyrosequencing to detect both SNPs. Association between EAAT2 genotypes and cerebral palsy, cystic periventricular leukomalacia and a low developmental score was then assessed. The two SNPs were concordant in 89.4% of infants resulting in three common genotypes all carrying two C and two A alleles in different combinations. However, in 10.6% of cases, non-concordance was found, generating six additional rare genotypes. The A alleles at both loci appeared to be detrimental and consequently, the risk of developing cerebral palsy increased four- and sixfold for each additional detrimental allele at -200 and -181bp, respectively. The two SNPs altered the regulation of the EAAT2 promoter activity and glutamate homeostasis. This study highlights the significance of glutamate in the pathogenesis of preterm brain injury and subsequent development of cerebral palsy and neurodevelopmental disabilities. Furthermore, the described EAAT2 SNPs may be an early biomarker of vulnerability to neurodisability and may aid the development of targeted treatment strategies

    Phenotypic Switching of Nonpeptidergic Cutaneous Sensory Neurons following Peripheral Nerve Injury

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    In adult mammals, the phenotype of half of all pain-sensing (nociceptive) sensory neurons is tonically modulated by growth factors in the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family that includes GDNF, artemin (ARTN) and neurturin (NRTN). Each family member binds a distinct GFRα family co-receptor, such that GDNF, NRTN and ARTN bind GFRα1, -α2, and -α3, respectively. Previous studies revealed transcriptional regulation of all three receptors in following axotomy, possibly in response to changes in growth factor availability. Here, we examined changes in the expression of GFRα1-3 in response to injury in vivo and in vitro. We found that after dissociation of adult sensory ganglia, up to 27% of neurons die within 4 days (d) in culture and this can be prevented by nerve growth factor (NGF), GDNF and ARTN, but not NRTN. Moreover, up-regulation of ATF3 (a marker of neuronal injury) in vitro could be prevented by NGF and ARTN, but not by GDNF or NRTN. The lack of NRTN efficacy was correlated with rapid and near-complete loss of GFRα2 immunoreactivity. By retrogradely-labeling cutaneous afferents in vivo prior to nerve cut, we demonstrated that GFRα2-positive neurons switch phenotype following injury and begin to express GFRα3 as well as the capsaicin receptor, transient receptor potential vanilloid 1(TRPV1), an important transducer of noxious stimuli. This switch was correlated with down-regulation of Runt-related transcription factor 1 (Runx1), a transcription factor that controls expression of GFRα2 and TRPV1 during development. These studies show that NRTN-responsive neurons are unique with respect to their plasticity and response to injury, and suggest that Runx1 plays an ongoing modulatory role in the adult

    The role of GDNF family ligand signalling in the differentiation of sympathetic and dorsal root ganglion neurons

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    The diversity of neurons in sympathetic ganglia and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) provides intriguing systems for the analysis of neuronal differentiation. Cell surface receptors for the GDNF family ligands (GFLs) glial cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurturin and artemin, are expressed in subpopulations of these neurons prompting the question regarding their involvement in neuronal subtype specification. Mutational analysis in mice has demonstrated the requirement for GFL signalling during embryonic development of cholinergic sympathetic neurons as shown by the loss of expression from the cholinergic gene locus in ganglia from mice deficient for ret, the signal transducing subunit of the GFL receptor complex. Analysis in mutant animals and transgenic mice overexpressing GFLs demonstrates an effect on sensitivity to thermal and mechanical stimuli in DRG neurons correlating at least partially with the altered expression of transient receptor potential ion channels and acid-sensitive cation channels. Persistence of targeted cells in mutant ganglia suggests that the alterations are caused by differentiation effects and not by cell loss. Because of the massive effect of GFLs on neurite outgrowth, it remains to be determined whether GFL signalling acts directly on neuronal specification or indirectly via altered target innervation and access to other growth factors. The data show that GFL signalling is required for the specification of subpopulations of sensory and autonomic neurons. In order to comprehend this process fully, the role of individual GFLs, the transduction of the GFL signals, and the interplay of GFL signalling with other regulatory pathways need to be deciphered

    Involvement of the Melanocortin-1 Receptor in Acute Pain and Pain of Inflammatory but Not Neuropathic Origin

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    Response to painful stimuli is susceptible to genetic variation. Numerous loci have been identified which contribute to this variation, one of which, MC1R, is better known as a gene involved in mammalian hair colour. MC1R is a G protein-coupled receptor expressed in melanocytes and elsewhere and mice lacking MC1R have yellow hair, whilst humans with variant MC1R protein have red hair. Previous work has found differences in acute pain perception, and response to analgesia in mice and humans with mutations or variants in MC1R.We have tested responses to noxious and non-noxious stimuli in mutant mice which lack MC1R, or which overexpress an endogenous antagonist of the receptor, as well as controls. We have also examined the response of these mice to inflammatory pain, assessing the hyperalgesia and allodynia associated with persistent inflammation, and their response to neuropathic pain. Finally we tested by a paired preference paradigm their aversion to oral administration of capsaicin, which activates the noxious heat receptor TRPV1. Female mice lacking MC1R showed increased tolerance to noxious heat and no alteration in their response to non-noxious mechanical stimuli. MC1R mutant females, and females overexpressing the endogenous MC1R antagonist, agouti signalling protein, had a reduced formalin-induced inflammatory pain response, and a delayed development of inflammation-induced hyperalgesia and allodynia. In addition they had a decreased aversion to capsaicin at moderate concentrations. Male mutant mice showed no difference from their respective controls. Mice of either sex did not show any effect of mutant genotype on neuropathic pain.We demonstrate a sex-specific role for MC1R in acute noxious thermal responses and pain of inflammatory origin

    Antisense Oligonucleotides Restore Function in Mouse Model of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease

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