89 research outputs found

    Populists in power: from Municipalities to (European) Parliament, The case of the Italian Five star Movement

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    The article focuses on the strategic evolution of the Italian Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle\u2014M5S). The party was born in 2009 as a local and civic experience and it represents a new example of populism characterized by unprecedented traits. In 2010 the M5S obtained its first representatives during regional elections and in 2012 it achieved its first Major in a big town (Parma, in the heart of Italy)

    Distribution of the brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) in the Central Apennines, Italy, 2005-2014

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    Despite its critical conservation status, no formal estimate of the Apennine brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) distribution has ever been attempted, nor a coordinated effort to compile and verify all recent occurrences has ever been ensured. We used 48331 verified bear location data collected by qualified personnel from 20052014 in the central Apennines, Italy, to estimate the current distribution of Apennine brown bears. Data sources included telemetry relocations, scats and DNA-verified hair samples, sightings, indirect signs of presence, photos from camera traps, and damage to properties. Using a grid-based zonal analysis to transform raw data density, we applied ordinary kriging and estimated a 4923 km2 main bear distribution, encompassing the historical stronghold of the bear population, and including a smaller (1460 km2) area of stable occupancy of reproducing female bears. National and Regional Parks cover 38.8% of the main bear distribution, plus an additional 19.5% encompassed by the Natura 2000 network alone. Despite some methodological and sampling problems related to spatial and temporal variation in sampling effort at the landscape scale, our approach provides an approximation of the current bear distribution that is suited to frequently update the distribution map. Future monitoring of this bear population would benefit from estimating detectability across a range on environmental and sampling variables, and from intensifying the collection of bear presence data in the peripheral portions of the distribution

    Association between Variants of the TRPV1 Gene and Body Composition in Sub-Saharan Africans

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    In humans, the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) gene is activated by exogenous (e.g., high temperatures, irritating compounds such as capsaicin) and endogenous (e.g., endocannabinoids, inflammatory factors, fatty acid metabolites, low pH) stimuli. It has been shown to be involved in several processes including nociception, thermosensation, and energy homeostasis. In this study, we investigated the association between TRPV1 gene variants, sensory perception (to capsaicin and PROP), and body composition (BMI and bioimpedance variables) in human populations. By comparing sequences deposited in worldwide databases, we identified two haplotype blocks (herein referred to as H1 and H2) that show strong stabilizing selection signals (MAF approaching 0.50, Tajima’s D > +4.5) only in individuals with sub-Saharan African ancestry. We therefore studied the genetic variants of these two regions in 46 volunteers of sub-Saharan descent and 45 Italian volunteers (both sexes). Linear regression analyses showed significant associations between TRPV1 diplotypes and body composition, but not with capsaicin perception. Specifically, in African women carrying the H1-b and H2-b haplotypes, a higher percentage of fat mass and lower extracellular fluid retention was observed, whereas no significant association was found in men. Our results suggest the possible action of sex-driven balancing selection at the non-coding sequences of the TRPV1 gene, with adaptive effects on water balance and lipid deposition

    Transitional care management in patients with auto-inflammatory diseases: experience of cooperation of a paediatric and adult centre

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    Abstract Objectives Auto-inflammatory Diseases (AIDs) are a group of diseases with a strong genetic component, inducing an inappropriate activation of innate immunity. The patients with pediatric onset will face the transitional care (TC) from a pediatrician to an adult care setting, during the critical phase of the adolescence. That implies a risk of failure and drop out, due to the different approach of pediatrician compared to the adult doctor. To describe the model of TC for AIDs from a paediatric to adult centre of two hospitals in Rome, and to pointing out the different steps emerged from specific experiences. Methods In November 2020, a Board of paediatricians and internists discussed their experience to identify "hot topics" for a successful management of TC. Results The Board agreed on the optimal time for the transition (12–18 years). Specific elements to be considered are the reached level of emotional and intellectual maturity, and the clinical stability of the disease. Conclusions The TC of patients with chronic AIDs, requires a strong cooperation to define the adequate follow-up, and to guarantee the compliance to the treatment. This model allows us to investigate AIDs complex cases, requiring a long period of observations

    Lack of the Actin Capping Protein, Eps8, Affects NMDA-Type Glutamate Receptor Function and Composition

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    Actin-based remodeling underlines spine morphogenesis and plasticity and is crucially involved in the processes that constantly reshape the circuitry of the adult brain in response to external stimuli, leading to learning and memory formation and supporting cognitive functions. Hence spine morphology and synaptic strength are tightly linked and indeed abnormalities in spine number and morphology have been described in a number of neurological disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), schizophrenia and intellectual disabilities. We have recently demonstrated that the actin regulating protein, Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 (Eps8), is essential for spine growth and long term potentiation. Indeed, mice lacking Eps8 display immature filopodia-like spines, which are unable to undergo potentiation, and are impaired in cognitive functions. Furthermore, reduced levels of Eps8 have been found in the brain of a cohort of patients affected by ASD compared to controls. Here we investigated whether the lack of Eps8, which is also part of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex, affects the functional maturation of the postsynaptic compartment. Our results demonstrate that Eps8 knock out mice (Eps8 KO) neurons display altered synaptic expression and subunit composition of NMDA receptors (i.e., increased GluN2B-, decreased GluN2A-containing receptors) and impaired GluN2B to GluN2A subunit shift. Indeed Eps8 KO neurons display increased content of GluN2B containing NMDA receptors both at the synaptic and extrasynaptic level. Furthermore, Eps8 KO neurons display an increased content of extra-synaptic GluN2B-containing receptors, suggesting that also the synaptic targeting of NMDA receptors is affected by the lack of Eps8. These data demonstrate that, besides regulation of spine morphogenesis, Eps8 also regulates the synaptic balance of NMDA receptors subunits GluN2A and GluN2B

    Clinical validation of full HR-HPV genotyping HPV Selfy assay according to the international guidelines for HPV test requirements for cervical cancer screening on clinician-collected and self-collected samples

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    Background According to international guidelines, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA tests represent a valid alternative to Pap Test for primary cervical cancer screening, provided that they guarantee balanced clinical sensitivity and specificity for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or more (CIN2+) lesions. The study aimed to assess whether HPV Selfy (Ulisse BioMed - Trieste, Italy), a full-genotyping HPV DNA test that detects and differentiates 14 high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) types, meets the criteria for primary cervical cancer screening described in the international guidelines, on clinician-collected as well as on self-collected samples. Methods For each participant woman, consecutively referring to Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina (Trieste, Italy) and CRO-National Cancer Institute (Aviano, Italy) for the cervical cancer screening program, the following samples were tested: (a) a clinician-collected cervical specimen, analyzed with the reference test (Hybrid Capture (R) 2 test, HC2) and HPV Selfy; and (b) a self-collected vaginal sample, analyzed with HPV Selfy. Enrolled women were also asked to fulfill a questionnaire about self-sampling acceptability. As required by guidelines, a non-inferiority test was conducted to compare the clinical performance of the test under evaluation with its reference test. Results HPV Selfy clinical sensitivity and specificity resulted non-inferior to those of HC2. By analysis of a total of 889 cervical liquid-based cytology samples from a screening population, of which 98 were from women with CIN2+, HPV Selfy showed relative sensitivity and specificity for CIN2+ of 0.98 and 1.00 respectively (non-inferiority score test: P = 0.01747 and P = 0.00414, respectively); the test reached adequate intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility. Moreover, we demonstrated that the performance of HPV Selfy on self-collected vaginal samples was non-inferior to the performance obtained on clinician-collected cervical specimen (0.92 relative sensitivity and 0.97 relative specificity). Finally, through HPV Selfy genotyping, we were able to describe HPV types prevalence in the study population. Conclusions HPV Selfy fulfills all the requirements of the international Meijer's guidelines and has been clinically validated for primary cervical cancer screening purposes. Moreover, HPV Selfy has also been validated for self-sampling according to VALHUDES guidelines. Therefore, at date, HPV Selfy is the only full-genotyping test validated both for screening purposes and for self-sampling. Trial registration ASUGI Trieste n. 16008/2018; CRO Aviano n.17149/201

    Prevention of Surgical Site Infections in Neonates and Children: Non-Pharmacological Measures of Prevention

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    A surgical site infection (SSI) is an infection that occurs in the incision created by an invasive surgical procedure. Although most infections are treatable with antibiotics, SSIs remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality after surgery and have a significant economic impact on health systems. Preventive measures are essential to decrease the incidence of SSIs and antibiotic abuse, but data in the literature regarding risk factors for SSIs in the pediatric age group are scarce, and current guidelines for the prevention of the risk of developing SSIs are mainly focused on the adult population. This document describes the current knowledge on risk factors for SSIs in neonates and children undergoing surgery and has the purpose of providing guidance to health care professionals for the prevention of SSIs in this population. Our aim is to consider the possible non-pharmacological measures that can be adopted to prevent SSIs. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide recommendations based on a careful review of the available scientific evidence for the non-pharmacological prevention of SSIs in neonates and children. The specific scenarios developed are intended to guide the healthcare professional in practice to ensure standardized management of the neonatal and pediatric patients, decrease the incidence of SSIs and reduce antibiotic abuse
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