10 research outputs found

    The new phylogenesis of the genus Mycobacterium

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    Abstract Phylogenetic knowledge of the genus Mycobacterium is based on comparative analysis of their genetic sequences. The 16S rRNA has remained for many years the only target of such analyses, but in the last few years, other housekeeping genes have been investigated and the phylogeny based on their concatenated sequences become a standard. It is now clear that the robustness of the phylogenetic analysis is strictly related to the size of the genomic target used. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is nowadays becoming widely accessible and comparatively cheap. It was decided, therefore, to use this approach to reconstruct the ultimate phylogeny of the genus Mycobacterium . Over 50 types of strains of the same number of species of Mycobacterium were sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq platform. The majority of the strains of which the whole sequence was already available in GenBank were excluded from this panel with the aim of maximizing the number of the species with genome available. Following assembling and annotation with proper software, the phylogenetic analysis was conducted with PhyloPhlAn and the pan-genome analysis pipeline. The phylogenetic three which emerged was characterized by a clear-cut distinction of slowly and rapidly growing species with the latter being more ancestral. The species of the Mycobacterium terrae complex occupied an intermediate position between rapid and slow growers. Most of the species revealed clearly related and occupied specific phylogenetic branches. Thanks to the WGS technology, the genus Mycobacterium is finally approaching its definitive location

    Diagnosis of Imported Dengue and Zika Virus Infections in Italy from November 2015 to November 2022: Laboratory Surveillance Data from a National Reference Laboratory

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    Dengue (DENV) and Zika (ZIKV) viruses are mosquito-borne human pathogens. In Italy, the presence of the competent vector Aedes albopictus increases the risk of autochthonous transmission, and a national plan for arboviruses prevention, surveillance, and response (PNA 2020–2025) is in place. The results of laboratory diagnosis of both viruses by the National Reference Laboratory for arboviruses (NRLA) from November 2015 to November 2022 are presented. Samples from 655 suspected cases were tested by both molecular and serological assays. Virus and antibody kinetics, cross-reactivity, and diagnostic performance of IgM ELISA systems were analysed. Of 524 cases tested for DENV, 146 were classified as confirmed, 7 as probable, while 371 were excluded. Of 619 cases tested for ZIKV, 44 were classified as confirmed, while 492 were excluded. All cases were imported. Overall, 75.3% (110/146) of DENV and 50% (22/44) of ZIKV cases were confirmed through direct virus detection methods. High percentages of cross reactivity were observed between the two viruses. The median lag time from symptoms onset to sample collection was 7 days for both DENV molecular (range 0–20) and NS1 ELISA (range 0–48) tests, with high percentages of positivity also after 7 days (39% and 67%, respectively). For ZIKV, the median lag time was 5 days (range 0–22), with 16% positivity after 7 days. Diagnostic performance was assessed with negative predictive values ranging from 92% to 95% for the anti-DENV systems, and of 97% for the ZIKV one. Lower positive predictive values were seen in the tested population (DENV: 55% to 91%, ZIKV: 50%). DENV and ZIKV diagnosis by molecular test is the gold standard, but sample collection time is a limitation. Serological tests, including Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test, are thus necessary. Co-circulation and cross-reactivity between the two viruses increase diagnostic difficulty. Continuous evaluation of diagnostic strategies is essential to improve laboratory testing

    \u6587\u672c\u7684\u89d2\u8272\u2014\u2014\u5173\u4e8e\u5f3a\u5236\u9610\u91ca\u7684\u5bf9\u8bdd [Il ruolo del testo - un dialogo sull'interpretazione]

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    \u5f3a\u5236\u9610\u91ca\u662f\u5f53\u4ee3\u897f\u65b9\u6587\u8bba\u7684\u57fa\u672c\u7279\u5f81,\u4e5f\u662f\u5176\u6839\u672c\u7f3a\u9677\u6240\u5728\u3002\u7406\u8bba\u4e0e\u6587\u672c\u4e4b\u95f4\u5b58\u5728\u7740\u4ec0\u4e48\u6837\u7684\u5173\u7cfb?\u9610\u91ca\u662f\u5426\u6709\u8fb9\u754c?\u4ec0\u4e48\u6837\u7684\u9610\u91ca\u624d\u662f\u786e\u5f53\u5408\u7406\u7684\u9610\u91ca?\u8fd9\u4e9b\u90fd\u662f\u503c\u5f97\u6df1\u5165\u8ba8\u8bba\u7684\u95ee\u9898\u3002\u591a\u5e74\u6765,\u4e2d\u56fd\u793e\u4f1a\u79d1\u5b66\u9662\u5f20\u6c5f\u6559\u6388\u5bc6\u5207\u5173\u6ce8\u5f53\u4ee3\u897f\u65b9\u6587\u8bba\u7684\u53d1\u5c55\u4e0e\u6d41\u53d8,\u9488\u5bf9\u5f53\u4ee3\u897f\u65b9\u6587\u8bba\u5b58\u5728\u7684\u95ee\u9898\u53ca\u4e2d\u56fd\u5f53\u4ee3\u6587\u8bba\u548c\u4e2d\u56fd\u9610\u91ca\u5b66\u7684\u6784\u5efa,\u63d0\u51fa"\u5f3a\u5236\u9610\u91ca"\u8fd9\u4e00\u6982\u5ff5,\u5f15\u8d77\u56fd\u5185\u5916\u5b66\u672f\u754c\u7684\u5e7f\u6cdb\u5173\u6ce8\u548c\u8ba8\u8bba\u3002\u8fd1\u671f,\u5f20\u6c5f\u6559\u6388\u4e0e\u610f\u5927\u5229\u6469\u5fb7\u7eb3\u5927\u5b66\u8bed\u8a00\u6587\u5316\u5b66\u9662\u7684\u4f0a\u62c9\u838e\u767d\ub7\u6885\u5185\u8fea(Elisabetta Menetti)\u5728\u7f16\u7814\u7a76\u5458\u3001\u9a6c\u4e3d\u5a1c\ub7\u4f2f\u6069\u8482(Marina Bondi)\u6559\u6388\u3001\u51ef\u6492\ub7\u8d3e\u79d1\u5df4\u9f50(Cesare Giacobazzi)\u526f\u6559\u6388\u8fdb\u884c\u5ea7\u8c08,\u56f4\u7ed5\u6587\u672c\u7684\u89d2\u8272\u548c\u5f53\u4ee3\u6587\u5b66\u7406\u8bba\u53d1\u5c55\u73b0\u72b6\u7b49\u4e3b\u9898\u5c55\u5f00\u8ba8\u8bba,\u73b0\u6574\u7406\u51fa\u8fd9\u7bc7\u5bf9\u8bdd,\u4ee5\u98e8\u8bfb\u8005\u3002Dialogo sulla teoria dell'interpretazione: Calvino, Eco e la teoria della ricezione in Italia e in Europa

    Air and waterborne microbiome of a pharmaceutical plant provide insights on spatiotemporal variations and community resilience after disturbance

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    Abstract Background The presence of microrganisms in pharmaceutical production plant environments is typically monitored by cultural methods, however these cannot detect the unculturable fraction of the microbial community. To get more accurate information on the composition of these indoor microbial communities, both water and air microbiome from a pharmaceutical production plant were profiled by 16S amplicon sequencing. Results In the water system, we found taxa which typically characterize surface freshwater, groundwater and oligotrophic environments. The airborne microbiome resulted dominated by taxa usually found in outdoor air in combination with human-associated taxa. The alpha- and beta- diversity values showed that the heat-based sanitization process of the water plant affects the composition of the water microbiome by transiently increasing both diversity and evenness. Taxonomic compositional shifts were also detected in response to sanitization, consisting in an increase of Firmicutes and α-Proteobacteria. On the other hand, seasonality seems to be the main driver of bacterial community composition in air of this work environment. Conclusions This approach resulted useful to describe the taxonomy of these indoor microbiomes and could be further applied to other built environments, in which the knowledge of the microbiome composition is of relevance. In addition, this study could assist in the design of new guidelines to improve microbiological quality control in indoor work environments

    Evolution of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in Cystic Fibrosis Lung over Chronic Infection: A Genomic and Phenotypic Population Study

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    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia has been recognized as an emerging multi-drug resistant opportunistic pathogen in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We report a comparative genomic and phenotypic analysis of 91 S. maltophilia strains from 10 CF patients over a 12-year period. Draft genome analyses included in silico Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST), Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), and pangenome characterization. Growth rate, biofilm formation, motility, mutation frequency, in vivo virulence, and in vitro antibiotic susceptibility were determined and compared with population structure over time. The population consisted of 20 different sequence types (STs), 11 of which are new ones. Pangenome and SNPs data showed that this population is composed of three major phylogenetic lineages. All patients were colonized by multiple STs, although most of them were found in a single patient and showed persistence over years. Only few phenotypes showed some correlation with population phylogenetic structure. Our results show that S. maltophilia adaptation to CF lung is associated with consistent genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infecting multiple hosts likely experiences different selection pressures depending on the host environment. The poor genotype-phenotype correlation suggests the existence of complex regulatory mechanisms that need to be explored in order to better design therapeutic strategies

    Rigenerazione urbana delle aree militari e industriali/Urban regeneration of industrial and military sites

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    Il numero 3/2011 di \u201cIN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citt\ue0 e l\u2019architettura\u201d sviluppa il tema della rigenerazione delle aree urbane oggetto di dismissione di attivit\ue0 industriali e militari, mediante la presentazione degli esiti di ricerche, laboratori progettuali e tesi di laurea, e di un workshop internazionale. Il numero \ue8 diviso in due parti. Nella prima parte, nella sezione \u201cUrban and Territorial Planning\u201d viene introdotto il tema della rigenerazione urbana, dal punto di vista del progettista (Parmeggiani) e dell\u2019impostazioni di metodo (Minghini). Nella sezione \u201cCities\u201d vengono proposti quattro casi di studio: Bologna, con la riqualificazione sostenibile dell\u2019area Sani-Casaralta, situata nella prima periferia (Ferrante, Bettazzi), Piacenza, con il suo vasto patrimonio immobiliare militare (Milani), Forl\uec, con la riqualificazione di un ex convento adibito ad usi militari (Castagnoli) e Balangero, con la riqualificazione ambientale e paesaggistica di un vasto sito industriale, ex miniera di amianto (Giacobazzi). Quattro diverse scale di intervento, quattro diverse impostazioni progettuali. Nella sezione \u201cArchitecture\u201d vengono presentati due progetti: la riqualificazione architettonica del faro di Capo Spartivento, ex presidio militare (Bartolomei) e la proposta di strutture temporanee itineranti ad uso commerciale, come occasione di valorizzazione di siti dismessi (Gaiti). Nella seconda parte, nella sezione \u201cUrban Design\u201d viene presentato il risultato del workshop progettuale sulla riqualificazione dell'area STAVECO a Bologna, svoltosi nel periodo 15 gennaio - 15 aprile 2011 presso Urban Center Bologna (Evangelisti), promosso dalla Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), nell'ambito del Directed Studies Abroad, Master Program in Architecture della Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism (Sgarbi), con la partecipazione degli studenti del corso di laurea in Ingegneria edile-Architettura dell'Universit\ue0 di Bologna (Bravo, Ciampolini, Francia e Luccaroni)

    Multicenter epidemiological investigation and genetic characterization of respiratory syncytial virus and metapneumovirus infections in the pre-pandemic 2018-2019 season in northern and central Italy

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (HMPV) cause a high burden of disease, particularly in children and the elderly. With the aim to add knowledge on RSV and HMPV infections in Italy, a prospective, multicenter study was conducted by eight centers of the Working Group on Respiratory Virus Infections (GLIViRe), from December 2018-April 2019. Weekly distribution and patients' demographic and clinical data were compared in 1300 RSV and 222 HMPV-positive cases. Phylogenetic analysis of the G-glycoprotein coding region was performed to characterize circulating strains. RSV positivity ranged from 6.4% in outpatients of all ages to 31.7% in hospitalized children; HMPV positivity was 4-1.2% with no age-association. RSV season peaked in February and ended in mid-April: HMPV circulation was higher when RSV decreased in early spring. RSV was more frequent in infants, whereas HMPV infected comparatively more elderly adults; despite, their clinical course was similar. RSV-B cases were two-thirds of the total and had similar clinical severity compared to RSV-A. Phylogenetic analysis showed the circulation of RSV-A ON1 variants and the predominance of RSV-B genotype BA10. HMPV genotype A2c was the prevalent one and presented insertions of different lengths in G. This first multicenter Italian report on seasonality, age-specific distribution, and clinical presentation of RSV and HMPV demonstrated their substantial disease burden in young patients but also in the elderly. These data may provide the basis for a national respiratory virus surveillance network

    The new phylogeny of the genus Mycobacterium: The old and the news

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    Background Phylogenetic studies of bacteria have been based so far either on a single gene (usually the 16S rRNA) or on concatenated housekeeping genes. For what concerns the genus Mycobacterium these approaches support the separation of rapidly and slowly growing species and the clustering of most species in well-defined phylogenetic groups. The advent of high-throughput shotgun sequencing leads us to revise conventional taxonomy of mycobacteria on the light of genomic data. For this purpose we investigated 88 newly sequenced species in addition to 60 retrieved from GenBank and used the Average Nucleotide Identity pairwise scores to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships within this genus. Results Our analysis confirmed the separation of slow and rapid growers and the intermediate position occupied by the M. terrae complex. Among the rapid growers, the species of the M. chelonae-abscessus complex belonged to the most ancestral cluster. Other major clades of rapid growers included the species related to M. fortuitum and M. smegmatis and a large grouping containing mostly environmental species rarely isolated from humans. The members of the M. terrae complex appeared as the most ancestral slow growers. Among slow growers two deep branches led to the clusters of species related to M. celatum and M. xenopi and to a large group harboring most of the species more frequently responsible of disease in humans, including the major pathogenic mycobacteria (M. tuberculosis, M. leprae, M. ulcerans). The species previously grouped in the M. simiae complex were allocated in a number of sub-clades; of them, only the one including the species M. simiae identified the real members of this complex. The other clades included also species previously not considered related to M. simiae. The ANI analysis, in most cases supported by Genome to Genome Distance and by Genomic Signature-Delta Difference, showed that a number of species with standing in literature were indeed synonymous. Conclusions Genomic data revealed to be much more informative in comparison with phenotype. We believe that the genomic revolution enabled by high-throughput shotgun sequencing should now be considered in order to revise the conservative approaches still informing taxonomic sciences

    Characterization of 17 strains belonging to the mycobacterium simiae complex and description of mycobacterium paraense sp. Nov

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    Fourteen mycobacterial strains isolated from pulmonary samples of independent patients in the state of Para´ (Brazil), and three strains isolated in Italy, were characterized using a polyphasic approach. Thorough genetic investigation, including whole-genome sequencing, demonstrated that the strains belong to the M. simiae complex, being most closely related to Mycobacterium interjectum. For 14 of the strains, evidence emerged supporting their inclusion in a previously unreported species of the genus Mycobacterium, for which the name Mycobacterium paraense sp. nov. is proposed (type strain, IEC26T5DSM 46749T5CCUG 66121T). The novel species is characterized by slow growth, unpigmented or pale yellow scotochromogenic colonies, and a HPLC mycolic acid profile different from other known mycobacteria. In different genetic regions, high sequence microheterogeneity was detected