63 research outputs found

    Senso Comune as a Knowledge Base of Italian language: The Resource and its Development

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    International audienceSenso Comune is a linguistic knowledge base for the Italian Language, which accommodates the content of a legacy dictionary in a rich formal model. The model is implemented in a platform which allows a community of contributors to enrich the resource. We provide here an overview of the main project features, including the lexical-ontology model, the process of sense classification, and the annotation of meaning definitions (glosses) and lexicographic examples. Also, we will illustrate the latest work of alignment with MultiWordNet, to illustrate the methodologies that have been experimented with, to share some preliminary result, and to highlight some remarkable findings about the semantic coverage of the two resources

    The association between lifelong personality and clinical phenotype in the FTD-ALS spectrum

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    Introduction: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are two phenotypes of the same neurodegenerative disease, the FTD-ALS spectrum. What determines the development of one rather than the other phenotype is still unknown. Based on the clinical observation that patients' personality seems to differ between the two phenotypes, i.e., ALS patients tend to display kind, prosocial behaviors whereas FTD patients tend to present anti-social behaviors, and that these traits are often reported as pre-existing the disease onset by caregivers, we set up to study experimentally patients' personality in their premorbid life.Methods: We first tested for differences between groups, then tested the association between premorbid personality and current functional organization of the brain. Premorbid personality of a cohort of forty patients, 27 FTD and 13 ALS, was explored through the NEO Personality Inventory 3 (NEO-PI-3), which analyses the five main personality factors, completed by the caregiver with reference to patient's personality 20 years before symptoms onset (premorbid). A subgroup of patients underwent a brain MRI including structural and resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI).Results: A significant difference between FTD and ALS in premorbid personality emerged in the Openness (133.92 FTD vs. 149.84 ALS, p = 0.01) and Extraversion (136.55 FTD vs. 150.53 ALS, p = 0.04) factors. This suggests that ALS patients had been, in their premorbid life, more open to new experiences, more sociable and optimistic than FTD patients. They also showed greater functional connectivity than both FTD and a control group in the Salience resting state network, over and above differences in gray matter atrophy. Finally, there was a positive correlation between premorbid Openness and functional connectivity in the Salience network across all patients, suggesting a possible association between premorbid personality and current functional organization of the brain, irrespective of the degree of atrophy.Discussion: Our proof-of-concept results suggest that premorbid personality may eventually predispose to the development of one, rather than the other, phenotype in the FTD-ALS spectrum

    Kynurenine/Tryptophan Ratio as a Potential Blood-Based Biomarker in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    The enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) degrade tryptophan (Trp) into kynurenine (Kyn) at the initial step of an enzymatic pathway affecting T cell proliferation. IDO1 is highly expressed in various cancer types and associated with poor prognosis. Nevertheless, the serum Kyn/Trp concentration ratio has been suggested as a marker of cancer-associated immune suppression. We measured Kyn and Trp in blood samples of a wide cohort of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, before they underwent surgery, and analyzed possible correlations of the Kyn/Trp ratio with either IDO1 expression or clinical-pathological parameters. Low Kyn/Trp significantly correlated with low IDO1 expression and never-smoker patients; while high Kyn/Trp was significantly associated with older (>= 68 years) patients, advanced tumor stage, and squamous cell carcinoma (Sqcc), rather than the adenocarcinoma (Adc) histotype. Moreover, high Kyn/Trp was associated, among the Adc group, with higher tumor stages (II and III), and, among the Sqcc group, with a high density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. A trend correlating the high Kyn/Trp ratio with the probability of recurrences from NSCLC was also found. In conclusion, high serum Kyn/Trp ratio, associated with clinical and histopathological parameters, may serve as a serum biomarker to optimize risk stratification and therapy of NSCLC patients

    Epidemiology and clinical course of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection in cancer patients in the Veneto Oncology Network: The Rete Oncologica Veneta covID19 study

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    Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic started in Italy with clusters identified in Northern Italy. The Veneto Oncology Network (Rete Oncologica Veneta) licenced dedicated guidelines to ensure proper care minimising the risk of infection in patients with cancer. Rete Oncologica Veneta covID19 (ROVID) is a regional registry aimed at describing epidemiology and clinical course of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in patients with cancer. Materials and methods: Patients with cancer diagnosis and documented SARS-CoV-2 infection are eligible. Data on cancer diagnosis, comorbidities, anticancer treatments, as well as details on SARS-CoV-2 infection (hospitalisation, treatments, fate of the infection), have been recorded. Logistic regression analysis was applied to calculate the association between clinical/laboratory variables and death from any cause. Results: One hundred seventy patients have been enrolled. The median age at time of the SARS-CoV infection was 70 years (25-92). The most common cancer type was breast cancer (n = 40). The majority of the patients had stage IV disease. Half of the patients had two or more comorbidities. The majority of the patients (78%) presented with COVID-19 symptoms. More than 77% of the patients were hospitalized and 6% were admitted to intensive care units. Overall, 104 patients have documented resolution of the infection. Fifty-seven patients (33%) have died. In 29 cases (17%), the cause of death was directly correlated to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Factors significantly correlated with the risk of death were the following: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (PS), age, presence of two or more comorbidities, presence of dyspnoea, COVID-19 phenotype â‰Ą 3, hospitalisation, intensive care unit admission, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and thrombocytopenia. Conclusions: The mortality rate reported in this confirms the frailty of this population. These data reinforce the need to protect patients with cancer from SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Protective effect of EDTA preadministration on renal ischemia

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    BACKGROUND: Chelation therapy with sodium edetate (EDTA) improved renal function and slowed the progression of renal insufficiency in patients subjected to lead intoxication. This study was performed to identify the underlying mechanism of the ability of EDTA treatment to protect kidneys from damage. METHODS: The effects of EDTA administration were studied in a rat model of acute renal failure induced by 60 minutes ischemia followed or not by 60 minutes reperfusion. Renal ischemic damage was evaluated by histological studies and by functional studies, namely serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels. Treatment with EDTA was performed 30 minutes before the induction of ischemia. Polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) adhesion capability, plasmatic nitric oxide (NO) levels and endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) renal expression were studied as well as the EDTA protection from the TNFα-induced vascular leakage in the kidneys. Data was compared by two-way analysis of variance followed by a post hoc test. RESULTS: EDTA administration resulted in the preservation of both functional and histological parameters of rat kidneys. PMN obtained from peripheral blood of EDTA-treated ischemized rats, displayed a significant reduction in the expression of the adhesion molecule Mac-1 with respect to controls. NO was significantly increased by EDTA administration and eNOS expression was higher and more diffuse in kidneys of rats treated with EDTA than in the controls. Finally, EDTA administration was able to prevent in vivo the TNFα-induced vascular leakage in the kidneys. CONCLUSION: This data provides evidence that EDTA treatment is able to protect rat kidneys from ischemic damage possibly through the stimulation of NO production

    Dati Empirici e Risorse lessicali: introduzione an numero monografico

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    La disponibilità di dati linguistici in formato digitale è cresciuta in modo esponenziale negli ultimi 20 anni, stimolando lo sviluppo di modelli per la loro annotazione e di tecniche per la loro analisi statistica, al fine di condurre ricerca linguistica quantitativa e qualitativa e potenziare applicazioni computazionali che prevedono fasi di machine learning a partire da dati. Ciò nonostante, la discussione fondamentale riguardo all’utilizzo di dati linguistici nella costruzione di risorse linguistiche, nella pratica lessicografica (tradizionale e computazionale, cfr. Hanks 2013) e in particolare nella elaborazione di teorie del linguaggio resta aperta e controversa (De Marneffe and Potts 2016), così come spesso sono insufficientemente esplicitati i limiti dell’uso di specifici corpora per la ricerca linguistica, in particolare quella lessicale. Il termine “risorse lessicali” comprende oggi una vastissima gamma di oggetti: tra questi, versioni online di dizionari cartacei (alcuni tra questi corpus-based o corpus-driven); dizionari elettronici direttamente creati per essere distribuiti esclusivamente online; dizionari collaborativi creati da utenti ordinari in progetti volontari; aggregatori di fonti lessicografiche (come dictionary.com e thefreedictionary.com); corpora annotati (di lingua scritta, parlata, mista, di dominio specifico, multilingui); lessici computazionali monolingui e multilingui, pensati come database lessicali o basi di conoscenze finalizzate non tanto alla consultazione da parte di utenti, ma all’uso e integrazione in applicazioni computazionali, banche dati terminologiche. Sono diffuse le iniziative di standardizzazione degli schemi di annotazione e dei metadati (dati di alto livello, categorie generali volte a favorire interoperabilità e riusabilità delle risorse), metodi innovativi per l'acquisizione di dati (crowdsourcing, gamification), e iniziative di valutazione e validazione di metodi e risorse

    Empirical Data and Lexical Resources

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    EEG correlates of postural audio-biofeedback

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    The control of postural sway depends on the dynamic integration of multi-sensory information in the central nervous system. Augmentation of sensory information, such as during auditory biofeedback (ABF) of the trunk acceleration, has been shown to improve postural control. By means of quantitative electroencephalography (EEG), we examined the basic processes in the brain that are involved in the perception and cognition of auditory signals used for ABF. ABF and Fake ABF (FAKE) auditory stimulations were delivered to 10 healthy naive participants during quiet standing postural tasks, with eyes-open and closed. Trunk acceleration and 19-channels EEG were recorded at the same time. Advanced, state-of-the-art EEG analysis and modeling methods were employed to assess the possibly differential, functional activation, and localization of EEG spectral features (power in alfa, beta, and gamma bands) between the FAKE and the ABF conditions, for both the eyes-open and the eyes-closed tasks. Participants gained advantage by ABF in reducing their postural sway, as measured by a reduction of the root mean square of trunk acceleration during the ABF compared to the FAKE condition. Population-wise localization analysis performed on the comparison FAKE – ABF revealed: (i) a significant decrease of alfa power in the right inferior parietal cortex for the eyes-open task; (ii) a significant increase of gamma power in left temporo-parietal areas for the eyes-closed task; (iii) a significant increase of gamma power in the left temporo-occipital areas in the eyes-open task. EEG outcomes supported the idea that ABF for postural control heavily modulates (increases) the cortical activation in healthy participants. The sites showing the higher ABF-related modulation are among the known cortical areas associated with multi-sensory, perceptual integration, and sensori-motor integration, showing a differential activation between the eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions
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