2,862 research outputs found

    A Performance Thesis: Discovering and Unveiling the Artist Within

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    I, Elisabeth Wolf, am studying my growth over the last four years and how my findings will influence the projection of my performing career through my Senior Thesis Project. I am specifically focusing on six pieces that I have performed during my college career that stand out to have provided me with the most growth and evolution. Through continually reflecting and fervently questioning what movement means to me, I have developed a thesis that not only depicts my growth as an artist and a performer in my college life, but also a thesis that will continue growing after graduation from Loyola Marymount University and into the adventure that lies before me with a professional dance career. I have certain goals that I hope to succeed through the work of this thesis that extend out into my everyday life. I hope to be able to say that I am sincerely happy with my life and that I am always learning, never stuck in a place of comfort and too much security and safety. I want to always be pursuing and reaching for new opportunities, even if I feel I am not quite ready for them or feel I do not have the time to dedicate myself to; in the end everything happens for a reason and it will all work out. With the reflection and research embedded in the thesis, artistic goals and cognitive goals will be achieved and developed throughout the year. I hope to develop an increasingly diverse palette of expression-dramatic, abstract, rhythmically-musically different. I hope to identify with greater clarity a unique skill set and natural gives and natural movement signature. I hope to be able to integrate my character and personality into my movement so as to connect on a human level with the audience by incorporating eye contact while I dance. Cognitively, I hope to gain the ability to apply critical theory and analysis to the experience of dancing in a variety of works over a range of time. I will practice speaking about performances, movements, and historical influences with my professors to be able to clearly speak my opinions in an articulate, intellectual, and thoughtful way that includes vocabulary I have learned and developed through composition classes. I will keep a daily journal where I can record thoughts and breakthroughs I experience in all of my dance classes

    The interfacial contact of Cu/ZnO, and doped ZnO – different routes to modify the electronic, structural, and catalytic properties

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    In this thesis, Cu/ZnO catalysts active in the reduction of CO2 were investigated using operando conductivity measurements. These measurements made use of a contact-free microwave cavity perturbation technique (MCPT). For the CO2 reduction in methanol synthesis or the reverse water-gas shift reaction, the commonly used catalyst is Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 with high content of Cu. However, the exact electronic processes occurring between the ZnO support and the copper particles under reaction conditions are yet to be completely understood. Furthermore, the relevance and nature of the interface between the catalyst components Cu and ZnO are to be further studied. To contribute to this research, work regarding the structural, electronic, and catalytic properties of Cu/ZnO samples is presented, focusing on the interaction of Cu and ZnO. To reduce the system’s complexity as well as facilitate the use of additional characterisation techniques, often model catalysts are employed. To achieve the above-mentioned aims, binary Cu/ZnO samples were synthesised, where the loading of Cu was varied and kept low. Furthermore, different degrees of interaction were achieved by employing two synthetic approaches, namely impregnation and coprecipitation. Both the low Cu content as well as the chosen synthetic techniques are common strategies in the generation of Cu/ZnO model catalysts. The two synthesis methods were aimed at the generation of two very different precursors: while impregnation ideally leads to precursors with fully separated CuO and ZnO phases, coprecipitated samples were found to contain Cu incorporated into the ZnO lattice. Conversely, by activating the catalysts, a portion of the Cu contained in the samples generated by impregnation can migrate into the ZnO lattice, while some of the incorporated Cu in the coprecipitated samples can be extracted and form metallic Cu particles. A thorough characterisation of the samples enabled the investigation of their structural, electronic, and catalytic properties. By measuring the catalytic activity of these samples simultaneously with the MCPT conductivity, the electronic and catalytic properties can be related. A further aim of this investigation was to assess the suitability of the samples to function as models for the industrially applied catalytic system. By using MCPT, the conductivity of the samples was measured operando in the reverse water-gas shift reaction. Interestingly, this revealed a qualitatively different behaviour of the samples generated by the distinct synthetic methods. While the CO production rate increased for both types of sample upon increasing the proportion of hydrogen in the reaction feed, the conductivity of samples generated by impregnation increased simultaneously, but the conductivity of the coprecipitated samples was found to decrease instead. This striking difference points at very different interactions between Cu and ZnO in these two sorts of samples. Further characterisation revealed that the samples differ not only as a consequence of their synthetic history, but also depending on their Cu content. The catalytic performance, e.g., the apparent activation energies of the samples towards the rWGS reaction, was found to differ significantly from the values expected for binary Cu/ZnO catalysts with industrially relevant Cu content. This shows that these samples with low Cu loadings are not applicable as model catalysts for the industrial system and highlights the importance of ensuring the comparability of model and technical system before transferring conclusions from one to the other. The reversible incorporation of Cu into the ZnO lattice, even when the sample is synthesised by impregnation, was further studied. For this, a sample with a Cu content below the dissolution limit of Cu in ZnO was characterised in more detail. This highlighted the contribution of small clusters and the modification of the ZnO structure by Cu ions. It was revealed that in its oxidised state, the sample contained isolated Cu2+ species in the ZnO lattice. These Cu2+ ions get reduced when a hydrogen containing gas feed is applied, which was demonstrated using inert transfer EPR and in situ MCPT measurements. This effect was also shown to be reversible by reoxidation of the sample. Besides Cu, many other dopants are known to modify the properties of ZnO. Using fluorine as a modifier, the structural and electronic properties of ZnO as well as the way it interacts with applied gas phases were investigated. The fluorine-modification of polycrystalline ZnO was notably achieved by the application of gaseous fluorine and could be controlled by the variation of the treatment parameters such as the F2 partial pressure. Two fluorinated samples with differing F contents were compared to pristine ZnO. Of these, the sample with lower F content was found to consist of a homogeneous distribution of fluorine as a dopant in ZnO, while the sample treated at a higher F2 partial pressure contained ZnF2 as a by-phase. The conductivity of the samples measured using MCPT revealed that the sample with less F content had a stronger response to the application of a hydrogen containing gas phase compared to pure ZnO or the sample containing the ZnF2 by-phase, indicating that fluorine doping of ZnO positively affects the ability of the material to activate and chemisorb H2. This finding can have extensive implications for the use of fluorine-doped ZnO in catalytic applications such as CO2 reduction, which will be interesting to explore in the future

    Risk factors for deterioration of renal function after coronary artery bypass grafting

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    Abstract Objective: Various definitions of impairment of renal function after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are used in the literature. Depending on the definition, several risk factors are identified. We analysed our data to determine the risk factors for postoperative deterioration of the creatinine clearance of 10% or more. Methods: All patients undergoing isolated coronary surgery in a single centre between January 1998 and December 2007 are included. Clinical data, including demographics and renal risk factors, were prospectively collected in our database. The most recent preoperative serum creatinine level and the maximum serum creatinine level within the first week postoperatively were used to calculate the creatinine clearance. A deterioration of 10% or more was considered to be an endpoint for this study. Results: In 10 098 out of a total of 10 626 patients, the preoperative as well as the postoperative creatinine clearance could be calculated. In 1053 patients, the deterioration of the creatinine clearance was 10% or more. We could identify the following risk factors: advanced age, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease, emergency operation, previous cardiac surgery, low preoperative haemoglobin level, high preoperative C-reactive protein level, perioperative myocardial infarction, re-exploration and the number of blood transfusions. Conclusions: Risk factors for the deterioration of renal function after revascularisation have been confirmed in this study. In addition, we found peripheral vascular disease, previous cardiac surgery, low preoperative haemoglobin, increased preoperative C-reactive protein level, perioperative myocardial infarction and the number of blood transfusions to be risk factors that have not been described earlier

    Smart Homes as a Means to Sustainable Energy Consumption: A Study of Consumer Perceptions

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    European and national policies are aimed at reducing greenhouse gases and increasing energy efficiency - also in the household sector. For this purpose, new solutions for private homes based on information and communication technologies (ICT) are being developed and tested. However, up to now, hardly anyone has seen, experienced or lived in an environment that offers the full range of ICT-based energy management solutions. In this study, consumer reactions to a fully furnished and equipped smart home are analysed using focus groups (four groups with a total of 29 participants). The analysis looks at consumer perceptions of and reactions to an energy management system which optimizes electricity consumption based on different ICT solutions. The topics that were demonstrated in practice and then discussed with the participants included variable tariffs, smart metering, smart appliances, and home automation. In general, there were positive group reactions to the smart home environment. Consumers saw many advantages for themselves; especially the chance to save money. However, giving up high levels of flexibility and adapting everyday routines to fit in with electricity tariffs were regarded as difficult. Smart appliances and smart meters were therefore considered to be necessary elements by most participants. Concerns regarding data privacy played a major role in one of the groups

    Transfusion of red blood cells: the impact on short-term and long-term survival after coronary artery bypass grafting, a ten-year follow-up.

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    Transfusion of red blood cells (RBC) and other blood products in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. We retrospectively analyzed data of patients who underwent an isolated coronary bypass graft operation between January 1998 and December 2007. Mean follow-up was 1696±1026 days, with exclusion of 122 patients lost to follow-up and 80 patients who received 10 units of RBC. Of the remaining patients, 8001 (76.7%) received no RBC, 1621 (15.2%) received 1–2 units of RBC, 593 (5.7%) received 3–5 units and 220 (2.1%) received 6–10 units. The number of transfused RBC was a predictor for early but not for late mortality. When compared to expected survival, survival of patients not receiving any blood product was better, while survival of patients receiving >3 units of RBC was worse. Transfusion of RBC is an independent, dose-dependent risk factor for early mortality after revascularization. Compared to expected survival, receiving no RBC improves patient long-term survival, whereas receiving three or more units of RBC significantly decreases patient survival

    "Freundschaft und Moral"

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    Der Einfluss von Freundschaft auf das Moralitätsverständnis soll hier genauer untersucht werden. Kann Freundschaft einen Einfluss auf das Moralitätsverständnis haben? Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, werden die Begriffe Mensch, Moral und Freundschaft eingehend untersucht

    Das Thema Arbeitswelt in der vorschulischen Pädagogik

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    Abstract Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung wie Vorschulpädagoginnen mit dem Thema Arbeitswelt umgehen: Welche Assoziationen und Vorstellungen habe sie aufgrund von Erfahrungen und Erlebnissen in ihrer Arbeitswelt gewonnen? Schließen Vorschulpädagoginnen überhaupt das Thema Arbeitswelt in ihre Bildungsarbeit mit ein? Wie greifen sie das Thema Arbeitswelt auf und welche didaktischen Methoden verwenden sie dazu? Für die Beantwortung dieser Fragen wird zunächst im Theorieteil auf Arbeit als Begriff, auf Erwerbsarbeit, sowie Eigenarbeit eingegangen. Danach wird der Begriff der Vor-stellung erarbeitet und ein Blick auf die beiden vorschulischen Handlungsfelder der elementarpädagogischen Einrichtungen und der Vorschulklassen geworfen. In der nachfolgenden empirischen Studie wird versucht, die Forschungsfrage anhand eines offenen Leitfadens, mittels Datenauswertung und Interpretation von Expertinneninterviews mit zehn Vorschulpädagoginnen zu beantworten. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt auf den Vorstellungen von Vorschulpädagoginnen und deren Umsetzung des Themas Arbeitswelt. Das Material wurde mittels der Grounded Theory ausgewertet, um auf ihrer Grundlage mehrere Themenbereiche bilden zu können. Als die wichtigsten Ergebnisse können folgende genannt werden: Das Thema Arbeitswelt wird nur von fünf der zehn Vorschulpä-dagoginnen thematisiert. Vorschulpädagoginnen thematisieren Arbeitswelt aufgrund von eigenen positiven Kindheitserinnerungen. Vorschulpädagoginnen in Vorschulklassen thematisieren Arbeitswelt vermehrt aufgrund der Verankerung innerhalb des Gegenstandes Sachbegegnung im Lehrplan der Vorschulklasse. Nach Vorstellung von Vorschulpädagoginnen sind gelungene Lern- und Bildungsprozesse von Kindern zum Thema Arbeitswelt durch die Partizipation der Eltern zur Bildung ihrer Kinder, durch Exkursionen und damit verbundene Anschaulichkeit, durch Rollenspiele und damit verbundene Selbsttätigkeit, sowie durch situationsbezogene Gespräche zu erreichen. Wichtige Zusammenhänge die Gesellschaft, die Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt betreffend, werden von Vorschulpädagoginnen hauptsächlich in situationsbezogenen Gesprächen mit den Kindern thematisiert. Vorschulpädagoginnen erachten es vornehmlich als notwendig, dass Kinder im Vorschulalter Arbeitshaltung und Leistungsverhalten, sowie soziale Kompetenzen für Arbeitswelt entwickeln

    Biodiversidad y estructura del mega-epibentos en la región de Magallanes (América del Sur)

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    Epibenthic communites have been investigated at 55 stations in the Magellan region by underwater photogra-phy at water depths between 15 and 430m. Five species assemblages were identified of which the two shallow and the two deep ones in the channel system differed considerably in abundance, number of taxa, diversity and species composition. The dominant systematic group of the shallow assemblages were ascidians. In one of these assemblages decapod crustaceans, in the other mainly sessile suspension feeders e.g. sponges, anthozoans and bryozoans were the characteristic taxa. In the deeper assemblages echinoderms were most abundant. The fifth assemblage, consisting of several offshore stations south of the eastern entrance of the Beagle, was more similar to the shallow stations in the channel system in terms of dominant life forms. Various hypotheses were confirmed or rejected: The benthos at the deeper stations in the channel system was not more homogeneous than at the shallow stations. At both the channel and the offshore stations filter feeders were most dominant whereas at the bottom of the channels deposit feeders were more abundant. Differences between the wide Straits of Magellan and the narrow and steep Beagle Channel were not very distinct. The benthic assemblages inside the channel system did not differ considerably from the assemblage outside the channel system with the exception of the stations close to the continental slope of the Atlantic. Differences due to Pacific or Atlantic influences were not recognisable. The biological patterns could best be explained by the environmental parameters water depth, occurrence of soft sediment and biogenic debris.Se estudiaron las comunidades epibentónicas en 55 estaciones de la región de Magallanes en profundidades entre 15 y 430 m mediante fotografía subacuática. Se identificaron cinco comunidades distintas. Las dos comunidades someras y las dos profundas en el sistema de canales revelaron diferencias considerables en lo que se refiere a abundancia, número de taxones, diversidad y composición específica. Las ascidias predominaron en las comunidades someras. En una de ellas, los crustáceos decápodos fueron el taxón característico mientras en la otra lo fueron los suspensívoros sésiles tales como esponjas, antozoos o briozoos. En las comunidades de mayor profundidad los equinodermos fueron el grupo más notable. La quinta comunidad, compuesta por varias estaciones situadas al sur de la entrada este del Canal del Beagle, resultó ser muy parecida a la de las estaciones someras en el sistema de canales en términos de formas de vida dominantes. Se aceptaron o rechazaron varias hipótesis. El bentos en las estaciones más profundas del sistema de canales no se mostró más homogéneo que en las estaciones someras. Tanto en las estaciones cercanas como en las estaciones fuera de la costa predominaron los suspensívoros, mientras que los detritívoros fueron el grupo dominante en el fondo de los canales. No se detectaron diferencias muy marcadas entre el Estrecho de Magallanes, de configuración ancha, y el Canal del Beagle de forma estrecha y pendiente fuerte. Con excepción de las estaciones cercanas al talud continental atlántico, las comunidades fuera del sistema de canales no se distinguieron mucho de las de dentro. No se evidenciaron diferencias faunísticas causadas por influencia pacífica o atlántica. Los patrones biológicos se pueden explicar mejor por los parámetros ambientales profundidad del agua, presencia de sedimentos blandos y escombros biogénicos