59 research outputs found

    Information-theoretic bound on the energy cost of stochastic simulation

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    Physical systems are often simulated using a stochastic computation where different final states result from identical initial states. Here, we derive the minimum energy cost of simulating a complex data set of a general physical system with a stochastic computation. We show that the cost is proportional to the difference between two information-theoretic measures of complexity of the data - the statistical complexity and the predictive information. We derive the difference as the amount of information erased during the computation. Finally, we illustrate the physics of information by implementing the stochastic computation as a Gedankenexperiment of a Szilard-type engine. The results create a new link between thermodynamics, information theory, and complexity.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur


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    The dissemination of fecal contamination and antibiotic-resistant bacteria from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) is a major public health concern. There is a need for modeling the dissemination of microbial contamination from sources to be able to link public health risks to sources such as CAFOs, especially in aquatic environments, such as rivers and streams. Host-associated microbial source tracking markers are a major advancement to quantifying risks associated with water use but fall short of relating microbial contamination with source locations. Using host-associated markers in conjunction with water quality modeling can help to establish strong linkages between spatial features and fecal contamination. However, existing water quality models do not have desirable qualities. They are often developed to model nutrient pollution, rely on a priori knowledge of delivery parameters, require information about the contaminants at sources, and most often model at the watershed level (i.e., sub-watershed or point-level resolution is preferred). Land-use regression (LUR) models address some of these concerns and have been previously implemented to associate sources and land cover with microbial contamination responses measured in the environment. Few of these microbial land-use regression studies have modeled quantified genes corresponding to the influence of specific hosts or genes encoding antibiotic resistance. Additionally, these land-use regression studies have primarily focused on human sources of microbial contamination and microbial contamination in surface water. This body of work advances previous microbial land-use regression approaches by developing a microbial land-use regression model and new spatial predictor models to characterize source contributions to river networks. This novel microbial modeling framework is applied to host-associated fecal contamination responses and antibiotic resistance responses in surface water and sediment in a Wisconsin spatial stream network for a CAFO-dense region, with many other potential sources. From these applications, this work contributes to the literature on offsite migration of microbial contamination from CAFOs, advances knowledge about other sources of host-associated and antibiotic resistance gene responses in riverbed sediment and surface water, and contributes insights into how the characteristics of molecular targets can influence the characterization of source impacts on the environment and microbial risks. This research advances the field of microbial water quality modeling and provides quantifiable associations between sources and microbial contamination responses that can be considered for assessing current regulatory standards for different sources and investing in future wastewater treatment infrastructure in livestock-dense areas.Doctor of Philosoph

    PĂ€dagogisches Ethos als Holon

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    Die Autor*innen beschreiben pĂ€dagogisches Ethos als Holon. Sie erlĂ€utern dazu eine Theorie der Holone, die eine verĂ€nderte Sichtweise auf Theorien und PhĂ€nomene insofern eröffnen soll, indem sie eine Mehr- und VielperspektivitĂ€t ermöglichen, die eine PluralitĂ€t von Paradigmen und EntwĂŒrfen erlauben, wodurch sichtbar wird, wie Ideen und Theorien zueinander anschlussfĂ€hig bzw. abgrenzbar werden oder miteinander verbunden werden können. Mithilfe der Theorie der Holone erklĂ€ren sie die Verbindungslinien der Begriffe Ethos, Ethik und Moral und fassen schließlich pĂ€dagogisches Ethos als Holon. (DIPF/Orig.

    Reducing office workers' sitting time: rationale and study design for the Stand Up Victoria cluster randomized trial

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    Background: Excessive time spent in sedentary behaviours (sitting or lying with low energy expenditure) is associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Desk-based office workers typically accumulate high amounts of daily sitting time, often in prolonged unbroken bouts. The Stand Up Victoria study aims to determine whether a 3-month multi-component intervention in the office setting reduces workplace sitting, particularly prolonged, unbroken sitting time, and results in improvements in cardio-metabolic biomarkers and work-related outcomes, compared to usual practice

    Xirp Proteins Mark Injured Skeletal Muscle in Zebrafish

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    Myocellular regeneration in vertebrates involves the proliferation of activated progenitor or dedifferentiated myogenic cells that have the potential to replenish lost tissue. In comparison little is known about cellular repair mechanisms within myocellular tissue in response to small injuries caused by biomechanical or cellular stress. Using a microarray analysis for genes upregulated upon myocellular injury, we identified zebrafish Xin-actin-binding repeat-containing protein1 (Xirp1) as a marker for wounded skeletal muscle cells. By combining laser-induced micro-injury with proliferation analyses, we found that Xirp1 and Xirp2a localize to nascent myofibrils within wounded skeletal muscle cells and that the repair of injuries does not involve cell proliferation or Pax7+ cells. Through the use of Xirp1 and Xirp2a as markers, myocellular injury can now be detected, even though functional studies indicate that these proteins are not essential in this process. Previous work in chicken has implicated Xirps in cardiac looping morphogenesis. However, we found that zebrafish cardiac morphogenesis is normal in the absence of Xirp expression, and animals deficient for cardiac Xirp expression are adult viable. Although the functional involvement of Xirps in developmental and repair processes currently remains enigmatic, our findings demonstrate that skeletal muscle harbours a rapid, cell-proliferation-independent response to injury which has now become accessible to detailed molecular and cellular characterizations

    Reliability Considerations for the LHC MKB Re-trigger Upgrade During LS2

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    An upgrade of the LHC dilution kicker system (MKB) during LS2 foresees the new implementation of a MKB re-trigger mechanism. Immediate re-triggering of the remaining MKB in case of a pre-ïŹring module through the currently existing re-trigger line will be enabled. A decoupling system in the re-trigger line is proposed to inhibit asynchronous extraction kicker triggering in case of such self-triggering MKBs. In this report, different design proposals for this decoupling mechanism are evaluated and reliability assessments for the newly introduced system are conducted
