1,119 research outputs found

    Bestemmelse av kalsium i sjøvann

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    Av de undersøkelser som her er foretatt framgår det at kalsium i sjøvann kan bestemmes på følgende måte: 100 ml sjøvann tas ut og fortynnes til 200 Ml, tilsettes 10 ml kons. saltsyre og 65 ml 10 % ammoniumoksalat. Ved 70-80° tilsettes dråpevis ammoniakk (1 : 8) under omrøring inntil omslag til gult med metylrødt, pH ca. 5,0. Fellingen får stå uten oppvarming i fire timer, hvor etter filtreres gjennom blåttbåndsfilter, Schleicher-Schüll 589³, og utvaskes med 0,2 % ammoniumoksalat. Bunnfallet løses på filtret i 60 ml varm saltsyre (1 : 4) og filtret ettervaskes med saltsurt vaskevann (1 : 100). Opplasningen fortynnes til 200 ml og tilsettes 10 ml 10 % ammoniumoksalatoppløsning, og fellingen gjentas som første gang. Etter fire timers henstand filtreres og utvaskes først 4-5 ganger med 0,2 % ammoniumoksalat og så med 50 ml destillert vann. Kalsiumoksalatet løses så enten på filtret i 50 ml varm svovelsyre (1 : 4), eller det spyles ved hjelp av sprøyteflasken over i et begerglass og filtret ettervaskes med 50 ml svovelsyre (1 : 8). Oppløsningen fortynnes til ca. 1 normal med hensyn til svovelsyren, opphetes til 80° og titreres langsomt med n/20 kaliumpermanganat. Titrering av oksalatet med kaliumpermanganat er å foretrekke framfor glødning av oksalatet til karbonat, løsning av dette i saltsyre og tilbaketitrering med bariumhydroksyd. Ved å felle på denne måten blir kalsiumoksalatet grovkrystallinsk og lar seg lett filtrere. Det store overskudd av ammoniumoksalat ved første gangs felling, og at fellingen utføres i sur oppløsning, gjør at bare små mengder magnesium felles sammen med kalsium. Før annen gangs felling kan der derfor tilsettes en mindre mengde ammoniumoksalat, hvorved man unngår at dette okkluderes og gir for høye analyseresultater. Ved to gangers felling blir kalsiumoksalatet fri for andre ioner. For å få kalsiumoksalatet fullstendig felt må fellingen stå i fire timer. Utvasking med ren, kold 0,2 % ammoniumoksalat-oppløsning er å foretrekke framfor en tilsetting av kalsiumoksalat til vaskevannet, når dette ikke kan fjernes ved hjelp av sug. Under utvaskingen med destillert vann vil der løses en del kalsiumoksalat, etter HILLEBRAND 0,35 mg pr. 50 ml destillert vann. AV de to kontrollanalyser tabell 18 og 19 framgår det at ved vår framgangsmåte vil verdiene være ca. 0,10 mg for lave i forhold til det teoretiske. Årsaken hertil er sannsynligvis tap under utvaskingen. Tapet vil da være uavhengig av kalsiummengden, og det må kunne korrigeres. Dette lar seg derimot ikke gjøre for avvikelser mellom parallelle prøver som er fra 0 til 0,42 mg. Ved dobbeltanalyser må vi regne med en maks. analysefeil på ± 0,21 mg eller ca. ± 0,7 % av de kalsiummengder der vanligvis finnes i sjøvann

    Medication therapy and treatment goal achievement among persons with coronary heart disease in a general population - Guideline adherence, medication adherence and validation of medication use

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    Aim - To assess the adherence to medication therapy for secondary prevention and achievement of treatment goals in persons with coronary heart disease (CHD) in a general population. Methods - This project used data from the seventh wave of the Tromsø Study, alone and linked with data from the Norwegian Prescription database (NorPD). Participants self-reporting CHD were included (n = 1483). In Paper I, the associations between guideline adherence and achievement of treatment goals were assessed using logistic regression. Paper II validated the self-reported medication use by comparing by it to pharmacy dispensings from NorPD. In Paper III medication adherence was calculated based on pharmacy dispensings from NorPD, and the associations between medication adherence and blood pressure and low-density-lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol were explored using linear regressions. Results - Use of lipid-lowering drugs (LLDs) was reported by 76% of the study population, antihypertensive drugs by 72% and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) by 66%. Agreement between self-reported medication use and pharmacy dispensings was high for all three medication groups (kappa ≥0.61). Average medication adherence (proportion of days covered) was 0.94 for both LLDs and antihypertensive drugs and 0.97 for ASA. The recommended treatment goal for LDL-cholesterol was reached by 9% of the population. Achieving this treatment goal was associated with use of LLDs. Lower LDL-cholesterol was also associated with higher adherence to LLDs. The blood pressure goal was reached by 58% of the population, but achieving this goal was not significantly associated with using antihypertensive drugs. There was also no statistically significant association between adherence to antihypertensive drugs and lower systolic or diastolic blood pressure. Conclusions - Use of and adherence to medications for secondary prevention of CHD was high, but achievement of treatment goals for blood pressure and especially LDL-cholesterol was low. Our results indicate that the lipid-lowering and antihypertensive therapy is not sufficiently intense. The prescription level might be a potential target to improve achievement of treatment goals among persons with CHD and hence prevent new CHD events

    Perspective in signed discourse: the privileged status of the signer’s locus and gaze

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    In gesture studies character viewpoint and observer viewpoint (McNeill 1992) characterize co-speech gestures depending on whether the gesturer’s hand and body imitate a referent’s hand and body or the hand represents a referent in its entirety. In sign languages, handling handshapes and entity handshapes are used in depicting predicates. Narratives in Danish Sign Language (DTS) elicited to make signers describe an event from either the agent’s or the patient’s perspective demonstrate that discourse perspective is expressed by which referent, the agent or the patient, the signers represent at their own locus. This is reflected in the orientation and movement direction of the manual articulator, not by the type of representation in the articulator. Signers may also imitate the gaze direction of the referent represented at their locus or have eye contact with the addressees. When they represent a referent by their own locus and simultaneously have eye contact with the addressee, the construction mixes referent perspective and narrator perspective. This description accords with an understanding of linguistic perspective as grounded in bodily perspective within a physical scene (Sweetser 2012) and relates the deictic and attitudinal means for expressing perspective in sign languages to the way perspective is expressed in spoken languages

    The Function of Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling in Ewing Sarcoma and its Contribution to Pathogenesis

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    Ewing sarcoma is an aggressive bone and soft tissue tumor with a high propensity for metastasis; however, the mechanisms that contribute to this process are poorly understood. The Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway is critical for oncogenesis in numerous cancers, and although previous studies implicate a role for this pathway in Ewing sarcoma, its specific function and contribution is unknown. Previous work by our lab revealed that the Wnt-modulatory receptor LGR5 is highly expressed in patients with aggressive disease, and we hypothesized that LGR5 regulates activation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Through investigation of primary tumors, we discovered that focal nuclear beta-catenin is detectable in a subset of Ewing sarcoma patients and strongly associated with LGR5 expression. Patients whose tumors have nuclear beta-catenin or high expression of the downstream Wnt/beta-catenin target LEF1, experienced worse clinical outcomes and overall survival. We next used in vitro and in vivo models to determine the function of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in Ewing sarcoma. Importantly, we found that LGR5 expression and Wnt activation were highly heterogeneous. We then investigated the downstream effects of Wnt/beta-catenin activation in the most highly Wnt-responsive cells. RNA-sequencing revealed that Wnt/beta-catenin paradoxically inhibits EWS-ETS transcriptional activity, resulting in a phenotypic change from a proliferative to a migratory and metastatic state in vitro and in vivo. In addition, the metastasis-associated molecule Tenascin C was upregulated by Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, and was found to be a mediator of migration in vitro and metastasis in vivo. In the context of the tumor microenvironment, we further found that patient tumors with high Wnt/LEF1 expression had significant correlation with expression of stroma- and angiogenesis-related genes associated with a poor prognosis. Together, these data provide novel avenues of exploration for tumor-microenvironment interactions. In conclusion these findings implicate a critical role for Wnt/beta-catenin-singaling in mediating migration and metastasis. This occurs in part through antagonism of EWS/ETS fusion protein activity and by up-regulation of the metastasis-associated gene Tenascin C. In addition, tumor-microenvironment interactions modulated by Wnt/beta-catenin further contribute to pathogenesis. Together these findings provide exciting new venues for therapeutic investigation.PHDMolecular & Cellular Path PhDUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144020/1/easp_1.pd

    «Dokumentanalyse av styringsdokumenter for barnehagen, med fokus på danning og møtepunkter mellom danning og oppdragelse»

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    Masteroppgave i profesjonsretta pedagogikk - Nord universitet, 202

    Decoupling of TX and RX antennas in a full-duplex mobile terminal

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    TX-RX isolation method based on polarization diversity, spatial diversity and TX beamforming

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    Den bogstavelig død. Det neobarokke vanitasmotiv i Durs Grünbeins "I provinsen" (1999)

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    THE LITERAL DEATH. THE NEO-BAROQUE VANITAS MOTIF IN “IN THE PROVINCE”This paper investigates the use of Baroque imagery in the cycle of vanity poems “In the Province” (OIn der Provinz”) (1999) by the German poet Durs Grünbein (1962-). GrünbeinOs poetics revolves around a notion of human life as essentially material and physical. In his treatment of death, this point of view connects him with Baroque vanity poetry following the tradition of Andreas Gryphius (1616-1664). On the basis of a concept of a transhistorical Baroque discourse, I discern a negotiation of Baroque tropes in the poems, focusing on the use of antithetical, analogical, and allegorical figures, as well as an objectifying gaze similar to that of the Baroque vanitas painting. Shifting the metaphysical framework of the historical Baroque to a predominantly physical one, Grünbein reinstates the value of the individual in its bodily existence, thereby reinterpreting the meaning of the OvanityO of material things. Comparing this formal remodelling to the postmodernist and modernist Neo-Baroque concepts, I argue that a reading of Grünbein’s vanitas can be used in a new conceptualization of the Neo-Baroque, which I term ‘dialogical’