151 research outputs found

    Hauerwas and the Law: Framing a Productive Conversation

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    Background: Meal-Q and its shorter version, MiniMeal-Q, are 2 new Web-based food frequency questionnaires. Their meal-based and interactive format was designed to promote ease of use and to minimize answering time, desirable improvements in large epidemiological studies. Objective: We evaluated the validity of energy and macronutrient intake assessed with Meal-Q and MiniMeal-Q as well as the reproducibility of Meal-Q. Methods: Healthy volunteers aged 20-63 years recruited from Stockholm County filled out the 174-item Meal-Q. The questionnaire was compared to 7-day weighed food records (WFR; n=163), for energy and macronutrient intake, and to doubly labeled water (DLW; n=39), for total energy expenditure. In addition, the 126-item MiniMeal-Q was evaluated in a simulated validation using truncated Meal-Q data. We also assessed the answering time and ease of use of both questionnaires. Results: Bland-Altman plots showed a varying bias within the intake range for all validity comparisons. Cross-classification of quartiles placed 70%-86% in the same/adjacent quartile with WFR and 77% with DLW. Deattenuated and energy-adjusted Pearson correlation coefficients with the WFR ranged from r=0.33-0.74 for macronutrients and was r=0.18 for energy. Correlations with DLW were r=0.42 for Meal-Q and r=0.38 for MiniMeal-Q. Intraclass correlations for Meal-Q ranged from r=0.57-0.90. Median answering time was 17 minutes for Meal-Q and 7 minutes for MiniMeal-Q, and participants rated both questionnaires as easy to use. Conclusions: Meal-Q and MiniMeal-Q are easy to use and have short answering times. The ranking agreement is good for most of the nutrients for both questionnaires and Meal-Q shows fair reproducibility.QC 20130709</p

    Анализ эффективности процессов планирования электроснабжения в Харьковском регионе

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    Ефективність процесів електропостачання запропоновано оцінювати не тільки величиною помилки прогнозування, а й кількістю негативних і позитивних помилок, що вимірюються за методикою Тейла. Виконано аналіз планованих і фактичних добових обсягів електроспоживання в Харківському регіоні в 2008 і 2009 роках. Оцінено помилки переоцінки і недооцінки фактичних обсягів, обчислені складові загальної помилки і показано, що переважає помилка неповної коваріації прогнозованих і фактичних значень добових обсягів ринку споживачів АК "Харківобленерго".The effectiveness of the processes of electricity supply was offered to assess not only with the magnitude of forecasting error, but with the number of negative and positive errors, measured by the method of Theil. The analysis of planned and actual daily volume of electricity in Kharkov region in 2008 and 2009 is realized. Errors of revaluation and underestimation of actual volumes are estimated, components of the general error are calculated and shown that the error of incomplete covariance for predicted and actual values of daily volumes of the market of consumers АК of "Kharkovo-blenergo" prevails

    T lymphocytes from patients with primary biliary cirrhosis produce reduced amounts of lymphotoxin, tumor necrosis factor and interferon-gamma upon mitogen stimulation

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is considered an autoimmune disease characterized by destruction of small intrahepatic bile ducts by lymphocytes. Altered functions of these lymphocytes might reflect an abnormal immune response leading to tissue damage. We investigated lymphokine secretion by mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes from the liver biopsies of patients with PBC and for comparison also peripheral blood. In PBC, diminished synthesis of lymphotoxin (TNFP), tumor necrosis factor (TNFa) and interferon-y (IFIVy) was found both in T-cell lines from liver tissue and in peripheral blood. The reduction was most prominent for TNFP in early histological stages of PBC, and appeared to be a stable phenomenon when T cells were tested after long-term tissue culture. Analysis of mRNA levels indicates a possible link between reduced TNFP production and a defect in interleukin-2 transcription. The data suggest that diminished lymphokine production in patients with PBC may play ;In important role in the immanopathogenesis of this disease

    Subcutaneous Fat Patterns in Type-2 Diabetic Men and Healthy Controls

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    The optical device LIPOMETER enables the non-invasive, quick, and save determination of the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue layers at any given site of the human body. The specification of 15 evenly distributed body sites allows the precise measurement of subcutaneous body fat distribution, so-called subcutaneous adipose tissue topography (SAT-Top). In the present paper we focus on SAT-Top of male type-2 diabetes patients (N=21), describing very precisely their special SAT development and their SAT-Top deviation from a healthy control group (N=111), applying factor analysis and ROC curves. Factor analysis revealed three independent subcutaneous body fat compartments, which can be summarised as »upper body«, »lower trunk« and »legs«. The upper body SAT-Top is much more pronounced in diabetic men compared to their healthy controls (p<0.001). Furthermore, high diagnostic power by ROC curve analysis was achieved by different measurement sites of the upper body and summary measures of upper body obesity (sum2, which is the sum of neck and biceps, provides: area index = 0.86, sensitivity = 81 %, specificity = 90.1 %, at an optimal cutoff value of 18.8 mm), ascribing a higher diabetes probability to subjects with a more upper body SAT-Top pattern. Calculating new ROC curves for diabetic patients with HBA1C values >8 (N=17) and their healthy controls (N=111) we received improved discrimination power for several SAT-Top body sites, especially for sum2, showing an area index of 0.91, a sensitivity of 94.1 %, and a specificity of 90.1 % at the optimal cutoff value of 18.8 mm. Concluding, the exact and complete description of the especial type 2 diabetic SAT pattern, which differs strongly from the SAT-Top of healthy controls, suggests the LIPOMETER technique combined with advanced statistical methods such as factor analysis and ROC curve analysis as a possible detecting tool for this disease

    A 2-year longitudinal study of neuropsychological functioning, psychosocial adjustment and rehospitalisation in schizophrenia and major depression

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    Neuropsychological functioning turns out to be a rate-limiting factor in psychiatry. However, little is known when comparing neuropsychological and psychosocial functioning in inpatients with schizophrenia or severe depression in their treatment pathways including add-on psychoeducation or the latter combined with cognitive behavioral therapy up to 2-year follow-up. To evaluate this question, we investigated these variables in two randomised controlled trials including 196 patients with DSM-IV schizophrenia and 177 patients with major depression. Outcome measures were assessed in the hospital at pre- and posttreatment and following discharge until 2-year follow-up. We focused on neuropsychological and psychosocial functioning regarding its differences and changes over time in data of two pooled trials. There were significant time effects indicating gains in knowledge about the illness, short and medium-term memory (VLMT) and psychosocial functioning (GAF), however, the latter was the only variable showing a time x study/diagnosis interaction effect at 2-year follow-up, showing significant better outcome in depression compared to schizophrenia. Moderator analysis showed no changes in psychosocial and neuropsychological functioning in schizophrenia and in affective disorders due to age, duration of illness or sex. Looking at the rehospitalisation rates there were no significant differences between both disorders. Both groups treated with psychoeducation or a combination of psychoeducation and CBT improved in neuropsychological and psychosocial functioning as well as knowledge about the illness at 2-year follow-up, however, patients with major depression showed greater gains in psychosocial functioning compared to patients with schizophrenia. Possible implications of these findings were discussed

    The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and prostate cancer risk in the Cancer of the Prostate in Sweden (CAPS) study.

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    AbstractObjectiveThe Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR) aim at preventing diet-associated diseases such as cancer in the Nordic countries. We evaluated adherence to the NNR in relation to prostate cancer (PC) in Swedish men, including potential interaction with a genetic risk score and with lifestyle factors.DesignPopulation-based case–control study (Cancer of the Prostate in Sweden (CAPS), 2001–2002). Using data from a semi-quantitative FFQ, we created an NNR adherence score and estimated relative risks of PC by unconditional logistic regression. Individual score components were modelled separately and potential modifying effects were assessed on the multiplicative scale.SettingFour regions in the central and northern parts of Sweden.SubjectsIncident PC patients (n 1386) and population controls (n 940), frequency-matched on age and region.ResultsNo overall association with PC was found, possibly due to the generally high adherence to the NNR score and its narrow distribution in the study population. Among individual NNR score components, high compared with low intakes of polyunsaturated fat were associated with an increased relative risk of localized PC. No formal interaction with genetic or lifestyle factors was observed, although in stratified analysis a positive association between the NNR and PC was suggested among men with a high genetic risk score but not among men with a medium or low genetic risk score.ConclusionsOur findings do not support an association between NNR adherence and PC. The suggestive interaction with the genetic risk score deserves further investigations in other study populations

    Post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection by viral variant and vaccination status: a multicenter cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND Disentangling the effects of SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccination on the occurrence of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) is crucial to estimate and reduce the burden of PASC. METHODS We performed a cross-sectional analysis (May/June 2022) within a prospective multicenter healthcare worker (HCW) cohort in North-Eastern Switzerland. HCW were stratified by viral variant and vaccination status at time of their first positive SARS-CoV-2 nasopharyngeal swab. HCW without positive swab and with negative serology served as controls. The sum of eighteen self-reported PASC symptoms was modeled with univariable and multivariable negative-binomial regression to analyse the association of mean symptom number with viral variant and vaccination status. RESULTS Among 2'912 participants (median age 44 years, 81.3% female), PASC symptoms were significantly more frequent after wild-type infection (estimated mean symptom number 1.12, p<0.001; median time since infection 18.3 months), after Alpha/Delta infection (0.67 symptoms, p<0.001; 6.5 months), and after Omicron BA.1 infections (0.52 symptoms, p=0.005; 3.1 months) compared to uninfected controls (0.39 symptoms). After Omicron BA.1 infection, the estimated mean symptom number was 0.36 for unvaccinated individuals, compared to 0.71 with 1-2 vaccinations (p=0.028) and 0.49 with ≥3 prior vaccinations (p=0.30). Adjusting for confounders, only wild-type (adjusted rate ratio [aRR] 2.81, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.08-3.83) and Alpha/Delta infection (aRR 1.93, 95% CI 1.10-3.46) were significantly associated with the outcome. CONCLUSIONS Previous infection with pre-Omicron variants was the strongest risk factor for PASC symptoms among our HCW. Vaccination prior to Omicron BA.1 infection was not associated with a clear protective effect against PASC symptoms in this population