2,978 research outputs found

    Историческая антропонимия сербско-хорватского языка как источник реконструкции праславянской лексики

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено словотвірно-етимологічному аналізу групи слов'янських особових імен, засвідчених у пам'ятках писемності сербсько-хорватської мови. Результатом аналізу виступає реконструкція архаїчних лексем, які зникли зі слов'янського апелятивного словника.(ru) Статья посвящена словообразовательно-этимологическому анализу группы славянских личных имен, засвидетельствованных в памятниках письменности сербско­хорватского языка. Результатом анализа стача реконструкция ряда архаичных лексем, утраченных в славянском апеллативном словаре.(en) The article is devoted to the word-formative etymological analysis o f a number o f Slavonic personal names, verified in the historical papers o f serbo-croatian language. The result o f the analysis is the reconstruction o f a series o f archaic lexemes lost in the Slavonic appellative vocabulary

    Propofol infusion rate does not affect local pain on injection.

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    BACKGROUND: Local pain at the site of an i.v. injection of propofol is a well-known problem, particularly in infants. This randomised investigator-blinded crossover study was designed to assess the effect of the i.v. bolus infusion rate on propofol-induced pain at the site of injection. METHODS: Thirty unpremedicated patients scheduled for ear-nose-throat or plastic surgery at Malmö University Hospital, Sweden, were given two consecutive 2.0 ml injections of propofol 10 mg/ml (Diprivan, AstraZeneca, Sweden/UK), at different infusion rates (0.2 or 1.0 ml/s), immediately before induction of general anesthesia. Half of the patients (n=15) received the first bolus of propofol over 2 s and the second bolus over 10 s, and the other half (n=15) had their injections in reversed order. After each injection, the patient was asked by an investigator to indicate pain intensity on a visual analog scale (VAS) and to report the times of the appearance, maximum point and disappearance of pain. The injections were given approximately 2 min apart. The investigators scoring pain intensity, as indicated by the patients on a 10-point numerical rate scale, were blinded to the order in which the injections were given, as were the patients themselves. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in the incidence (both 86%) of intensity (median; 25th; 75th percentiles, in VAS units: 3.1; 1.0; 5.3 and 3.3; 1.4; 5.0, respectively) or duration (66+/-31 and 73+/-26 s, respectively) of pain between the faster (1.0 ml/s) and slower (0.2 ml/s) bolus infusion rates of propofol studied. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the i.v. bolus infusion rate of propofol does not influence drug-induced local pain on injection, at least not within the infusion rate interval studied. Therefore, adjusting i.v. injection speed does not seem to be a clinically useful tool for reducing the intensity or duration of propofol-induced pain at the site of administration

    Too different to be equal: Lack of public respect is associated with reduced self‐respect for stigmatized individuals

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    Individuals with physical and mental disabilities can be stigmatized and perceived in terms of their disabilities in the public domain. This is less pervasive in the private domain, because of the presence of individuating information. We argue that disabilities decrease individuals’ everyday opportunities to receive basic equality-based respect experiences in the public domain and thus makes it difficult for them to develop a high and secure level of self-respect (i.e., seeing the self as someone who possesses the same rights as others). These hypotheses were tested in a cross-sectional study in Norway with 173 participants (51 males, 117 females, two trans men, and three non-binary persons; Mage = 28.00; SD = 10.33, age range: 19–77 years), of which 60 participants reported having mental or physical disabilities. In line with our hypotheses, we found higher levels of self-respect for individuals without mental or physical disabilities compared to individuals with mental or physical disabilities. In addition, results showed that respect experiences differed depending on the domain. Whereas individuals with and without disabilities did not significantly differ in the respect experiences they reported in the private domain, they did significantly differ in the respect experiences they reported in the public domain. In addition, respect experiences in the public domain mediated the relationship between disability and self-respect. Implications of the results are discussed in terms of the importance of developing high and secure levels of self-respect and in terms of how respect experiences in the public domain can be ensured for everyone

    Extending Modelling Activity Diagrams as a tool to characterise mathematical modelling processes

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    In this paper, we present a qualitative study in which we analyse the videorecordings of four groups of students solving Fermi Problems. Previous studies show that Secondary School students solve this type of problems using complex problem solving processes and developing mathematical models. In order to analyse the students’ problem solving processes, so-called Modelling Activity Diagrams were used. The results of the present study demonstrate that solving Fermi problems is a complex matter, and that some of the theoretical tools used in the field of Mathematical Education fail to adequately reflect this level of complexity. In addition, Modelling Activity Diagrams are presented as a more detailed analysis tool to characterise student choices and actions, as well as to make the structure of the Fermi problem addressed more visible

    Relevance of the production system for the sustainability of conservation and breeding programs for the Creole cattle in Pasorapa, Bolivia

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    Local livestock breeds play an important role in the food security of smallholders in developing countries in the Global South. They are also a reservoir of potentially valuable genes for adaptation of global animal genetic resources. The Creole cattle population from Pasorapa, Bolivia, is threatened by effects of climate change and unplanned crossbreeding. The aim of this study was to assess the current situation in this population and to evaluate factors to be considered before implementing conservation and genetic improvement programs in order to achieve the sustainable development goals 1, 2, 13 and 15, which refer to no poverty, zero hunger, climate change and life on land, respectively. We examined and analyzed the most important elements related to the production system and farmers' perceptions that could affect the design of such programs. Open-ended and closed-ended questionnaires and interviews were performed with 81 smallholders from 11 communities in Pasorapa. A rearing system based on two stages and animals feeding mainly on native plants during both, involves a strong interaction between the environment and the production system. A survey of farmers' perceptions about diseases, mortality causes, and selection criteria revealed that farmers in Pasorapa consider coat color an important trait when selecting breeding and replacement animals. Half of all interviewees perceived an association between coat color and traits such as temperament, milk yield, and beef production. In a SWOT analysis we discussed the vulnerability of the system to climate change impacts and the contribution of this traditional system to rural mitigation. Overall, this work revealed the importance of this local ecotype and identified key factors to consider when developing breeding and conservation programs

    Certified and fast computations with shallow covariance kernels

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    Many techniques for data science and uncertainty quantification demand efficient tools to handle Gaussian random fields, which are defined in terms of their mean functions and covariance operators. Recently, parameterized Gaussian random fields have gained increased attention, due to their higher degree of flexibility. However, especially if the random field is parameterized through its covariance operator, classical random field discretization techniques fail or become inefficient. In this work we introduce and analyze a new and certified algorithm for the low-rank approximation of a parameterized family of covariance operators which represents an extension of the adaptive cross approximation method for symmetric positive definite matrices. The algorithm relies on an affine linear expansion of the covariance operator with respect to the parameters, which needs to be computed in a preprocessing step using, e.g., the empirical interpolation method. We discuss and test our new approach for isotropic covariance kernels, such as Mat\'ern kernels. The numerical results demonstrate the advantages of our approach in terms of computational time and confirm that the proposed algorithm provides the basis of a fast sampling procedure for parameter dependent Gaussian random fields