1,040 research outputs found

    Isolated islands? : memory of the Holocaust in formal and informal education : the case study of post-communist Poland

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    The conflicts associated with the memory of the Holocaust in Poland reflect educational gaps in the Polish education system (lack of bad memory). Comparison with other similar studies in Europe and beyond allows one to reveal affinities and divergences in patterns of behaviour in various states in relation to the historical past, social identity and collective memory. This text looks at the consciousness of young Poles, in terms of attitudes toward Jews, the Holocaust and memory of the Holocaust. The data presented are the preliminary results of the author’s longitudinal study “Attitudes of Young Poles toward the Jews and the Holocaust”. Quantitative and qualitative studies include field studies and participant observation of educational projects in Tykocin, Treblinka, Warsaw, Lublin, Bodzentyn and Kielce. The number and scope of initiatives in Poland attempting to bring back the memory of Jewish neighbours indicate that civic institutions and individuals are intensifying their efforts toteach their fellow citizens about the Holocaust, however their impact should be assessed in detail

    Keine Angst vor Evaluationen - Eine Blaupause zur Evaluation der niederlÀndischen Polizeireform

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    Im Januar 2013 wurde in den Niederlanden die Nationale Polizei eingefĂŒhrt. Die damit verbundene Reorganisation der Polizei bedeutete die Reduktion von 26 lokalen Einheiten auf eine nationale Einheit – eine tiefgreifende und komplexe VerĂ€nderung, die verbunden war mit großen Erwartungen hinsichtlich erhöhter Effizienz, höherer BĂŒrgernĂ€he und besserer Kooperation sowohl intern als auch mit externen Partnern. Die VerĂ€nderung war politisch nicht unumstritten, weshalb eine Evaluation der Polizeireform nach drei und nach fĂŒnf Jahren vorgesehen wurde. Diese Evaluation sollte unabhĂ€ngig (d. h. von außerhalb der Polizei) und nach wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten erfolgen. Der erste Schritt, um diese Evaluation zu ermöglichen, war die Erstellung eines Evaluationsplans, der als »Blaupause« dienen sollte, um VerĂ€nderungen in der EffektivitĂ€t und Effizienz und der Mitarbeiter- und BĂŒrgerzufriedenheit sowohl aus einer polizeiinternen als auch polizeiexternen Sicht im Sinne einer Multi-Stakeholder-Perspektive zu erfassen

    “Be patient, dear mother 
 wait for me”: the neo-infirmity film, female illness and contemporary cinema

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    In social reality, illness and death occur in myriad ways, yet Hollywood films have historically preferred spectacular, violent death over realist depictions of the terminal stages of life. Yet an ever-growing number of popular films, which I term neo-infirmity films, incorporate episodes of women characters debilitated by illness or injury. Operating at the intersection of melodrama and realism, the scenes are instrumental in staging contemporary cinema's gender politics. I argue that women's deathbed and hospital-bed scenes in contemporary cinema validate anew the maternal role and the figure of the mother, transporting the woman-centered discursive space of melodrama into narrative terrain often hostile to women's presence. Through this relocation, the films emphasize her importance to sons in particular (and less often to daughters, husbands, and the larger family unit). Many such scenes simultaneously undermine women's agency, reducing mothers to principally symbolic, literally immobile roles. Ailing women can become catalysts for male psychological transformation occurring through grief, action, or both in combination. In all, such scenes speak to continued ambivalence surrounding women's representation in popular cinema, and to continued patrolling of the boundaries of female power. This essay compares selected texts from contemporary Hollywood cinema, alongside three parallel discourses that also deploy melodramatic modes of articulation: nonfiction amateur video as relayed via television news programs, international art cinema, and US independent cinema. Arguing for homologies across multiple fields of textual production, I seek through this comparison to generate insights into the cultural work done by filmic representation

    Evaluatie Politiewet 2012 in de Eenheid Oost-Nederland en landelijke thema's

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    At the request of the commission ‘Evaluatie Politiewet 2012’, the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, conducted an evaluation of the functioning of the Police Unit East-Netherlands (Eenheid Oost-Nederland). In addition, the nationally relevant themes with respect to ‘the role of the corps chef’, ‘the use of the right to appoint’, and the ‘construction of the police force as a separate legal entity’ were included in the evaluation at the request of the minister of Security and Justice of the Netherlands. The goal of the evaluation is to gain insights into the consequences of the implementation of the national police for the Unit East-Netherlands. The main question of th

    A numerical homogenisation strategy for micromorphic continua

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    Cellular materials are of special interest according to their peculiar mechanical properties. In this paper, special attention is paid to the simulation of size-dependent microtopological effects. We introduce a numerical homogenisation scheme for a two-scale problem dealing with a micromorphic continuum theory on the macroscale and a classical Cauchy continuum on the microscale. The transitions between both scales are obtained by projection and homogenisation rules derived from an equivalence criterion for the strain energy, also known as the Hill-Mandel condition

    Motif Dan Proses Psikologis Korupsi

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    A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to identify and describe the phenomenon of corruption psychology. Two corruptors were interviewed to explore their perceptions on corrupt practices in Central Java. The interview conducted to explore informant perceptions on a real process. Interview data collected resulted in five themes: (1) Corruption is an act of abuse the authority, identical with theft, something that not run correctly, and using public money for personal and group interest intentionally; (2) The motives of the informants in doing corruption are solidarity with the friends\u27 doer, system that enables to corrupt, to earn much more money, and make friends; (3) Process of corruption; budget-making has been done by legislative and executive institution; marking-up the budget, facilities and allowances; reporting the administrative data manipulatively; inter-relating chain in corruption process; and distributing the aspiration fund without a proof of receipts; (4) The impact of corruption is making someone\u27s wiser in life, putting the corruptors in to the jail, humiliating their big family, and also, having a more debt, and (5) The settlement of problems that they employ is by using emotion-focused coping. Keywords: corruption, phenomenology, motive, impact, copin
