49 research outputs found

    Identification of (E)- and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate as sex pheromone components of the currant pest Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus

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    The currant bud moth Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus is a destructive pest in black currant orchards in Northern Sweden and Finland. The larvae feed on the buds, and at high densities, the species can cause severe yield losses. Sex pheromone components of the bud moth were identified via solvent extraction of excised female pheromone glands, analyses by gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and field trapping experiments. Antennae of males responded strongly and consistently to two compounds in extracts, identified as (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate. Weaker and less consistent responses were observed to the corresponding alcohols, (E)-11-tetradecenol and (Z)-11-tetradecenol, and tetradecyl acetate. Field tests showed strong attraction of bud moth males to a 1:1 blend of (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate. Adding the alcohols to the binary acetate blend reduced trap catches drastically, whereas tetradecyl acetate had no statistically significant impact on male attraction when added to that binary blend. Finally, testing different compositions of the binary acetate blend revealed highest catch in traps baited with a 25:75 or 50:50 ratio of the E:Z acetate isomers. The identification of sex pheromone components of the bud moth contributes to developing sustainable control of this pest via monitoring and mating disruption with sex pheromone

    Epithelial IL-6 trans-signaling defines a new asthma phenotype with increased airway inflammation

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    Background: Although several studies link high levels of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) to asthma severity and decreased lung function, the role of IL-6 trans-signaling (IL-6TS) in asthmatic patients is unclear. Objective: We sought to explore the association between epithelial IL-6TS pathway activation and molecular and clinical phenotypes in asthmatic patients. Methods: An IL-6TS gene signature obtained from air-liquid interface cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells stimulated with IL-6 and sIL-6R was used to stratify lung epithelial transcriptomic data (Unbiased Biomarkers in Prediction of Respiratory Disease Outcomes [U-BIOPRED] cohorts) by means of hierarchical clustering. IL-6TS-specific protein markers were used to stratify sputum biomarker data (Wessex cohort). Molecular phenotyping was based on transcriptional profiling of epithelial brushings, pathway analysis, and immunohistochemical analysis of bronchial biopsy specimens. Results: Activation of IL-6TS in air-liquid interface cultures reduced epithelial integrity and induced a specific gene signature enriched in genes associated with airway remodeling. The IL-6TS signature identified a subset of patients with IL-6TS-high asthma with increased epithelial expression of IL-6TS-inducible genes in the absence of systemic inflammation. The IL-6TS-high subset had an overrepresentation of frequent exacerbators, blood eosinophilia, and submucosal infiltration of T cells and macrophages. In bronchial brushings Toll-like receptor pathway genes were upregulated, whereas expression of cell junction genes was reduced. Sputum sIL-6R and IL-6 levels correlated with sputum markers of remodeling and innate immune activation, in particular YKL-40, matrix metalloproteinase 3, macrophage inflammatory protein 1 beta, IL-8, and IL-1 beta. Conclusions: Local lung epithelial IL-6TS activation in the absence of type 2 airway inflammation defines a novel subset of asthmatic patients and might drive airway inflammation and epithelial dysfunction in these patients.Peer reviewe

    Epithelial IL-6 trans-signaling defines a new asthma phenotype with increased airway inflammation

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    Background: Although several studies link high levels of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) with asthma severity and decreased lung function, the role of IL-6 trans-signaling (IL-6TS) in asthma is unclear. Objective: To explore the association between epithelial IL-6TS pathway activation and molecular and clinical phenotypes in asthma. Methods: An IL-6TS gene signature, obtained from air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells stimulated with IL-6 and sIL-6R, was used to stratify lung epithelium transcriptomic data (U-BIOPRED cohorts) by hierarchical clustering. IL-6TS-specific protein markers were used to stratify sputum biomarker data (Wessex cohort). Molecular phenotyping was based on transcriptional profiling of epithelial brushings, pathway analysis and immunohistochemical analysis of bronchial biopsies. Results: Activation of IL-6TS in ALI cultures reduced epithelial integrity and induced a specific gene signature enriched in genes associated with airway remodeling. The IL-6TS signature identified a subset of IL-6TS. High asthma patients with increased epithelial expression of IL-6TS inducible genes in absence of systemic inflammation. The IL-6TS High subset had an overrepresentation of frequent exacerbators, blood eosinophilia, and submucosal infiltration of T cells and macrophages. In bronchial brushings, TLR pathway genes were up-regulated while the expression of tight junction genes was reduced. Sputum sIL-6R and IL-6 levels correlated with sputum markers of remodeling and innate immune activation, in particular YKL-40, MMP3, MIP-1ÎČ, IL-8 and IL-1ÎČ. Conclusions: Local lung epithelial IL-6TS activation in absence of type 2 airway inflammation defines a novel subset of asthmatics and may drive airway inflammation and epithelial dysfunction in these patients

    Ekologisk sortprovning av jordgubbar

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    Svarta vinbÀr för ekologisk odling

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    Projektet svarta vinbĂ€r för ekologisk odling var ett sexĂ„rigt projekt, som pĂ„börjades 2005 och avslutades 2010, med finansiering ifrĂ„n Jordbruksverket. Projektet har haft som mĂ„l att i jĂ€mförande fĂ€ltförsök utvĂ€rdera nya svarta vinbĂ€rssorters lĂ€mplighet för ekologisk odling. I försöket har bĂ„de svenska sortkandidater frĂ„n vĂ€xtförĂ€dlingsprogrammet vid SLU pĂ„ BalsgĂ„rdoch nĂ„gra utlĂ€ndska sortkandidater frĂ„n det skotska vĂ€xtförĂ€dlingsprogrammet vid James Hutton Institute (tidigare Scottish Crop Research Institute) utvĂ€rderats. Dessutom har ytterligare nĂ„gra Ă€ldre sorter som av olika anledningar befunnits intressanta att ta med ingĂ„tt i försöken. FĂ€ltförsöken har genomförts pĂ„ BalsgĂ„rd i SLUs regi och pĂ„ Öjebyn i HushĂ„llningssĂ€llskapets regi. VĂ€xtmaterialet har utvĂ€rderats bĂ„de avseende buskarnas avkastningspotential samt resistens mot vanliga svampsjukdomar och skadegörare. DĂ€rutöver har ocksĂ„ bĂ€rens inre kvalitet utvĂ€rderats. De flesta sorterna i försöket har kunnat skördas under tre sĂ€songer vilket Ă€r ett minimum för att kunna bedöma avkastningspotential och motstĂ„ndskraft mot olika svampsjukdomar som successivt etableras och breder ut sig i ekologiska odlingar. Detta Ă€r dock en alltför kort tid för att med sĂ€kerhet kunna faststĂ€lla fĂ€ltresistens mot t.ex. gallkvalster och reversionsvirus. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ för kort tid för att lĂ„ngsiktiga effekter av Ă„rliga klimatvariationer ska kunna bedömas tillfredstĂ€llande. Flera av sorterna och selektionerna i försöket kan trots dessa begrĂ€nsningar redan nu bedömas som direkt olĂ€mpliga för kommersiell ekologisk odling, nĂ„gra av sorterna har tillrĂ€cklig potential för att odlas i större omfattning. Inga av de testade sorterna kan dock anses vara optimala för storskalig ekologisk odling i Sverige. SĂ„vĂ€l vĂ€xtförĂ€dling som sortförsök med vedartat vĂ€xtmaterial Ă€r tidskrĂ€vande – likvĂ€l Ă€r dessa verksamheter nödvĂ€ndiga och mĂ„ste pĂ„gĂ„ kontinuerligt för att vi i framtiden ska kunna erbjuda svenska ekologiska och konventionella odlare Ă€n bĂ€ttre och odlingssĂ€kra sorter

    Förebyggande ÄtgÀrder vid trycksÄr

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    Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att belysa hur uppkomsten av trycksÄr kan förebyggas. Vidare var syftet ocksÄ att undersöka sjuksköterskors kunskap om trycksÄrsprevention. Datainsamlingen gjordes via databasen Elin och Chinal dÀr 23 artiklar valdes ut för granskning, Resultatet visade att mÄnga som anvÀnder sig av riskbedömningsskalor inte riktigt vet hur de ska anvÀnda sig av dessa instrument och att de ocksÄ har en bristande utbildning gÀllande trycksÄrsprevention. Studien visade ocksÄ att mÄnga sjuksköterskor litade pÄ sin egen kompetens och det var lika sÀkert att anvÀnda sig av erfarenhet som att anvÀnda sig av riskbedömningsinstrument

    Förebyggande ÄtgÀrder vid trycksÄr

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    Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att belysa hur uppkomsten av trycksÄr kan förebyggas. Vidare var syftet ocksÄ att undersöka sjuksköterskors kunskap om trycksÄrsprevention. Datainsamlingen gjordes via databasen Elin och Chinal dÀr 23 artiklar valdes ut för granskning, Resultatet visade att mÄnga som anvÀnder sig av riskbedömningsskalor inte riktigt vet hur de ska anvÀnda sig av dessa instrument och att de ocksÄ har en bristande utbildning gÀllande trycksÄrsprevention. Studien visade ocksÄ att mÄnga sjuksköterskor litade pÄ sin egen kompetens och det var lika sÀkert att anvÀnda sig av erfarenhet som att anvÀnda sig av riskbedömningsinstrument