2,083 research outputs found

    Quasi liber et pictura: estudio Codicológico del MS. T-I-1 DE LA RBME

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    Interacción cooperativa y cambio de actitudes hacia enfermos mentales crónicos: una experiencia piloto en el contexto de un taller de rehabilitación

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    [Resumen] Con el obj etivo de evaluar una estrategia basada en la interacción cooperativa en la modificación de actitudes hacia personas con enfermedades mentales crónicas, cuatro sujetos con esquizofrenia actuaron durante 24 horas como co-monitores en un taller de decoración con mosaicos al que asistieron 8 personas sin contacto previo con este colectivo. Además de las actitudes, se realizaron medidas de interacción verbal y física mediante técnicas de observación sistemática e igualmente se evaluó la autoestima de los sujetos con esquizofrenia antes y después de finalizado el programa. Durante 8 semanas ambos grupos realizaron trabajos conjuntos finalizando con la exposición pública de las obras elaboradas. Los datos obtenidos pese a no alcanzar significación estadística sugieren una tendencia positiva hacia el cambio de las actitudes de los asistentes acompañada de un leve descenso en la autoestima de los pacientes participantes. Los niveles de interacción que se incrementaron durante las primeras cuatro semanas descendieron hasta alcanzar la línea base inicial antes de finalizar el programa. Los resultados se discuten en relación[Abstract] In order to assess an intervention based on a cooperative interaction strategy for changing attitudes toward mental illness, four subjets with schizophrenia participated as coinstructors in a decoration-mosaical workshopo Eight non-clinical people without previous contact with this group took part in the workshop for 3 hours a week during 8 weeks (24 hours in total). Besides their attitudes, we assessed their verbal and non-verbal interaction through systematic observation techniqueso Regarding schizophrenic patients, we evaluate their self-steem before and after their participation in the workshop. The mosaics elaborated were exhibited once the workshop was overo Positive attitudes change in participants and a slight decrease in patients' selfsteem were apparent, although these results are not statistical1y significant. Moreover, interactiona11evels between patients and participants increased during the first four weeks, although they decreased at initia1 base-line before the workshop was overo Results are discussed with respect to design of new strategies to enhance the intervention presented in this study

    Efectos del déficit hídrico en el color de la baya y del vino, en la variedad de uva Cabernet sauvignon. Madrid.

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    Existe una preocupación por las consecuencias que puede ocasionar a la viticultura el cambio climático, especialmente en zonas cálidas y secas. Estos cambios podrían tener importantes consecuencias tanto en la calidad de la uva como en el potencial de sus vinos. El objetivo del ensayo fue evaluar los efectos del déficit hídrico en el color de los vinos, ya que hoy en día resulta de carácter obligatorio mantener su intensidad y calidad constante, frente a la percepción del consumidor frente a un vino de calidad. El diseño experimental se llevó a cabo en un viñedo comercial de la variedad Cabernet sauvignon, en el Sureste de Madrid, en los años 2010 y 2011. Los tratamientos fueron: i) déficit moderado continuo, (T0,45- 0,6), ii) déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3), iii) déficit severo post-envero (T0,45-0,3), iv) déficit severo pre-envero (T0-0,6). El déficit hídrico sí influyó en el tamaño de la baya, pero no a los porcentajes de hollejo, pulpa y semilla. Los vinos resultantes de los tratamientos con menor déficit obtuvieron las mayores tasas de color rojo y amarillo, luminosidad y cromaticidad

    Effects of irrigation and time of application on the yield and quality of cv. Cabernet sauvignon in a warm climate

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    Mediterranean climate is characterized by hot summer, high evapotranspiration rates, and scarce precipitations (400 mm per year) during grapevine cycle. These extremely dry conditions affect vineyard productivity and sustainability. Supplementary irrigation is a needed practice in order to maintain yield and quality. Almost all Spanish grape growing regions are characterized by these within this context, especially in the center region, where this study was performed. The main objective of this work was to study the influence of irrigation on yield and quality. For this aim, we applied different levels of irrigation (mm of water applied) during different stages of growth and berry maturity. Four experimental treatments were applied considering the amount of water and the moment of the application: T1: Water irrigation (420 mm) applied from bloom to maturity. T2: Corresponded to the traditional irrigation scheduling, from preveraison to maturity (154 mm). T3: Water irrigation from bloom to preveraison, and water deficit from veraison to maturity (312 mm). T4: Irrigation applied from preveraison to maturity (230 mm) Experimental vineyard, cv. Cabernet Sauvignon, was located in a commercial vineyard (Bodegas Licinia S.L.) in the hot region of Morata de Tajuña (Madrid). The trial was performed during 2010 and 2011 seasons. Our results showed that yield increased from 2010 to 2011 in the treatments with a higher amount of water appli ed, T1 and T3 (24 and 10 % of yield increase respectively). This was mainly due to an increase in bud fertility (nº of bunches per shoot). Furthermore, sugar content was higher in T3 (27.3 ºBrix), followed by T2 (27 ºBrix). By contrast, T4 (irrigation from veraison) presented the lowest solid soluble concentration and the highest acidity. These results suggest that grapevine has an intrinsic capacity to adapt to its environment. However, this adaptation capacity should be evaluated considering the sensibility of quality parameters during the maturity period (acidity, pH, aroma, color...) and its impact on yield. Here, we demonstrated that a higher amount of water irrigation applied was no linked to a negative effect on quality

    Raising the Efficiency Limit of the GaAs-based Intermediate Band Solar Cell Through the Implementation of a Mololithic Tandem with an AlGaAs top Cell.

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    The high efficiency limit of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) corresponds to the case of using as intermediate band (IB) host material a semiconductor with gap in the range of 2 eV. Traditional photovoltaic materials, such as Si and GaAs, are not appropriate to produce IB devices because their gaps are too narrow. To overcome this problem, we propose the implementation of a multi-junction device consisting of an IBSC combined with a single gap cell. We calculate the efficiency limits using the detailed balance model and conclude that they are very high (> 60% under maximum concentration) for any fundamental bandgap from 0.7 to 3.6 eV in the IBSC inserted in the tandem. In particular, the two-terminal tandem of a GaAs-based IBSC current matched to an optimized AlGaAs top cell has an efficiency limit as high as 64%

    Radiative thermal escape in intermediate band solar cells

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    To achieve high efficiency, the intermediate band (IB) solar cell must generate photocurrent from sub-bandgap photons at a voltage higher than that of a single contributing sub-bandgap photon. To achieve the latter, it is necessary that the IB levels be properly isolated from the valence and conduction bands. We prove that this is not the case for IB cells formed with the confined levels of InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs grown so far due to the strong density of internal thermal photons at the transition energies involved. To counteract this, the QD must be smaller

    A feminist research proposal for the study of misogyny: reflexive notes after the research process

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    En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés por el estudio de la misoginia, como consecuencia de los cambios sociales relacionados con la visibilización y denuncia de este problema, de la emergencia de nuevas formas de misoginia con la llegada de Internet y porque se considera fundamental su estudio para comprender la naturaleza de la violencia cometida contra mujeres y niñas. En este contexto, ofrecemos el detalle metodológico de dos investigaciones realizadas en el pasado sobre misoginia y reflexionamos sobre la propuesta de la investigación feminista para su estudio. Comenzamos explicando la propuesta de la metodología afectiva feminista, que sirvió para el estudio de la cultura lad, un conjunto de prácticas misóginas que se dan en entornos universitarios británicos. Después, se detalla una propuesta de investigación basada en la etnografía digital feminista en el marco de una investigación destinada a comprender el papel de las subculturas digitales misóginas de la manosfera española en la normalización y legitimización de la violencia sexual cometida contra mujeres.In recent years, interest in the study of misogyny has increased, as a consequence of social changes related to the visibility of this issue and the emergence of new forms of misogyny with the arrival of the Internet and digital violences. In this context, we offer the methodological detail of two studies on misogyny and we reflect on the proposal of feminist research for its study. We begin by explaining the proposal of the feminist affective methodology, which served to study lad culture, a set of misogynistic practices that occur in British university settings. Then, we revise a research based on feminist digital ethnography aimed at understanding the role of misogynistic digital subcultures in the Spanish manosphere in the normalization and legitimization of sexual violence committed against women

    SEA_AP: una herramienta de segmentación y etiquetado para el análisis prosódico

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    This paper introduces a tool that performs segmentation and labelling of sound chains in phono units, syllables and/or words departing from a sound signal and its corresponding orthographic transcription. In addition, it also integrates acoustic analysis scripts applied to the Praat programme with the aim of reducing the time spent on tasks related to analysis, correction, smoothing and generation of graphics of the melodic curve. The tool is implemented for Galician, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Our goal is to contribute, by means of this application, to automatize some of the tasks of segmentation, labelling and prosodic analysis, since these tasks require a large investment of time and human resources.En este artículo se presenta una herramienta que realiza la segmentación y el etiquetado de cadenas sonoras en unidades de fono, sílaba y/o palabra partiendo de una señal sonora y de su correspondiente transcripción ortográfica. Además, integra scripts de análisis acústico que se ejecutan sobre el programa Praat con el fin de reducir el tiempo invertido en las tareas de análisis, corrección, suavizado y generación de gráficos de la curva melódica. La herramienta está implementada para gallego, español y portugués de Brasil. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir con esta aplicación a automatizar algunas de las labores de segmentación, etiquetado y análisis prosódico, pues constituyen tareas que requieren una gran inversión de tiempo y de recursos humanos.This work would have not been possible without the help of the Spanish Government (Project ‘SpeechTech4All’ TEC2012-38939-C03-01), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Government of the Autonomous Community of Galicia (GRC2014/024, “Consolidación de Unidades de Investigación: Proyecto AtlantTIC” CN2012/160) and the “Red de Investigación TecAnDAli” from the Council of Culture, Education and University Planning, Xunta de GaliciaS

    Predicted photoreflectance signatures on QD selective contacts for hot carrier solar cells

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    The CO2 emission of our present energy transformation processes, based mainly on burning fossil fuels, is possibly the main cause of global climatic change. The photovoltaic conversion of solar energy is a clean way of producing which for sustainability should (and most probably will) become a major source of electricity. The sun is a huge resource but relatively diluted and it is reasonable to expect that only high efficiency extraction can be cost effective for mass exploitation. New concepts are neccessary such as hot carrier solar cells