184 research outputs found

    Potential Neuroprotective Effect of Melatonin in the Hippocampus of Male BTBR Mice

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder identified by impairments in common social interactions and repetitive behaviors. In ASD patients, substantial morphological alterations have been observed in the hippocampus, which represents an important region for the development of social skills. Melatonin, commonly found in many foods and plants, is also produced by the pineal gland. This indolamine, known to regulate the circadian rhythm, shows antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. We therefore hypothesized that melatonin may reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the hippocampus of ASD patients. We explored our hypothesis using the BTBR mouse, a well-regarded murine transgenic model for ASD. Immediately after weaning, male BTBR and C57BL/6 mice underwent an 8-week treatment with melatonin or vehicle. Later, through immunohistochemistry and the immunoblotting analysis of the hippocampus, we evaluated the overall expression and cellular localization of Nrf2 and SOD1, two enzymes involved in the oxidative stress response. Similarly, we evaluated NLRP3 and NFkB, two mediators of inflammation, and GAD67, an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of GABA. Ultimately, we addressed melatonin's potential to regulate iron metabolism through a DAB-enhanced Perls reaction assay. Results showed melatonin's potential for modulating the analyzed markers in BTBR mice, suggesting a potential neuroprotective effect in ASD patients

    Dynamical evolution of massive perturbers in realistic multi-component galaxy models I: implementation and validation

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    Galaxies are self-gravitating structures composed by several components encompassing spherical, axial and triaxial symmetry. Although real systems feature heterogeneous components whose properties are intimately connected, semi-analytical approaches often exploit the linearity of the Poisson's equation to represent the potential and mass distribution of a multi-component galaxy as the sum of the individual components. In this work, we expand the semi-analytical framework developed in Bonetti et al. (2020) by including both a detailed implementation of the gravitational potential of exponential disc (modelled with a sech2{\rm sech}^2 and an exponential vertical profile) and an accurate prescription for the dynamical friction experienced by massive perturbers in composite galaxy models featuring rotating disc structures. Such improvements allow us to evolve arbitrary orbits either within or outside the galactic disc plane. We validate the results obtained by our numerical model against public semi-analytical codes as well as full N-body simulations, finding that our model is in excellent agreement to the codes it is compared with. The ability to reproduce the relevant physical processes responsible for the evolution of massive perturber orbits and its computational efficiency make our framework perfectly suited for large parameter-space exploration studies.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Global torques and stochasticity as the drivers of massive black hole pairing in the young Universe

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    The forthcoming Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will probe the population of coalescing massive black hole (MBH) binaries up to the onset of structure formation. Here we simulate the galactic-scale pairing of 106M\sim10^6 M_\odot MBHs in a typical, non-clumpy main-sequence galaxy embedded in a cosmological environment at z=76z = 7-6. In order to increase our statistical sample, we adopt a strategy that allows us to follow the evolution of six secondary MBHs concomitantly. We find that the magnitude of the dynamical-friction induced torques is significantly smaller than that of the large-scale, stochastic gravitational torques arising from the perturbed and morphologically evolving galactic disc, suggesting that the standard dynamical friction treatment is inadequate for realistic galaxies at high redshift. The dynamical evolution of MBHs is very stochastic, and a variation in the initial orbital phase can lead to a drastically different time-scale for the inspiral. Most remarkably, the development of a galactic bar in the host system either significantly accelerates the inspiral by dragging a secondary MBH into the centre, or ultimately hinders the orbital decay by scattering the MBH in the galaxy outskirts. The latter occurs more rarely, suggesting that galactic bars overall promote MBH inspiral and binary coalescence. The orbital decay time can be an order of magnitude shorter than what would be predicted relying on dynamical friction alone. The stochasticity, and the important role of global torques, have crucial implications for the rates of MBH coalescences in the early Universe: both have to be accounted for when making predictions for the upcoming LISA observatory.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 15 pages, 10 Figures, 2 Table

    Work Hard, Play Hard: Collecting Acceptability Annotations through a 3D Game

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    Corpus-based studies on acceptability judgements have always stimulated the interest of researchers, both in theoretical and computational fields. Some approaches focused on spontaneous judgements collected through different types of tasks, others on data annotated through crowd-sourcing platforms, still others relied on expert annotated data available from the literature. The release of CoLA corpus, a large-scale corpus of sentences extracted from linguistic handbooks as examples of acceptable/non acceptable phenomena in English, has revived interest in the reliability of judgements of linguistic experts vs. non-experts. Several issues are still open. In this work, we contribute to this debate by presenting a 3D video game that was used to collect acceptability judgments on Italian sentences. We analyse the resulting annotations in terms of agreement among players and by comparing them with experts{'} acceptability judgments. We also discuss different game settings to assess their impact on participants{'} motivation and engagement. The final dataset containing 1,062 sentences, which were selected based on majority voting, is released for future research and comparisons

    The 9-1-1 Complex Controls Mre11 Nuclease and Checkpoint Activation during Short-Range Resection of DNA Double-Strand Breaks.

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    Summary Homologous recombination is initiated by nucleolytic degradation (resection) of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). DSB resection is a two-step process in which an initial short-range step is catalyzed by the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) complex and limited to the vicinity of the DSB end. Then the two long-range resection Exo1 and Dna2-Sgs1 nucleases extend the resected DNA tracts. How short-range resection is regulated and contributes to checkpoint activation remains to be determined. Here, we show that abrogation of long-range resection induces a checkpoint response that decreases DNA damage resistance. This checkpoint depends on the 9-1-1 complex, which recruits Dpb11 and Rad9 at damaged DNA. Furthermore, the 9-1-1 complex, independently of Dpb11 and Rad9, restricts short-range resection by negatively regulating Mre11 nuclease. We propose that 9-1-1, which is loaded at the leading edge of resection, plays a key function in regulating Mre11 nuclease and checkpoint activation once DSB resection is initiated

    Predictive Factors for Pregnancy-Related Persistent Pelvic Girdle Pain (PPGP): A Systematic Review

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    Background and Objectives: To identify the most frequently reported predictive factors for the persistency of pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) at 3–6 months after childbirth in women with PPGP alone or PPGP in association with pregnancy-related lower back pain (PLBP). // Methods: Eligibility criteria: Two authors independently selected studies excluding PPGP determined by a specific, traumatic, gynecological/urological cause or isolated PLBP and studies that did not include the presence/absence of PPGP as the the primary outcome. We, instead, included studies with an initial assessment in pregnancy (within 1 month of delivery) and with a follow-up of at least 3 months after delivery. // Data sources: The research was performed using the databases of Medline, Cochrane, Pedro, Scopus, Web of Science and Cinahl from December 2018 to January 2022, following the indications of the PRISMA statement 2021 and the MOOSE checklist. It includes observational cohort studies in which data were often collected through prospective questionnaires (all in English). // Study appraisal and risk of bias: Two independent authors performed evaluations of the risk of bias (ROB) using the quality in prognostic studies (QUIPS) tool. // Synthesis of results: An in-depth qualitative analysis was conducted because, due to a high degree of heterogeneity in the data collection of the included studies and a lack of raw data suitable for quantitative analysis, it was not possible to carry out the originally planned meta-analyses for the subgroups. // Results: The research process led to the inclusion of 10 articles which were evaluated using the QUIPS tool: 5 studies were evaluated as low ROB and 5 were evaluated as moderate ROB. High levels of pain in pregnancy, a large number of positive provocation tests, a history of lower back pain and lumbo-pelvic pain, high levels of disability in pregnancy, neurotic behavior and high levels of fear-avoidance belief were identified as strong predictors of long-term PPGP, while there was weak or contradictory evidence regarding predictions of emotional distress, catastrophizing and sleep disturbances. // Discussion: The impossibility of carrying out the meta-analysis by subgroups suggests the need for further research with greater methodological rigor in the acquisition of measures based on an already existing PPGP core predictors/outcome sets

    The role of bars on the dynamical-friction-driven inspiral of massive objects

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    In this paper, we systematically explore the impact of a galactic bar on the inspiral time-scale of a massive object (MO) within a Milky Way-like galaxy. We integrate the orbit of MOs in a multicomponent galaxy model via a semi-analytical approach that accounts for dynamical friction generalized to rotationally supported backgrounds. We compare the MO evolution in a galaxy featuring a Milky Way-like rotating bar to the evolution within an analogous axisymmetric galaxy without the bar. In agreement with previous studies, we find that the bar presence may significantly affect the inspiral, sometimes making it shorter by a factor of a few, and sometimes hindering it for a Hubble time. The erratic behaviour is mainly impacted by the relative phase at which the MO encounters the stronger bar-induced resonances. In particular, the effect of the bar is more prominent for initially in-plane, prograde MOs, especially those crossing the bar co-rotation radius or outer Lindblad resonance. In the barred galaxy, we find the sinking of the most massive MOs (⁠≳107.5M⊙⁠) approaching the galaxy from large separations (≳8 kpc) to be most efficiently hampered. Neglecting the effect of global torques associated with the non-symmetric mass distribution is thus not advisable even within an idealized, smooth galaxy model; we further note that spiral patterns are unlikely to affect the inspiral due to their transient and fluctuating nature. We speculate that the sinking efficiency of massive black holes involved in minor galaxy mergers may be hampered in barred galaxies, making them less likely to host a gravitational wave signal accessible to low-frequency detector

    The role of bars on the dynamical-friction driven inspiral of massive perturbers

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    In this paper, we explore the impact of a galactic bar on the inspiral time-scale of a massive perturber (MP) within a Milky Way-like galaxy. We integrate the orbit of MPs in a multi-component galaxy model via a semi-analytical approach including an accurate treatment for dynamical friction generalized to rotationally supported backgrounds. We compare the MP evolution in a galaxy featuring a Milky Way-like rotating bar to the evolution within an analogous axisymmetric galaxy without the bar. We find that the bar presence may significantly affect the inspiral, sometimes making it shorter by a factor of a few, sometimes hindering it for a Hubble time, implying that dynamical friction alone is greatly insufficient to fully characterize the orbital decay. The effect of the bar is more prominent for initially in-plane, prograde MPs, especially those crossing the bar co-rotation radius or outer Lindblad resonance. In the barred galaxy, we find the sinking of the most massive MPs (>~10^7.5 Msun) approaching the galaxy from large separations (>~8 kpc) to be most efficiently hampered. Neglecting the effect of global torques associated to the non-symmetric mass distribution is thus not advisable even within our idealized, smooth Milky Way model, and it should be avoided when dealing with more complex and realistic galaxy systems. This has important implications for the orbital decay of massive black holes in late-type spirals, the natural candidate sources to be detected with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA).Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

    Inflammation: an important parameter in the search of prostate cancer biomarkers

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    Background A more specific and early diagnostics for prostate cancer (PCa) is highly desirable. In this study, being inflammation the focus of our effort, serum protein profiles were analyzed in order to investigate if this parameter could interfere with the search of discriminating proteins between PCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods Patients with clinical suspect of PCa and candidates for trans-rectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy (TRUS) were enrolled. Histological specimens were examined in order to grade and classify the tumor, identify BPH and detect inflammation. Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry (SELDI-ToF-MS) and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with Liquid Chromatography-MS/MS (LC-MS/MS) were used to analyze immuno-depleted serum samples from patients with PCa and BPH. Results The comparison between PCa (with and without inflammation) and BPH (with and without inflammation) serum samples by SELDI-ToF-MS analysis did not show differences in protein expression, while changes were only observed when the concomitant presence of inflammation was taken into consideration. In fact, when samples with histological sign of inflammation were excluded, 20 significantly different protein peaks were detected. Subsequent comparisons (PCa with inflammation vs PCa without inflammation, and BPH with inflammation vs BPH without inflammation) showed that 16 proteins appeared to be modified in the presence of inflammation, while 4 protein peaks were not modified. With 2-DE analysis, comparing PCa without inflammation vs PCa with inflammation, and BPH without inflammation vs the same condition in the presence of inflammation, were identified 29 and 25 differentially expressed protein spots, respectively. Excluding samples with inflammation the comparison between PCa vs BPH showed 9 unique PCa proteins, 4 of which overlapped with those previously identified in the presence of inflammation, while other 2 were new proteins, not identified in our previous comparisons. Conclusions The present study indicates that inflammation might be a confounding parameter during the proteomic research of candidate biomarkers of PCa. These results indicate that some possible biomarker-candidate proteins are strongly influenced by the presence of inflammation, hence only a well-selected protein pattern should be considered for potential marker of PCa

    Chronic graft-versus-host-disease-related polymyositis: a 17-months-old child with a rare and late complication of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Background: Chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) occurs in 20-30% of paediatric patients receiving haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Neuromuscular disorders such as polymyositis are considered a rare and distinctive but non-diagnostic manifestation of cGVHD and, in the absence of other characteristic signs and symptoms, biopsy is highly recommended to exclude other causes. Case report: We report a case of a 17-months-old child affected by hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis who underwent a matched unrelated donor haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). She developed severe cGVHD-related polymyositis that was successfully treated with high-dose steroid therapy, rituximab and sirolimus. Conclusions: This is the first case of cGVHD-related-polymyositis described in a pediatric patient which was successfully treated with rituximab