1,571 research outputs found

    A contribuição do design para a gestão de estratégias corporativas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design e Expressão Gráfica, Florianópolis, 2015.O estudo sobre o Design aplicado às estratégias corporativas com foco no público interno constitui o cerne da presente pesquisa. A contribuição desta área de conhecimento à Gestão é discutida a partir de uma seleção de perspectivas pelas quais a mesma pode ser examinada. A partir disto, foi possível discutir sobre o papel do Design na aproximação entre empresa e seu público interno, a fim de aumentar a produtividade deste público e, consequentemente, a lucratividade da organização. Quanto aos níveis de atuação: Design Estratégico, Tático e Operacional, habilitações: Gráfico, de Ambientes ou mesmo pela denominação Design Thinking, foi possível compreender a abrangência de intervenções do Design na Gestão de estratégias organizacionais voltadas ao público interno. O levantamento bibliográfico sobre os temas: estratégia, Gestão de Pessoas e, principalmente de Design constituiu a fundamentação teórica da presente pesquisa. Foram realizadas análises das declarações pertencentes à pesquisa realizada pelo Programa Gestão de Pessoas (PROGEP), da Fundação Instituto de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (FIA - USP) no ano de 2013. Este conjunto de declarações trata do tema ambiente organizacional interno e serviu como base dados desta pesquisa. Ainda em relação aos procedimentos metodológicos, análises qualitativas foram empreendidas após seleção de termos presentes nas narrativas empresariais examinadas. Tais análises se pautaram na observação do potencial de intervenção do Design na Gestão das empresas declarantes. Foram observadas oportunidades de inserção do Design para internalização e disseminação de estratégias, tanto em relação aos seus níveis de atuação quanto às habilitações. Possibilidades de ampliação do diálogo entre as áreas Design e Gestão de Pessoas também foram evidenciadas dentre os resultados da pesquisa.Abstract : The study on the design applied to organizational strategies focusing on the workforce is at the heart of this research. The contribution of the Management knowledge area is discussed from a selection of perspectives by which it can be examined. From this, it was possible to discuss the role of design in approach between the company and its workforce in order to increase productivity in that audience and hence the profitability of the organization. As for performance levels: Strategic Design, Tactical and Operational, qualifications: Graphic, environments or even the name Design Thinking it was possible to understand the scope of operations of the Design Management in organizational strategies for the internal public. The literature on the topics: strategy, people management and mainly design formed the theoretical basis of this research. Statements analyzes were performed belonging to the survey by the People Management Program (PROGEP), the Institute of Administration, University of São Paulo (FIA - USP) in 2013. This set of statements is the theme internal organizational environment and served based on data from this study. Still regarding the methodological procedures, qualitative analyzes were undertaken after selection of these terms in the examined business narratives. These analyzes were based on observation of the potential for intervention in Design Management from reporting companies. Insertion opportunities were seen design for internalization and dissemination strategies, both in relation to their levels of action as to qualifications. Expansion possibilities of dialogue between the areas Design and People Management were also observed among the search results

    Immediate load implants: systematic review of the major technical and patient comfort approaches

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    Introduction: The first implant follow-up studies constituted the scientific foundation of modern implantology. Early loading was identified as a critical factor and, therefore, several waiting times were tried until the establishment of a period of at least three months for the mandible and five to six months for the maxilla. Therefore, implant with immediate load (ILI) was defined as “installation of a prosthetic element over an implant, without OI having occurred”. Objective: To demonstrate, through a systematic review, the clinical success rates of the immediate loading technique, present the indication criteria, and the follow-up of the procedures. Methods: This study followed the PRISMA model. Clinical studies were selected, involving retrospective, prospective and randomized studies. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. The bibliographic search was performed using online databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Results and Conclusion: A total of 135 articles were found involving immediate loading implants. A total of 78 articles were evaluated in full and 35 were included and evaluated in the present study. The analysis of the literature obtained showed that the success rates with the ILI technique are compatible with those of the late loading, as long as certain guidelines are followed, which were divided into factors related to the patient, surgical technique, implant, prosthesis, and to aesthetics. The high success rate is a consequence of correct surgical and prosthetic planning, harmony between the implant system, patient, and dentist

    Um olhar psicopedagógico sobre a leitura na primeira infância, prática significativa para a vida / A psicopedagogical look at reading in first childhood, significant practice for life

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    Esse artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre o incentivo à leitura na primeira infância, durante a educação infantil, a leitura é primordial para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, criativo, artístico, da linguagem, entre outros, e para a aprendizagem de mundo. Assim se faz fundamental que todos os educandos na educação infantil sejam motivados ao hábito da leitura em todas as suas formas, para uma melhor significação, onde os processos cognitivos, afetivo e de interação estejam diretamente ligados. A leitura é uma prática fundamental a contribuir para essa formação, basta que hajam incentivos a essa atividade, sendo assim um direito inerente a criança. Incentivar a prática da leitura é um grande desafio, e compete ao educador buscar melhorias a essa atividade nas salas de aula. Onde o psicopedagogo terá grande papel em articular de maneira colaborativa para as partes, tornando o processo mais viável da melhor maneira. Consta das Diretrizes Nacionais para a Educação Infantil o favorecimento à imersão das crianças nas diferentes linguagens e o progressivo domínio por elas de vários gêneros e formas de expressão: gestual, verbal, plástica, dramática e musical. Havendo, pois, uma melhor leitura de mundo, relação, respeito e convivência em nossa sociedade, um cidadão crítico e atuante faz desse seu meio um lugar melhor para viver. 

    Dental Implants and Plasma Rich in Fibrine: A Wide Literary Review

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    Introduction: When a dental element is lost in the posterior region of the maxilla, there is natural reabsorption of the alveolar process and at the same time there will be pneumatization of the maxillary sinus. It will increase its volume towards the place where the roots existed and this will often make it difficult or impossible to restore implants in place. For this reason, the procedure for elevating the floor of the maxillary sinus or short implants should be performed when possible. In this context, allogeneic, xenogenous, and alloplastic bone grafts are an alternative for the treatment of bone defects in the jaws, since they avoid the need for a second surgical access. However, due to the need for processing to eliminate antigenic components, these grafts are only osteoconductive with a lower bone formation potential compared to autogenous bone grafts. Also, in this context, in the last 20 years, platelet concentrates have been proposed as regenerative materials in tissue regeneration procedures. Among the platelet concentrates proposed in the literature, PRP and FRP are found to act as autogenous platelet aggregates with osteoinductive properties. Objective: The present study aimed to conduct a wide literature review on maxillary sinus surgery using fibrin-rich plasma. Methods: Experimental and clinical studies (case reports, retrospective, prospective and randomized) with qualitative and/or quantitative analysis were included. Results: The total of 48 articles were found involving Maxillary sinus surgery, Fibrin-rich plasma, and Biomaterials, of which 22 were selected to compose the present study. Conclusion: Based on the literary findings, it was shown that the FRP is favorable for bone formation processes for dental implants, especially when combined with xenografts

    Osseointegrated Implants: A Comprehensive Review

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    The most common bone disorder found by implant dentists is osteoporosis, which is a systemic skeletal disorder associated with aging, which is characterized by loss of bone mass, making bones fragile and more susceptible to fractures. The World Health Organisation has defined osteoporosis as a bone mineral density level greater than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean of young normal women. After 60 years of age, a third of the population have this disorder, it occurs twice as often in women than in men. It is estimated that 1.3 million fractures and 133,000 all hip fractures occur every year as a result of osteoporosis. This study aimed to discuss aspects of the pharmacological action of Bisphosphonates (BP) and their influence on the bone tissue when associated with treatment with dental implants. There are several types of treatments that prevent or prevent the progression of osteoporosis. So, BP, such as alendronate, are inhibitors of bone resorption. Act as controlling the development of osteoporosis by increasing the process of bone density and decrease its reabsorption, often acting as supporting the process of osseointegration of dental implants

    Application of the Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) technique in the plunge cylindrical grinding operation

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    Precision cylindrical grinding is used extensively in the manufacture of precision components in the metal-mechanical industry in general. Modern CNC grinding machines have improved this process with respect to the positioning and rigidity of the machine-workpiece-tool system, allowing the production of high precision parts with low dimensional tolerances. Besides the difficulties inherent to the process, awareness has grown in recent years regarding the environmental issues of cutting fluids. As a response, the industry has begun to seek alternative lubrication and cooling methods. Among the various existing techniques, Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) has been considered as an alternative. This technique can be understood as a combination of conventional lubrication and cooling methods and dry machining, in which a small quantity of lubricating oil mixed with compressed air flow is delivered in the wheel-workpiece interface. The MQL technique is already widely employed in machining processes with tools of defined geometry (e.g. turning), in which produces very satisfactory results. However, the MQL technique has been little explored in grinding processes (non-defined tool geometry), in which the really effective heat removal methods are required due to the frictional heat generation in the grinding zone. Consequently, the aim of this study was to evaluate the plunge cylindrical internal grinding operation when using the MQL technique and the conventional cooling method. Roughness and roundness were the outputparameters. As a result, it was found that the best values of roughness Ra were obtained with the conventional lubrication method. The MQL technique applied as proposed was not able to flush the chips away from the grinding zone, leading to the highest Ra values. No significant differences were detected among the cooling methods when analyzing the roundness results. The workpiece fixture method selected was responsible for the overall unsatisfactory results.(FAPESP) São Paulo Research Foundatio

    The influence of branding on social services

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    No presente artigo, descrevem-se aspectos de construção e remodelagem de serviços em Educação e Saúde, a partir da concepção da marca “VEMFAZER!”, adotada pelo Serviço Social da Indústria do Estado de Santa Catarina – SESI/SC. Em síntese, os desdobramentos informativos comunica tivos da marca são aqui apresentados e discutidos, considerando-se aspectos comunicacionais, arquitetônicos e didáticos.ABSTRACT : This article describes aspects of construction and remodeling of services in Education and Health, based on the design of the brand "VEMFAZER!", Adopted by the Social Service of Industry of the State of Santa Catarina - SESI / SC. In summary, informative-communicative developments of the brand are presented and discussed here, considering communication, architectural and didactic aspects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vemfazer! a influência do branding no design de serviços do SESI/SC

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    No presente artigo, descreve-se aspectos da construção e remodelagem de serviços em educação e saúde, a partir da concepção da marca VEMFAZER!, adotada pelo Serviço Social da Indústria do Estado de Santa Catarina – SESI/SC. Os serviços mencionados são: Espaço de Educação Maker e Espaço Saúde. Eles correspondem a um esforço de aproximação entre o SESI/SC e seus usuários, prioritariamente compostos pelos trabalhadores da indústria catarinense e seus dependentes. A marca VEMFAZER! também foi criada a partir deste esforço e sua expansão influenciou na construção do Espaço de Educação Maker e na remodelagem do Espaço Saúde a partir do ano de 2016. A discussão proposta neste texto aborda a influência do branding da marca VEMFAZER! no design de serviços do SESI/SC. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação. Os desdobramentos informativos e comunicativos da marca são aqui apresentados e discutidos, considerando-se a visualização de itens comunicacionais, arquitetônicos e didáticos


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    Há, recentemente, uma vastainquietaçãono campo científico que acena para o mapeamento e para proposições que (con)versem sobre a compreensão do/s lugar/es da Literatura na forma como os sujeitos leem o mundo, as palavras e a si mesmos.Neste estudo bibliográfico (MARCONI; LAKATOS, 2003), em específico, à luz do corpus teóricosobre leitura (LAJOLO, 1993; MARTINS, 1997),literatura (MAIA, 2007; MARTINS; VERSIANI, 2008;SANCHES NETO, 2013; PAIVA; MACIEL, 2008) e letramento(SOARES, 2003), acrescido pela ótica decolonial (WALSH, 2017) e de função social e humanizadora da Literatura (CANDIDO, 2006; 2011), objetiva-se compreender a leitura literária como prática social a partir de reflexões sobre o ensino de Literatura na escola.Embora o diagnóstico se constitua de dados/contextosrestritos,verificou-se que aescolarização da literatura(SOARES, 1999 apud MARTNS; VERSIANI, 2008)é, em grande parte dassituações-problemas,responsável por distorcer o texto literário em “pretexto literário”,tornando-o, superficialmente,um exercícioacrítico de memorização conceitual, histórica ou de mero estudo gramatical de/em excertos. Dessa forma não há o dever de refletir e contextualizaras obras com as práticas sociais dos partícipes. Notavelmente, tais decorrências revelam que a “velha” e/ou tradicional aula de Literatura, pouco compromissada com estratégias que visem o desenvolvimento pleno da leitura crítica, mostra-seimprópria para a atual conjuntura educacional. Destarte, em face do exposto, letrar literariamente significa extrapolar os limites linguísticos de qualquer gênero textual/discursivo. Lê-se, nessa perspectiva, para ver/viver/(trans)formar o mundo