194 research outputs found

    Sources and dosages of Nitrogen applied with urea coated with polymers in Marandu Palisade Grass

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    Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for the production of forage grasses, and the most expensive one. The scope of this research was to evaluate the application of four sources of urea (conventional and coated with polymers) under different dosages, in mass production and nitrogen content and absorption from two cuts of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. The experiment was conducted at a greenhouse in a randomized block design. The fertilizers used were conventional urea, urea covered with a polymer layer, urea covered with sulfur and urea covered with a boron and copper compound. The dosages used were 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. Fresh and dry mass, root weight and nitrogen content from first and second harvest were evaluated. On the first harvest, there was no significant difference between the treatments for the variables analyzed. On the other hand, second harvest presented difference in fresh and dry mass and nitrogen content. Regression analyses showed a linear increase with all fertilizers used, but this growth was more accentuated for the polymerized fonts. All polymerized ureas allowed higher mass production for Marandu palisadegrass, at tillering and second cut. Foliar nitrogen availability of polymerized ureas did not differ from conventional urea, being recommended to reach pastures with higher quality and productions and to decrease nitrogen losses on the system. Keywords: Brachiaria brizantha. Stabilization technologies. Sulfur polymer

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de cultivares de café arábica em Minas Gerais

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the phenotypic adaptability and stability for grain yield of the Catuaí group of coffee cultivars by the method Annicchiarico. The experiments were installed and carried out in the counties of Três Pontas, Campos Altos and Capelinha, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The experiments were carried out in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates and six plants per plot. The treatments were constituted by 15 cultivars of the Catuaí group and five controls. The grain yield evaluations were performed in the six harvests from 2003/2004 to 2008/2009 growing seasons. Then, the joint analysis of the three localities and the evaluation of cultivars adaptability and stability were performed. The parameters floating beans and high sieve grains were carried out considering the 2008/2009 harvest. The cultivars Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 30, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 and Catuaí Vermelho IAC 72 were the most promising because they allied higher stability and adaptability in favorable and unfavorable environments with mean high yield. The cultivars Catuaí Vermelho IAC 100, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86, Rubi MG 1192 and Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 have the highest percentage of bean size grains. All the cultivars showed low percentage of floating grains.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade fenotípicas para a produtividade de cultivares de cafeeiro do grupo Catuaí, pela metododologia de Annicchiarico. Foram instalados e conduzidos experimentos em Três Pontas, Campos Altos e Capelinha, em Minas Gerais. O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por 15 cultivares do grupo Catuaí e cinco testemunhas. As avaliações da produtividade foram realizadas em seis colheitas nas safras de 2003/2004 a 2008/2009. Posteriormente, foi realizada a análise conjunta dos três locais e a avaliação da adaptabilidade e da estabilidade das cultivares. Na safra 2008/2009, foi avaliado o percentual de frutos chochos e a percentagem de grãos em peneira alta. As cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 30, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 72 são mais promissoras, pois aliam maiores estabilidade e adaptabilidade em ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis com alta média de produtividade. As cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 100, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86, Rubi MG 1192 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 têm o mais alto percentual de peneira alta. Todas as progênies têm baixo percentual de grãos chochos

    Seleção de progênies de cafeeiro derivadas de Catuaí com Icatu e híbrido de Timor

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    The objective of this research was to select progenies from the cross of cultivars Yellow and Red Catuaí with Icatu anddescendants of Timor Hybrid in order to select productive materials and with good agronomic characteristics. Experiments werecarried out in three locations of the state of Minas Gerais: Lavras, Campos Altos and Patrocínio. We evaluated eighteen progenies andtwo cultivars (witnesses) developed by Genetic Improvement Program of Coffee plant in Minas Gerais, Brazil, coordinated byEPAMIG. The experimental design was a randomized blocks, with three replicates and 10 plants per plot. We analyzed the characteristicsyield, bean/fruit weight ratio, grain retained in large screens, floater beans and cherry beans percentage. There is great variabilityamong the progenies and the coffee regions. The progenies H516-2-1-1-18 MS cv 02, H516-2-1-1-18 MS cv 03, H516-2-1-1-18 MScv 05, H419-3-4-5-2 MS cv 02 e H419-3-4-5-2 MS cv 03 stood out over others.Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, selecionar progênies oriundas do cruzamento das cultivares Catuaí com Icatu edescendentes de Híbrido de Timor, visando obter materiais genéticos produtivos e com características agronômicas favoráveis. Foraminstalados e conduzidos experimentos em três municípios do estado de Minas Gerais: Lavras, Campos Altos e Patrocínio. Foramavaliadas 18 progênies e duas cultivares (testemunhas), desenvolvidas pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético do Cafeeiro emMinas Gerais, coordenado pela EPAMIG. Em cada ambiente, o delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com três repetições eparcelas constituídas por 10 plantas. Foram analisadas as características produtividade, rendimento de café beneficiado, percentual degrãos retidos em peneira 17 e acima, e porcentual de frutos chochos e de frutos cereja. Verificou-se que existe grande variabilidade entreas progênies e os ambientes. As progênies H 516-2-1-1-18 cova 2, H 516-2-1-1-18 cova 3, H 516-2-1-1-18 cova 5, H 419-3-4-5-2cova 2 e H 419-3-4-5-2 cova 3 destacam-se em todas as características avaliadas

    Non-Invasive Methods and the Use of Infiltrating Resins for the Control of Caries Progression in Deciduous Teeth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence of non-invasive treatment associated with the use of infiltrating resin for managing caries lesions in primary teeth. Material and Methods: A systematic review was performed by selecting articles from 6 online databases, using a search algorithm and eligibility criteria for data extraction and data synthesis for the papers included. Clinical trials involving primary teeth with incipient caries lesions (1/2 of the enamel or 1/3 of the outer dentin) were included, presenting full text and answering the study\u27s guiding question. This study used the RoB 2 tool for the risk of bias assessment and GRADE for certainty of evidence. Random effects meta-analyses were implemented, and lesion progression treatment effects were estimated through relative risk (RR) and associated 95% confidence intervals. Results: A total of 440 studies were found. After analyzing the inclusion criteria and removal of duplicates, eight studies were analyzed for quality evidence. Five of the eight studies included in this review contributed to the meta-analysis, all with some reflections regarding the risk of bias. Overall, the results of the meta-analysis showed that non-invasive treatment, when associated with the use of infiltrating resins, significantly reduced the risk of caries progression in relation to the treatment without this addition for follow-up periods ranging from 12 months to 2 years (RR 0.51 [0.40-0.65]). Conclusion: There is moderate certainty of evidence that the use of infiltrating resins associated with non-invasive treatments decreases the risk of caries progression in primary teeth with incipient caries lesions (1/2 of the enamel or 1/3 of the dentin outer) when combined with non-invasive control methods alone

    Dilemas da geração Z: até que ponto ir à procura de padrões?

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    The reflective critical descriptive article aims to highlight the dilemmas of the generation that is the generation that has a ton of information in the palm of their hand in fractions of seconds, through the Internet. The following categories were listed: invasive plastic surgery procedures; generation Z, self-acceptance and image and finally mental and aesthetic health. Concluding that the search for the standard and the perfect stereotype associated with the day-to-day access to social media that do not always show the real life of the “bloggers” triggers the desire and obsession for aesthetic changes, most of the time radical and unnecessary, whose ages are between 18 and 24 years. Obviously, in most cases, the lack of confidence, insecurity and the difficulty of self-acceptance, trigger psychic disorders that lead these people to never be satisfied, and in search of diverting frustrations in most invasive surgeries that end up generating the need constant change, according to the temporary standards of beauty established by the media, but in some cases it is extremely necessary, such as bariatric surgery patients.O artigo descritivo crítico reflexivo tem como objetivo destacar os dilemas da geração que se trata da geração que tem uma tonelada de informações na palma da mão em frações de segundos, através da Internet. Foram elencadas as seguintes categorias: procedimentos invasivos de cirurgia plástica; geração Z, autoaceitação e imagem e por fim saúde mental e estética. Concluindo que a busca pelo padrão e o estereótipo perfeito associados ao acesso dia a dia das mídias sociais que nem sempre mostram a vida real das “blogueirinhas” faz desencadear o desejo e a obsessão por mudanças estéticas, na maioria das vezes radicais e sem necessidade, cuja idades estão entre 18 e 24 anos. Obviamente que na maioria dos casos a falta de confiança, insegurança e a dificuldade de autoaceitação, desencadeiam transtornos psíquicos que levam essas pessoas a nunca estarem satisfeitas, e em busca de desviar as frustrações em cirurgias na maioria das vezes invasivas e que acabam gerando a necessidade constante de mudança, de acordo com os padrões temporários de beleza estabelecidos pela mídia, porém em alguns casos e extremamente necessário como os pacientes de cirurgia bariátrica

    Minoca: um diagnóstico desafiador / Minoca: a challenging diagnosis

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    Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) é caracterizado por uma síndrome multifatorial com características clínicas de um infarto evidente, mas com coronárias normais ou com quase nenhuma lesão, estenose inferior a 50%, evidenciado pela angiografia e ausência clínica para explicar o seu quadro, termo que foi incorporado na quarta definição universal de IAM. Apresenta prevalência em cerca de 5 a 25% dos casos de infarto do miocárdio, sendo que as mulheres apresentam ser 5 vezes mais susceptíveis a apresentar MINOCA em relação aos homens. Apresenta etiologia extensa mas que podem ser agrupadas em causas cardíacas, como: erosão e ruptura de placa, nódulos calcificados, dissecção coronariana espontânea, espasmo coronariano, disfunção microvascular coronariana. Em relação às desordens do miocárdio, destaca-se Takotsubo, miocardite e por fim as causas não cardíacas, como sepse, doença renal crônica, derrame cerebral e outras causas de desbalanço de oferta e demanda de oxigênio visto no IAM tipo 2, como anemia e hipertireoidismo. O diagnóstico de MINOCA pode ser feito através de testes não invasivos como PET CT, Eco Doppler Transtorácico e destaque para a RNM cardíaca, que consegue detectar falha na perfusão subendocárdica. No presente momento, a estratégia para manejo do MINOCA não se apresenta bastante claro, necessitando de pesquisas mais aprofundadas, mas destaca-se o uso de estatinas, IECA, AAS na prevenção do progresso da aterosclerose nas coronárias, com destaque para segunda linha medicamentosa, que inclui: Bloqueador de canal de cálcio, nitrato, Ivabradina, além do controle de fatores de risco, como hipertensão e diabetes

    Morphological and physiological characterization and biomass production of Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM 32113) / Caracterização morfológica e fisiológica e produção de biomassa de Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM 32113)

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    We aimed to evaluate the viability of agroindustry residues for Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM32113) biomass production. BRM32113 was morphological and physiologically characterized; carbon: nitrogen ratio, optimal pH and osmotic conditions were determined and carbon sources profile analyzed. Biomass production was tested with glycerol, molasses, and rice brain, and quantification was obtained by counting colony-forming unity (CFU). BRM32113 cells are bacilli shaped, and the colony is dark pink gram-negative with high capacity to assimilate carbon sources, producing 8.9E+10 CFU.mL-1 in glycerol-containing medium. Optimal C:N was from 2.5 to 3.5, pH ranged from 8.0 to 9.5, and the maximum growth was obtained in period from 6 to 8 hours. The growth rate was 0.332 h-1, and the optimal NaCl concentration was 1 and 2%. Crude glycerol as carbon source was superior. We proved that it is viable to produce biomass from agroindustry waste

    Intraspecific grafting and anatomical compatibility of Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh

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    The E. stipitata is a native fruit tree from the Amazon, currently in the domestication phase due to its high nutritional and economic potential. In this process, studies aiming at the technical feasibility of propagating materials with desirable agronomic qualities are necessary but still incipient. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate different grafting methods forE. stipitata propagation and the compatibility between scion and rootstock using anatomical analysis as a tool. For the experiment, a randomized block design was used in a split-plot scheme over time, with three replications. The plots consisted of three grafting types: cleft grafting, side-veneer grafting, and budding. The subplots were four evaluation times: 30, 60, 90, and 120 days after grafting (DAG). The evaluated variables were the grafting success rate, the number of shoots per graft, shoot length, and shoot diameter. There was a significant interaction between the factors under study. During the experimental period, an increasing grafting success rate and the number of shoots emitted were observed for budding, although with a low success rate. Through cleft grafting, there was a complete loss of shoots at 120 DAG, leading to the subsequent death of all tissues. Budding grafting appears as a promising method for E. stipitata propagation, demonstrating vascular tissue connection feasibility, although this effect did not reflect in the grafting success rate.

    Violência relacionada ao trabalho na psiquiatria: percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los tipos de violencia relacionada con el trabajo en una unidad de internación psiquiátrica en la percepción del personal de enfermería y discutir las implicaciones para la salud del grupo. Investigación cualitativa, descriptiva, cumplida en una unidad de internación psiquiátrica de un hospital universitario. Se ha utilizado la técnica de entrevista semiestructurada con dieciséis trabajadores de enfermería. Aplicada el análisis de contenido a los testimonios, se identificó que la violencia psicológica y institucional resultante de las condiciones de trabajo inadecuadas causan daño a los trabajadores y la práctica de enfermería. La conclusión es la importancia de la institución invertir en acciones preventivas con el fin de promover la salud del grupo y la calidad del servicio.Objetivou-se, neste estudo, analisar os tipos de violência relacionados ao trabalho em unidade de internação psiquiátrica, de acordo com a percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, e discutir as repercussões para a saúde dos integrantes do grupo. Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, realizada em unidade de internação psiquiátrica de hospital universitário. Utilizouse a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada, com 16 trabalhadores de enfermagem. Aplicada a análise de conteúdo aos depoimentos, identificou-se que tanto a violência psicológica quanto a institucional, decorrentes das condições inadequadas de trabalho, prejudicam os trabalhadores e a prática de enfermagem. Conclui-se, então, a importância de a instituição investir em ações preventivas no intuito de promover a saúde do grupo, bem como a qualidade do serviço ofertada.The objective in this study was to analyze the types of violence related to the work at a psychiatric inpatient service as perceived by the nursing professionals and to discuss the repercussions for the group members’ health. Qualitative and descriptive research, undertaken at a psychiatric inpatient service of a teaching hospital. The semistructured interview technique was used with 16 nursing workers. Content analysis was applied to the testimonies. It was identified that both psychological and institutional violence, deriving from the inappropriate work conditions, negatively affect the professionals and nursing practice. In conclusion, it is important for the institution to invest in preventive actions in order to promote the group’s health and the quality of the service offered