2,806 research outputs found

    Infrared Dynamics in Vector-Like Gauge Theories: QCD and Beyond

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    Pade-approximant methods are used to extract information about leading positive zeros or poles of QCD and SQCD beta-functions from the known terms of their perturbative series. For QCD, such methods are seen to corroborate the flavour-threshold behaviour obtained via lattice approaches for the occurrence of infrared-stable fixed points.All possible Pade-approximant versions of the known (one- to four-loop) terms of the QCD MS-bar beta-function series are consistent with this threshold occurring at or above n_f = 6. This conclusion continues to be true even if higher-degree Pade-approximants are introduced to accommodate an arbitrary five-loop contribution to the QCD beta-function for a given number of flavours.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of MRST 2001 (AIP), May 15-18, London,Ontari

    Quark- and Gluon-Condensate Contributions to Penguin Four-Fermi Operators

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    The nonperturbative content of the QCD vacuum permits the occurrence of QCD-vaccum condensate contributions to penguin amplitudes. We calculate the dimension-4 and and contributions to the effective Wilson coefficients for penguin four-Fermi operators, and discuss how such contributions may contribute to nonleptonic B decays.Comment: 7 pages, latex uses aipproc, 3 postscript figures included, Talk given at 21st Annual MRST Conference: High Energy Physics at the Millenium (MRST 99 and the Sundarfest), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 10-12 May 199

    Nearly Optimal Computations with Structured Matrices

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    We estimate the Boolean complexity of multiplication of structured matrices by a vector and the solution of nonsingular linear systems of equations with these matrices. We study four basic most popular classes, that is, Toeplitz, Hankel, Cauchy and Van-der-monde matrices, for which the cited computational problems are equivalent to the task of polynomial multiplication and division and polynomial and rational multipoint evaluation and interpolation. The Boolean cost estimates for the latter problems have been obtained by Kirrinnis in \cite{kirrinnis-joc-1998}, except for rational interpolation, which we supply now. All known Boolean cost estimates for these problems rely on using Kronecker product. This implies the dd-fold precision increase for the dd-th degree output, but we avoid such an increase by relying on distinct techniques based on employing FFT. Furthermore we simplify the analysis and make it more transparent by combining the representation of our tasks and algorithms in terms of both structured matrices and polynomials and rational functions. This also enables further extensions of our estimates to cover Trummer's important problem and computations with the popular classes of structured matrices that generalize the four cited basic matrix classes.Comment: (2014-04-10

    Vacuum Condensates and the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of a Dirac Fermion

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    We address anticipated fermion-antifermion and dimension-4 gauge-field vacuum-condensate contributions to the magnetic portion of the fermion-photon vertex function in the presence of a vacuum with nonperturbative content, such as that of QCD. We discuss how inclusion of such condensate contributions may lead to a vanishing anomalous magnetic moment, in which case vacuum condensates may account for the apparent consistency between constituent quark masses characterizing baryon magnetic moments and those characterizing baryon spectroscopy.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Foundations of Physics (1999

    Silver nanostructures: chemical synthesis of colloids and composites nanoparticles, plamon resonance properties and silver nanoparticles monolayer films prepared by spin-coating

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar en solución acuosa y a tem-peratura ambiente, rutas de síntesis química coloidal de nanopartículas de plata y nano-partículas compuestas estables. Se obtienen nanopartículas de plata reproducibles, con un control morfológico de tamaño y forma durante el proceso de síntesis. Llevamos a cabo el estudio de las propiedades ópticas (espectros de absorción de las resonancias de plasmones superficiales (SPR)) que caracterizan a una determinada forma y tamaño. El análisis incluye estructuras nanométricas de plata de diferentes tamaños, en ambientes diversos y formas diferentes, como esferas, prolates, y prismas de diferente sección transversal, etc Se ha demostrado que la síntesis química produce coloides de nanopartículas de plata esféricas y anisotrópicas estables. La morfología y estabilidad de las nanopartícu-las coloidales son estudiadas mediante técnicas de espectroscopia y microscopía elec-trónica. El rol y concentración necesaria de cada uno de los reactivos para producir co-loides estables mediante síntesis química son determinadas. Se ha demostrado que, con-trariamente a las opiniones actualmente expresadas en la literatura, es posible controlar el tamaño de las nanopartículas de plata y obtener coloides de nanopartículas de plata esféricas y anisotrópicas estables por largo tiempo, utilizando una ruta de síntesis quí-mica sencilla y una baja concentración de reactivos estabilizadores (PVP). Recubrimientos de nanopartículas esféricas de plata estabilizadas con polivinilpirroli-dona (PVP) sobre substratos de vidrio óptico son preparados mediante el proceso de spin-coating y un posterior tratamiento térmico. Diferentes morfologías tipo core-shell de Ag@SiO2 son preparados mediante un método químico simple y rápido, sin necesidad de adicionar reactivos de acoplamiento o modificadores superficiales de la sílice. Proponemos mecanismos de reacción para la preparación de diferentes nano-estructuras tipo core-shell de plata-sílice. Las nanopartí-culas compuestas de sílice-plata muestran unas propiedades de absorción de resonancia plasmónica muy evidentes. El trabajo de éste capítulo ha sido realizado en colaboración con Juan C. Flores, quien desarrolló la ruta de síntesis como parte de sus estudios de doctorado. Por último, una modificación del método sol-gel es empleada para la prepara-ción de nanopartículas de TiO2, y partículas compuestas de Ag@TiO2, SiO2@TiO2-Ag y SiO2@Ag@TiO2. Diferentes morfologías tipo core-shell son preparadas mediante un método químico simple y rápido sobre un substrato óxido, sin necesidad de adicionar agentes de acoplamiento o modificaciones superficiales. Las evidentes propiedades de absorción plasmónica de las nanopartículas de plata mostradas por las partículas com-puestas han demostrado la presencia de plata metálica sobre la titania, sin la posterior oxidación de la capa de plata por el contacto directo con la titania (TiO2). Esta evidencia es confirmada por la técnica de microscopía electrónica de alta resolución. Las propie-dades de absorción plasmónica de las partículas compuestas hacen a estos materiales muy prometedores para aplicaciones foto-catalíticas.The present work aims to develop chemical synthesis routes of stable colloidal silver nanoparticles and composites nanoparticles in aqueous solution at room tempera-ture. We obtain reproducible morphological control of silver nanoparticles size and shape during synthesis solely by solution chemistry and carry out the study of the opti-cal properties (surface plasmon resonances (RPS) absorption spectra) which character-ize a specific shape and size. The analysis includes silver nanosized bodies of different size, in diverse environments and of various shapes, as spheres, prolates, and prisms of different transversal section, etc. Synthetic wet chemistry routes yielding stable colloids of spherical and aniso-tropic silver nanoparticles are demonstrated, and the morphology and stability of the colloidal nanoparticles studied extensively through spectroscopy and electron micros-copy techniques. The role of each reagent and the concentrations required to obtain sta-ble colloid via these wet chemical routes is determined. It was shown that, contrary to commonly expressed opinions in the literature, it is possible to control the particle size of silver nanoparticles and obtain long-term sable colloids of both spherical and aniso-tropic silver nanoparticles using simple chemical routes and low concentration of stabi-lizing agent (PVP). Films of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) stabilized spherical silver nanoparticles are also prepared, by using spin coating on standard optical glass plates and subsequent thermal processing. Different core-shell type morphologies of Ag@SiO2 are also produced using a simple and rapid chemical method, without using added coupling agents or surface modifications of silica. We propose reaction mechanisms for the formation of the dif-ferent silica-silver core-shell nanostructures. The silica-silver composite nanoparticle display clear plasmonic resonance absorption properties. This chapter work has been done in collaboration with PhD student Juan C. Flores who developed the synthesis route as part of his doctoral studies. Finally, a sol-gel chemistry approach was used to fabricate nanoparticles in the systems TiO2, Ag@TiO2, Ag@TiO2-SiO2 and TiO2@Ag@SiO2. Different core-shell morphologies are produced using a simple and rapid chemical method. without using added coupling agents or surface modifications of the oxide substrate. Clear silver na-noparticle plasmonic absorption properties shown by the composite nanoparticles demonstrate the formation of metallic Ag, without the oxidation of Ag nanoshell in di-rect contact with TiO2, evidence confirmed also by high resolution electron microscopy. The plasmonic absorption properties of the composites nanoparticles make them a promising material for photocatalytic applications

    Leisure activity for dementia prevention. More work to be done.

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    Dementia prevention is a worldwide priority because of the aging population, devastating consequences for patients and families, and the drain on societal resources. In the absence of disease-modifying therapies, there is interest in lifestyle factors that might prevent or delay the onset of dementia. Chief among these is leisure activity, conceptualized as pursuits undertaken for relaxation or pleasure after completion of essential chores and occupational responsibilities. Leisure activity invokes the cornerstones of cognitive reserve: mental activity, physical activity, and social engagement

    The Effect of Haptic Feedback on Basic Social. Interaction within Shared Virtual Environments

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    This paper describes an experiment that studies the effect of basic haptic feedback in creating a sense of social interaction within a shared virtual environment (SVE). Although there have been a number of studies investigating the effect of haptic feedback on collaborative task performance, they do not address the effect it has in inducing social presence. The purpose of this experiment is to show that haptic feedback enhances the sense of social presence within a mediated environment. An experiment was carried out using a shared desktop based virtual environment where 20 remotely located couples who did not know one another had to solve a puzzle together. In 10 groups they had shared haptic communication through their hands, and in another group they did not. Hence the haptic feedback was not used for completing the task itself, but rather as a means of social interacting – communicating with the other participant. The results suggest that basic haptic feedback increases the sense of social presence within the shared VE