7 research outputs found

    Primaquina, gametocitemia de Plasmodium falciparum y bloqueo de transmisi贸n: ineficacia del actual r茅gimen de dosificaci贸n

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    Antecedentes: Los esquizonticidas anti-Plasmodium falciparum reducen la gametocitemia, sin erradicarla; por ello, se adiciona primaquina (PQ). Esta se administra al terminar el esquizonticida: d铆a 4; 0,75 mg/kg; dosis 煤nica (r茅gimen est谩ndar). Las artemisininas act煤an sobre gametocitos inmaduros I-IV de P. falciparum; la PQ act煤a sobre gametocitos maduros (estadio V). 驴Cu谩l es la eficacia antigametocitos de la combinaci贸n esquizonticida-PQ? Objetivo: Analizar la eficacia de PQ-r茅gimen est谩ndar contra gametocitos de P. falciparum, asociada a esquizonticida. Metodolog铆a: Revisi贸n sistem谩tica de los esquizonticida. Metodolog铆a: Revisi贸n sistem谩tica de los art铆culos hallados en Pubmed y Lilacs. Resultados y conclusiones: Ning煤n esquizonticida elimina totalmente os gametocitos en 6-7 d铆as iniciales de tratamiento. La adici贸n de PQ-r茅gimen est谩ndar tiene potente acci贸n antigametocitos Ninguna combinaci贸n esquizonticida-PQ tiene eficacia total en ese plazo. No conocemos c贸mo var铆a la eficacia antigametocitos de PQ dada los d铆as 1 a 3, ni en dosis diferentes a la est谩ndar, ni en m煤ltiples dosi

    Aspectos que pueden incidir en la transformaci贸n de las estrategias comerciales de los vendedores informales de la comuna 10 de Medell铆n, entre los a帽os 2023 al 2033

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    La informalidad, fen贸meno creciente que demanda investigaciones para disminuir la incertidumbre y traducirla en probabilidades que sean insumo para mejorar la calidad de vida de quienes la ejercen, por esto el objetivo central de la investigaci贸n es un estudio prospectivo de los pr贸ximos 10 a帽os, post COVID 19, que identifique aspectos que puedan tener incidencia en la transformaci贸n de las estrategias comerciales de los vendedores informales en la comuna 10 de Medell铆n. Para el logro de este prop贸sito se retoma la investigaci贸n realizada por Serna M. & R铆os A. (2022) con las 16 estrategias comerciales que utilizan los checherecheros y se aplican los m茅todos Delphi, PESTEL y la visita de campo para obtener la visi贸n de los expertos sobre t贸picos como: impuestos, espacio p煤blico, medioambiente, mercado hacia lo digital, entre otros. Los aspectos hallados se dividen en dos grupos, uno con alta incertidumbre en temas como la probabilidad de impuestos para los informales, consciencia ambiental por parte de los mismos, apropiaci贸n tecnol贸gica y conocimiento de la transformaci贸n del mercado hacia lo digital y el otro, donde hay consenso de expertos sobre los aspectos que podr谩n incidir en la transformaci贸n de las estrategias comerciales los pr贸ximos 10 a帽os como: educaci贸n, desempleo, desplazamiento, inmigraci贸n, asociatividad y la postura del estado con sus pol铆ticas p煤blicas y el manejo del sector informal. Todo esto podr谩 repercutir en que el sector informal sea m谩s competitivo y por ende influir谩 en la transformaci贸n de las estrategias comerciales de los checherecheros para lograr mantenerse en el mercado.Informality, a growing phenomenon that demands research to reduce uncertainty and translate it into probabilities that are an input to improve the quality of life of those who exercise it, for this reason the central objective of the research is a prospective study of the next 10 years, post COVID 19, which identifies aspects that may have an impact on the transformation of the commercial strategies of informal vendors in the commune 10 of Medell铆n. To achieve this purpose, the research carried out by Serna M. & R铆os A. (2022) is taken up with the 16 commercial strategies used by checherecheros and the Delphi, PESTEL and field visit methods are applied to obtain the vision of the experts on topics such as: taxes, public space, environment, market towards digital, among others. The aspects found are divided into two groups, one with high uncertainty in issues such as the probability of taxes for informal workers, environmental awareness on their part, technological appropriation and knowledge of the transformation of the market towards the digital and the other, where there is consensus of experts on the aspects that may affect the transformation of commercial strategies in the next 10 years, such as: education, unemployment, displacement, immigration, associativity and the position of the state with its public policies and the management of the informal sector. All of this could make the informal sector more competitive and therefore influence the transformation of the commercial strategies of the checherecheros in order to stay in the market

    Now ICT malaria Pf/Pv 庐 versus microscopy (thick-smear, thin smear) for diagnosis of malaria in Urab谩 (Colombia)

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    ABSTRACT: To date, there are only three reports from Colombia about the malaria diagnostic test Now ICT Malaria Pf / Pv 庐 (NowICT). The results from these studies showed major differences in sensitivity and specificity. Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of NowICT compared to thick smear for the diagnosis of Plasmodium infection in matched blood samples from mothers (maternal peripheral blood), umbilical cord and placenta. Methods: We used a closed (blinded/masked) and parallel design for the evaluation of a diagnostic test. The sample size was calculated with statistical and epidemiological parameters; this consisted of 131 thick smears from maternal peripheral blood. Blood samples from placenta and umbilical cord were also studied (386 samples tested in total). Results: The sensitivity of Now ICT for detection of P. vivax was below 70% in any of the samples (maternal blood, placental blood or cord blood). The specificity was greater than 99%. Values for P. falciparum infection were not calculated since too few cases were detected. Conclusions: Now ICT Malaria Pf / Pv 庐 is not a useful diagnostic tool in Colombia since the sensitivity for the most frequent species in the country, P. vivax, is poor. This interpretation is consistent with the WHO鈥檚 general conclusions about the state of development of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria.RESUMEN: Solo conocemos tres informes para Colombia de la prueba diagn贸stica de malaria Now ICT Malaria Pf/Pv 庐 (NowICT); esos estudios tuvieron resultados de sensibilidad y especificidad muy diferentes. Objetivo: evaluar la capacidad diagn贸stica de NowICT frente a la gota gruesa para el diagn贸stico de infecci贸n plasmodial en sangres perif茅rica materna, del cord贸n umbilical y placentaria. Metodolog铆a: dise帽o paralelo y enmascarado para evaluaci贸n de una prueba diagn贸stica. El tama帽o de la muestra se calcul贸 con par谩metros epidemiol贸gicos y estad铆sticos y fue de 131 muestras de sangre perif茅rica materna; tambi茅n se examinaron sendas muestras de sangre placentaria y de cord贸n umbilical. Resultados: se evaluaron en total 386 muestras. La sensibilidad de NowICT para P. vivax no alcanz贸 70% en ninguna de las fuentes (madre, placenta, cord贸n). La especificidad m铆nima fue de 99%. Los valores para P. falciparum no se calcularon porque los casos fueron pocos. Conclusi贸n: Now ICT malaria Pf/Pv庐 no es una herramienta diagn贸stica 煤til en Colombia porque su sensibilidad para P. vivax es muy deficiente y en el pa铆s esta especie es la que predomina en la generaci贸n de malaria en humanos. Esta interpretaci贸n concuerda con las conclusiones generales de la OMS sobre el estado de desarrollo de las pruebas diagn贸sticas r谩pidas para malaria

    S铆ndrome metab贸lico postrasplante hep谩tico en pacientes del Centro Especializado San Vicente Fundaci贸n, Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia, 2013-2017

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    Se revisaron las historias cl铆nicas de todos los pacientes con trasplante hep谩tico atendidos en el Centro Especializado San Vicente Fundaci贸n entre enero de 2013 y junio de 2017, para determinar la frecuencia de s铆ndrome metab贸lico (SM) postrasplante. En instrumento validado se registraron datos sociodemogr谩ficos, antecedentes patol贸gicos, antecedentes toxicol贸gicos, complicaciones y criterios ATP III. Se utiliz贸 OpenEpi 3,01 para an谩lisis estad铆stico; se consider贸 significancia estad铆stica con p<0,05. De 102 historias cl铆nicas revisadas, se analizaron 73 que cumplieron criterios de inclusi贸n (sin diagn贸stico de SM pretrasplante y con informaci贸n completa para el instrumento). La mayor铆a de los pacientes eran hombres (59%), adultos mayores (64%) y casados (62%). La frecuencia de SM postrasplante fue 66%; hubo asociaci贸n significativa entre SM y antecedentes de hipertensi贸n arterial y diabetes. Se confirma que el SM es una complicaci贸n frecuente de los trasplantados hep谩ticos y los antecedentes de hipertensi贸n y diabetes son los factores asociados m谩s frecuentes

    Intestinal Parasites and "Progress": A case study from Urab谩, Antioque帽o (Colombia)

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    Background: Infections with intestinal parasites in humans can be understood using the model of disease and illness as an ongoing process. The presence, persistence, and dissemination of intestinal parasites are determined by the living conditions prevalent in societies and by differences related to social class. There is a paucity of both international and national studies examining the relationship between living conditions and the prevalence of human parasites in Colombia. There are even fewer studies that adopt a historical approach to this relationship. Research Question: a) to compare current data on the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the region of Urab谩 (a subregion of the Colombian province of Antique帽o) with data collected 50 to 75 years ago; b) to explore the relationship between prevalence of intestinal parasites and living conditions during these time periods. Methodology: A literature review was performed to characterize living conditions and prevalence of intestinal parasites during the two periods of interest (contemporary statistics and those from 50-75 years ago). Results: Both study periods were characterized by a high prevalence of intestinal parasites and substandard living conditions Conclusions: With respect to human parasites and living conditions, little has changed in Urab谩 in the last 50 years. Economic progress has benefited only a few. Social "progress" has yet to touch the vast majority of people in Urab谩

    Submicroscopic and Asymptomatic Congenital Infection by Plasmodium vivax or P. falciparum in Colombia: 37 Cases with Placental Histopathology and Cytokine Profile in Maternal and Placental Blood

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    Problem. Congenital plasmodial infection (CPI) is a rare event, which has been little studied in Colombia. Objective. To measure the frequency of CPI and to describe the immune and histological characteristics in maternal blood and placentas when CPI occurs. Methodology. A cross-sectional study was carried out in northwest Colombia. A sample size of 39 unit analysis (a unit of analysis corresponds to the cord, placenta, and peripheral blood of a pregnant woman) was calculated using epidemiological and statistical parameters. Thick blood smear (TBS) and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used as diagnostic tests. Results and Conclusions. A total of 137 parturient women were studied. All cases of CPI were submicroscopic (TBS negative and qPCR positive) and asymptomatic infections. If the definition of CPI considers only detection of parasites in umbilical cord blood, regardless of what was found in peripheral or placental blood, the frequency of CPI was 27%. However, if that definition is stricter and includes simultaneous detection of parasites in maternal or placental blood with the same species, the frequency of CPI in this study was 13%