24 research outputs found

    T2* Heterogeneity detected by CMR could be Related to Myocardial Iron Distribution in Thalassemia Patients

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    A large percentage of thalassemia major (TM) patients shows a significant heterogeneity of segmental distribution of T2* values in myocardium, measured by multislice multiecho T2* cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). This finding is in agreement with previous histological studies that have detected heterogeneous iron deposition in hemochromatotic hearts. However, it is not yet clear if that represented true heterogeneous iron density or if it could have been generated by geometric and susceptibility artefacts

    Workshop on identification of future emerging technologies in the ocean energy sector

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    As part of the Commission's internal Low Carbon Energy Observatory (LCEO) project, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is developing an inventory of Future Emerging Technologies (FET) relevant to energy supply. A key part of the LCEO initiative is the consultation of external experts, addressing both those with in-depth experience in specific fields and those with a broad perspective on relevant science and engineering aspects. In this context, on March 27, 2018 the JRC organised a Workshop on Identification of Future Emerging Technologies for Ocean Enery, on it premises in Ispra. The workshop was organized on the idea of a colloquium between international experts to discuss about future emerging technologies considering different aspects such as their technology readiness level (TRL) , the potential advantages and challenges affecting their development, and evaluating the possible speed of development . A number of different technological solutions were discussed, identified directly by the invited experts on the condition that they respected the following criteria: • To be a technology for energy supply/conversion in the field of ocean energy. • To be a radically new technology/concept, not achievable by incremental research on mainstream technologies (this should match the concept of the Future Emerging Technology in the Horizon 2020 work program http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/future-and-emerging-technologies). • To be in an early stage of development: their Technology Readiness Level should not be more than 3. Questionnaires were sent to experts for the identification of ocean energy FETs. The templates can be found in Appendix B. The structure of the workshop was builtupon the inputs received from the experts and on in-house analysis undertaken by the JRC. The aim of this document is to gather, organize and highlight all the knowledge and information, provided by the external and internal experts, which were discussed during the workshop.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Trajetória do enfermeiro em um hospital universitário em quatro décadas: pressupostos de inovação de seu papel gerencial Trayectoria del enfermero en un hospital universitario en cuatro décadas: presuposiciones de innovación de su papel gerencial The path of nurses at a university hospital throughout four decades: starting points to innovate their management role

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    Dos desafios com que se depara a enfermagem brasileira, a indefinição do papel do enfermeiro no contexto hospitalar é uma situação que exige vigorosa determinação das lideranças de enfermagem. As organizações hospitalares buscam o alcance de objetivos específicos, sem considerar a contento necessidades, valores, potencial e diversidades dos vários profissionais. Objetivo: efetuar análise comparativa de dados e dela extrair pontos de congruência, delimitações e possibilidades que permitam apontar direções que viabilizem ações mais efetivas. A trajetória metodológica abrangeu análise secundária de cinco estudos clássicos da literatura brasileira, desenvolvidos em quatro décadas, sobre a função do enfermeiro. Resultou dessa análise, a discussão e a proposta alicerçada em pressupostos flexíveis e humanizadores que devem nortear o papel do enfermeiro na prática assistencial hospitalar.Entre los desafíos afrontados por la enfermería brasileña, la indefinición del papel del enfermero en el contexto hospitalario es una situación que exige una determinación vigorosa de los liderazgos de enfermería. Las organizaciones hospitalarias buscan alcanzar objetivos específicos, sin considerar a contento necesidades, valores, potencial y diversidades de los varios profesionales. Objetivo: efectuar un análisis comparativo de datos y extraer de él puntos de congruencia, delimitaciones y posibilidades que permitan indicar direcciones que posibilitan acciones más efectivas. La trayectoria metodológica incluye un análisis secundario de cinco estudios clásicos de la literatura brasileña, desarrollados en cuatro décadas, sobre la función del enfermero. De ese análisis resultaron la discusión y la propuesta basada en presupuestos flexibles y humanizadores que deben orientar el papel del enfermero en la práctica asistencial hospitalaria.Among the challenges faced by Brazilian nursing, the situation of indefiniteness about the nursing role in the hospital context demands a vigorous determination by nursing leaders. Hospital institutions aim at specific objectives, without satisfactorily considering the needs, values, potential and diversities of different professionals. Objective: carry out a comparative data analysis and extract points of congruence, delimitations and possibilities that allow us to point out directions with a view to more efficient actions. The methodology covered a secondary analysis of five classical studies about nurses' functions, developed in Brazilian literature throughout four decades. This analysis resulted in the discussion and proposal of flexible and humanizing presuppositions to guide the role of nurses in hospital care practice

    Comparative analysis of non-adherence to medication treatment for systemic arterial hypertension in urban and rural populations

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the indexes and the main factors associated with non-adherence to medication treatment for systemic arterial hypertension between urban and rural areas.METHOD: analytical study based on an epidemiological survey with a sample of 247 hypertensive residents of rural and urban areas, with application of a socio-demographic and economic questionnaire, and treatment adherence assessment. The Pearson's Chi-square test was used and the odds ratio (OD) was calculated to analyze the factors related to non-adherence.RESULTS: the prevalence of non-adherence was 61.9% and it was higher in urban areas (63.4%). Factors significantly associated with non-adherence were: male gender (OR=1.95; 95% CI 1.08-3.50), age 20-59 years old (OR=2.51; 95% CI 1.44-4.39), low economic status (OR=1.95; 95% CI 1.09-3.47), alcohol consumption (OR=5.92, 95% CI 1.73-20.21), short time of hypertension diagnosis (OR=3.07; 95% CI 1.35-6.96) and not attending the health service for routine consultations (OR=2.45; 1.35-4.42).CONCLUSION: the socio-demographic/economic characteristics, lifestyle habits and how to relate to health services were the factors that presented association with non-adherence regardless of the place of residence

    Teaching of Astronomy: Scenarios of Teaching Practice in Elementary Schools

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    The present work presents the main results of a research carried out within the Astronomy Education field with Elementary School teachers from two regions of Rio Grande do Sul. The study aimed to show the regional panorama of teaching Astronomy compared to the national panorama already discussed in several studies in the area. It was divided into three main issues: identifying the main topics of Astronomy developed in class, verifying which were the methodological strategies used, and which were the difficulties teachers faced when developing their practice. Regarding the contents, it was found a wide range of covered topics although Earth motion and astronomical phenomena were cited by most participants. Concerning the strategies used in class, two-dimensional resources such as movies, texts, maps and web searching were mainly used. The most relevant difficulties were the lack of specific education related to Astronomy contents and abstraction level, which complicated the understanding for both students and teachers. In general, the indicators met the results already found in other studies that investigated Astronomy teaching practice, in which the teacher´s original education deficiency - or even the lack of it - hampers the proper development of Astronomy contents in class

    Chemometric optimization of solid-liquid extraction with low-temperature partition (SLE-LTP) for determination of persistent organic pollutants in Caiman yacare eggs

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    This paper presents the optimization of a method based on solid-liquid extraction followed by low-temperature partition (SLE-LTP) for the determination of persistent organic pollutants (organochlorinated pesticides and PCBs) in the eggs of the Pantanal caiman (Caiman yacare). The chemometric approach included a 2(4) factorial design and a triplicate central point. The extractor solvent volume (8-10 mL), vortexing time (1-5 min), centrifugation time (5-15 min) and freezing time (4-12 h) were the variables considered and were tested at three levels, including triplicate tests at the central point. The evaluated response was the average recovery for all the analytes. The data showed the extractor volume and the vortex time to be the main factors that affect recovery. The optimized method includes 12 mL of extractor solvent, 5 min of vortexing time, 5 min of centrifugation time and 12 h of freezing time. Under these conditions the average recovery was 61% with a precision expressed as relative standard deviation (RSD) of 15% for sample with 22.5 ng g(-1) of sample. A GC-ECD was used for the determination of POPs. The experimental design was an important statistical tool for defining the experimental parameters in the use of this method for the extraction of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES