13 research outputs found

    Dome C site testing: surface layer, free atmosphere seeing and isoplanatic angle statistics

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    This paper analyses 3.5 years of site testing data obtained at Dome C, Antarctica, based on measurements obtained with three DIMMs located at three different elevations. Basic statistics of the seeing and the isoplanatic angle are given, as well as the characteristic time of temporal fluctuations of these two parameters, which we found to around 30 minutes at 8 m. The 3 DIMMs are exploited as a profiler of the surface layer, and provide a robust estimation of its statistical properties. It appears to have a very sharp upper limit (less than 1 m). The fraction of time spent by each telescope above the top of the surface layer permits us to deduce a median height of between 23 m and 27 m. The comparison of the different data sets led us to infer the statistical properties of the free atmosphere seeing, with a median value of 0.36 arcsec. The C_n^2 profile inside the surface layer is also deduced from the seeing data obtained during the fraction of time spent by the 3 telescopes inside this turbulence. Statistically, the surface layer, except during the 3-month summer season, contributes to 95 percent of the total turbulence from the surface level, thus confirming the exceptional quality of the site above it

    Deep sky observations with Dome C optical interferometers

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    Advances in Stellar Interferometry, eds. J. D. Monnier, M. Schöller and W. C. Danchi, SPIE 6268, (2006)International audienc

    Co-phasing the planet formation imager

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    International audienceThe Planet Formation Imager (PFI) is a project for a very large optical interferometer intended to obtain images of the planet formation process at scales as small as the Hill sphere of giant exoplanets. Its main science instruments will work in the thermal infrared but it will be cophased in the near infrared, where it requires also some capacity for scientific imaging. PFI imaging and resolution specifications imply an array of 12 to 20 apertures and baselines up to a few kilometers cophased at near infrared coherent magnitudes as large as 10. This paper discusses various cophasing architectures and the corresponding minimum diameter of individual apertures, which is the dominant element of PFI cost estimates. From a global analysis of the possible combinations of pairwise fringe sensors, we show that conventional approaches used in current interferometers imply the use of prohibitively large telescopes and we indicate the innovative strategies that would allow building PFI with affordable apertures smaller than 2 m in diameter. The approach with the best potential appears to be Hierarchical Fringe Tracking based on "two beams spatial filters" that cophase pairs of neighboring telescopes with all the efficiency of a two telescopes fringe tracker and transmit most of the flux as if it was produced by an unique single mode aperture to cophase pairs of pairs and then pairs of groups of apertures. We consider also the adaptation to PFI of more conventional approaches such as a combination of GRAVITY like fringe trackers or single or multiple chains of 2T fringe trackers

    First statistics of the isopistonic angle for long baseline interferometry

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    International audienceTo reach a suitable limiting magnitude with a multi-aperture interferometer, we need tocophase the different telescopes using a reference source. The latter should be located in thesame isopistonic domain as the science source. We developed a direct analytical expressionof deducing the isopistonic angle from atmospheric optical parameters as seeing, isoplanaticangle and outer scale. All of these atmospheric turbulence parameters are measured by theGeneralized Seeing Monitor (GSM). The first statistics of the isopistonic angle obtained fromthe GSM data are presented and comparison between the major sites over the world arediscussed (La Silla, Cerro Pachon, Paranal, San Pedro, Mt Palomar, Mauna Kea, La Palma,Ouka ̈ımeden, Maydanak, Dome C). Implications of these isopistonic angle statistics on largeinterferometers cophasing in terms of sky coverage and limiting magnitude are discussed

    Isopistonic angle for multi-aperture interferometers from isoplanatic angle

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    Context.Extending the potential of multi-aperture telescopes toward the higher magnitudes necessary for extragalactic science needs an off-axis reference source to cophase the interferometric array. Aims.The off-axis reference star and the science source must be within the isopistonic angle, and evaluating this parameter is crucial for estimating the potential of long-baseline interferometers for faint sources, differential astrometry, and phase-reference imaging. Methods.We derived an analytical method of deducing the isopistonic angle from the standard atmospheric optical parameters, and used a full description of the atmospheric turbulence to validate numerical integrations. Results.We used the analytical expression for the isopistonic angle for predictions concerning the VLT, Keck, and LBT interferometers, as well as for an array of small apertures in the Antarctica site Dome C, indicating that is might be a unique site on earth for interferometric observations of faint sources

    Hierarchical Fringe Tracking, Sky coverage and AGNs at the VLTI

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    International audienceHierarchical Fringe Tracking (HFT) is a fringe tracking concept optimizing the sensitivity in optical long baseline by reducing to an absolute minimum the number of measurements used to correct the OPD fluctuations. By nature, the performances of an HFT do not decreases with the number of apertures of the interferometer and are set only by the flux delivered by the individual telescopes. This a critical feature for future interferometers with large number of apertures both for homodyne and heterodyne operation. Here we report the design and first optical bench tests of integrated optics HFT chips for a 4 telescopes interferometer such as the VLTI. These tests validate the HFT concept and confirm previous estimates that we could track accurately fringes on the VLTI up to nearly K~15.9 with the UTs and K~12.2 with the ATs with a J+H+K fringe tracker with one HFT chip per band. This is typically 2.5 magnitudes fainter than the best potential performance of the current ABCD fringe tracker in the K band. An active longitudinal and transverse chromatic dispersion correction allows the optimization of broad band fiber injections and instrumental contrast. We also present a preliminary evaluation of the potential of such a gain of sensitivity for the observations of AGNs with the VLTI

    Hierarchical Fringe Tracking, Sky coverage and AGNs at the VLTI

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    International audienceHierarchical Fringe Tracking (HFT) is a fringe tracking concept optimizing the sensitivity in optical long baseline by reducing to an absolute minimum the number of measurements used to correct the OPD fluctuations. By nature, the performances of an HFT do not decreases with the number of apertures of the interferometer and are set only by the flux delivered by the individual telescopes. This a critical feature for future interferometers with large number of apertures both for homodyne and heterodyne operation. Here we report the design and first optical bench tests of integrated optics HFT chips for a 4 telescopes interferometer such as the VLTI. These tests validate the HFT concept and confirm previous estimates that we could track accurately fringes on the VLTI up to nearly K~15.9 with the UTs and K~12.2 with the ATs with a J+H+K fringe tracker with one HFT chip per band. This is typically 2.5 magnitudes fainter than the best potential performance of the current ABCD fringe tracker in the K band. An active longitudinal and transverse chromatic dispersion correction allows the optimization of broad band fiber injections and instrumental contrast. We also present a preliminary evaluation of the potential of such a gain of sensitivity for the observations of AGNs with the VLTI

    Hierarchical Fringe Tracking, Sky coverage and AGNs at the VLTI

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    International audienceHierarchical Fringe Tracking (HFT) is a fringe tracking concept optimizing the sensitivity in optical long baseline by reducing to an absolute minimum the number of measurements used to correct the OPD fluctuations. By nature, the performances of an HFT do not decreases with the number of apertures of the interferometer and are set only by the flux delivered by the individual telescopes. This a critical feature for future interferometers with large number of apertures both for homodyne and heterodyne operation. Here we report the design and first optical bench tests of integrated optics HFT chips for a 4 telescopes interferometer such as the VLTI. These tests validate the HFT concept and confirm previous estimates that we could track accurately fringes on the VLTI up to nearly K~15.9 with the UTs and K~12.2 with the ATs with a J+H+K fringe tracker with one HFT chip per band. This is typically 2.5 magnitudes fainter than the best potential performance of the current ABCD fringe tracker in the K band. An active longitudinal and transverse chromatic dispersion correction allows the optimization of broad band fiber injections and instrumental contrast. We also present a preliminary evaluation of the potential of such a gain of sensitivity for the observations of AGNs with the VLTI