8 research outputs found

    Personal values in mental disorders: an exploratory analysis

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    AbstractPersonal values have increasingly become central in socio-psychological research. However, the relationships between values and psychopathological variables have been scarcely investigated, with mixed results. This study aimed to explore potential differences in value orientation in a sample of people with psychotic disorders and mood disorders compared to a non-clinical sample using the Schwarz's values framework. A clinical sample of 162 subjects (92 subjects with psychotic disorders and 70 with mood disorders) and a non-clinical sample of 217 subjects completed the self-report measures of affective states (PANAS) and personal values (PVQ). Irrespective of the diagnostic group, the clinical sample showed higher expression of Conservation values (i.e., Tradition, Conformity, Security). Conservation and Self-enhancement values positively correlated with PANAS-positive affectivity in the clinical sample; in the non-clinical sample, Self-enhancement values only correlated with PANAS-positive affectivity. The expression of Conservation values in individuals with a mental disorder could reflect an orientation toward Conformity underlying fundamental affiliative goals. The complex relationship between personal values and clinical constructs should be further investigated, with important theoretical and clinical implications in mental health

    IL PARCO ARCHEOLOGICO E LA VILLA MARITTIMA CON NINFEO DI CUPRA MARITTIMA Proposte per la conservazione e la valorizzazione

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    In epoca romana, la città di Cupra Marittima è stata un florido centro produttivo, commerciale e marittimo. Lo testimoniano i resti del Foro Romano con il tempio probabilmente dedicato alla Dea Cupra, quelli delle ville suburbane e delle strutture portuali. La tesi si occupa del restauro del Parco Archeologico e Naturalistico “La Civita” e della Villa Marittima con Ninfeo. Obiettivo del progetto è quello di riorganizzare gli spazi al fine di permettere la comprensione delle geometrie e delle dimensioni dell’antico Foro romano, restituendo anche l’organicità, andata ormai perduta, con il sistema delle ville suburbane. Si è anche cercato di rendere più attrattiva e coinvolgente la visita dei siti archeologici attraverso la musealizzazione e il recupero della fruibilità di Casa Tassoni, casolare ottocentesco costruito sulle fondamenta dell’antico tempio. La proposta di progetto si è focalizzata sul superamento delle barriere architettoniche e sul rispetto del lavoro degli archeologi che, ancora oggi, indagano sul territorio di Cupra Marittima. Si è cercato di garantire una completa e fluida fruizione degli edifici e degli spazi esterni, senza però stravolgere la natura dell’area e lasciando agli archeologi la possibilità di continuare a scavare all’interno del Parco archeologico oggetto di questa tesi

    Calcium Silicate Cements vs. Epoxy Resin Based Cements: Narrative Review

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    In recent years, calcium silicate cements have been introduced. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main differences between calcium silicate-based cements and epoxy resin-based cements, analyzing the scientific literature of the last year to highlight the main advantages for predictable clinical use. Data collected from the included studies were used in order to analyze different features: chemical-physical properties, cytotoxicity and cell migration, inflammatory response, mineralizing and osteogenic activity, ion release and the filling efficiency of root canals. The calcium silicate cements analyzed in these studies showed good biological and mechanical properties compared to conventional resin-based cements, resulting in better biocompatibility and less cytotoxicity; long-term studies are needed, but these cements have ideal characteristics to allow efficient filling of root canals

    A case-control study on proinflammatory genetic Polymorphisms on sudden sensorineural hearing loss

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    OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is strictly related to inner ear vascular injuries and recently to some atherosclerotic risk factors. The pathogenic role of inflammatory molecules in atherosclerosis is well established. However, there is little knowledge about the potential role of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules on SSNHL etiology. STUDY DESIGN: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of proinflammatory genetic polymorphisms of the MCP-1 (CCL2), E-selectin, and interleukin (IL)-6 gene in SSNHL patients. METHODS: We evaluated the frequency and distribution of selected single nucleotide polymorphisms of the MCP-1 (CCL2), E-selectin, and IL-6 gene in 87 SSNHL patients and 107 healthy controls. RESULTS: Our results did not show significant difference between the compared groups for MCP-1 and E-selectin genes, whereas a significant difference was reported for the IL-6 gene (P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: The main finding of our study is that the 174G/G polymorphism (with a wider distribution of wt/wt genotype in SSNHL patients than in the healthy controls) of the IL-6 gene is significantly associated with the risk of SSNHL, which is consistent with a previous finding on serum levels of IL-6 in SSNHL. It is possible that the variant acts as a triggering agent of different lipidemia-related phenotypes. Both the -174G/G polymorphism and elevated IL-6 levels in SSNHL patients could suggest that IL-6 plays a role in the inner ear involvement by atherosclerotic inflammatory events

    Real-world candidacy to mavacamten in a contemporary hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy population

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    Aims: In the EXPLORER-HCM trial, mavacamten reduced left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO) and improved functional capacity of symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) patients. We sought to define the potential use of mavacamten by comparing real-world HOCM patients with those enrolled in EXPLORER-HCM and assessing their eligibility to treatment. Methods and results: We collected information on HOCM patients followed up at 25 Italian HCM outpatient clinics and with significant LVOTO (i.e. gradient ≥30 mmHg at rest or ≥50 mmHg after Valsalva manoeuvre or exercise) despite pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapy. Pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapy resolved LVOTO in 1044 (61.2%) of the 1706 HOCM patients under active follow-up, whereas 662 patients (38.8%) had persistent LVOTO. Compared to the EXPLORER-HCM trial population, these real-world HOCM patients were older (62.1 ± 14.3 vs. 58.5 ± 12.2 years, p = 0.02), had a lower body mass index (26.8 ± 5.3 vs. 29.7 ± 4.9 kg/m2 , p &lt; 0.0001) and a more frequent history of atrial fibrillation (21.5% vs. 9.8%, p = 0.027). At echocardiography, they had lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF, 66 ± 7% vs. 74 ± 6%, p &lt; 0.0001), higher left ventricular outflow tract gradients at rest (60 ± 27 vs. 52 ± 29 mmHg, p = 0.003), and larger left atrial volume index (49 ± 16 vs. 40 ± 12 ml/m2 , p &lt; 0.0001). Overall, 324 (48.9%) would have been eligible for enrolment in the EXPLORER-HCM trial and 339 (51.2%) for treatment with mavacamten according to European guidelines. Conclusions: Real-world HOCM patients differ from the EXPLORER-HCM population for their older age, lower LVEF and larger atrial volume, potentially reflecting a more advanced stage of the disease. About half of real-world HOCM patients were found eligible to mavacamten

    Automatic Lung Segmentation in CT Images with Accurate Handling of the Hilar Region

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    A fully automated and three-dimensional (3D) segmentation method for the identification of the pulmonary parenchyma in thorax X-ray computed tomography (CT) datasets is proposed. It is meant to be used as pre-processing step in the computer-assisted detection (CAD) system for malignant lung nodule detection that is being developed by the Medical Applications in a Grid Infrastructure Connection (MAGIC-5) Project. In this new approach the segmentation of the external airways (trachea and bronchi), is obtained by 3D region growing with wavefront simulation and suitable stop conditions, thus allowing an accurate handling of the hilar region, notoriously difficult to be segmented. Particular attention was also devoted to checking and solving the problem of the apparent ‘fusion’ between the lungs, caused by partial-volume effects, while 3D morphology operations ensure the accurate inclusion of all the nodules (internal, pleural, and vascular) in the segmented volume. The new algorithm was initially developed and tested on a dataset of 130 CT scans from the Italung-CT trial, and was then applied to the ANODE09-competition images (55 scans) and to the LIDC database (84 scans), giving very satisfactory results. In particular, the lung contour was adequately located in 96% of the CT scans, with incorrect segmentation of the external airways in the remaining cases. Segmentation metrics were calculated that quantitatively express the consistency between automatic and manual segmentations: the mean overlap degree of the segmentation masks is 0.96 ± 0.02, and the mean and the maximum distance between the mask borders (averaged on the whole dataset) are 0.74 ± 0.05 and 4.5 ± 1.5, respectively, which confirms that the automatic segmentations quite correctly reproduce the borders traced by the radiologist. Moreover, no tissue containing internal and pleural nodules was removed in the segmentation process, so that this method proved to be fit for the use in the framework of a CAD system. Finally, in the comparison with a two-dimensional segmentation procedure, inter-slice smoothness was calculated, showing that the masks created by the 3D algorithm are significantly smoother than those calculated by the 2D-only procedure

    Real-world candidacy to mavacamten in a contemporary hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy population

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    Aims In the EXPLORER-HCM trial, mavacamten reduced left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO) and improved functional capacity of symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) patients. We sought to define the potential use of mavacamten by comparing real-world HOCM patients with those enrolled in EXPLORER-HCM and assessing their eligibility to treatment.Methods and results We collected information on HOCM patients followed up at 25 Italian HCM outpatient clinics and with significant LVOTO (i.e. gradient >= 30 mmHg at rest or >= 50 mmHg after Valsalva manoeuvre or exercise) despite pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapy. Pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapy resolved LVOTO in 1044 (61.2%) of the 1706 HOCM patients under active follow-up, whereas 662 patients (38.8%) had persistent LVOTO. Compared to the EXPLORER-HCM trial population, these real-world HOCM patients were older (62.1 +/- 14.3 vs. 58.5 +/- 12.2 years, p = 0.02), had a lower body mass index (26.8 +/- 5.3 vs. 29.7 +/- 4.9 kg/m(2), p < 0.0001) and a more frequent history of atrial fibrillation (21.5% vs. 9.8%, p = 0.027). At echocardiography, they had lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF, 66 +/- 7% vs. 74 +/- 6%, p < 0.0001), higher left ventricular outflow tract gradients at rest (60 +/- 27 vs. 52 +/- 29 mmHg, p = 0.003), and larger left atrial volume index (49 +/- 16 vs. 40 +/- 12 ml/m(2), p < 0.0001). Overall, 324 (48.9%) would have been eligible for enrolment in the EXPLORER-HCM trial and 339 (51.2%) for treatment with mavacamten according to European guidelines.Conclusions Real-world HOCM patients differ from the EXPLORER-HCM population for their older age, lower LVEF and larger atrial volume, potentially reflecting a more advanced stage of the disease. About half of real-world HOCM patients were found eligible to mavacamten

    A survey of clinical features of allergic rhinitis in adults

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    Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) has high prevalence and substantial socio-economic burden.Material/Methods: The study included 35 Italian Centers recruiting an overall number of 3383 adult patients with rhinitis (48% males, 52% females, mean age 29.1, range 18-45 years). For each patient, the attending physician had to fill in a standardized questionnaire, covering, in particular, some issues such as the ARIA classification of allergic rhinitis (AR), the results of skin prick test (SPT), the kind of treatment, the response to treatment, and the satisfaction with treatment.Results: Out of the 3383 patients with rhinitis, 2788 (82.4%) had AR: 311 (11.5%) had a mild intermittent, 229 (8.8%) a mild persistent, 636 (23.5%) a moderate-severe intermittent, and 1518 (56.1%) a moderate-severe persistent form. The most frequently used drugs were oral antihistamines (77.1%) and topical corticosteroids (60.8%). The response to treatment was judged as excellent in 12.2%, good in 41.3%, fair in 31.2%, poor in 14.5%, and very bad in 0.8% of subjects. The rate of treatment dissatisfaction was significantly higher in patients with moderate-to-severe AR than in patients with mild AR (p<0.0001). Indication to allergen immunotherapy (AIT) was significantly more frequent (p<0.01) in patients with severe AR than with mild AR.Conclusions: These findings confirm the appropriateness of ARIA guidelines in classifying the AR patients and the association of severe symptoms with unsuccessful drug treatment. The optimal targeting of patients to be treated with AIT needs to be reassessed