161 research outputs found

    La psicologia dello sviluppo insegnata agli insegnanti: una proposta laboratoriale sul metodo di studio

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    This paper proposes a reflection on the laboratory dedicated to the co-construction process of the study method, which is part of the Psychology of Development course of the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education Sciences. It is articulated in four modules concerning: cognitive styles and concepts of intelligence; Study strategies; Organization and planning; Motivationand emotions. Each module involves self-assessment of the targetcompetence, using questionnaires, exercises and metacognitive reflection. Themost interesting results from the questionnaires show increased metacognitivesensitivity and an inverse association between negative emotions and constructivist conception of intelligence and self-regulatory skills. Integrated work onthese components is the best way to promote their development.Il presente lavoro propone una riflessione sul laboratorio afferente all’insegnamento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo del corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università Bicocca, dedicato ai processi di co-costruzione del metodo di studio. Esso si articola in quattro moduli riguardanti: stili cognitivi e concezioni dell’intelligenza; strategie di studio; organizzazione e pianificazione; motivazione ed emozioni. Ciascun modulo prevede l’autovalutazione della competenza indagata mediante questionari, esercitazioni e una riflessione metacognitiva.I risultati più interessanti derivanti dai questionari evidenziano margini di incremento della sensibilità metacognitiva e un’associazione inversatra emozioni negative e concezione costruttivista dell’intelligenza e competenzeautoregolative. Un lavoro integrato su queste componenti è il modo miglioreper promuoverne lo sviluppo

    The role of teachers' socio-emotional competence in reducing burnout through increased work engagement

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    IntroductionResearch has highlighted the relevance of socio-emotional competence in buffering the harmful impacts of perceived stress on the psychological facets of the teaching profession. The purpose of this paper is to innovatively investigate the relationships between perceived stress, work engagement, and burnout in a single comprehensive model, when considering the potential role that socio-emotional competence plays in mitigating the adverse impact of perceived stress on burnout.MethodsA total of 276 Italian in-service teachers (mean age = 46.6 ± 9.9 years) completed quantitative self-report measures of perceived stress, socio-emotional competence, work engagement, and burnout. Data were analyzed by using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach.ResultsAll fit indexes supported the model's full acceptance and suggested that teachers' socio-emotional competence reduced the effect of perceived stress on the risk of burnout by increasing their level of work engagement.DiscussionThe implications of the findings are discussed in terms of promoting interventions that target not only stress reduction but also foster teachers' socio-emotional competence in order to maintain a good level of work engagement and reduce the effect of stress on burnout

    In the wake of the ongoing mass mortality events: Co-occurrence of Mycobacterium, Haplosporidium and other pathogens in Pinna nobilis collected in Italy and Spain (Mediterranean Sea)

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    Following the Mass Mortality Events (MMEs) of the pen shell P. nobilis in Campania region and Sicily, a survey of moribund P. nobilis specimens was also conducted in other Italian regions (Campania, Tuscany, Sardinia, and Apulia) and Spain (Catalunya). Histopathological and molecular examination of 27 specimens of P. nobils revealed different types of pathogens associated with tissue lesions, morbidity and mortality. Presence of Mycobacterium, Vibrio species, Haplosporidium pinnae and Perkinsus sp. were detected, differently distributed into the areas. The Mycobacterium sp., previously reported in Campania and Sicily samples, was observed in all the analyzed areas and individuals, associated to systemic inflammatory lesions. In Spain, H. pinnae was observed in 36% of cases, always associated to the Mycobacterium sp. Molecular study using hsp65 genes and Internal Transcriber Spacer ITS support that a new species of Mycobacteria is infecting P. nobilis, close to M. triplex and belonging to the group of M. simiae complex with M. sherrisi. Presence of Perkinsus spp. resembling P. mediterraneus was observed in 2 out of 13 Italian individuals whose presence should be addressed as potential risk for shellfish aquaculture of the area. Vibrio spp. were also detected in some case. The preliminary results of this study suggest that Mycobacterium sp., Vibrio spp., H. pinnae and Perkinsus sp. cooperate to disease pathogenesis, being Mycobacterium and Haplosporidium most of the time involved. Vigilant inspection of those areas where MME is now starting, along with continuous systematic surveys, are crucial to define the spatiotemporal progress of mortality and the role of every single pathogen in the disease outcome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficacy of the additional use of subgingival air‑polishing with erythritol powder in the treatment of periodontitis patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Part II: effect on sub‑gingival microbiome

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    Objectives. To date, scarce evidence exists around the application of subgingival air-polishing during treatment of severe periodontitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on the health-related and periodontitis-related subgingival microbiome of air-polishing during non-surgical treatment of deep bleeding pockets in stage III–IV periodontitis patients. Materials and methods. Forty patients with stage III–IV periodontitis were selected, and pockets with probing depth (PD) 5–9 mm and bleeding on probing were selected as experimental sites. All patients underwent a full-mouth session of erythritol powder supragingival air-polishing and ultrasonic instrumentation. Test group received additional subgingival air-polishing at experimental sites. Subgingival microbial samples were taken from the maxillary experimental site showing the deepest PD at baseline. Primary outcome of the first part of the present study was the 3-month change in the number of experimental sites. Additional analysis of periodontal pathogens and other sub-gingival plaque bacteria sampled at one experimental site at baseline and 3 months following treatment was performed through a real-time quantitative PCR microarray. Results. In the test group, a statistical increase of some health-related species was observed (Abiotropha defectiva, Capnocytophaga sputigena, and Lautropia mirabilis), together with the decrease of pathogens such as of Actinomyces israelii, Catonella morbi, Filifactor alocis, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Sele-nomonas sputigena, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, and Treponema socranskii. In the control group, statistical significance was found only in the decrease of Filifactor alocis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema socranskii. Conclusions. The addition of erythritol-chlorhexidine powder seems to cause a shift of the periodontal microbiome toward a more eubiotic condition compared to a conventional treatment. The study was registered on Clinical Trials.gov (NCT04264624). Clinical relevance. Subgingival air-polishing could help re-establishing a eubiotic microbioma in deep bleeding periodontal pockets after initial non-surgical treatment

    Short test evaluation of the anti-wrinkles efficacy of topical adhesive pads

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    Introduction. In the last decades, in dermo-cosmetic field, a lot of cosmetic products, invasive treatments and medical devices were popping up to improve aged skin. Recently several cheap and innovative products called anti-wrinkle pad adhesive appeared but their efficiency against winkles is not really certain. Theoretically this product is intended to reduce local muscular contraction getting a reduction of the existing winkles and forming new dynamical winkles. Commercial advertisements claims that the utilization of pads can temporarily delete winkles with just an application and last longer with a continuous application. A recent study demonstrated that using this product for a month don’t have any positive effect on forehead wrinkles but still not demonstrate if this pad have the real ability to temporarily reduce wrinkles (Ryan 2009). For this reason this work focus on the efficiency of this pad in crow’s feet temporarily reduction. Materials and Methods. The anti-wrinkles efficiency was valued on 20 volunteers at baseline and 15, 30, 60 minutes after short time (30 minutes) application of the anti?wrinkles pad using Cutometer MPA580® (Courage + Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Köln, Germany) and siliconic replica technique analized with SEM FEI Quanta 200 in low vacuum and profilometric analysis software 3D MEX® (Alicona Imaging, Graz, Austria). Pads are made out of plastic with a vertical strong support fixed at a soft membrane covered by adhesive gel made by emollient and anti-wrinkles materials. Roughness and elasticity differences on values after pads application were valued using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results. The short time application of the pad caused a relevant reduction of all roughness standards parameters (Ra, Rt, Rz, Rp, Rv) till 15 minutes after the treatment (p <0,001). These changes not happened in the contralateral area (non treatment control test). Within 30 minutes after the treatment, all roughness parameters reverted to normal baseline values. Analysing the elastometric measure average, it was not noticed any relevant standards changes (R0, R5, R6 e R7) after the treatment. Conclusions. Finally results obtained demonstrate that the sporadically application for 30 minutes of anti-wrinkle pad have the capacity to stretch temporarily the skin. Ryan WR, Most SP. A Prospective Evaluation of the Efficacy of Topical Adhesive Pads for the Reduction of Facial Rhytids. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2009 Jul-Aug;11(4):252-6

    Inverted Scanning Microwave Microscope for In Vitro Imaging and Characterization of Biological Cells

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    This paper presents for the first time an innovative instrument called an inverted scanning microwave microscope (iSMM), which is capable of noninvasive and label-free imaging and characterization of intracellular structures of a live cell on the nanometer scale. In particular, the iSMM is sensitive to not only surface structures, but also ectromagnetic properties up to one micrometer below the surface. Conveniently, the iSMM can be constructed through straightforward conversion of any scanning probe microscope, such as the atomic force microscope or the scanning tunneling microscope, with a simple metal probe to outperform traditional SMM in terms of ruggedness, and width, sensitivity and dynamic range. By contrast, the application of the traditional SMM to date has been limited to mainly surface physics and semiconductor technology, because the traditional SMM requires a fragile and expensive probe and is incompatible with saline solution or live biological cells.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, published in Applied Physics Letter
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