31 research outputs found

    Does international work experience pay off? The relationship between international work experience, employability and career success: a 30-country, multi-industry study

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    Drawing on human capital theory, our study examines the relationship between international work experience and individuals' career success in terms of promotions and subjective financial success. We propose that these relationships are mediated by external employability and hypothesise a moderating role of national-level economic freedom. Using data from 19,421 respondents, residing in 30 countries and working in different occupational groups (managers, professionals, clerical and blue-collar workers), our results suggest that international work experience is positively related to promotions and subjective financial success across our study's different national contexts. These positive relationships were mediated by individuals' perceived external employability. Some support for the moderation of the relationship between international work experience and employability through economic freedom was only found when we differentiate between different types of international work experience. The findings enhance our understanding of the association between international work experience and career success from a human capital perspective

    Individuals' career perceptions in different institutionalized contexts: a comparative study of career actors in liberal, coordinated, hierarchical and mediterranean market economies

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    Leveraging Weiner's attribution theory of intrapersonal motivation at the micro level and varieties of capitalism theory at the macro level, we conduct a multi-country and cross-level study examining whether individuals' career goals (i.e., perceived importance of learning and development), behaviors (i.e., proactive career behaviors), and outcomes (i.e., perceived employability) as well as the relationships between these variables, differ between different market economies. We challenge extant literature that focuses on the agentic role of individuals and understates the role of context (i.e., market economy influence) in an individual's career development. Using multilevel structural equation modeling, we draw on a survey of 15,201 individuals between 2014 and 2016 from 22 countries representing four different varieties of capitalism. The results showed that workers in hierarchical (HME) and Mediterranean (MME) market economies systematically differed from individuals in coordinated (CME) and liberal (LME) market economies in proactive career behaviors and perceived employability. Moreover, while the positive relationship between perceived importance of learning and development and proactive career behaviors was stronger in CMEs and LMEs compared to HMEs and MMEs, the positive association between proactive career behaviors and perceived employability was weaker. Our study bridges the micro-macro gap in career studies, adding new insights into the ongoing conversation of contextual influence in individuals' career development

    The disabling effects of enabling social policies on organisations’ human capital development practices for women

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    Paid parental leave and externally provided childcare are social policies designed to enhance parents' labour force participation. These policies influence not only men's and women's decisions regarding their labour market activity but also organisational decision makers' (ODMs) expectations about their employees' availability to work and thus, their willingness to invest in their employees' human capital. Using a sample of over 13,000 individuals from 19 countries, we investigate the interaction between gender and social policies on human capital development practices. In line with statistical discrimination theory, which suggests that ODMs hold different expectations about female and male productivity, we find that paid parental leave and externally provided childcare are negatively associated with the provision of human capital development for women but not for men

    Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of developmental HR practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age–employability relationship

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    A compelling issue for organizations and societies at large is to ensure external employability of the workforce across workers’ entire work-life span. Using the frameworks of age norms, stereotyping and age meta-stereotypes, we investigate whether (a) age is negatively related to perceived external employability; and (b) the age-employability link is moderated by HR developmental practices (HRDPs) and unemployment rate. We argue that being aware of stereotypes and age norms in organizations, and holding also meta-stereotypes about their group, older workers perceive themselves as less externally employable. However, the context –HRDPs that one has experienced, and the country unemployment rate – would act as buffers. Using data from a large-scale survey from over 9000 individuals in 30 institutionally diverse countries, we found that the negative relationship between age and perceived external employability was significant across all countries. In addition, at the individual level, we found that HRDPs acted as a buffer for this negative relationship, such that the effect was less pronounced for individuals who have experienced more HRDPs during their working life. At the country level, the hypothesized moderating effect of unemployment rate was not observed. Limitations, future research directions, as well as practical implications of the study are discussed

    Career Success Schemas and their Contextual Embeddedness: A Comparative Configurational Perspective

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    We introduce career success schemas as critical for understanding how people in different contexts perceive and understand career success. Using a comparative configurational approach, we show, in a study of 13 countries, that two structural characteristics of career success schemas\u2014complexity and convergence\u2014differ across country contexts and are embedded in specific configurations of institutional factors. Adopting complexity and convergence as primary dimensions, we propose a taxonomy of career success schemas at the country level. Based on this taxonomy, we contribute to the understanding of subjective career success across countries, discuss the importance of schemas for organisational career systems in multinational enterprises, and propose specific guidelines for future comparative careers research

    Careers in context: An international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies’ career-related human potential and proactive career behavior

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    Careers exist in a societal context that offers both constraints and opportunities for career actors. Whereas most studies focus on proximal individual and/or organisational‐level variables, we provide insights into how career goals and behaviours are understood and embedded in the more distal societal context. More specifically, we operationalise societal context using the career‐related human potential composite and aim to understand if and why career goals and behaviours vary between countries. Drawing on a model of career structuration and using multilevel mediation modelling, we draw on a survey of 17,986 employees from 27 countries, covering nine of GLOBE's 10 cultural clusters, and national statistical data to examine the relationship between societal context (macrostructure building the career‐opportunity structure) and actors' career goals (career mesostructure) and career behaviour (actions). We show that societal context in terms of societies' career‐related human potential composite is negatively associated with the importance given to financial achievements as a specific career mesostructure in a society that is positively related to individuals' proactive career behaviour. Our career mesostructure fully mediates the relationship between societal context and individuals' proactive career behaviour. In this way, we expand career theory's scope beyond occupation‐ and organisation‐related factors

    Regional CSR Policies and SMEs’ CSR Actions: Mind the Gap—The Case of the Tourism SMEs in Crete

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions have the potential to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs. Regional authorities can support the development of SME CSR actions within the framework of their sustainable competiveness agenda. The alignment between regional CSR policy initiatives and SMEs’ CSR needs is crucial for achieving the regional sustainable competitiveness’ goals. We introduce a conceptual framework to facilitate the alignment between regional CSR policies and SMEs’ needs. We use this conceptual framework and the quantitative technique of survey to empirically investigate the alignment of regional CSR policies with the CSR needs of tourism for SMEs in Crete, Greece. The findings indicate gaps between the perceived level and type of support offered by regional CSR policies and the CSR needs of the SMEs. Based on the findings, we provide recommendations to the regional authorities and tourism SMEs in Crete for implementing CSR policies and actions

    The roles of perceived severity of legal sanctions, perceived legitimacy of criminal justice system, and differential experience of legal sanctions on deterrence

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    This study examines deterrence as a threat communication process. Deterrence as a system of information transmission attempts to inform potential offenders that if they commit a crime the probability of being processed through the justice system is high and that this process is costly for them. A successful transmission of the message should reduce offending. Therefore, the threat of legal sanctions has two goals, an immediate one, the transmission of the message, and a more distant one, the decrease of offending through the transmission of the message.^ Deterrence research at the first stage of its development overlooked the first goal and tried to establish a direct relationship between objective legal sanctions (certainty/severity) and offending. At the second stage, when researchers relied on a model of subjective interpretations of sanctions, the role of one\u27s objective experience with sanctions was neglected. In view of this neglect this study attempted to assess the effectiveness of legal sanctions as a threat communication process. The effectiveness of the threat communication was assessed with regard to three different levels of perceptions: Perceived probability and severity of legal sanctions, and perceived legitimacy of the criminal justice system.^ The other objective of this study was to assess the effect of perceived severity of legal sanctions on offending within a more general model of social control. For this purpose a longitudinal structural model was developed in which the effect of changes in perceptions of severity after the experience of legal sanctions is assessed along with effect of other deviance generators and inhibitors suggested by the deviance literature. The data used for this study were secondary data collected at three points in time: after the respondents\u27 arrest for a crime, after the sentence, and one year later.^ The analysis showed that the experience with legal sanctions transmitted the messages of certainty and severity successfully. However, the overall experience with the system created negative attitudes towards it. Furthermore, it was found that although perceived severity had an inverse effect on offending, this effect was counterbalanced by other factors the most important of which was the negative attitudes towards the system.

    Changes in HRM in Europe

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