2,381 research outputs found

    Attivit\ue0 del giudice di pace in ambito penale: una ricerca presso il Tribunale di Bologna

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    Il presente contributo intende approfondire, da un lato, gli aspetti teorici riguardanti le competenze penali del giudice di pace, entrate in vigore grazie all\u2019approvazione del Decreto legislativo n. 274 del 2000. In particolare, fra le numerose novit\ue0 introdotte si possono citare quelle relative alla snellezza procedurale, alla risposta giudiziaria offerta alla persona offesa dal reato in tempi rapidi attraverso due istituti che rientrano nella cosiddette definizioni alternative al procedimento (l\u2019istituto della particolare tenuit\ue0 del fatto e l\u2019estinzione del reato conseguente a condotte riparatorie), alle sanzioni con una funzione rieducativa e non meramente affittiva (il lavoro di pubblica utilit\ue0 e la permanenza domiciliare), infine alla possibilit\ue0 di riconciliazione fra le parti e ad una rinnovata importanza riconosciuta alla vittima. Dall\u2019altro lato, \ue8 stata compiuta un\u2019analisi dei dati raccolti negli archivi del Tribunale del Giudice di Pace di Bologna riferiti a tutti i provvedimenti definiti con decreto di archiviazione o con sentenza passata in giudicato in ambito penale conseguenti all\u2019entrata in vigore del gi\ue0 citato Decreto legislativo.This article analyses the reform of the Justice of the Peace, provided for by the legislative decree n. 274/2000. This law introduces some changes in the Italian justice system: a faster proceeding than in other Courts, the institutions of the immediate claim and the low degree of seriousness of the crime, two new types of punishments (community service and house imprisonment), the reconciliation between the victim and the offender and, for the first time, the victim has achieved a greater importance and a central role. Moreover, some documents that belong to the Tribunal of Justice of Peace in Bologna have been studied. The data discussed in the article are referred to dismissed cases and sentences which became final in 2002 to 2006.Cet article analyse la r\ue9forme de la justice de paix aux termes du d\ue9cret l\ue9gislatif n\ub0 274 du 28 ao\ufbt 2000. Cette loi a introduit plusieurs nouveaut\ue9s dans le syst\ue8me de justice italien. En particulier, se sont mises en place des mesures aidant \ue0 une justice plus rapide (par example, gr\ue2ce \ue0 la possibilit\ue9 de d\ue9clarer l'extinction de l'infraction \ue0 la suite d'une conduite r\ue9paratrice), des sanctions qui visent \ue0 resocialiser et pas seulement \ue0 punir (le travail d'int\ue9r\ueat g\ue9n\ue9ral et la d\ue9tention domiciliaire), et des mesures permettant de privil\ue9gier la r\ue9conciliation des parties. Enfin, les donn\ue9es d'une recherche r\ue9alis\ue9e sur une s\ue9rie de dossiers p\ue9naux jug\ue9es et class\ue9es par les juges de paix du Tribunal de Bologne sont pr\ue9sent\ue9es

    Multi-graded Featherweight Java

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    Resource-aware type systems statically approximate not only the expected result type of a program, but also the way external resources are used, e.g., how many times the value of a variable is needed. We extend the type system of Featherweight Java to be resource-aware, parametrically on an arbitrary grade algebra modeling a specific usage of resources. We prove that this type system is sound with respect to a resource-aware version of reduction, that is, a well-typed program has a reduction sequence which does not get stuck due to resource consumption. Moreover, we show that the available grades can be heterogeneous, that is, obtained by combining grades of different kinds, via a minimal collection of homomorphisms from one kind to another. Finally, we show how grade algebras and homomorphisms can be specified as Java classes, so that grade annotations in types can be written in the language itself

    A Java-like calculus with heterogeneous coeffects

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    We propose a Java-like calculus where declared variables can be annotated by coeffects specifying constraints on their use, e.g., affinity or privacy levels. Such coeffects are heterogeneous, in the sense that different kinds of coeffects can be used in the same program; combining coeffects of different kinds leads to the trivial coeffect. We prove subject reduction, which includes preservation of coeffects, and show several examples. In a Java-like language, coeffects can be expressed in the language itself, as expressions of user-defined classes

    Identification of a Common Pharmacophore for Binding to MMP2 and RGD Integrin: Towards a Multitarget Approach to Inhibit Cancer Angiogenesis and Metastasis

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    During tumor angiogenesis different growth factors, cytokines and other molecules interact closely with each other to facilitate tumor cell invasion and metastatic diffusion. The most intensively studied as molecular targets in anti-angiogenic therapies are vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and related receptors, integrin receptors and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Considering the poor efficacy of cancer angiogenesis monotherapies, we reasoned combining the inhibition of α(v)β(3) and MMP2 as a multitarget approach to deliver a synergistic blockade of tumor cell migration, invasion and metastasis. Accordingly, we identified a common pharmacophore in the binding cavity of MMP2 and α(v)β(3), demonstrating such approach with the design, synthesis and bioassays of tyrosine-derived peptidomimetics carrying the necessary functional groups to bind to key pharmacophoric elements of MMP2 and α(v)β(3) RGD integrin

    A Java-like Calculus with User-Defined Coeffects

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    We propose a Java-like calculus where declared variables can be annotated by coeffects specifying constraints on their use, such as linearity or privacy levels. Annotations are written in the language itself, as expressions of type Coeffect, a predefined class which can be extended by user-defined subclasses, modeling the coeffects desired for a specific application. We formalize the type system and prove subject reduction, which includes preservation of coeffects, and show several examples


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    Many natural dyes, for example carminic acid, are soluble in water. We present a simple strategy to naturalize synthetic azadyes through their linkage with lactose to induce their water solubility. The dyeing process of textile fibres then becomes possible in water without additives such as surfactants and mordants, which result in products that are difficult to eliminate. Glyco-azadyes (GADs) we are presenting here are obtained through a diether linker to bond the azadye and the sugar. Tinctorial tests were carried out with fabrics containing wool, polyester, cotton, nylon, and acetate. GADs were found to be multipurpose and capable of dyeing many fabrics efficiently under mild conditions

    Identification of novel human breast carcinoma (MDA-MB-231) Cell growth modulators from a carbohydrate-based diversity oriented synthesis library

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    The application of a cell-based growth inhibition on a library of skeletally different glycomimetics allowed for the selection of a hexahydro-2H-furo[3,2-b][1,4]oxazine compound as candidate inhibitors of MDA-MB-231 cell growth. Subsequent synthesis of analogue compounds and preliminary biological studies validated the selection of a valuable hit compound with a novel polyhydroxylated structure for the modulation of the breast carcinoma cell cycle mechanism
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