97 research outputs found

    Riflesso della menzogna nella transgenerazionalitĂ 

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    Truth and lies share an element of (in)authenticity that is the affect of associated cognition. Such elements can interfere with relationships and assist – or jeopardize – the individual development path. A lie often veils a reality made of horribly empty spaces which are only inhabited by conflicts caused by the imperfect functioning of that very reality. Identity development may be affected by compliance with ancient masks that are not accessible to subjects – as these masks are not the subjects’ own, but are based on the experiences of the people who preceded them in their family history. These mechanisms often have a traumatic motivation, which apparently remains unprocessed because of a lack of mobilization of the necessary psychic resources. In the transgenerational transmission of family histories, the characteristics of unthinkability and untoldness of the historical-narrative foundations that have come to constitute a lie can generate reflections which are impermeable to historical objectivity. This could be the basis of existential possibilities and psychopathological vulnerabilities

    Fibromialgia. Studio pilota sul trattamento psicologico umanistico-bioenergetico.

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    La FIbromialgia (F) è una patologia caratterizzata da dolore cronico diffuso e da una serie di sintomi extrascheletrici ben individuati da questionari orientati quali il PLI (Pain Location Inventory) e da SIQR (Symptom Impact Pain Questionnaire). L’approccio terapeutico al paziente (P) con F è multidicliplinare. Sempre più diffuso è l’intervento dello psicologo (Ps), sia per consiglio del medico di medicina generale, sia dello specialista reumatologo (R) o di altra branca che si interessi di F, sia per consultazione decisa autonomamente da parte del P. I nuovi modelli sociali, una conoscenza diretta della F attraverso stampa divulgativa ed attraverso il web hanno reso più facile il consulto dello Ps deciso autonomamente dal P con F. L’intervento dello Ps è da considerarsi a tutti gli effetti come una delle scelte terapeutiche non farmacologiche nella complessa gestione della F. Una figura di tipo innovativo è senz’altro lo Psicoterapeuta ad orientamento umanistico-bioenergetico, poiché grazie all'approccio corporeo è possibile lavorare sia sul sintomo che sulle dimensione psichiche legate al vissuto fibromialgico. MATERIALI E METODI – Sono state studiate 8 P affette da F secondo ACR 1990 e 2010, tutte di sesso femminile, età 36-65 anni (media 48), con diagnosi formulate da anni 14 ad anni 2 precedenti l’intervento (media 8); e un livello di istruzione medio inferiore. Per quel che riguarda l’impiego, 2 P svolgevano regolare attività lavorativa, 1 era inabile al lavoro, 5 erano casalinghe. Solo una P assumeva terapia farmacologia antidepressiva, le restanti avevano sospeso la farmacoterapia per mancata risposta. Il protocollo di studio comprendeva 3 colloqui psicologici individuali con intervista semistrutturata e somministrazione di test per la misurazione delle autonomie e funzioni, qualità della vita, depressione, ansia, alessitimia, capacità relazionali, espressive e creative; 10 incontri di gruppo con sessioni di bioenergetica applicata, con attenzione all'instaurarsi e al potenziamento della relazione umana (metodo S.O.T. -Social OUTing Training), incontri informativi di approfondimento tematico e sviluppo progettuale, un incontro di re-test. RISULTATI L'approccio umanistico-bioenergetico ha permesso di strutturare ''classi di esercizi' 'graded exposed calibrate su sintomi e tempi di resistenza. Le Pz hanno beneficiato anche della respirazione e rilassamento, specie in relazione a rigidità e fatica, con una riduzione della depressione e decrescita dell'alessitimia, riportando maggiore sicurezza e apertura nelle relazioni, autoefficacia e superamento del senso di isolamento e solitudine, al punto da costituire un gruppo operativo per patologia fibromialgica con l'associazione nazionale APMAR Onlus. La F è stata insierita nella lista delle malattie reumatiche della Regione Puglia. CONCLUSIONI Lo studio pilota, seppur limitato a pochi P con F, dimostra che può essere utile per il reumatologo o altro specialista che si interessi di F, l’intervento dello Ps di tipo umanistico – bioenergetico. L'attività sviluppata ha inciso sulle dimensioni psichiche legate alla malattia, ed ha fornito esperienze corporee positive, senso di benessere e rilassamento. E' stata individuata una batteria testistica che consenta allo Ps di inviare il P al reumatologo nel caso di sospetta F. Le donne partecipanti alla sperimentazione hanno tutte aderito alla nuove attività, incoraggiando la prosecuzione di ricerca e studio su popolazione più ampia

    La qualitĂ  alessitimica nelle dipendenze

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    In questa ricerca proponiamo l'osservazione del legame tra alessitimia ed acting out nel contesto della dipendenza che diventa l'agito al quale l'individuo può ricorrere per evacuare gli stati dolorosi interni, attraverso il rapporto compulsivo con la sostanza. Per poter tollerare affetti altrimenti irrapresentabili ed ingestibili il soggetto può infatti cercare sostegno nel paradosso tossicomanico, dove la gestione emotiva avviene nella dolorosa non-elaborazione con strategie efficaci

    Stressors, coping and symptoms of adjustment disorder in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic - study protocol of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) pan-European study

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    Background: During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the people in Europe are exposed to self-isolation, quarantine, job loss, risk of contracting COVID-19, or grief of loved ones. Such a complex array of stressors may lead to symptoms of adjustment disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder. This research protocol describes a study launched by the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on symptoms of adjustment disorder across European countries. Objective: The longitudinal online cohort study aims (1) to explore psychosocial reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic across ten European countries; (2) to examine the relationships between risk and resilience factors, stressors and symptoms of adjustment disorder during the pandemic; and (3) to investigate whether these relationships are moderated by coping behaviours. Method: In ten countries (Austria, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Sweden), between 1,000 and 2,000 participants will be recruited, depending on the size of the country. Participants will be assessed at two timepoints with a six-month interval. Following a conceptual framework based on the WHO's social framework of health, an assessment of risk and resilience factors, COVID-19 related stressors and pandemic-specific coping behaviours will be measured to estimate their contribution to symptoms of adjustment disorder. The Adjustment Disorder New Module 8 (ADNM-8) will be used to assess symptoms of adjustment disorder. As a secondary measure, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder will be measure using the Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5). Data analysis: The relative contribution of risk factors, resilience factors, and stressors on symptoms of adjustment disorder or symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder will be estimated using multilevel analysis. To determine the moderating effects of different types of coping behaviours on these relationships, a multilevel mediation analysis will be carried out

    Risk and protective factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic – findings from a pan-European study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a health emergency resulting in multiple stressors that may be related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Objective: This study examined relationships between risk and protective factors, pandemic-related stressors, and PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Data from the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) ADJUST Study were used. N = 4,607 trauma-exposed participants aged 18 years and above were recruited from the general populations of eleven countries (Austria, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Sweden) from June to November 2020. We assessed sociodemographic (e.g. gender), pandemic-related (e.g. news consumption), and health-related (e.g. general health condition) risk and protective factors, pandemic-related stressors (e.g. fear of infection), and probable PTSD (PC-PTSD-5). The relationships between these variables were examined using logistic regression on multiple imputed data sets. Results: The prevalence of probable PTSD was 17.7%. Factors associated with an increased risk for PTSD were younger age, female gender, more than 3 h of daily pandemic-related news consumption (vs. no consumption), a satisfactory, poor, or very poor health condition (vs. a very good condition), a current or previous diagnosis of a mental disorder, and trauma exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Factors associated with a reduced risk for PTSD included a medium and high income (vs. very low income), face-to-face contact less than once a week or 3–7 times a week (vs. no contact), and digital social contact less than once a week or 1–7 days a week (vs. no contact). Pandemic-related stressors associated with an increased risk for PTSD included governmental crisis management and communication, restricted resources, restricted social contact, and difficult housing conditions. Conclusion: We identified risk and protective factors as well as stressors that may help identify trauma-exposed individuals at risk for PTSD, enabling more efficient and rapid access to care

    Factores de riesgo y protectores para el trastorno de éstres postráumatico en individuos expuestos a trauma durante la pandemia COVID-19 – hallazgos de un estudio paneuropeo

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a health emergency resulting in multiple stressors that may be related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Objective: This study examined relationships between risk and protective factors, pandemic-related stressors, and PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Data from the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) ADJUST Study were used. N = 4,607 trauma-exposed participants aged 18 years and above were recruited from the general populations of eleven countries (Austria, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Sweden) from June to November 2020. We assessed sociodemographic (e.g. gender), pandemic-related (e.g. news consumption), and health-related (e.g. general health condition) risk and protective factors, pandemic-related stressors (e.g. fear of infection), and probable PTSD (PC-PTSD-5). The relationships between these variables were examined using logistic regression on multiple imputed data sets. Results: The prevalence of probable PTSD was 17.7%. Factors associated with an increased risk for PTSD were younger age, female gender, more than 3 h of daily pandemic-related news consumption (vs. no consumption), a satisfactory, poor, or very poor health condition (vs. a very good condition), a current or previous diagnosis of a mental disorder, and trauma exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Factors associated with a reduced risk for PTSD included a medium and high income (vs. very low income), face-to-face contact less than once a week or 3–7 times a week (vs. no contact), and digital social contact less than once a week or 1–7 days a week (vs. no contact). Pandemic-related stressors associated with an increased risk for PTSD included governmental crisis management and communication, restricted resources, restricted social contact, and difficult housing conditions. Conclusion: We identified risk and protective factors as well as stressors that may help identify trauma-exposed individuals at risk for PTSD, enabling more efficient and rapid access to care.Antecedentes: La pandemia COVID-19 es una emergencia sanitaria que genera múltiples estresores que pueden estar relacionados con el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT). Objetivo: Este estudio examinó las relaciones entre los factores de riesgo y protectores, estresores relacionados con la pandemia y TEPT durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Se utilizaron los datos del estudio ADJUST de la Sociedad Europea de Estudios de Estrés Traumático (ESTSS por sus siglas en ingles). N=4.607 participantes mayores de 18 años expuestos a trauma fueron reclutados de la población general de once países (Austria, Croacia, Georgia, Alemania, Grecia, Italia, Lituania, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal y Suecia) desde junio a noviembre 2020. Evaluamos factores de riesgo y protectores sociodemográficos (p.ej. género), relacionados con la pandemia (p.ej. consumo de noticias) y relacionados con la salud (p.ej. estado de salud general), estresores relacionados con la pandemia (p.ej. temor a la infección) y TEPT probable (PC-PTSD-5 por sus siglas en ingles). Las relaciones entre estas variables se examinaron mediante regresión logística en múltiples conjuntos de datos imputados. Resultados: La prevalencia de TEPT probable fue del 17.7%. Los factores asociados con un mayor riesgo de TEPT fueron edad más joven, sexo femenino, más de 3 horas de consumo diario de noticias relacionadas con la pandemia (frente a ningún consumo), un estado de salud satisfactorio, malo o muy malo (frente a un estado muy bueno), un diagnóstico de trastorno mental actual o previo y exposición a un trauma durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Los factores asociados con un riesgo reducido de TEPT incluyeron ingresos medios y altos (frente a ingresos muy bajos), contacto cara a cara menos de una vez a la semana o de 3 a 7 veces por semana (frente a ningún contacto) y contacto social digital menos de una vez a la semana o de 1 a 7 días a la semana (frente a ningún contacto). Los estresores relacionados con la pandemia asociados con un mayor riesgo de TEPT incluyeron la gestión y comunicación de crisis gubernamental, recursos restringidos, contacto social restringido y condiciones de vivienda difíciles. Conclusiones: Identificamos factores de riesgo y protectores, así como estresores que pueden ayudar a identificar a las personas expuestas a traumas en riesgo de TEPT, lo que permite un acceso más eficiente y rápido a la atención

    Stress lavoro-correlato. Traiettorie di rischio, resilienza e contesti

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    Questo libro sviluppa una riflessione multi/interdisciplinare su stress e potenzialità iatrogene a livello individuale ed organizzativo. Intercettare le traiettorie di rischio è importante per analizzare i bisogni ed organizzare azioni di prevenzione e sostegno: lo stress investe l’individuo, i contesti di vita, le relazioni e “coadiuva” la (im)produttività. Il Volume offre la possibilità di riconoscere i segnali di stress individuale e sofferenza organizzativa, individuando - ciascuno nella propria realtà – gli elementi di rischio e quelli potenzialmente protettivi. Le disfunzionalità lavorative, attivate anche in modo inerziale, possono rivelare una mancata attenzione organizzativa preventiva: carenze e/o ferite strutturali a livello di progettazione e/o coordinamento possono aumentare la vulnerabilità individuale in termini di salute e produttività. Il testo è organizzato in tre sezioni per entrare nella complessità del tema in una progressione integrativa. I contributi della prima parte permettono un inquadramento generale del fenomeno, le caratteristiche anche fisiopatologiche, meccanismi di innesco e mantenimento dello stress e gli effetti anche sull’economia. La seconda parte raccoglie approfondimenti su dinamiche intra-interindividuali, azioni e comportamenti contestualizzati ed alcune sinergie di intervento. L’ultima sezione ha come denominatore una lettura e osservazione delle dinamiche descritte attraverso le peculiarità dello stress pandemico: focus applicativo e contestuale (scolastico, sanitario ed aziendale) dei principi stress e trauma orientati, strategie di stabilizzazione emotiva (modello NASTI) e resilienza. Il dialogo multidisciplinare adottato ha mantenuto la convergenza verso lo stesso punto di fuga: il benessere individuale e lavorativo

    Frontiers in Psychology

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    section Psychopathology: Trauma in early childhood: biological, relational and social connection

    European Journal of Psychotraumatology [2017]

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    The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) is a peer-reviewed open access interdisciplinary journal owned by the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS). The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) aims to engage scholars, clinicians and researchers in the vital issues of how to understand, prevent and treat the consequences of stress and trauma, including but not limited to, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depressive disorders, substance abuse, burnout, and neurobiological or physical consequences, using the latest research or clinical experience in these areas. and how to intervene in the wide spectrum of post-traumatic situations using the latest research in these areas. The Journal shares ESTSS’s mission to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge about traumatic stress. Papers may address individual events, repeated or chronic (complex) trauma, large scale disasters, or violence

    European Journal of Psychotraumatology EJPT

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    The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) aims to engage scholars, clinicians and researchers in the vital issues of how to understand, prevent and treat the consequences of stress and trauma, including but not limited to, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depressive disorders, substance abuse, burnout, and neurobiological or physical consequences, using the latest research or clinical experience in these areas. and how to intervene in the wide spectrum of post-traumatic situations using the latest research in these areas. The Journal shares ESTSS’s mission to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge about traumatic stress. Papers may address individual events, repeated or chronic (complex) trauma, large scale disasters, or violence
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