30 research outputs found

    Aeolian sands on Yarki Island in northern Baikal

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    Wyspa Jarki stanowi bardzo wąską (50–100 m) kosę lub mierzeję, oddzielającą północny kraniec Bajkału od Angarskiego soru. Jest efektem akumulacji osadów przynoszonych przez Kiczerę i Wierchnią Angarę, a także oddziaływania fal bajkalskich. Jest więc formą holoceńską, zbudowaną z piaszczystych osadów rzecznych i jeziornych, które po wynurzeniu się nad poziom wody zaczęły być modelowane przez wiatr. Rozwinęły się tu liczne formy wydmowe o wysokości niegdyś sięgającej do 10–12 m, których podstawę stanowią dawne wały brzegowe. Praca przedstawia charakterystykę współczesnej rzeźby eolicznej tego obszaru, a przede wszystkim zwraca uwagę na mechaniczne cechy piasków przewianych na tle utworów podłoża

    Direction of local morpho-shaping winds at north-western shore of Olkhon Island on Baikal

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    Na podstawie pomiarów azymutów pochylenia drzew zniekształconych przez dominujące wiatry oraz azymutów osi morfologicznych współczesnych wypukłych i wklęsłych form deflacyjnych, dokonano próby rekonstrukcji lokalnych kierunków wiatrów rzeźbotwórczych na północno-zachodnim wybrzeżu wyspy Olchon. Ana-lizy przeprowadzono w czterech stanowiskach: Bolszoj Chużir, Charancy, Ułan-Chuszin i Piesczanoje. Stwierdzono dwu-dzielność kierunków wspomnianych wiatrów. Uzyskane wyniki są bardziej szczegółowe, niż rezultaty klasycznych pomia-rów na stacjach meteorologicznych

    Zmiany roślinności psammostepów na wyspie Olchon (Bajkał)

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    The general physicogeographical characteristics of Olkhon Island was presented and – on the basis of literature sources – main landscapes of this island were separated: taiga, steppe, psammosteppe on mobile sands and weakly developed forest-steppe ones. Against this background – as new – changes in psammosteppe vegetation under the tourist anthropopression in the years 1996– 2008 were presented: impoverished form of association Craniospermo-Leymetum secalini and also substitute for it community Festura rubra subsp. baicalensis-Vicia cracca. The attention was paid to withdrawal of endemic species – Craniospermum subvillosum and Astragalus sericeocanus, typical for this rare association in the area of eastern Siberia, and to slow disappearance of diagnostic species also for syngenetic groups, which are higher than association as well. It results from uncontrolled development of tourism

    Sovremennoe ekzogeoekologiceskoe sostoanie Civyrkujskogo zaliva i peresejka Magkaa Karga (o. Bajkal)

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    The development of coast of the Chivyrkuy Bay and the Miagkaya Karga Isthmus on Baikal was discussed. The special attention was paid to the analysis of influence of wind and waving and changes in lake water level location owing to the building and exploitation of Irkutsk Reservoir. Some stages of water level location in Baikal were distinguished. The qualitative analysis of dynamics of abrasion-accumulative processes and accompanying them other exogenous processes — thermal karst, swamping, formation of fields of aeolian sands on the coast was presented. It was stated that the Chivyrkuy Bay and Miagkaya Karga Isthmus are the result of cooperation of endo- and exogenous processes. High seismicity of area investigated, block structure and tectonic movements with connection with geological-hydrological and cryogenic conditions influenced the present-day exogeoecological state of the area investigated

    Rozwiewane piaski w stanowisku Piesczanka na Olchonie (Bajkał)

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    Blown sands are one of very characteristic landscape elements of Olkhon Island on Baikal. The are characterized by anthropogenic genesis and occur against a background of both taiga and steppe. They most of all have originated in result of damaging of older dune forms. Material of these dunes is the effect of transformation of the Neogene lacustrine deposits and Baikal beach. Fields of contemporarily blown sand, especially of Peschanka, are shaped by north-western and north-eastern winds and the relief has highly deflation character. Blown sand are mainly medium-grained and in some places coarse-grained, they contain not many dusty particles. They are also characterized by low degree of mechanical abrasion

    Krajobrazy wiejskie na wyspie Olchon

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    On the basis of direct field observations and analysis of archival and present-day cartographic materials, aerial photos and satellite images specific features of rural landscape on Olkhon were presented – a case study of village Kharantsy. This locality has been known since the 19th century as a Buryat Ulus, and since the beginning of the 20th century it has been a village, mainly inhabited by the Buryat population. This population is mainly into, similarly to the past, fishery and cattle breeding. Currently tourism starts to play more and more important economic role. Therefore it is a village without adjacent agricultural terrains, understood as farming. It is characterized by the occurrence of buildings, referring to traditional regional architecture, connected with open landscape. New recreation architecture (tourist accommodation, villas, recreation complexes) does not harmonize with traditio-nal one-storey buildings from the past century; it does not become part of uniform architectonical complex of the Buryat villages. Specific feature of village Charancy landscape is the complete lack of high vegetation. It is connected with location in the steppe zone and tradition of Buryat villages as well

    Główne problemy geoekologiczne północno-zachodniego wybrzeża Bajkału na tle warunków naturalnych (na przykładzie okolic Siewierobajkalska)

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    The study treats of the genesis and development of the very Severobaikalsk city and its influence (together with developing urban, industrial and transport infrastructure) on the neighbourhood, including – most of all – on lake Baikal. It also pays the attention to still na-tural area located directly to the south of this city, where human interference was marked as early as in prehistorical times, and contemporarily it is relatively small (tourism and recreation, functioning of small village Baikalskoye)

    Rzeźba terenu i roślinność wschodniego krańca w. Jarki na Bajkale

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    At eastern edge of Yarki Island on the northern Baikal forms of aeolian relief of deflation character predominate. Some concave landforms are marshy or water-logged. Apart from aeolian landforms the morphological effects of abrasion processes influence are of essential importance. They are observed from the side of open lake and from the north – from the Angara sor as well. Vegetation, which in respect of species composition and created communities does not differ from the remaining parts of the island, adapts to existing here habitat conditions. The same statement refers to the character of aeolian deposits and features of substratum deposits

    Krajobraz eoliczny wyspy Jarki na północnym Bajkale

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    Against the background of general characteristics of physicogeographical conditions of northern Baikal and its neighbourhood the origin (lagoon formed in result of accumulation of lacustrine and fluvial deposits of the Verkhnaya Angara and Kichera) and de-velopment of Yarki island were presented, taking the special account into its contemporary degradation under the influence of natural factors (general development of Baikal rift) and anthropogenic ones: tourism development, vegetation disturbing, dune blowing out and their washing by Baikal waves, intensified after dam building in Irkutsk. The contemporary aeolian relief of island was also described (predominance of blown old dunes and diversifying of aeolian relief by north-eastern and – to smaller degree – by south-western winds, and vegetation, which is floristically poor, weakly diversified and to significant degree changed by human being, was also presented

    Rozwój Irkucka a efekty antropopresji

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    On the base of analyses of archival and cartographic materials 5 stages of Irkutsk development were distinguished: 1) 1652–1750; 2) 1750–1879, 3) 1879–1903, 4) 1903 – till the 1950s., 5) since the 1950s. – till the present time. In result of 350-years lasting human activity geosystem of Irkutsk essentially changed. Natural conditions and permanently increasing anthropogenic load caused the formation of new natural-anthropogenic system. One should notice, however, that the significance of natural factors clearly decreases and some processes connected with them com-pletely stopped functioning. Whereas numerous contemporary phenomena develop under the influence of anthropo-genic factors in new technogenic environment