16 research outputs found

    Late Antiquity: The Regional Specific Nature of Intellectual Tradition

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    The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the specifics of the intellectual tradition prevailing in some regions of the Late Antique world. For the purpose of a comprehensive review of the problem, the authors focus on well-known intellectuals of the 5th–6th centuries, representing Gaul (Ausonius, Sidonius, Ennodius et al.), Alexandria (John Philoponus, Hypatia, Sinesius of Cyrene et al.), Africa (Fulgentius, Priscian, Corippus), Isauria (Candidus Isaurus). Despite the fact that, under the influence of objective factors (Christianization, barbarians), the intellectual tradition changed from its ancient model to the medieval one, it fulfilled its most important task - to preserve the best from the treasury of ancient thought and adapt the ancient heritage to a changing world. In conclusion, the outcomes of the study demonstrate various examples of intellectual tradition and the fortunes of “people of written culture” (literati)

    GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare.

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    The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) aims to accelerate biomedical advances by enabling the responsible sharing of clinical and genomic data through both harmonized data aggregation and federated approaches. The decreasing cost of genomic sequencing (along with other genome-wide molecular assays) and increasing evidence of its clinical utility will soon drive the generation of sequence data from tens of millions of humans, with increasing levels of diversity. In this perspective, we present the GA4GH strategies for addressing the major challenges of this data revolution. We describe the GA4GH organization, which is fueled by the development efforts of eight Work Streams and informed by the needs of 24 Driver Projects and other key stakeholders. We present the GA4GH suite of secure, interoperable technical standards and policy frameworks and review the current status of standards, their relevance to key domains of research and clinical care, and future plans of GA4GH. Broad international participation in building, adopting, and deploying GA4GH standards and frameworks will catalyze an unprecedented effort in data sharing that will be critical to advancing genomic medicine and ensuring that all populations can access its benefits

    Spirocyclic Nitroxides as Versatile Tools in Modern Natural Sciences: From Synthesis to Applications. Part I. Old and New Synthetic Approaches to Spirocyclic Nitroxyl Radicals

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    Spirocyclic nitroxyl radicals (SNRs) are stable paramagnetics bearing spiro-junction at α-, β-, or γ-carbon atom of the nitroxide fragment, which is part of the heterocyclic system. Despite the fact that the first representatives of SNRs were obtained about 50 years ago, the methodology of their synthesis and their usage in chemistry and biochemical applications have begun to develop rapidly only in the last two decades. Due to the presence of spiro-function in the SNRs molecules, the latter have increased stability to various reducing agents (including biogenic ones), while the structures of the biradicals (SNBRs) comprises a rigid spiro-fused core that fixes mutual position and orientation of nitroxide moieties that favors their use in dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) experiments. This first review on SNRs will give a glance at various strategies for the synthesis of spiro-substituted, mono-, and bis-nitroxides on the base of six-membered (piperidine, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, 9,9′(10H,10H′)-spirobiacridine, piperazine, and morpholine) or five-membered (2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrole, pyrrolidine, 2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole, 4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole, imidazolidine, and oxazolidine) heterocyclic cores

    Nephroprotective properties of glucose-lowering drugs

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    Diabetic nephropathy is one of microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus, which is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease, requiring renal replacement therapy (dialysis, kidney transplantation). The quality and life expectancy of patients on dialysis is very low, and treatment requires significant material costs, therefore, a high priority is accorded to the prevention of the development and the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Primary prophylaxis is aimed at maintaining the target level of glycemia and glycated hemoglobin, blood pressure, lipid spectrum, for the secondary prevention, in addition to the above-mentioned indicators, drugs from RAAS blockers group are used. Also, in recent years, several classes of new glucose-lowering drugs (iSGLT-2, aGLP-1, iDPP-4) have appeared, affecting not only glycemia and metabolic parameters, but also renal function. In this review, we analyzed the results of large-scale international randomized trials designed to assess the nephroprotective properties of glucose-lowering drugs from the iSGLT-2, aGLP-1 and iDPP-4 groups. In studies with iSGLT-2 group, it is possible to speak of a class effect on the reduction of cardiovascular and renal risks and recommend their use for proven CVD and CKD. In the group of incretin drugs, one may infer, that they are cardiovascular safe, and in some studies, a positive effect on renal function in the form of reduced AU has been shown. Based on the data obtained, there is great interest in the study of the direct nephroprotective effect of these drugs, which may have a fundamental role in preventing the development and the progression of diabetic nephropathy

    Interhemispheric interaction in the motor domain in children with cerebral palsy

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    Background : The attention of pediatric specialists has been continuously attracted to the problem of cerebral palsy (CP) and the formation of behavioral and motor skills in the initial years of life in these patients. This work aimed at studying the specifics of intra- and interhemispheric connections in the motor domain in children with CP as well as their dynamics in the process of rehabilitation using hand/finger synkineses and and lateral profile as markers. Materials and Methods : A total of 215 children aged 4-7 years were recruited after obtaining their parents′ consent, including 95 patients with the most prevalent forms of CP (spastic diplegia, hemiparetic form) who underwent complex treatment in a neuropsychological sanatorium and 120 healthy children from a kindergarten. Data were analyzed using nonparametric methods and the chi-square test with the help of the statistical program SPSS v.14. Results : Changes in the scores and types of synkinesis after rehabilitation indicated that in spastic diplegia the assumed symmetric brain defects were associated with uniform restoration of interhemispheric connections and less disturbance of intrahemispheric connections. In hemiplegia, on the contrary, misbalance in intrahemispheric connections prevailed and compensation was noticed only in left-hemispheric pathology. The magnitude, type, and improvement of hand synkineses in the course of treatment depended on the lateral phenotype. Conclusion : Hand/finger synkineses in CP children change with rehabilitation. The methods used in the study can be recommended for application in the system of medico-biological and psycho-pedagogical monitoring of children with CP

    Ultrasonic vocalization of pup and adult fat-tailed gerbils (Pachyuromys duprasi).

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    Ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) of laboratory rodents indicate animal emotional arousal and may serve as models of human disorders. We analysed spectrographically USV calls of pup and adult fat-tailed gerbils Pachyuromys duprasi during 420-s tests, including isolation, touch and handling. Based on combination of six different USV syllable contour shapes and six different note compositions, we classified 782 USV syllables of 24 pups aged 5-10 days to 18 types and 232 syllables of 7 adults to 24 types. Pups and adults shared 16 of these 26 USV types. Percentages of USV syllables with certain contour shapes differed between pups and adults. The contour shape and note composition significantly affected most acoustic variables of USV syllables in either pups or adults. The 1-note USV syllables were most common in either pups or adults. Pup USV syllables were overall longer and higher-frequency than adult ones, reminiscent of the USV ontogenetic pathway of bats and distinctive to rats and mice. We discuss that the USV syllable types of fat-tailed gerbils were generally similar in contour shapes and note compositions with USV syllable types of mice and rats, what means that software developed for automated classifying of mice ultrasound might be easily adapted or re-tuned to gerbil USV calls. However, using fat-tailed gerbils as model for biomedical research including control of USV vocalization is only possible since 6th day of pup life, because of the delayed emergence of USV calls in ontogeny of this species

    Community-acquired pneumonia in children in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. What has changed?

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    During COVID-19 pandemic the issue of diagnosis and rational therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in children became acute. This is caused by difficulties in verification of the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in the outpatient department, peculiarities of interpretation of the respiratory system lesions. The article presents clinical cases of communityacquired pneumonia in children admitted to the pulmonology department of a pediatric hospital.Clinical case 1. 5-year-old child, medical history: acutely fell ill, on 28.11.20, had a sore throat and fever up to 39.0 C. Received Kagocel, Miramistin, Nurofen. PCR for COVID-19 on 08.12.20 was positive, on 18.12.2020, 22.12.2020, 20.01.2021 - negative. Immunoassay (ELISA) on 12.23.20: IgM - 4.47, IgG - 255.25. Lung and pleural cavity ultrasound: echo signs of sharply pronounced interstitial syndrome, massive fibrinothorax on both sides, indirect signs of bronchopleural fistulas; lung radiography: bilateral polysegmental pneumonia, bilateral hydrothorax, bilateral fibrinothorax, with no marked progression; CT scan with IV contrast: CT picture of hydrothorax on the left, hydropneumothorax on the right, pleurisy on both sides, compression atelectasis of lower lobe segments of both lungs. With no marked progression. Treatment. Thoracentesis; antibiotic therapy, antimycotics, infusion therapy, immunotherapy, partial parenteral nutrition. Against the background of the therapy, positive dynamics was obtained. Clinical examples are also given: an 8-year-old child with suspected new coronavirus infection and a 5-year-old child with bilateral polysegmental pneumonia

    A Crystallographic Study of a Novel Tetrazolyl-Substituted Nitronyl Nitroxide Radical

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    Spin-labelled compounds are widely used in chemistry, physics, biology, and material sciences, but the directed synthesis of some functionalized organic radicals is still a challenge. We succeeded in the preparation of a tetrazolyl-substituted nitronyl nitroxide radical in pure crystalline form. According to the single-crystal X-ray data, intra- (NH…O, 2.43 Å) and inter-molecular hydrogen bonds (NH…O, 1.91 Å) are formed between NH groups of the tetrazole cycles and O atoms of the paramagnetic moieties. The intermolecular H-bonds connect the molecules forming chains along the a-axis. Moreover, there are short intermolecular contacts between the O atoms (3.096 Å) and between the O and C atoms (3.096 Å) of the nitronyl nitroxide moieties within the chain. The spin-unrestricted broken-symmetry calculations performed at the BS-UB3LYP/def2-TZVP level of theory predicted a sufficient ferromagnetic interaction (J ≈ 20 cm–1) between the adjacent radicals inside the chain, but a weak antiferromagnetic interaction (−J ≤0.2 cm−1) between the nearest radicals belonging to the different chains. Thus, a rare case when stable radicals, the tetrazolyl-substituted nitronyl nitroxides, are ordered into ferromagnetic chains was revealed; an investigation of the magneto-structural correlations inherent in the nitroxide radical will demand a special experiment in the sub-Kelvin regime

    Клинический случай синдрома Иова у грудного ребенка

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    The article presents clinical case of Job syndrome, variant of primary immune deficiency disease confirmed genetically. This case is interesting for its early diagnosis due to comprehensive assessment of anamnestic, clinical, and laboratory data. Such typical phenotypic features as facial dysmorphisms, recurrent localized purulent infections, and laboratory parameters (absolute neutropenia and eosinophilia) were the major signs of autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome in a child with normal IgE levels. The combination of 2 heterozygous mutations in STAT3 gene inherited from his father and his mother has played its role in disease clinical features in the child.В статье представлен случай синдрома Иова — варианта первичного иммунодефицита, подтвержденного генетически. Случай интересен ранней постановкой диагноза благодаря комплексной оценке анамнестических, клинических и лабораторных данных. Характерные фенотипические особенности — лицевые дисморфизмы, рецидивирующие локализованные гнойные инфекции, лабораторные показатели в виде абсолютной нейтропении и эозинофилии — явились основными признаками аутосомно-доминантного гипер-IgE-синдрома у ребенка при отсутствии высоких значений IgE. В клинической реализации заболевания у ребенка сыграло роль сочетание 2 гетерозиготных мутаций в гене STAT3, которые он унаследовал от отца и матери