103 research outputs found


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    The interrelation of A. Neill’s heritage with philosophical-pedagogical theories was examined in the article. The free education ideas of reformatory Pedagogics (late XIX – early XX cent.) are the general pedagogical context of the formation of his pedagogical conception. We came to the conclusion that A. Neill’s pedagogical heritage is based on the philosophical understanding of the idea of freedom as the man’s natural state and it is closely interrelated with the worldview of famous philosophers and educators of different historical epochs (philosophy of early Daoism, existentialism), conceptions of free education theorists and practitioners (J.-J. Rousseau, M. Моntessori, L. Тоlstoy, C. Ventsel, E. Key, Н. Lane).В статье рассмотрена взаимосвязь наследия А. Нилла с философско-педагогическими теориями. Общепедагогический контекст формирования его педагогической концепции составляют идеи свободного воспитания реформаторской педагогики (конец XIX – начало XX ст.). Мы пришли к выводу, что педагогическое наследие А. Нилла основывается на философском понимании идеи свободы как природного состояния человека и тесно взаимосвязана с мировозрением известных философов и педагогов разных исторических епох (философия раннего даосизма, екзистенциализма), концепции теоретикив и практиков свободного воспитания – Ж.-Ж. Руссо, М. Монтессори, Л. Толстого, К. Вентцеля, Е. Кей, Г. Лейна).У статті розглянуто взаємозв’язок спадщини О. Нілла з філософсько-педагогічними теоріями. Загальнопедагогічний контекст формування його педагогічної концепції становлять ідеї вільного виховання реформаторської педагогіки (кінец XIX – початок XX ст.). Ми дійшли висновку, що педагогічна спадщина О. Нілла ґрунтується на філософському розумінні ідеї свободи як природного стану людини й тісно взаємопов’язана зі світоглядом відомих філософів і педагогів різних історичних епох (філософія раннього даосизму, екзистенціалізму), концепції теоретиків і практиків вільного виховання – Ж.-Ж. Руссо, М. Монтессорі, Л. Толстого, К. Вентцеля, Е. Кей, Г. Лейна)

    Structure and dynamics of an archetypal DNA nanoarchitecture revealed via cryo-EM and molecular dynamics simulations

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    DNA can be folded into rationally designed, unique, and functional materials. To fully realise the potential of these DNA materials, a fundamental understanding of their structure and dynamics is necessary, both in simple solvents as well as more complex and diverse anisotropic environments. Here we analyse an archetypal six-duplex DNA nanoarchitecture with single-particle cryo-electron microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations in solvents of tunable ionic strength and within the anisotropic environment of biological membranes. Outside lipid bilayers, the six-duplex bundle lacks the designed symmetrical barrel-type architecture. Rather, duplexes are arranged in non-hexagonal fashion and are disorted to form a wider, less elongated structure. Insertion into lipid membranes, however, restores the anticipated barrel shape due to lateral duplex compression by the bilayer. The salt concentration has a drastic impact on the stability of the inserted barrel-shaped DNA nanopore given the tunable electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged duplexes. By synergistically combining experiments and simulations, we increase fundamental understanding into the environment-dependent structural dynamics of a widely used nanoarchitecture. This insight will pave the way for future engineering and biosensing applications

    Two p53 tetramers bind one consensus DNA response element

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    p53 tumor suppressor is a transcription factor that controls cell cycle and genetic integrity. In response to genotoxic stress p53 activates DNA repair, cell cycle arrest, apoptosis or senescence, which are initiated via p53 binding to its specific DNA response elements (RE). The consensus p53 DNA RE consists of two decameric palindromic half-site sequences. Crystallographic studies have demonstrated that two isolated p53 DNA-binding core domains interact with one half-site of the p53 DNA REs suggesting that one p53 tetramer is bound to one RE. However, our recent 3D cryo-EM studies showed that the full-length p53 tetramer is bound to only one half-site of RE. Here, we have used biochemical and electron microscopy (EM) methods to analyze DNA-binding of human and murine p53 tetramers to various p53 DNA REs. Our new results demonstrate that two p53 tetramers can interact sequence-specifically with one DNA RE at the same time. In particular, the EM structural analysis revealed that two p53 tetramers bind one DNA RE simultaneously with DNA positioned between them. These results demonstrate a mode different from that assumed previously for the p53-DNA interaction and suggest important biological implications on p53 activity as a transcriptional regulator of cellular response to stress

    Formação de habilidades de auto-controle em estudantes no conceito de educação linguística

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    The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation of self-control skills in students in the study of a foreign language. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature on the problem in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation on higher professional education, as well as diagnostic techniques, including observation, questioning, testing and data processing methods. To solve the problem of developing self-control skills, a pedagogical experiment was carried out. The analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed that the development of self-control mechanisms in students studying a foreign language is possible when designing the learning process and using educational strategies.El artículo está dedicado al estudio del problema de la formación de habilidades de autocontrol en estudiantes en el estudio de una lengua extranjera. Los principales métodos de investigación son el análisis de la literatura científica sobre el problema en los trabajos de científicos nacionales y extranjeros, los actos reglamentarios y legislativos de la Federación de Rusia sobre la educación profesional superior, así como las técnicas de diagnóstico, que incluyen la observación, el interrogatorio, las pruebas y el procesamiento de datos. métodos. Para resolver el problema del desarrollo de las habilidades de autocontrol, se llevó a cabo un experimento pedagógico. El análisis de los resultados del experimento pedagógico confirmó que el desarrollo de mecanismos de autocontrol en los estudiantes que estudian una lengua extranjera es posible al diseñar el proceso de aprendizaje y utilizar estrategias educativas.O artigo é dedicado ao estudo do problema da formação de habilidades de autocontrole em alunos no estudo de uma língua estrangeira. Os principais métodos de pesquisa são a análise da literatura científica sobre o problema nas obras de cientistas nacionais e estrangeiros, atos regulamentares e legislativos da Federação Russa sobre o ensino profissional superior, bem como técnicas de diagnóstico, incluindo observação, questionamento, teste e processamento de dados métodos. Para resolver o problema de desenvolver habilidades de autocontrole, um experimento pedagógico foi realizado. A análise dos resultados da experiência pedagógica confirmou que o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de autocontrole nos alunos de língua estrangeira é possível no desenho do processo de aprendizagem e na utilização de estratégias educacionais

    Reactive Interaction between the Government and the Population in Social Networks: Transport Reform of Novokuznetsk

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    This paper introduces an analysis of the nature, content, and dynamics of the reactive network interaction between the local authorities and the population of the city of Novokuznetsk during the urban transport reform of 2020–2022. The study involved Internet comments in regional social media, e.g., news sites, local government publics, and social networks. The semantic and comparative analysis made it possible to describe the inherent traits of the reactive socio-political interaction, i.e., relevance, speed of information exchange, appraisal, emotional attitude, social identity, etc


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    In the article, the paper classifies the regions of the Central Federal district level indicators of their socio-economic and demographic situation. Defined the typology of the clusters identified problems of the regions and groups of regions on the basis of what identifies key threats to internal development of the Central Federal district.В статье проведена кластеризация регионов Центрального федерального округа по уровню показателей их социальноэкономического и демографического положения. Определена типология полученных кластеров, выявлены проблемы регионов и групп регионов, на основании чего обозначены ключевые внутренние угрозы развития Центрального федерального округа

    Structural basis for DNA strand separation by a hexameric replicative helicase

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    Hexameric helicases are processive DNA unwinding machines but how they engage with a replication fork during unwinding is unknown. Using electron microscopy and single particle analysis we determined structures of the intact hexameric helicase E1 from papillomavirus and two complexes of E1 bound to a DNA replication fork end-labelled with protein tags. By labelling a DNA replication fork with streptavidin (dsDNA end) and Fab (5′ ssDNA) we located the positions of these labels on the helicase surface, showing that at least 10 bp of dsDNA enter the E1 helicase via a side tunnel. In the currently accepted ‘steric exclusion’ model for dsDNA unwinding, the active 3′ ssDNA strand is pulled through a central tunnel of the helicase motor domain as the dsDNA strands are wedged apart outside the protein assembly. Our structural observations together with nuclease footprinting assays indicate otherwise: strand separation is taking place inside E1 in a chamber above the helicase domain and the 5′ passive ssDNA strands exits the assembly through a separate tunnel opposite to the dsDNA entry point. Our data therefore suggest an alternative to the current general model for DNA unwinding by hexameric helicases

    Integrative Neuropsychological Characteristics of Subcortical-Frontal Brain Regions as a Schizophrenia Liability Factor

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    Para estudiar las características de las regiones cerebrales subcórtico-frontal, se investigaron la función y la evaluación de su relación con la vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia en 59 pacientes y 23 controles, empleando los métodos neuropsicológicos de Luria. El análisis estableció anormalidades bilaterales de la función de las zonas lobulares prefrontal y frontal profunda en pacientes comparados con los controles. Estas anormalidades eran más predominantes en el hemisferio izquierdo. Las coeficientes de correlación punto-biserial de algunos indicadores neuropsicológicos integrativos con la vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia eran de 0,39 ± 0,11 y 0,28 ± 0,09, respectivamente. Los datos obtenidos llevan a la discusión de los indicadores neuropsicológicos integrativos de regiones subcortical-frontales del cerebro que se revelan como marcadores potenciales de vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia y confirma el papel de la asimetría estructural y funcional del cerebro en la patogénesis de la esquizofrenia.In order to study neuropsychological characteristics of subcortical-frontal brain regions function and assessment of their relation with vulnerability to schizophrenia 59 patients and 23 controls were investigated using Luria’s neuropsychological methods. The analysis established bilateral abnormalities of the function of prefrontal and profound frontal lobe zones in patients as compared with controls. These abnormalities were more predominate in the left hemisphere. Point biserial correlation coefficients of determined integrative neuropsychological indicators with liability to schizophrenia were 0.39 ± 0.11 and 0.28 ± 0.09, for the left and right brain zones respectively. The obtained data permits discussion of the integrative neuropsychological indicators of subcorticalfrontal brain regions as potential markers of liability to schizophrenia and confirms the role of structural and functional brain asymmetry in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia