10,873 research outputs found

    Grammage of cosmic rays around Galactic supernova remnants

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    The residence time of cosmic rays (CRs) in the Galaxy is usually inferred from the measurement of the ratio of secondary-to-primary nuclei, such as the boron (B)/carbon (C) ratio, which provides an estimate of the amount of matter traversed by CRs during their propagation, the so called CR grammage. However, after being released by their parent sources, for instance supernova remnants (SNRs), CRs must cross the disc of the Galaxy, before entering the much lower density halo, in which they are believed to spend most of the time before eventually escaping the Galaxy. In the near-source region, the CR propagation is shown to be dominated by the non-linear self-generation of waves. Here we show that due to this effect, the time that CRs with energies up to \sim 10 TeV spend within a distance Lc100L_{c}\sim 100 pc from the sources is much larger than naive estimates would suggest. The corresponding grammage is close to current estimates of the total grammage traversed throughout the whole Galaxy. Moreover, there is an irreducible grammage that CRs traverse while trapped downstream of the shock that accelerated them, though this contribution is rather uncertain. We conclude that at energies 1\lesssim 1 TeV, the observed grammage is heavily affected by the near-source non-linear trapping of CRs, and at energies 1\gtrsim 1 TeV it is affected by the source grammage. As a result, the measurement of the B/C ratio should be used very cautiously as an indicator of the propagation of CRs on large Galactic scales.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for Publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gorenstein Liaison and ACM Sheaves

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    We study Gorenstein liaison of codimension two subschemes of an arithmetically Gorenstein scheme X. Our main result is a criterion for two such subschemes to be in the same Gorenstein liaison class, in terms of the category of ACM sheaves on X. As a consequence we obtain a criterion for X to have the property that every codimension 2 arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay subscheme is in the Gorenstein liaison class of a complete intersection. Using these tools we prove that every arithmetically Gorenstein subscheme of Pn\mathbb{P}^n is in the Gorenstein liaison class of a complete intesection and we are able to characterize the Gorenstein liaison classes of curves on a nonsingular quadric threefold in P4\mathbb{P}^4.Comment: 28 page

    Estimating and forecasting the euro area monthly national accounts from a dynamic factor model

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    We estimate and forecast growth in euro area monthly GDP and its components from a dynamic factor model due to Doz et al. (2005), which handles unbalanced data sets in an efficient way. We extend the model to integrate interpolation and forecasting together with cross-equation accounting identities. A pseudo real-time forecasting exercise indicates that the model outperforms various benchmarks, such as quarterly time series models and bridge equations in forecasting growth in quarterly GDP and its components. JEL Classification: E37, C53Dynamic Factor Models, Interpolation, nowcasting

    Cooperazione e competizione nello sfruttamento di una risorsa rinnovabile

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    In this paper we propose a static model describing the commercial exploitation of a common property renewable resource by a population of agents. Players can cooperate or compete; cooperators maximize the utility of their group while defectors maximize their own profit. Agents aren't assumed to be divided into the two groups from the beginning; by solving the static game we obtained the best response function of i-th player without making other agents positions. Then, the Nash equilibria we calculated point out how different strategies - all the players cooperate, all the players compete or players can be divided into cooperators and defectors - can coexist.Resource Exploitation, Game theory

    Estudio preliminar de la aplicación de varias técnicas de comunicación en diseños circulares

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    Comunicació presentada al 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering (Málaga, 10-12 July 2019).An effective Circular Economy strategy comprises demonstrate practical application, by including real life examples and emphasizing with data and facts. The communication strategy is addressed during the design process and designers have to think about the product/service and about how communicating it. To reach a broader impact, techniques like creative storytelling or educational messages are needed. This work aims to know the ease or difficulty for industrial design engineering students in the application of these techniques to effectively communicate the advantages of a design based in the Circular Economy. To address this, a workshop has been done to explain basic notions about circular economy and consumptions patterns and trends. Then, communication techniques were explained, using examples. The workshop proceeded asking the students to apply these techniques for emphasizing the advantages of a circular product, working in groups. Finally, a questionnaire was passed to evaluate their opinion about the communication techniques applied. At the end, a debate was conducted about their perception about the importance of communication in designs based in circular economy.Una estrategia de Economía Circular efectiva requiere mostrar aplicación práctica, incluyendo ejemplos de la vida real y enfatizando con datos y hechos. La estrategia de comunicación se aborda durante el proceso de diseño y los diseñadores deben pensar en el producto/servicio y en cómo comunicarlo. Para conseguir un mayor impacto, es necesaria la aplicación de técnicas como narración creativa de historias o los mensajes educativos. Este trabajo pretende conocer la facilidad o dificultad que tienen estudiantes de ingeniería en diseño industrial en aplicar estas técnicas para comunicar de forma efectiva las ventajas de un diseño basado en la economía circular. Para ello, se ha programado un taller en el que se introdujo la economía circular y los patrones de consumo y tendencias de mercado relacionados con ésta. Después se les explicaron las técnicas de comunicación, mostrando un ejemplo. A continuación, se les ha pedido que apliquen, trabajando en grupo, cada técnica de comunicación para enfatizar las ventajas de un producto circular. Finalmente, se les pasó un cuestionario de evaluación sobre su opinión acerca de las técnicas de comunicación aplicadas. También se debatió sobre su percepción en cuanto a la importancia de la comunicación en diseños basados en la economía circular

    Funding schools based on state education standards cost per student

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    The standard cost per student is an indicator of substantiating the need for funds to cover the financing base. Standard cost level that of each category of expenditure on basic funding is determined by physical indicators of human and material resource consumption down by laws and government decisions or acts of ministries and central institutions developed specialized.state education, standard cost, county budget

    Imaginario bíblico y mítica pagana en la narrativa de Abelardo Arias

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    En la narrativa del escritor mendocino Abelardo Arias, al menos en tres de sus novelas más logradas -Álamos talados {1942), La viña estéril ( 1968) y Minotauroamor ( 1970) resulta evidente la presencia de elementos míticos provenientes del mundo clásico, pagano, e imágenes de clara raigambre bíblica. Esta imaginería es explícita por ejemplo en Álamos talados, construida alrededor de la idea directriz del Paraíso perdido/recobrado, mientras que y a desde el título en Minotauroamor es el mito helénico el que suministra la materia narrativa, que se adensa al cargarse de un nuevo, patético sentido. Pero es en La viña estéril donde ambas series aparecen en cierto modo contrapuestas, en una antítesis que enriquece y complica sus posibilidades significativas. Así, para el estudio de este texto, y a partir del tema de la obsesión por la pureza y p o r la culpa (de naturaleza sexual) se impone naturalmente la relación con las imágenes bíblicas del Jardín del Edén y, a través de ellas, con una serie de figuras míticas.Fil: Castellino, Marta Elena. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    Utopía y distopía en El oído absoluto de Marcelo Cohen

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    La novela de Marcelo Cohen, El oído absoluto, constituye dentro del sistema de la narrativa argentina, un ejemplo interesante y original por su relación con el género utópico. En efecto, el mundo posible creado por el texto para enmarcar la peripecia de los protagonistas: Evelino Borusso, Clarisa Wald, el padre de ésta, cuyo nombre original -León- ha devenido en Lotario, Tristán (nombres en los cuales es dable percibir un dejo de ironía que es la característica de toda la narración) se dan muchas de las características (insularidad, dirigismo, colectivismo, gobierno patriarcal regido por un grupo de filósofos o notables) y de las virtudes ensalzadas en la utopía clásica (el espíritu comunitario, la valoración del trabajo en detrimento del ocio, el desdén por el dinero). Pero al mismo tiempo se socavan, desde las dudas del narrador y de los personajes, las raíces mismas de ese mundo perfecto, y se reclama por una nueva utopía -a música, el lenguaje, la creación novelesca...- que cale más hondo en la intimidad, para clausurar, de una vez para siempre, la soledad y la incomunicación erigidos en puntos centrales de la meditación que la novela propone.The novel The absolute Ear, by Marcelo Cohen, is an interesting and original text, within Argentine fiction, in what refers to its relation with utopia as a genre. The possible world created in the text as a setting for the characters' peril: Evelino Borusso, Clarisa Wld, whose father's original name -León- has become Ltario, Tristan (all names with a touch of irony typical of the text as a whole), presents many of the characteristics (insularity, directivism, collectivism, patriarchal government ruled by a group of philosophers or notables) and of the virtues praised in classical utopia (communal spirit, hard work as opposed to idleness, contempt for money). Yet, at the same time, from the narrator's and the characters' doubts, the very roots of that perfect world are questioned; and there is a claim for a new utopia -music, language, creative writing- which goes deeper into intimacy. This would cancel, once and for ever, the loneliness and incommunication which are central to the meditation posed by the novel.Fil: Castellino, Marta Elena. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Daniel Prieto Castillo: La memoria y el arte; conversaciones con Juan Draghi Lucero. Mendoza, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo - Ediciones Culturales de Mendoza, 1994,107 p.

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    Fil: Castellino, Marta Elena. Universidad Nacional de Cuy